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09-13 投稿



foxhound 发音

英:[?fɑ?ksha?nd]  美:[?f?ksha?nd]

英:  美:

foxhound 中文意思翻译



foxhound 网络释义

n. 猎狐犬,猎狐用猎狗

foxhound 短语词组

1、English foxhound ─── 英国猎狐犬

2、foxhound personality traits ─── 猎狐犬的个性特征

3、foxhound mc ─── 猎狐犬mc

4、foxhound metal gear ─── 猎狐犬金属装备

5、foxhound metal ─── 猎狐犬金属

6、foxhound dog ─── 猎狐犬

7、foxhound logo ─── 猎狐犬标志

8、foxhound training ─── 猎狐犬训练

9、Walker foxhound ─── [网络] 沃克狐狸狗

10、American foxhound ─── 美国猎狐犬

foxhound 词性/词形变化,foxhound变形


foxhound 相似词语短语

1、chowhound ─── n.贪吃的人

2、fishpound ─── n.鱼梁,拦鱼堰

3、fog-bound ─── adj.被雾笼罩的

4、to hound ─── 猎犬

5、fogbound ─── adj.被雾笼罩的

6、foxhounds ─── n.猎狐犬,猎狐用猎狗

7、foxhunt ─── n.(猎人)猎狐

8、coonhound ─── n.猎浣熊的猎犬(等于coondog)

9、boarhound ─── n.猎野猪的大猎狗

foxhound 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Harrier should, in fact, be a smaller version of the English Foxhound. ─── 哈利犬是事实上,应该是一种小型版本的英国猎狐犬。

2、a large heavy hound formerly used in hunting stags and other large game; similar to but larger than a foxhound. ─── 体大而重的猎犬,用于猎捕牡鹿和其它大的猎物;与猎狐犬相象但较大。

3、They tell me that if the fox would remain in the bosom of the frozen earth he would be safe, or if be would run in a straight line away no foxhound could overtake him; ─── 他们指点我说,如果狐狸躲在冰冻的地下,它一定可以安然无恙,或者,如果它逃跑时是一直线的,没有一只猎犬追得上它;

4、American foxhound [America] ─── 美国猎狐犬

5、A miniature Foxhound, solid and big for his inches, with the wear-and-tear look of the hound that can last in the chase and follow his quarry to the death. ─── 小型猎狐犬,他的大部分生命都消耗在狩猎中,追逐、跟踪猎物,并杀死它们。

6、a large heavy hound formerly used in hunting stags and other large game; similar to but larger than a foxhound ─── 体大而重的猎犬,用于猎捕牡鹿和其它大的猎物;与猎狐犬相象但较大

7、" a FOXHOUND medical chief "Naomi," a radar and electronics expert "Mei Ling" (supposedly a teenager), and the author herself. ─── “一派胡言”,作者坚定地认为。

8、English Foxhound ─── 英国佛克斯猎犬

9、Snake, on the other hand started FOXHOUND in 1971 according to the ending of Snake Eater, but left in 1972 becoming a mercenary. ─── 另一方面,根据《SnakeEater》结尾,大首领在1971年建立了猎狐犬特种部队,却在1972年离开成为了一名佣兵。

10、As for the facilities takeover, Romanenko alleges that it was the U.S. military's own shadowy "wet-works" force, known as "FOXHOUND," that staged an armed insurrection in a bid for REX's possession. ─── 至于那次占领,罗曼恩克声称那是美军自己的一支隐秘的专干脏活的部队,一个被称作“猎狐犬”的组织,为了夺取Rex而上演的一场武装叛乱。

11、MERYL we are the new FOXHOUND ─── 我们是全新的

12、MERYL we are the new FOXHOUND ─── 我们是全新的

13、We are the new FOXHOUND. ─── 我们是新的猎狐犬部队。

14、The legs of a Foxhound are very long and straight-boned. ─── 在美国东部,沿海岸线有各种各样的猎狐方式。

15、The Harrier should, in fact, be a smaller version of the English Foxhound. ─── 哈利犬是事实上,应该是一种小型版本的英国猎狐犬。

16、However, despite having Chronic Backstabbing Disorder (sorry Last Days of FOXHOUND), perhaps Miller is to be trusted for once. ─── 无论如何,尽管经常有时空错乱(抱歉猎狐犬最后的日子),也许米勒这次值得信任。

17、They tell me that if the fox would remain in the bosom of the frozen earth he would be safe, or if be would run in a straight line away no foxhound could overtake him; ─── 也许在黄昏时分,我看到猎者,只有一根毛茸茸的狐狸尾巴拖在雪车后面作为战利品而回来,找他们的旅馆过夜。

18、similar to but larger than a foxhound. ─── 与猎狐犬相象但较大。

19、We are the new FOXHOUND. ─── 我们是新的猎狐犬部队。

20、They tell me that if the fox would remain in the bosom of the frozen earth he would be safe, or if be would run in a straight line away no foxhound could overtake him; ─── 他们指点我说,如果狐狸躲在冰冻的地下,它一定可以安然无恙,或者,如果它逃跑时是一直线的,没有一只猎犬追得上它;

21、American Foxhound ─── 美国福克斯猎犬

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