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09-13 投稿



dishwater 发音

英:['d??w??t?]  美:['d??'w?t?]

英:  美:

dishwater 中文意思翻译



dishwater 网络释义

n. 洗碗水;洗碟的水;(美)味道蹩脚的汤

dishwater 短语词组

1、dishwater blonde hair ─── 洗碗水金发

2、dishwater pus ─── 洗碗水脓

3、dull as dishwater ─── 见 dull

4、dishwater blonde images ─── 洗碗水金发的图片

5、dishwater hair ─── 洗碗水头发

6、dishwater blonde salon ─── 洗碗水金发沙龙

7、dishwater blonde ─── 洗碗水金发女郎

dishwater 词性/词形变化,dishwater变形


dishwater 习惯用语

1、as dull as dishwater ─── [口]非常单调乏味

dishwater 相似词语短语

1、dishwasher ─── n.洗碗工;洗碟机

2、ditchwater ─── n.沟中的死水;极其单调乏味之物

3、dishwashers ─── n.洗碗机(dishwasher的复数)

4、dishware ─── n.餐具;碟;盆

5、dishearten ─── vt.使灰心,使沮丧,使气馁

6、dissipater ─── n.浪荡子;耗散器(dissipate的名词形式,驱散)

7、freshwater ─── adj.淡水的;淡水中生长的;位于偏僻地方的,地方性的;n.淡水;内河;湖水;n.(Freshwater)(美)弗雷什沃特(人名)

8、high water ─── 高潮,[水文]高水位;水位达到最高点的

9、drip water ─── 滴水

dishwater 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Harry is just a face man and as dull as dishwater. ─── 哈里长得不错,可就像涮碗水一样令人乏味无趣。

2、They weren't magical slippers — just dingy sneakers with dishwater-color laces. ─── 它们并不是什么神奇的拖鞋,只是系着洗碗水颜色的鞋带的肮脏球鞋。

3、" With a fatherly smile, the salesman said, "one of the best ways to protect a wedding ring is to soak it in dishwater. ─── 售货员带着慈父般的微笑道:“保护结婚戒指最好的方法就是把它泡在洗碗水里。”

4、No taste at all, it is just like dishwater. ─── 这就像洗碟水一样,一点味道也没有。

5、The sun was shining one morning as I took my hands out of the dishwater. ─── 一个早晨,我放下手头的事情。

6、To wash yourself or your dishes, carry water 200 feet away from streams or lakes and use small amounts of biodegradable soap. Scatter strained dishwater. ─── 洗自己或您的盘子,从小河或湖运载水外200英尺并且使用少量生物可分解的肥皂。消散被劳损的洗碗的水。

7、Let's just get out of the movie. The plot is as dull as dishwater. ─── 别看这部电影了,剧情真是很没劲。

8、You tell me to swim in dishwater! ─── 你要我在洗碗池里游泳吗!

9、Let's just get out of the movie.The plot is as dull as dishwater. ─── 我们不要看这个电影了,它的情节如同洗碗水一般愚蠢乏味。

10、(of a dish) watery and tasteless; dishwater ─── 清汤寡水

11、dull as dishwater ─── adj. 非常乏味的

12、To wash yourself or your dishes, carry water 200 feet away from streams or lakes and use *all amounts of biodegradable soap. Scatter strained dishwater. ─── 盥洗或洗碗时,提水到距河或湖两百尺出,少量使用可自然分解的洗洁剂。洗碗水滤渣后分散洒掉。

13、You can trash anything. For instance (sips coffee), Oh, this coffee is horrible! It tastes like dishwater. ─── 这咖啡像洗碗水?我觉得还可以嘛.哎,那有什麽东西你觉得好吃的吗?

14、I don't know what it means really--it's not how I'd ever talk to Mom's dishwater-drab boyfriend AL--but I like the way it sounds. ─── 我不知道真的它的意思--不怎样我将给妈妈洗碗水土褐色男朋友AL交谈-但是我喜欢它响的方式。

15、(as) dull as dishwater ─── 非常单调乏味

16、dishwater Let's just get out of the movie. The plot is as dull as dishwater. ─── 别看这部电影了,剧情真是很没劲。

17、I've seen some horrible things done to people's food: steaks dropped on the floor, butter dipped in the dishwater. ─── 对于食物,我见过一些很可怕的事情:牛排掉在地板上,而厨师把它在洗碗水里涮了涮。

18、a rack for holding dishes as dishwater drains off of them. ─── 把盘碟洗干后要放的一个架子。

19、That's why kids aren't drinking milk anymore: tastes like fat-free dishwater. ─── 这为什么孩子们都不再喝牛奶了,那玩意儿喝起来就像不含脂肪的洗碗水。

20、You can trash anything. For instance (sips coffee), this coffee is horrible! It tastes like dishwater. ─── 这咖啡象洗碗水?我觉得还可以嘛.有什么东西你觉得好吃的吗?

21、I'm not surprised that he can't find a partner. He's as dull as dishwater. ─── 他找不到伙伴这没有什么可大惊小怪的,他这人如潲水一样乏味。

22、a rack for holding dishes as dishwater drains off of them. ─── 把盘碟洗干后要放的一个架子。

23、a rack for holding dishes as dishwater drains off of them ─── 把盘碟洗干后要放的一个架子

24、Those people wait all year ,and you want to give them this dishwater . ─── 这些人盼了一整年,你难道就给他们喝洗碗水。

25、That’s why kids aren’t drinking milk anymore: tastes like fat-free dishwater. ─── 这就是为什么孩子们都不再喝牛奶了,因为那玩意儿喝起来就像不含脂肪的洗碗水。

26、You tell me to swim in dishwater! ─── 你要我在洗碗池里游泳吗!

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