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09-13 投稿



identic 发音

英:[a??dent?k]  美:[a??dent?k]

英:  美:

identic 中文意思翻译



identic 短语词组

1、identic trade mark ─── [法] 相同的商标

2、identic notes ─── [法] 同文照会

identic 相似词语短语

1、deontic ─── adj.义务的;道义论的

2、identify ─── vt.确定;鉴定;识别,辨认出;使参与;把……看成一样;vi.确定;认同;一致

3、denti- ─── n.(Denti)人名;(意)登蒂

4、ident ─── n.识别,鉴别

5、dentin ─── n.象牙质;牙质(等于dentine);n.(Dentin)人名;(法)当坦

6、identical ─── adj.同一的;完全相同的;n.完全相同的事物

7、idents ─── n.识别,鉴别

8、identity ─── n.身份;同一性,一致;特性;恒等式

9、dentil ─── n.齿状装饰(等于dentel,denticle,denticule)

identic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When the IRC server gets the connection request, it queries your machine for the ident. ─── 如果您不希望您的文字被任意修改和再散布,请不要提交。

2、CONCLUSION: This paper proposes microscopic examination techniques and physio-chemical methods such as X-ray diffractometry and titration methods for the ident... ─── 结论:本文建立的显微、X-衍射、滴定等方法可对其进行定性定量分析。

3、Then he marked them with their respective names so that all he had to do was read the inscription in order to ident ify them. ─── 于是,他给每样东西都贴上标签,现在只要一看签条上的字儿,就能确定这是什么东西了。

4、Should Bastille ensure inetd's ident service does not run on this system? ─── (Bastille 是否应确认 inetd 的 ident 服务不会在此系统上执行?

5、Finding the Next Starbucks:How to Ident... ─── 发现下一个星巴克...

6、I t will effectively control personal attack acc ident to make sure of safety regualtions seriously,improve safety eq uipments, strengthen safety education and cadre management. ─── 应严格落实安全规章制度;改善安全设施,加强安全教育,加强干部管理,有效地控制人身伤害事故的发生。

7、{ String ident; ─── /** * 构造函数.

8、there are not two the identic leaf in the world. ─── 世界上没有两片完全相同的树叶.

9、Keywords Azithromycin;Related substances;Isolation;Ident ification; ─── 阿奇霉素;相关物质;分离;鉴定;

10、IDENT observed, will continue to pass instructions. ─── 看到识别显示,我将继续发送指令。

11、ident led to many deaths. ─── 那次车祸使许多人丧生。

12、Thirteen wheat varieties (lines) were ident ified for their salinity tolerance in field tests.Under salinity stress, the va rieties differed in p hotosynthesis physiology and agronomic traits. ─── 对13份小麦品种(系)在盐碱地进行田间耐盐性鉴定,研究了不同品种光合生理及农艺性状对土壤盐碱胁迫的反应。

13、Personalities offailing tape mechs were ident ified as some tapes were scratchedhorizontally, or vertically, or with the head, with predictability. ─── 故障磁带驱动器的特 点是部分磁带有水平或纵向刮伤,或者磁头刮伤,这些故障具有可预见性。

14、Absoluteness,Relativity and Ident ity of Basic Categories in Dialectical Mat erialism ─── 辩证唯物论基本范畴的绝对性、相对性及其一致

15、The area's identified chemical coal reserves are 42.74x108t,account for 62% of total ident... ─── 气化煤和焦化煤是区内化工煤资源的主要类型。

16、Main Responsibilities include:- Aggressively achieve personal and dept. revenue and profit targets. - Generate and ident...... ... ─── 公司名称:中以联科电子安装工程(北京)有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-7-22

17、identic distribution ─── 恒等分布

18、This will only be set if IdentityCheck is set to on and the accessing host supports the ident protocol. ─── 这个变量只有在IdentityCheck被设置为on并且访问主机支持识别协议时才被设置。

19、Other suppliers have 's most identic's goods at the price 10% to 14% cheaper. ─── 别的供应商有和这简直类似的货,价格便宜10%至14%。

20、Reply not received, if you read squawk IDENT. ─── 没有收到回答,如果能收到按一下识别键。

21、Results:Four compounds isolated from the ethyl acetate extract of the stem bark were ident... ─── 结论:4个化合物均为首次从该植物中得到。

22、an identic action ─── 相同行为

23、identic notes ─── [法] 同文照会

24、The confident estimation to the headframe and bed plate of drilling rig is done by this method,the computational solution is identic... ─── 弥补了石油行业在无故障数据可靠性评定方面的不足。

25、warn("Error saving userfile for "+user.getName()+" while trying to add IRC ident '"+ident+"'",e1); ─── 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 logger.

26、Previously a usermap was only supported for ident authentication. ─── 允许一个用户映射参数指向所有扩展认证方法。

27、an identic note ─── 相同文件[照会]

28、Keywords chemical oxygen demand;tannin;deg radation;strain;isolation;ident ification; ─── 化学需氧量;单宁;降解;菌种;分离;鉴定;

29、Experiment: Pull items of the same weight but different base area with a spring scale over an identic surface - the tractive force will be the same! ─── 实验:同样的重量,但不同的根据地一个弹簧秤同文面拉项目-牵引力将是相同的!

30、Formation Basis of Rice Mist Endosperm Appearance and Its Rapid Ident ifying Factors ─── 水稻胚乳外观云雾性状形成基础及其快速识别条件分析

31、called line ident fication ─── 呼叫线识别

32、The bus voltage loss w ill resu lt in power system acc ident or even large area power b lackout. ─── 电网中运行着的母线一旦发生失压事故,会对电网造成很大的影响,甚至能迫使电网瓦解并造成大面积的停电事故。

33、“Om hon vet din ident itet,du sa vad? ─── ”(如果她知道你的身份,你说会怎么样?)。

34、In accordance to what the Council for Cultural Affairs represents, we created an ident with germination as a central idea. ─── 在这一次的设计当中,我们希望能带给文建会一个全新的一面,我使用了萌芽与种子为核心概念去贯穿整支影片。

35、identic trade mark ─── [法] 相同的商标

36、The English understoodby "marine ri fs" only risks inh ident to transport by sea. ─── 英国人对“海洋运输货物险”只理解为海洋中的意外风险。

37、A Thought About Chemical Ident ification of Margarita ─── 关于珍珠化学鉴别的一点想法

38、If a driver is ident ified in the stop message,disable the driver or check with the manufa cturer for driver updates. ─── 如果驱动程序被证实在这个停止信息,停止驱动程式的功能或向厂商检查驱动程式的更新。

39、An efficient alerting model is presented based on a digital surface model (DSM),which is generated from multi-angle remote sensing images,power line towers and spacers are ident. ─── 采用抛物线方程对高压线路进行拟合,定义DSM到高压电力线路的最短距离作为预警指标值,并给出具体算法。

40、Identic al twins are also called monozygotic twins because they develop from the splitting of a single fertilized egg. ─── 因为是从同一个受精卵分裂而来,同卵双胞胎也被称作单卵双胞胎。

41、Item Your private ident rule shouldn't clobber someone else's ident rule. So some mechanism is needed to confine rules to a namespace. ─── 你常用的规则不应该和别人的冲突,所以有必要制定一些机制来把规则限制到一个名字空间中。

42、Your private ident rule shouldn't clobber someone else's ident rule. So some mechanism is needed to confine rules to a namespace. ─── 你常用的规则不应该和别人的冲突,所以有必要制定一些机制来把规则限制到一个名字空间中。

43、From the examples,the2-D flaws of materials are ident... ─── 从算例可以看出,此方法能够有效地识别材料的二维缺陷。

44、Experiment shows that the improved mechanism improvesefficiency and security of remote access and makes advanced access control easier by adding to user ident... ─── 实验表明,该机制提高了远程接入效率和安全性,增加对用户身份的识别以及基于用户组的分配策略,为进一步的访问控制提供了便利。

45、117、Radar ident from departure control, cleared continue climbing to 1800 feet, report over TH. ─── 雷达已识别你起飞,可以爬升至1800英尺,过TH报告。

46、Shift+Tab or Alt+Shift+Tab: Ident a region. ─── 对选中区域进行缩进.

47、Fuzzy Logic Technique of Unsteady Aerodynamic Ident ification ─── 非定常气动力辨识的模糊逻辑方法

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