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09-12 投稿



diploe 发音

英:[[d?p'l??]]  美:[[d?p'lo?]]

英:  美:

diploe 中文意思翻译



diploe 短语词组

1、folded-diploe antenna ─── [电] 折叠式偶极天线

diploe 词性/词形变化,diploe变形

形容词: diploic |

diploe 相似词语短语

1、diploic ─── 板障的

2、diplo? ─── n.板障

3、diphone ─── n.双音

4、diplo- ─── 二(表示“两”、“双”之意)

5、dipole ─── n.[物化]偶极;双极子

6、diploes ─── 二(表示“两”、“双”之意)

7、diplogen ─── n.氘;重氢

8、diploma ─── n.毕业证书,学位证书;公文,文书;奖状;vt.发给…毕业文凭

9、diploid ─── adj.双倍的;倍数的;双重的;n.[遗]二倍体;倍数染色体

diploe 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This paper makes a brief introduction of diploe experiment, and provides realizing program on MATLAB, on the basis of the analysis of the data which is got from the experiment. ─── 偶极子实验是竞争学习系统的一个实例,简单介绍了偶极子实验,对其结果进行了分析,并给出了MATLAB的实现程序。

2、diploe molecule ─── 偶极分子

3、venous diploe of skull ─── 颅骨板障静脉

4、Keywords Skull;Diploe;Impedance;Frequency response;Electrical Impedance Tomography(EIT); ─── 颅骨;板障;电阻抗;频率响应;电阻抗断层成像(EIT);

5、the inner or outer flat layer of bones of the skull separated by the diploe ─── 骨板,被板障骨隔开的头盖骨的内层或外层扁平的骨头

6、Treatment of hypospadias by one-stage urethroplasty using diplo preputial flaps technique: A report of 28 cases ─── 双皮瓣法尿道成形术治疗尿道下裂28例

7、The inner or outer flat layer of bones of the skull separated by the diploe. ─── 骨板被板障骨隔开的头盖骨的内层或外层扁平的骨头

8、Results We got 1 066 data on the thickness of the whole,the outer plate,the diploe and the inner plate of each section,and we also made statistical processing. ─── 结果:共测得各分区共1066个数据,并进行统计学处理,得出结果与其它相关数据基本符合,而蝶区全厚明显小于相关数据。

9、Objective To explore the effect of diplo sideway and multi target stereotactic technique on 5 hydroxytryptamine(5 HT) in patients with compulsion. ─── 目的探讨双侧多靶点立体定向手术对强迫症患者5羟色胺(5HT)代谢的影响。

10、No more negative gold in diplo screen ─── 外交画面中无负金币显示

11、Keywords Microwave attenuation;Diploe relaxation;hydrogen bond; ─── 微波衰减;偶极驰豫;氢键;

12、No more diplo penalty for helping to end wars ─── 取消了促进战争结束的外交惩罚

13、diploe orientation ─── 偶极取向

14、cerebral aqueduct cyst, gigantic cyst arising from the diploe of cranial bones with intracranial extension, and intradural spinal hydatid cysts have been reported. ─── 大脑导水管的囊肿、起源于颅骨板障并延伸至颅内的巨大囊肿、以及椎管内硬膜下囊肿都有报道。

15、Iso - absorption diplo - wavelength method ─── 等吸收双波长法

16、Keywords Vedio-electroencephalography;Diploe localizaiton method;Epilepsy surgery;Preoperative localization; ─── 录像脑电图;偶极子定位;癫;术前定位;

17、If a non-polar molecule is subjected to an electric field, the electrons and nuclei are displaced and a diplo moment is generated. ─── 如果一个无极分子被置于电场作用之下,则电子和核发生位移,从而产生一偶极矩。

18、Diploe localizaiton method ─── 偶极子定位

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