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09-13 投稿



earless 发音


英:  美:

earless 中文意思翻译



earless 同义词

earless 反义词


earless 短语词组

1、earless lizard ─── [动物]无耳蜥蜴 (Holbrookia, 产于美国西部、墨西哥)

2、Earless water rat ─── 无耳水鼠

3、f earless adj. ─── 无畏的;大胆的

4、earless seal ─── [动物]海豹

5、Borneo Earless Monitor ─── 婆罗洲无耳监视器

earless 相似词语短语

1、warless ─── 无战争的

2、barless ─── 无杆

3、gearless ─── adj.无传动装置的,无齿轮的

4、fearless ─── adj.无畏的;大胆的

5、tearless ─── adj.不流泪的;无泪的;没有感情的

6、beardless ─── adj.无须的;无芒的;乳臭未干的;年轻的

7、carless ─── adj.没有汽车的;没有被提供汽车

8、airless ─── adj.不通风的;没有风的;缺少空气的

9、oarless ─── 无桨的

earless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She was six feet tall and earless with a slit nose deep scars in both cheeks and the coldest eyes the queen had ever seen. ─── 她有六尺高,无耳,有着裂开的鼻子,两颊满是深深的伤疤,女王再没看过比那更冰冷的眼。

2、He heard whizz of a bullet near his ear. ─── 他听到耳边有子弹的飕飕声。

3、His ear is still attune to the sound of the London suburb. ─── 他的耳朵对伦敦郊区的语音仍然一听就能辨别。

4、She plays the piano entirely by ear. ─── 他演奏钢琴完全凭听觉记忆,不用乐谱。

5、He gave his son a clip on the ear. ─── 他打了儿子一个耳光。

6、A wisp of hair straggled across her ear. ─── 一束头发散落在她耳朵上。

7、He gave the boy's ear a painful tweak. ─── 他用力拧了一下那男孩的耳朵。

8、She leaned over and whispered something in Peter's ear. ─── 她俯身对彼得讲了几句悄悄话。

9、An unusual rhythm will soothe the ear. ─── 会有一非同凡响的节奏悦人之耳。

10、Luke's homely, unpretending style, and his pleasing address catch the ear of the people. ─── 卢克朴实而不矜持的作风以及讨人喜欢的谈吐使得人们都很愉快。

11、My husband's last word is still ringing in my ear. ─── 丈夫的临终遗言还在我耳边回响。

12、All sorts of strange sounds met the ear. ─── 听见了各种奇怪的声音。

13、He dug in and turned a deaf ear to our reasoning. ─── 他固执己见,对我们讲的道理根本不要听。

14、The discord of his music is hard on the ear. ─── 他演奏的不和谐音很刺耳。

15、Mayor Orden had his finger back in his itching ear. ─── 奥顿市长又把他的手指塞进发痒的耳朵里。

16、He is deaf in one ear. ─── 他有一只耳朵是聋的。

17、The army threw the president out on his ear. ─── 军队把总统赶下了台。

18、He's been sitting there,grinning from ear to ear. ─── 他坐在那里,笑得合不拢嘴。

19、There was more in the statement than met the ear. ─── 声明中还有言外之意。

20、Some music offends,rather than please the ear. ─── 一些音乐不是悦耳而是刺耳。

21、Her trills are far from pleasing to the ear. ─── 她唱歌的颤音一点也不悦耳。

22、How could you turn a deaf ear to her requests for help? ─── 你怎么能对她的请求帮助置之不理呢?

23、He leaned over and whispered three words in my ear. ─── 他侧过身在我耳边说了三个字。

24、He turned a deaf ear to all requests for help. ─── 他不理会一切求援的呼吁。

25、Don't get up on your ear,I didn't really mean that. ─── 别生气,我实在没有那个意思。

26、A rumour goes in one ear and out many mouths. ─── 一个人听见的流言肯定是从许多人嘴里传出来的。

27、People like me are constantly on the listen with half an ear for something. ─── 像我这样的人,老是分出一半注意力耳听八方。

28、George murmured words of love in her ear. ─── 乔治在她耳边低声说着情话。

29、Anything we told him went in at one ear and out at the other. ─── 不管我们对他说什么,他总是当耳边风。

30、He put plug in his ear because the noise was too loud. ─── 因为太吵闹了,他用耳塞堵住了耳朵。

31、You must give ear to what the parents tell you. ─── 你务须听从父母的话。

32、He wants to put a bug in her ear. ─── 他想提醒她一下。

33、He rounded the accident in my ear. ─── 他悄悄地对我讲了这个事故的情况。

34、He had a keen ear for voice of the people. ─── 他善于倾听群众的呼声。

35、He whispered endearments in her ear. ─── 他在她耳边说著悄悄话。

36、She whispered the word in my ear . ─── 她在我耳边低声说出那个词。

37、A bullet whizzed past my ear. ─── 一颗子弹嗖的一声从我耳边飞过。

38、She turn a deaf ear to our warning and get lose. ─── 她对我们的警告充耳不闻,结果迷失了方向。

39、If you play it by ear, you can lose your chance. ─── 你如果不事先作好准备,会失去这次机会的。

40、An earless seal(Pagophilus groenlandicus) of the North Atlantic and Arctic oceans whose pups are hunted for their fine, white fur. ─── 北大西洋和北冰洋的一种无耳海豹(鞍纹海豹鞍纹海豹属),其幼豹常因优质的白色皮毛被捕杀。

41、Don't blame me if you come back with a flea in your ear! ─── 你要是碰了钉子回来可别怪我。

42、Good advice is harsh to the ear. ─── [谚]忠言逆耳。

43、He turned a deaf ear to his mother rs chatter. ─── 他对母亲的唠唠叨叨听而不闻。

44、Your right ear is the counterpart of your left ear. ─── 你的右耳朵是你左耳朵的相对物。

45、Yun Tianqing: You brat! Learn to keek and eavesdrop but anything good! Do you take your dad as the earless rabbits you captured? ─── 云天青:好小子,什么不学,学起偷看偷听来了!你当爹和你猎的那些兔子一样,耳朵不灵便呐?

46、It's get a wide belt, and one of those thick furry collar that keep your ear warm. ─── 大衣的腰带很宽,其中还有个厚厚的毛领使耳朵不受冻。

47、He made a pig's ear (out) of repairing my car. ─── 他把我的车修得一团糟。

48、The sound of the careless passage of the jungle wayfarer come to the ear of the animal. ─── 丛林里旅人漫不经心穿过的声音传到了动物的耳里。

49、A controversial film that set the entertainment world on its ear. ─── 一部有争议的电影使得娱乐界一片哗然

50、He breathed out words of love into her ear. ─── 他轻声地在她耳边倾吐爱情。

51、Give every man the ear,but few the voice. ─── [谚]多听少说。

52、He must win the ear of both men. ─── 他们两人一定听他的。

53、Pleasing or agreeable to the ear. ─── 声音和谐的声音和谐或悦耳的

54、gregarious earless seals. The male has an inflatable, trunklike snout. ─── 群居,两者均为无耳海豹。因其身躯硕大,雄兽鼻粗壮能膨胀,因而得名。

55、He tried to give a sympathetic ear to the patient. ─── 他极力怀着同情心倾听患者的叙述。

56、His dog has a canker in its ear. ─── 他的狗的耳朵上有一处溃疡。

57、He has neither ear nor voice ,hence he can't sing . ─── 他既无听觉,又无发声力,因此,他不能唱歌。

58、She whispered sweet nothings into his ear. ─── 她对他悄悄地说情话。

59、Cross and angry words in family grate upon the ear. ─── 不高兴与生气的话在一个家庭里令人不愉快。

60、Lend an ear to those in need. ─── 听听贫困人声音吧。

61、He inclined his ear to her tale of woe. ─── 他倾听她讲述悲哀的故事。

62、The absence or closure of a normal body orifice or tubular passage such as the anus, intestine, or external ear canal. ─── (先天性)闭锁,无孔正常的身体孔或管道,如肛门、肠或外耳道的缺失或闭合

63、On the main road the ear began to open up. ─── 到了大路上,车开始加速。

64、Some people learn how to play jazz by ear. ─── 一些人学习如何不看乐谱来演奏爵士乐。

65、You can learn how to play the piano by ear. ─── 你可以学习如何不看乐谱弹钢琴。

66、In dealing with that unpredictable man, you simply can't follow a prearranged plan. You have to play it by ear. ─── 和那个捉摸不定的人打交道,你简直无法按预定计划行事,只好随行应变。

67、Wide ear and a short tongue is best. ─── 何事最为优,多听少开口。

68、Anything we tell him go in at one ear and out at the other. ─── 不管我们对他说什麽,他总是当耳边风。

69、type genus of the Phocidae: earless seals. ─── 海豹科的模式属;海豹。

70、"Cheap!" cried a shrill voice in Mr. Bumble's ear. ─── “便宜?”一个尖厉的声音在布班布尔先生耳际大叫。

71、She whispered the news in my ear. ─── 她对我悄悄说了这个消息。

72、No, I can not turn a deaf ear to his advice. ─── 不,我不能不听他的劝告。

73、Aunt Dorothy talks, your ear off on the phone. ─── 多萝西姨在电话里一谈起来就会没完没了。

74、Another punch makes his ear ring. ─── 又一拳打得他耳朵嗡嗡直叫。

75、She has the ear of the company's chairman. ─── 公司的董事长很听她的话。

76、Joe knows many songs well,and can play them by ear. ─── 乔会许多歌曲,就是不看乐谱也能演奏它们。

77、You've forgotten to buy the eggs! It (ie What I tell you) goes in one ear and out the other. ─── 你忘记买鸡蛋了! 把我跟你说的话当成耳旁风了。

78、They bent an ear to our request for aid. ─── 他们仔细倾听我们求援的请求。

79、He pretended to scratch his ear. ─── 他假装搔耳朵。

80、Behave yourself or I'll give you a thick ear! ─── 你放规矩一些,不然我就揍你!

81、She is having an ear to the gound. ─── 她在注意暗中发生的事情。

82、He stuck his pencil behind his ear. ─── 他把铅笔放在耳朵后边。

83、His wife kept continually dinning in his ear. ─── 他老婆不断地在他耳朵边唠叨个没完。

84、She whispered something in his ear. ─── 她对他耳语了几句。

85、Any singer needs to have an ear for music. ─── 任何歌唱家都要对音乐十分敏感。

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