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09-13 投稿


fireman 发音

英:['fa??m?n]  美:['fa?rm?n]

英:  美:

fireman 中文意思翻译



fireman 网络释义

n. 消防队员;救火队员;锅炉工n. (Fireman)人名;(英)法尔曼

fireman 短语词组

1、fireman’s lift ─── 消防员的电梯

2、Machinist's Mate Strike Fireman App ─── 机械师的Mate打击消防员应用程序

3、fireman's ax ─── [网络] 消防员的斧头

4、fireman’s red ─── 消防员的红色

5、fireman’s switch ─── 消防员的开关

6、chowder fireman ─── 乔德消防员

7、fireman’s escape ─── 消防员的逃跑

8、call a fireman ─── 叫消防队员

9、fireman’s outfit ─── 消防员的装备

10、fireman's carry 【 ─── 摔跤】肩 ─── 摔

11、Machinist's Mate Strike Fireman Apprentice ─── 机械师的梅特打击消防员学徒

12、fireman’s carry ─── 消防员的随身携带

13、fireman's Lift ─── [医] 肩负法

14、fireman's axe ─── [网络] 消防斧

15、Fireman Water Tender ─── 消防员水招标

16、visiting fireman n. ─── 观光阔老, 挥土如金的贵宾

17、a fireman ─── 消防员

18、Machinist's Mate Striker Fireman ─── 机械师的梅特罢工消防员

19、fireman’s cabin ─── 消防员的小屋

fireman 词性/词形变化,fireman变形


fireman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The students are asking the fireman some questions. ─── 学生们正在问消防队员一些问题.

2、The intrepid fireman saved persons trapped in a burning building disregarding of his own safety. ─── 勇敢的救火员,不顾自己的安全,救出了困在失火屋中的人。

3、Hull Maintenance Technician Fireman Apprentice ─── 二等船体维修轮机兵

4、A cab was provided for driver and fireman, as in normal railway practice. ─── 按通常的铁路惯例,机车备有司机和司炉工。

5、He said, "Always, I've always been a fireman. " ─── 他说:“一直都在做,我一直都是消防队员。”

6、The firm fireman first overcame thirst desire. ─── 坚定的消防员首先克服口渴欲望。

7、Boilerman Striker Fireman Apprentice ─── 二等轮机兵(锅炉军士助手)

8、I want to be a fireman. ─── 我想要做一名消防员。

9、Is he a fireman or a postman? ─── 他是消防员还是邮递员?

10、I was told I would never get a job as a fireman. ─── 我被告知将永远不能从事消防员的工作。

11、A sigh of relief arose from the crowd as the fireman reappeared with the child in his arms and prepared to descend. ─── 当消防员手里抱着孩子再次出现并准备降到地面时,众人放心地松了一口气。

12、A fireman accidentally discovered the cause of the fire. ─── 一个消防队员偶然发现了起火的原因。

13、The brave fireman saved the children from the fire. ─── 勇敢的消防队员从火场中把孩子救了出来。

14、The fireman paused for a couple minutes, gulped down a cup of cold water and returned to the job of fighting the fire. ─── 救火员停下一两分钟匆匆喝一杯冷水,又返身投入灭火的战斗中去了。

15、Report to the Fireman or Police any missing persons. ─── 如有人员失踪,立即报告消防员或警察。

16、Anti-corruption investigators allege a principal fireman at Ma On Shan station helped his subordinates get favourable appraisals in return for benefits including a second hand car, a mobile phone and a gold bracelet. ─── 廉署调查人员发现马鞍山消防局一名消防总队目涉嫌收受多名消防员送礼,包括二手私家车、线电话和金手链,然后给予送礼的消防员良好的评语。

17、He is a fireman. ─── 他是个消防员。

18、Kids: Call the fireman and drink milk. ─── 孩子们:打电话给消防员和喝牛奶。

19、Don't worry,he'll soon grow out of wanting to be a fireman. ─── 别担心,他不久以后长大一点就不再想当消防员了。

20、I am a Director of Operations at Hewlett Packard. When I was a child, my dream job was to be a fireman. ─── 我是惠普公司业务部主任。当我是孩子时,我梦想的职业是作一名消防队员。

21、Three days later Fireman Bob picked up Billy, dressed him in his fire uniform and escorted him from his hospital bed to the ladder truck. ─── 三天后,消防员鲍勃来接比利,为他穿上消防制服,从医院病床一直陪同来到装着长梯的消防车上。

22、They would be doctor, musician, fireman, scientist, lawyer, professor, maybe even president, or with a real stretch, superhero. ─── 可能是医生,音乐家,消防员,科学家,律师,教授,或者甚至是总统,再夸张一点,超人。

23、Yes. He's a good fireman. ─── 是的,他是一名优秀的消防员。

24、The fireman received a reward for saving the child's life. ─── 因救了小孩的命,消防员提到一笔奖金。

25、A fireman was brought in to finish the game. ─── 一名替补投手被派上场去完成比赛。

26、Anti-corruption investigators allege a principal fireman at Ma On Shan station helped his subordinates get favourable appraisals in return for benefits including a second hand car, a mobile phone and a gold bracelet. ─── 廉署调查人员发现马鞍山消防局一名消防总队目涉嫌收受多名消防员送礼,包括二手私家车、无线电话和金手链,然后给予送礼的消防员良好的评语。

27、He tried to get the attention of a passing fireman. ─── 他企图叫住一位从他身旁经过的消防队员。

28、Is he a fireman, a postman or a policeman? ─── 他是一个消防员、邮递员还是警察?

29、The son of a fireman, he oozes empathy for the have-nots. ─── 作为一名消防员的儿子,他与穷人心灵相通。

30、He couldn't help a fireman. ─── 他不能帮助消防员。

31、Don't worry, he'll soon grow out of wanting to be a fireman. ─── 别担心,他很快会不喜欢当消防员了。

32、During the intervening period, fireman lift and partial common area lightings will not be affected. ─── 停电期间,消防升降机及部份公众照明将正常运作。

33、And a No.3 alarm in a Sai Wan Ho domestic unit on April 25,in which three people died and six others were injured,including a fireman. ─── 以及四月二十五日在西湾河一住宅单位发生的三级火警,火警中3人丧生,6人受伤,伤者包括1名消防员。

34、Ba Ci humanness is amiable, regardless of trival matters, she admits to work in the same placing, oneself are right " fireman " the part is very satisfactory. ─── 巴茨为人随和,不拘小节,她向同事们承认,自己对“救火队员”的角色很满意。

35、Oh, he is a fireman. ─── 哦,他是一名消防员。

36、Deutsche Presse-Agentur on 12th reported that 300 Britain and France fireman has not slept all night, takes turns to go forth to battle, has suppressed the fire thoroughly finally. ─── 德新社12日报道说,300名英国和法国消防队员整夜未眠,轮番上阵,终于“彻底扑灭了大火”。

37、We have been invited to the annual Fireman's ball. ─── 我们被邀请去参加年度消防队舞会。

38、A fireman sometimes may be dangerous. ─── 做个消防队员有时候会有危险。

39、Machinist's Mate Striker Fireman ─── 一等轮机兵(机械军士助手)

40、A fireman pulled the driver away from the burning car. ─── 一名消防员帮那个司机从燃烧的车上脱身。

41、I saw a fireman racing to the fire. ─── 我看见一个消防队员冲入了火中。

42、Soon, a fireman showed up. ─── 不久,一名消防员出现了。

43、It is illegal to wake a fireman when he is asleep. ─── 叫醒在睡觉的消防队员是违法的。

44、He wants to act out his dream of becoming a fireman. ─── 他想实现当消防员的梦想。

45、He has worked as a fireman for many years. ─── 下面这组练习是由老师问你一个问题,

46、It smokes already, we should call a fireman. ─── 已经开始冒烟了,我们应该打电话叫消防队来。

47、The decline in premium volume will accelerate after our quota-share agreement with Fireman's Fund expires in 1989. ─── 尤其是消防人员基金在1989年到期后,

48、A brave fireman rescued the woman. ─── 一个勇敢的消防队员救了这女人。

49、Would you like to be a fireman? ─── 你愿意是一名消防队员吗?

50、He played everything from fireman to giant killer, cowboy to inventor, detective to plumber. ─── 他一切从消防员扮演巨人杀手来,牛仔以发明家、侦探水喉。

51、Ex 3: The fireman demonstrated great courage in saving the child. ─── 例3:消防队员在救这名小孩时,表现得很勇敢。

52、Machinist's Mate Strike Fireman Apprentice ─── 二等轮机兵(机械军士助手)

53、He wants to be a fireman when he grows up. ─── 他希望长大以后当消防队员.

54、The huge red doors slid open and a hunky fireman with shaved head listened to my tale and said he'd ask his boss. ─── 红色大门随即拉开,一位剃光头的好人消防员听完我的遭遇后,说要去问一下他的上司。

55、He couldn't help a fireman. ─── 他不能帮助消防员,

56、At 6pm on August 5, 1949, a fireman named Wag Dodge and his crew found themselves cut off by a wildfire in Mann Gulch River Valley, Montana. ─── 不过,而且可能算的上是一切发现中最为有趣的是:暂时有迹象表明在发现人类某些最重要的特质:洞察力、灵感和创造力上,我们是走在了前面。

57、"Yes, Billy, you are a fireman now," the chief said. ─── “是的,比利,你现在是一名消防员了。”队长说。

58、A grinning fireman let him go back to put on pants and a shirt. ─── 一位咧着嘴嘻笑的消防人员让他回去穿上裤子和衬衣。

59、According to a fireman, the fire house are the wooden floor, another room also found a car tire, so the fire spread rapidly. ─── 据一名消防员介绍,失火的房子地板都是木制的,另外房内还发现了一个汽车轮胎,所以火蔓延得很快。

60、He heard the engineer and fireman climb back into their cab, and caught snatches of conversation about a body being found on the train. ─── 他听到司机和司炉回到了驾驶室,并断断续续地听到他们在谈论车上发现一具尸体的事。

61、Miss Lil, as she was known, became a lifelong fan of No. 5, visiting with the firemen, and wearing an honorary bejeweled fireman's badge (mascot)until her death in 1929. ─── 之后,众所周知,莉莉小姐,成为了第5中队的终生拥护者,她探访救火队员,佩戴着象征着荣誉的救火员勋章,直到她在1929年去世。

62、After that he was a railroad fireman, studied law by correspondence, practiced in justice of the peace courts, sold insurance, and so on. ─── 后来他做过铁路消防员,并通过函授学习过法律,在治安法庭上维持正义,还做过保险等工作。

63、Initially, walking wounded not handled properly. Some were told by fireman to go see somebody else. Appeared to be very slow in getting organized or making any assignments. ─── 一开始,可步行的伤员没有得到适当的处理。一些人被消防人员告知去寻找其他人的帮助。看上去组织与工作分配很慢。

64、Later, perhaps, the fireman would have to enter the tender when the pile of fuel got lower. ─── 也许再过一会,煤堆变低,司炉就要进煤车里面来(铲煤)了。

65、Latterly, one eager passer-by helped her to translate, the fireman rushed back to look for the children immediately and finally, the children rescued safely. ─── 后来,热心人帮忙翻译,消防队员急忙寻找孩子,最后,孩子被安全救出。

66、The fireman told us to keep back. ─── 救火员叫我们闪开,别过来。

67、A fireman had placed his back against a tall chimney, and seemed to be acting as sentinel. ─── 一个消防队员靠在高烟囱旁好象在那儿站岗。

68、With great presence of mind a fireman pulled the driver away from the burning cab. ─── 一位消防员急中生智,将司机从燃烧的车里拉出来。

69、Neither that fireman nor I had any time to peer into our creepy thoughts ─── 不论是司炉还是我本人,都忙得无片刻闲暇去理会自己的恐慌不安的心绪了。

70、Hull Maintenance Technician Fireman ─── 一等船体维修轮机兵

71、Why would you like to be a fireman? ─── 为什么你愿意是一名消防队员?

72、I used to pretend I was a fireman as a little boy. ─── 小时候,我经常装扮成消防队员玩耍。

73、Fireman: Marriage these days are like fires. They go out over time. ─── 救火员:现今的婚姻好比火灾。随著时间慢慢熄灭。

74、Ex 3:The fireman demonstrated great courage in saving the child. ─── 例3:消防队员在救这名小孩时,表现得很勇敢。

75、Specified Scout Proficiency Badges (Service) include First Aid, Fireman, Lifesaver and Canoe Rescuer. ─── 5指定指定指定指定服務組專科徽章包括急救、消防、拯溺及獨木舟救生。

76、Whether the fireman have the right of the urgent evasion of the danger in the fire rescue is still demurral in the judicatory practice. ─── 公安消防人员在灭火救援中是否享有紧急避险的权利,在司法实践中存有异议。

77、"Houzhu first off, the last fireman. ─── “先客后主,司炉最末”。

78、Never see him dressed up as a fireman or a bobby ─── 他从来也没穿过消防队员或警察的制服。

79、He wants to be (ie become) a fireman when he grows up. ─── 他希望长大以後当(成为)消防队员.

80、A fireman rescued the two small children from the burning building. ─── 一名消防队员从陷入火海的大楼中救出两名小孩。

81、And on the early [Nineties] Fireman records, they were basically dance records: you know, they were grooves, really. ─── 再就是年代早期的那几张我扮演了消防员的舞曲专辑,它们实在是太棒了。

82、If you'll have your son ready at seven o'clock Wednesday morning, we'll make him an honorary fireman for the whole day. ─── 如果你能让你儿子星期三早上七点准备好,我们能让他做一整天的名誉消防员。

83、The mayor applauded the fireman 's bravery in his speech. ─── 市长在讲话中称赞了消防队员的勇敢行为。

84、The well-trained fireman can get over this tall wall easily. ─── 受过严格训练的消防员可以轻而易举地越过这道高墙。

85、Later that day she went to her local fire department in Phoenix, Arizona, where she met Fireman Bob, who had a heart as big as Phoenix. ─── 当天她就前往当地(亚利桑那州菲尼克斯城)的消防局拜访消防员鲍勃,鲍勃心胸开阔,犹如菲尼克斯城。

86、He was holding on to a window frame for dear ] fie when the fireman reached him. ─── 当消防人员到他跟前时,他正拼命地抓住窗框。

87、Carrying Fireman's outfits, B.A....etc. to fired area & fighting the fire per C/O's order. ─── 攜消防衣,呼吸器...等滅火裝備至火場並依大副指示滅火

88、Those workers are raising a monument to that fireman who lost his life in that big fire. ─── 工人们正在为那位在大火中牺牲的救火队员建纪念碑。

89、"Fire truck! " yelled five-year-old Billy. His mom had told him his dad was a fireman. When he got older he set fires, hoping to meet Dad. ─── “消防车!”五岁的比利喊道。比利的妈妈曾告诉过他,爸爸是个消防员。所以,等比利长大了一点,他就开始放火,希望可以见到爸爸。

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