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quorum 发音

英:['kw??r?m]  美:['kw?r?m]

英:  美:

quorum 中文意思翻译



quorum 短语词组

1、insufficient quorum ─── [法] 不足法定人数

2、quorum-sensing compound ─── 群体感应化合物

3、have a quorum ─── 够法定人数,达到法定人数

4、a quorum of athletes ─── 一批优秀运动员

5、quorum sensing ─── [医]群体感应细菌的信息交流R

6、quorum sensing and quenching ─── 定额感应和淬火

7、procure a quorum ─── 达到法定人数

8、lack a quorum ─── 不足法定人数

9、announcement of quorum ─── 法定人数公告

10、quorum call ─── 看 ─── 看是否达到会议法定人数的点名

11、constitute a quorum ─── 形成多数

12、quorum-sensing control ─── 群体感应控制

quorum 相似词语短语

1、decorum ─── n.礼仪;礼貌;端正

2、jorum ─── n.一大杯,大酒杯

3、aurum ─── n.金(符号Au)

4、Velorum ─── 船帆座

5、Forum ─── n.论坛,讨论会;法庭;公开讨论的广场

6、pullorum ─── 鸡白色腹泻

7、cuprum ─── n.铜

8、durum ─── n.硬质小麦

9、quorums ─── n.法定人数

quorum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Failed the load string for locating existing quorum resource. This issue can be resolved using Cluster Administrator. ─── 为查找已有的仲裁资源加载字符串失败。这个问题可以通过使用群集管理器解决。

2、Missing a common quorum resource. A multi-node cluster can not be created. ─── 丢失公用仲裁资源。无法创建多节点群集。

3、Two more will make a quorum. ─── 再有两人就足法定人数了。

4、The actual number of deputies present at today's meeting is 1,141, which constitutes a quorum. ─── 今天会议实到的代表一千一百四十一人,合于法定人数。

5、"We're not being unreasonable, " Inhofe said. "The only leverage we have is the quorum leverage, and if we get stonewalled, we'll use it. " ─── “我们不是不讲道理的,”英霍夫说,“法定人数是我们掌握的唯一杠杆,如果我们受到阻碍,我们将使用它。”

6、How to Change Quorum Disk Designation ─── 如何更改仲裁磁盘指定

7、The Audit Committee meeting then re-examines and adopts new resolution on the questioned item without consideration of the member involved into the quorum. ─── 审计委员会会议在不将有利害关系的委员计入法定人数的情况下,对议案进行审议并做出决议。

8、The quorum of a Committee meeting shall be any two members who shall be Independent Non-executive Directors. ─── 委员会会议法定人数须为任何两位成员,而该两位成员须为独立非执行董事。

9、The generals seem to be alarmed by the prospect of a low turnout, though the election laws do not require a quorum. ─── 军官们看起来有些担心过低的投票率,尽管选举汉没有法定投票人数的规定。

10、A quorum of seven must be present in order to hold the meeting. ─── 召开会议必须有法定的最少人数7人出席。

11、The quorum resource does not contain the quorum log. ─── 仲裁资源不含仲裁日志。

12、The quorum resource cannot be dependent on other resources. ─── 仲裁资源不能依赖其它资源。

13、If you are using a standard-node quorum (also known as a single quorum), the cluster must have a single shared disk (known as the quorum disk). ─── 如果使用标准节点仲裁(也称为单一仲裁),则群集必须有一个共享磁盘(称为仲裁磁盘)。

14、The quorum resource failed to come online. ─── 仲裁资源联机失败。

15、Any majority vote of a quorum taken at a business meeting shall constitute a majority for the adoption of any matter. ─── 任何一个商业会议上作出的将构成对任何问题的多数通过多数表决的法定人数。

16、The quorum for meetings of the Board shall be [5] Directors or their nominated alternates (whether present in person or by proxy), present at the commencement and throughout the whole of the meeting. ─── 参加董事会议的法定人数应为5个董事或由董事指定的代表(不论是以个人形式出席或以委托书形式出席),与会人员均应自会议开始之时起全程出席会议.

17、The quorum disk resource maintains configuration data for the cluster, including the quorum log, the cluster database checkpoint, and the resource checkpoints. ─── 仲裁磁盘资源维护群集的配置数据,其中包括仲裁日志、群集数据库检查点和资源检查点。

18、You only have to back up the node in the server cluster that currently owns the quorum disk resource. ─── 只需备份当前拥有仲裁磁盘资源的服务器群集中的节点。

19、The meeting is adjourned since there is no quorum. ─── 因为没有法定人数会议休会。

20、Enough were present to constitute a quorum. ─── 出席的人数够法定人数。

21、An author must submit to an awful handicap, allowing only consonants and A, I, O, and U.This is ordinarily a quorum of six fours plus half of two. ─── 作者必须服从可怕的阻碍,只使用辅音和a、i、o、u进行写作。

22、Three types of quorum are possible ─── 可以进行的仲裁有三种

23、Which nodes act as quorum nodes. ─── 哪些节点是quorum节点。

24、If the drive on which you want to run Chkdsk contains the quorum log, temporarily move the quorum disk to another shared drive. ─── 仲裁磁盘如果上要运行Chkdsk驱动器包含仲裁日志,暂时移动到另一个共享驱动器。

25、For an SCC, the default quorum strategy uses a shared disk. ─── 对于单一副本群集来说,默认仲裁策略将使用一个共享磁盘。

26、However, if the node does not succeed in taking control of the quorum disk resource, it cannot form a cluster. ─── 但是,如果该节点未能成功获得仲裁磁盘资源的控制权,就不能形成群集。

27、Backing Up the Quorum Disk Resource ─── 备份仲裁磁盘资源

28、If you must rebuild a whole server cluster, you must restore the node that owned the quorum disk resources before you restore or join any other node. ─── 如果必须重建整个服务器群集,则必须在还原或加入其他任何节点之前还原拥有仲裁磁盘资源的节点。

29、Therefore, to back up the quorum disk resource data, you can create either a full computer backup set or a Windows backup set for that node. ─── 因此,若要备份仲裁磁盘资源数据,可以创建该节点的完整计算机备份集或Windows备份集。

30、Well, it looks like we have a quorum! ─── 嗯,看起来我们法定人数够了!

31、A problem occurred when the wizard attempted to create the quorum directory. ─── 向导试图创建仲裁目录时发生错误。

32、The quorum disk resource stores the most current version of the cluster configuration database in the form of recovery logs and registry checkpoint files. ─── 仲裁磁盘资源以恢复日志和注册表检查点文件的形式存储群集配置数据库的最新版本。

33、Twenty members make a quorum. ─── 二十个成员构成法定人数

34、AiiA protein,encoded by aiiA gene,can inactivates the AHL signals which regulates in quorum sensing system in bacteria by hydrolyzing its lactone bond so that it can release the disease in plant. ─── aiiA基因编码的AiiA蛋白能降解细菌群体感应系统中的信号分子N_酰基高丝氨酸内酯AHLs,从而减弱致病菌对植物的危害。

35、Credit is granted at once, if the WU has a quorum of 1 (most of currently being sent have it). ─── 如果WU的有效人数是1(目前发出的大多数WU都是这样的),分数可以马上获得.

36、It is a new method and promising approach to control plant bacterial diseases by quenching bacterial quorum sensing through biotechnology. ─── 利用现代生物技术手段人为地操纵细菌群体感应系统,将会成为提高植物抗病性的新方法、新途径。

37、The Committee shall hold at least 3 meetings in an academic year with a quorum of over 50%. ─── 4常务委员会每年最少开会三次,并须有过半数委员出席方为合法。

38、Quorum willdynamically recalculate after about 60 seconds, when the volume gr9 oupis already activated, and a disk becomes unresponsive. ─── 在大约60秒钟后,法定?磁盘数将动态地重新计算,当卷组已经激活时,磁盘即无反应。

39、For this reason, it is recommended that you use a RAID solution for the quorum disk resource. ─── 为此,建议对仲裁磁盘资源使用RAID解决方案。

40、A quorum of such an assembly. ─── 上述会议的法定人数

41、For example, if a node cannot detect a cluster during the discovery process, the node attempts to form its own cluster by taking control of the quorum disk resource. ─── 例如,如果一个节点在探查过程中无法检测到群集,则该节点就会尝试通过控制仲裁磁盘资源来形成其自己的群集。

42、In 1988, Mullender brought forward Byzantine quorum system with the voting protocol. ─── 1988年Mullender提出了Byzantine Quorum系统主要研究选举协议;

43、The quorum necessary for the transaction of the business of the directors may be fixed by the directors, and unless so fixed shall be two. ─── 八十二、董事会会议处理事项所需的法定人数可由董事会规定,如不另行规定,其应为二人。

44、What does Natalie tell the Quorum of Twelve is "the one thing that makes you whole"? ─── 关于“让你完美的那一样东西”,娜塔莉是如何告诉十二法人团的?

45、If at such adjourned meeting a quorum is not present any ten Members present shall be a quorum, and may transact the business for which the meeting was convened. ─── 如出席该延期举行之会议的本会会员人数又未达会议之法定人数时,法定人数可改为十人,并可办理该会议之一切事务。

46、When a cluster is created or when network communication between nodes in a cluster fails, the quorum disk resource prevents the nodes from forming multiple clusters. ─── 创建群集时,或者群集中的节点之间的网络通信失败时,仲裁磁盘资源可防止节点形成多个群集。

47、When you back up the quorum disk resource, the following files are also backed up. ─── 在备份仲裁磁盘资源时,还应备份下列文件。

48、Enable a node to form a cluster only if it can gain control of the quorum disk resource. ─── 使节点只有在获得对仲裁磁盘资源的控制权时才能形成群集。

49、If a quorum is not present at a meeting, any resolution passed at the meeting shall be invalid. ─── 如出席董事会会议人数不满法定人数,其通过的任何决议无效。

50、Two members shall constitute a quorum. ─── 二名成员可组成法定人数。

51、A quorum for this Purpose shall consist of a Member or Members from two thirds of the States, and a Majority of all the States shall be necessary to a Choice. ─── 如全国三分之二的州各有一名或多名众议员出席,即构成选举总统的法定人数 ; 当选总统者需获全部州的过半数票。

52、Ai Society of China held its fourth meeting of the Council, the newly elected 179 members of 142 attended the meeting, the quorum. ─── 中国艾协第四届理事会召开第一次会议,新当选的179名理事中142名参加了会议,达到法定人数。

53、Whenever the System State data is backed up on the node in the server cluster that currently owns the quorum disk, quorum disk resource data is also backed up. ─── 在当前拥有仲裁磁盘的服务器群集的节点上备份系统状态数据时,同时也会备份仲裁磁盘资源数据。

54、AiiA protein, blocking the bacterial quorum sensing by hydrolyzing AHL-lactone, can greatly attenuate the disease caused by many bacterial pathogens in which quorum sensing regulate the expression of virulence genes. ─── AiiA蛋白通过破坏病原菌的信号分子来阻断病原菌的群体感应调节系统,达到抗病的目的,是一种新型的抗病蛋白.

55、If you are using the Majority Node Set, each node maintains a copy of the cluster configuration data, and you do not have to back up the quorum. ─── 如果使用的是多数节点集,每个节点维护一个群集配置数据的副本,则不必备份仲裁。

56、The quorum at any general meeting shall be ten Full, Life, or Honorary members. ─── 例会的法定人数为十个普通、久或荣誉会员。

57、N-acylhomoserine lactone(AHL), as quorum sensing signals, regulate expression of virulence factors of many plant pathogens. ─── N-酰基高丝氨酸内酯(N-acylhomoserine lactone,AHLs)作为细菌群体感应中的信号分子参与调节植物病原细菌致病因子的表达。

58、The tiebreaker disk on the quorum node. ─── quorum节点上的tiebreaker磁盘。

59、It is a promising approach to biologically control bacterial diseases in plant and animal by manipulating bacterial AHL quorum sensing with AHLs degrading enzyme and AHL homology. ─── 利用AHLs降解酶和AHLs类似物的特性 ,干扰和破坏病原菌的AHLs 群体感应机制 ,将为利用现代生物技术防治此类细菌病害开辟了一条全新的途径

60、It adheres to cluster database updates, contributes input into the quorum algorithm, maintains cluster network and storage heartbeats, and can own and run resource groups. ─── 它接收群集数据库更新、向仲裁算法提供输入、维护群集网络和存储检测信号,并且可以拥有并运行资源组。

61、"An unexpected error occurred checking free disk space on the quorum disk. ─── "检查仲裁磁盘上的可用磁盘空间时,出现了一个错误。

62、In a shared disk quorum, the disk containing the quorum resource is called the quorum disk, and it must be a member of the default Cluster Group. ─── 在共享磁盘仲裁中,包含仲裁资源的磁盘称为仲裁磁盘,并且必须是默认群集组的成员。

63、The Cluster service fails to start and generates an Event ID1034 in the Event log after you replace a failed hard disk, or change drives for the quorum resource. ─── 原因:?如果已取代硬碟,或重新列举汇流排,则丛集服务可能找不到预期的磁碟签章,而且以后可能会无法装载该磁碟。

64、If MS DTC cannot be configured to have its own resource group, the recommended alternate choice is to use the Cluster group and Quorum drive. ─── 如果不能为MS DTC配置自己的资源组,建议使用群集组和仲裁驱动器。

65、Actions taken by members at the annual meeting shall be effective only if a quorum( to be determined by the Board of Directors) are present and voting. ─── 会员在年会上通过的决议,只在出席和投票的人数达到法定的人数(体人数由理事会决定),才是有效的。

66、If you select the group containing the cluster quorum resource, a warning is displayed recommending you do not install to the cluster quorum resource. ─── 如果选择了包含群集仲裁资源的组,则会显示一条警告,建议您不要安装到群集仲裁资源。

67、The quorum necessary for the transaction of the business of the Executive Committee shall be two members of the Executive Committee. ─── 关于理事会商务事物的处理须按法定人数,即由两位理事共同处理。

68、Two persons entitled to vote upon the business to be transacted, each being a member or a proxy for a member or a duly authorized representative of a corporation, shall be a quorum. ─── 两个具有对即将进行的议题有表决权者出席大会即构成法定人数,不论其是亲自出席或由人代理出席或其是一法人正式授权的代表。

69、The grandson cymbidium virens when the congress starts announced: The congress should arrive at representative 1800 people, the reality to represents 1771 people, conforms to the quorum. ─── 孙春兰在大会开始时宣布:大会应到代表1800人,实到代表1771人,符合法定人数。

70、The quorum of a Committee meeting shall be any two members of the Committee one of whom must be Independent Non- executive Director . ─── 委员会会议之法定人数为两名委员会成员,其中一位必须为独立非执行董事。

71、One common resource is the quorum resource, which plays a critical role in cluster operations. ─── 一种公用资源是仲裁资源,它在群集操作中扮演重要角色。

72、The Majority Node Set resource makes sure that the cluster configuration data stored on the majority node set quorum is kept consistent across the disks. ─── 多数节点集资源确保了存储在多数节点集仲裁上的群集配置数据在各磁盘间保持一致。

73、Majority Node Set quorum with File Share Witness ─── 包含文件共享见证的多数节点集仲裁

74、A majority of the directors present at a meeting may adjourn any meeting to another time and place,whether or not a quorum is present at the meeting. ─── 出席会议的多数董事可决定让会议延期到另外时间和另外地点召开,不论出席此会议的人数是否达到法定人数。

75、One-half of the countries members of the Assembly shall constitute a quorum. ─── 大会成员国的半数构成开会的法定人数。

76、Three members shall constitute a quorum. ─── 三名成员可组成法定人数。

77、It was noted that due notice of the Meeting had been given to sole director and a quorum was present. ─── 有人指出,由于会议通知已获得的唯一董事出席的法定人数。

78、If the hard disk on which you want to run Chkdsk contains the quorum log, temporarily move the quorum to another shared disk. ─── 如果硬盘上要运行Chkdsk磁盘包含仲裁日志,临时将仲裁移动到另一个共享磁盘。

79、A quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states,and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. ─── 如全国三分之二的州各有一名或多名众议员出席,即构成选举总统的法定人数,当选总统者需获全部州的过半数票。

80、Create a separate cluster group for your quorum disk resource, and keep it on its own physical hard disk. ─── 创建仲裁磁盘资源的独立群集组,并将其放置于各自的物理硬盘中。

81、But for the vote to be valid, a quorum of at least one-third of the voting rights of shares outstanding is required. ─── 但必须有至少三分之一的流通股投票权参与投票,表决结果才能有效。

82、On startup, the Cluster service detects that a restore is requested and restores the cluster database from the backup path to the quorum resource. ─── 启动时,群集服务将检测到请求执行还原操作,因此会将群集数据库从备份路径还原到仲裁资源。

83、Cluster hive snapshots are taken whenever the quorum log is reset and once every four hours. ─── 一旦仲裁日志被重置就将取得群集配置单元快照,并且每隔四小时执行一次。

84、The quorum disk maintains configuration data in the quorum log, cluster database checkpoint, and resource checkpoints. ─── 仲裁磁盘维护仲裁日志中的配置数据、群集数据库检查点和资源检查点。

85、The quorum disk resource stores the most current version of the cluster configuration data. ─── 仲裁磁盘资源存储了最新版本的群集配置数据。

86、It does this by allowing the partition that owns the quorum to continue, while the other partitions are evicted from the cluster. ─── 它的做法是允许获得仲裁支持的分区继续,而将其他分区逐出群集。

87、gather together enough people; get a quorum ─── 凑足人数

88、The quorum of a Committee meeting shall be any two members of the Committee one of whom must be Independent Non-executive Director. ─── 委员会会议之法定人数为两名委员会成员,其中一位必须为独立非执行董事。

89、Error occured trying to determine if the resource was the local quorum resource. ─── 决定此资源是否是本地仲裁资源时发生错误。

quorum和classic 区别?



quorum和classic 区别?

1. Quorum和Classic有一些区别。

2. Quorum是以太坊的一个分叉版本,旨在提供更高的事务处理能力和更好的网络安全性。

它采用了权益证明(Proof of Stake)的共识机制,而不是以太坊经典的工作量证明(Proof of Work)机制。


3. Quorum还引入了一些隐私和机密性功能,例如可选的私有交易和智能合约。



4. 总的来说,Quorum和Classic在共识机制、隐私性和适用场景等方面存在差异,因此在选择使用哪个版本时需要根据具体需求和应用场景进行评估。

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