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prescience 发音

英:[?pre?(?)ns]  美:[?presi?ns]

英:  美:

prescience 中文意思翻译



prescience 网络释义

n. 先见;预知

prescience 词性/词形变化,prescience变形

名词复数: presbyteries |

prescience 短语词组

1、prescience inc ─── 先见公司

2、prescience define ─── 预见性定义

3、prescience defined ─── 先见之明

4、prescience movie ─── 先见之明电影

5、prescience technology ─── 预见技术

6、prescience llc prescience ─── 有限责任公司

7、prescience definition ─── 预见性定义

prescience 相似词语短语

1、preeminence ─── n.卓越;杰出

2、nescience ─── n.无知;不可知论

3、prescient ─── adj.预知的;有先见之明的

4、pure science ─── n.纯科学(有别于应用科学)

5、preaudience ─── n.优先发言权

6、presence ─── n.存在;出席;参加;风度;仪态

7、presentence ─── v.在正式判决前判决

8、parascience ─── n.副科学;超科学

9、presciently ─── 预见性地;有先见之明地

prescience 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Wildavsky argued that resilience was sometimes a greater virtue than prescience. ─── 威尔达弗斯基认为,弹性比预见(prescience)更值得推崇。

2、Meredith Whitney, an analyst with a reputation for prescience, thinks up to 80, 000 jobs could go on Wall Street in the next two years. ─── 知名预测分析家MeredithWhitney认为,在接下来的两年里,近80000人会在华尔街丢了工作。

3、Her Majesty's question has sparked a series of ludicrous claims about the prescience of individual forecasters. ─── 女王的问题激起一片可笑的声言,纷纷宣称某某预测师有先见之明。

4、a Soviet leader of proven shrewdness and prescience(bJoyce Carol Oates)See Usage Note at bprove ─── 一位被公认为精明而有预见力的苏联领导人(b乔伊丝·卡罗尔·奥茨)参见

5、Even for some minor mistaken attempts at prophecy, Tocqueville’s prescience adn long-term vision is simply astonishing.He was right about the merits of democracy;he was right about its shortcomings. ─── 但是,这位欧盟委员否认会出台新的立法,可能会令一些知识产权持有人感到失望,因为他们愿意看到更严厉的法律制裁。

6、With personal act or speech, -- nor even cull;Some prescience of thee with the blossoms white ─── 都有你的行动、声音在空中震荡,;也不曾从你看着成长的白花里

7、doctrine of prescience ─── 先知论

8、Less attractively, he litters the text with references to his own prescience, devoting an entire section to his “prophetic” early warnings. ─── 但是,稍令人扫兴的是,他仍时刻不忘提及自己做出过的预言,甚至划出一整章来介绍他早期的语言警告。

9、With none of the prescience of oncoming dreams. ─── 对于即将来临的梦想根本没有预想。

10、Some prescience of thee with the blossoms white, ─── 也不曾从你看着成长的白花里

11、In contemporary scientific philosophy, the existence of paradigm is regarded as the criterion whether a science branch develops from a "prescience" to a "science". ─── 在现代科学哲学理论中,范式的有无被看作一门学科是否从前科学发展为科学的标志。

12、When Gloria Steinem said, in the 1970s, "We're becoming the men we wanted to marry, " I doubt even she realized the prescience of her words. ─── 正如斯坦能在20世纪70年代说的那样:“我们女人正在变成我们想要嫁的男人。”虽然她的话很有预见性,但是我仍然很怀疑。

13、Today he is regarded as one of the foremost American writers, both for the modern clarity of his prose style and the prescience of his views on nature and politics. ─── 如今他被誉为美国第一流的作家之一,不仅因他明晰的新派散文风格,还有他在自然和政治方面观点的先见之明。

14、Prescience n. Ability to foretell the future ─── 预知能力;先知

15、The reason of this situation is that the traditional method of course choosing lack prescience, and there are no prior coordination. ─── 原因是传统的选课方法没有预见性,大家没有事先协调好。

16、Still he had a strange prescience,an intimation of something yet to come. ─── 不过他有一种奇特的预感,感到了某件事情就要发生!

17、For a man who claimed an “ecstatic prescience of the glories beyond the grave”, it was a fitting existence. ─── 对于一个自称“狂喜地预见到死后荣耀”的人,他的一生确实不虚此言。

18、s career was still on the launch pad, yet it describes with uncanny prescience the cheap rohan online crone atmosphere that allowed him to soar. ─── 奥巴马的事业还在起步阶段的时候写的,但是作者却不可思议的预见到了日后让他如日中天的大环境。

19、years he's demonstrated a certain prescience in foreign affairs. ─── 多年来他在外交事务上表现出了一定的预见能力。

20、The most unnerving of their abilities, however, is their prescience. ─── 他们最让人气馁的能力是他们会预见。

21、Perhaps it is worth mentioning that, because I Xieguozhong year prescience expression to the Asian financial crisis and reputation enjoyed. ─── 或许值得一提的是,谢国忠本人即因当年对亚洲金融危机的预见性言论而声名鹊起。

22、Knowledge or awareness of something before its existence or occurrence; prescience. ─── 预知,先见在事物存在或发生之前即对其产生认识

23、These prove his prescience, but it would have been better just to have summarised them. ─── 这些证明了他的预见,但最好还是简要提一下就可以了。

24、We who have prescience,we who know the pitfalls in our human futures, this has always been ourresponsibility. ─── 我们这些拥有预知力的人,我们这些预见了人类未来的危机的人,黄金之路永远是我们的责任。

25、The book was written while Barack Obama's career was still on the launch pad, yet it describes with uncanny prescience the cheap rohan online crone atmosphere that allowed him to soar. ─── 他说:总统办公室的主人不得不“同时扮演童子军团长,德尔菲般的传神谕者,银幕英雄和民众的父亲等多个角色”。

26、"a Soviet leader of proven shrewdness and prescience" (Joyce Carol Oates) ─── “一位被公认为精明而有预见力的苏联领导人”(乔伊丝·卡罗尔·奥茨)。

27、9.For a man who claimed an “ecstatic prescience of the glories beyond the grave”, it was a fitting existence. ─── 对于一个自称“醉心于预测生后荣耀”的人而言,他的死不愧为最好的注脚(这句的翻译有待商榷)。

28、While the prescience of the 1959 meeting is remarkable, I also see something remarkable on the other side: how little our knowledge of whole systems has advanced in 35 years. ─── 尽管1959年的这次会议上的预言是非凡的,我却看到了值得一提的另一方面:35年来,我们对整个系统的认识提高得是多么少。

29、With personal act or speech, -- nor even cull/Some prescience of thee with the blossoms white ─── 都有你的行动、声音在空中震荡,/也不曾从你看着成长的白花里,

30、His supporters have credited him with a canny prescience when it comes to calling shipping trends accurately. ─── 他的支持者非常信任他对海运市场潮流精确预测的能力。

31、augury, betoken, divine, foreboding, foreshadow, harbinger, portend, premonition, presage, prescience, presentiment. ─── 表“ 预示、征兆” 之意:

32、awoyomi jimi jnr: I feel His prescience in the things he does. ─── 我感觉到了它所做的事情中的先知。

33、His supporters have credited him with a canny prescience when it comes to calling shipping trends accurately. ─── 他的支持者非常信任他对海运市场潮流精确预测的能力。

34、but they were funished with liquor, which in this emergency stood them in place of food, fuel, rest, and prescience. ─── 不过他们带了酒,在眼前的紧急情况下,暂且可以代替食物,燃料,休息和对前景的揣测.

35、5.While most of what Trelawney teaches seems to be just "lucky guesswork and a spooky manner," as Harry thinks (GF13), there are instances of actual prescience and prediction in the books. ─── 尽管特劳里妮教授的绝大部分都是些“侥幸的猜测和一些装神弄鬼的花招”,就像哈利所想的(火焰杯,第13章),但是书中还是有一些真正的先见和预言的例子。

36、a Soviet leader of proven shrewdness and prescience(Joyce Carol Oates)See Usage Note at prove ─── 一位被公认为精明而有预见力的苏联领导人(乔伊丝 卡罗尔 奥茨)参见

37、Some Soros-watchers intimate that his vast network of international contacts might be an important source of his market prescience. ─── 一些索罗斯的观察者宣称,索罗斯巨大的国际关系网络或许是他市场先见之明的一个重要消息来源。

38、Seek to improve decision-making prescience, to avoid losses due to blind decision-making. ─── 力求提高决策的预见性,尽量避免因盲目决策造成的损失。

39、With none of the prescience of oncoming dreams. ─── 对于即将来临的梦想根本没有预想。

40、Of or relating to prescience. ─── 预知的,与预知有关的

41、At the very least, Mr al-Suri demonstrates considerable prescience. ─── 可再怎么样,这也足以体现阿尔苏里的远见卓识。

42、lack of prescience is hurting. ─── 缺乏先见之明,带来的是伤害。

43、In his prescience on this issue, Mr Webb, who is now a senator, has much in common with Barack Obama. ─── 如今已是参议员的韦伯在此议题上的先知先觉使得他在许多方面与巴拉克奥巴马很类似。

44、I think they are somewhat large, rolling minds, saying such prescience. ─── 我认为自己是属于胆子大,头脑活络,挺有预见性的这类人。

45、My creator's notoriety came not just from his genius but also from his prescience. ─── 我的主人是一个科学天才和先知,但也因此而“恶名昭著”。

46、The general who warned Congress that stabilising the country would require several hundred thousand troops was sacked for his prescience. ─── 曾有一位将军告诫国会:“要稳定伊拉克局势,需要几十万的军队。”但他却因为自己的先见之明丢了乌纱帽。

47、able to predict;prescience ─── 先见之明

48、These prove his prescience, but it would have been better just to have summarised them. ─── 这些证明了他的预见,但最好还是简要提一下就可以了。

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