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09-13 投稿



predisposes 发音

英:[?pri?d??sp??z?z]  美:[?pri?d??spo?z?z]

英:  美:

predisposes 中文意思翻译



predisposes 词性/词形变化,predisposes变形

动词过去式: predisposed |动词第三人称单数: predisposes |动词过去分词: predisposed |动词现在分词: predisposing |

predisposes 相似词语短语

1、redisposed ─── vt.重新布署

2、preimposes ─── 预先施加的

3、predisposing ─── v.使倾向于;容易诱发(predispose的现在分词)

4、predisposal ─── 婚前

5、redispose ─── vt.重新布署

6、redisposes ─── vt.重新布署

7、predisposedly ─── 倾向

8、predispose ─── vt.预先处置;使…偏向于

9、predisposed ─── adj.先有倾向的,先有意向的;v.预先有倾向的;预先处置好的(predispose的过去分词)

predisposes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Fatigue predisposes one to cold. ─── 疲劳使人容易感冒。

2、A longer term concern is that insulin resistance also predisposes people to diabetes. ─── 一个长期被关注的问题是胰岛素耐受患者倾向于产生糖尿病。

3、All in all, the results do not support the idea that low self-esteem predisposes young people to more or earlier sexual activity. ─── 从各方面来说,研究结果都不支持「低自尊使青少年有更多或更早有性活动的倾向」。

4、I have heard nothing that predisposes me to dislike her. ─── 我没有听到任何能使我讨厌她的说法。

5、Fatigue predisposes one to colds. ─── 疲劳使人易患感冒。

6、Possible causes: tracheotomy, which is performed often in the department of neurosurgery, predisposes the patients to infection, and the bacteria sounes of infection are produced then; ─── 其原因为:神经外科气管切开病人多且病程较长,开放的伤口,易发生感染,产生病源菌(传染源);

7、The authors call for additional research on the immune response to vaccinia to clarify why atopic dermatitis predisposes to eczema vaccinatum and to develop preventive strategies. ─── 作者呼吁对牛痘引起的免疫反应进行进一步的研究,以确认为何遗传过敏性皮肤炎患者易发生牛痘性湿疹,并发展预防策略。

8、This we believe predisposes for the occurrence of biliary complications in the long term. ─── 因此我们相信患者在移植后长时期内都容易感染胆道并发症。

9、3. This illness predisposes you to gain weight. ─── 这种病就预设了你体重会增加。

10、Take the example of colon cancer. People say there is a gene that predisposes us to the disease. ─── 就拿结肠癌来说吧,人们认为遗传基因是导致发病的原因。

11、Alpha 1 - antitrypsin deficiency is an inherited disease that predisposes the affected person toemphysema (or lung destruction), especially with smoking. ─── 1型胰岛素缺乏症是种遗传性疾病,偏向发生于肺气肿(或肺损伤)的人身上,特别是吸烟者。

12、But the reason within the book world is that Hermione predisposes Harry not to follow her advice by her way of giving it. ─── 但另外一个原因是,赫敏给出建议的方式就决定了哈利不可能听从。

13、Filariasis is a world health problem resulting from a parasitic-caused infection causing lymphatic insufficiency and in some cases predisposes elephantiasis. ─── 丝虫病是一个世界健康问题,是由寄生虫感染导致的淋巴不足,在一些病例中表现为象皮肿。

14、The presence of lung disease, or other conditions, further predisposes to illness or injury. ─── 在场的肺部疾病,或其他条件,进一步易于患病或受伤。

15、But the reason within the book world is that Hermione predisposes Harry not to follow her advice by her way of giving it. ─── 但另外一个原因是,赫敏给出建议的方式就决定了哈利不可能听从。

16、The opposition between Venus and Pluto predisposes you to becoming involved in highly emotional and sexual relationships. ─── 金星跟冥王星之间的对分相让你热衷于过于情绪化及肉欲的关系。

17、The end of the hot season in the tropics predisposes to malaria. ─── 热带的暑末易流行疟疾。

18、Intestinal malrotation associated with a short mesentery predisposes to midgut olulus as well as intestinal atresia: by the way of an increased peristaltism, olulus appears aboe the atresia. ─── 肠旋转不良合并肠系膜过短由于蠕动增加而诱发中肠扭转和肠管闭锁,扭转出现在闭锁以上。

19、As many as 100,000 Australians could be carrying a genetic mutation that predisposes them to low bone density and a higher risk of bone fractures. ─── 多达100000澳大利亚人携带某种突变基因,使他们更容易发生骨密度降低、骨折风险增高。

20、No data are currently available regarding whether cruciate ligament deficiency or obesity predisposes a patient to premature failure of patellofemoral arthroplasty. ─── 目前没有数据证明关于十字韧带缺失或者肥胖引起病人髌骨股骨关节成形术过早被破坏。

21、Intentionally dehydrating yourself might seem like a good idea, but dehydration increases fatigue and predisposes you to decompression sickness. ─── 故意让自己脱水似乎是一个好的主意,但脱水会让你疲劳而且容易得减压病。

22、I have heard nothing that predisposes me in her favor. ─── 我没有听过任何使我偏向她的事。

23、Greater mobility from incomplete descent or lack of a scrotal ligament predisposes to this condition. ─── 下降不完全或阴囊韧带缺乏使睾丸活动度增加即可能更易发生扭转。

24、Repetitive friction at that site predisposes to chronic or stenosing tenosynovitis, tendinosis, and partial tear. ─── 该部位的反复摩擦易引起慢性或狭窄性的腱鞘炎,肌腱炎和部分撕裂。

25、Such an aneurysm represents non-contractile tissue that reduces stroke volume and strains the remaining myocardium.The stasis of blood in the aneurysm predisposes to mural thrombosis. ─── 动脉瘤弹性差,降低了心脏的每搏排出量并增大了残余心肌张力。

26、I am particularly interested in seeing if severe RSV infection early in life predisposes a child to wheezing and asthma later in childhood. ─── 我对于早期的严重RSV感染是否代表后来哮喘与气喘,特别感到兴趣。

27、fatique predisposes one to illness ─── 疲劳使人容易生病

28、His reputation predisposes me against him. ─── 他的名声使我先倾向于对他没有好感。

29、His reputation predisposes me against him [in his favor]. ─── 他的名声 [风评] 使我先倾向于对他没有好感 [有好感]

30、Our genetic make up predisposes us to certain diseases. ─── 我们的基因结构使我们易患某些疾病。

31、Greater mobility from incomplete descent or lack of a scrotal ligament predisposes to this condition. ─── 下降不完全或阴囊韧带缺乏使睾丸活动度增加即可能更易发生扭转。

32、A cold predisposes a person to pneumonia. ─── 感冒易使患者感染肺炎。

33、"It could help us to establish if genetic ariation predisposes certain people to these diseases, or whether enironmental factors exert some of their effects through modulation of DDAH actiity. ─── 这可以帮助我们弄清是否是遗传性变异促使某些人患这些疾病,还是环境因素通过改变DDAH活性来发挥它们的效应。

34、His weak chest predisposes him to illness. ─── 他的肺很虚弱,使他易于感染疾病。

35、Cigarette advertising predisposes children to smoking. ─── 烟草广告会引道儿童抽烟。

36、32. His weak chest predisposes him to winter colds. ─── 他的肺部很弱,冬天容易感冒。

37、On the other hand titanium is notch-sensitive which predisposes it to cracks if the stem is not well supported. ─── 此外,钛金属缺口敏感性较高,在假体柄未得到良好支撑时容易碎裂。

38、Asbestosis more commonly predisposes to bronchogenic carcinomas, increasing the risk by a factor of five. ─── 石棉肺易引起支气管癌,它使患癌的风险增大5倍。

39、Hence, being cultural predisposes species with some innovative capacities to evolve toward higher intelligence. ─── 因此,对于拥有某种创新能力的物种,文化使牠们更容易走上智能升级的演化之道。

40、Fatigue predisposes one to colds. ─── 要患感冒了。

41、The short answer is that it predisposes them to uterine inertia with resultant c-sections, as well as eclampsia. ─── 简单的说,这样容易引起宫缩乏力,从而导致剖腹产,还可能引发子痫症。

42、Frustration predisposes him to look on the dark side of things. ─── 挫折使他遇事只看其阴暗面。

43、Poor health predisposes to infection. ─── 健康状况不佳易受感染。

44、His weak chest predisposes him to winter illnesses. ─── 他的胸腔有毛病,冬天易于得病。

45、His weak chest predisposes him to winter colds. ─── 他的肺部很弱,冬天容易感冒。

46、The stasis from obstruction predisposes to infection.The obstruction can also lead to bilateral hydroureter and hydronephrosis. ─── 阻塞导致的郁积易于引起感染,同时阻塞还能引起双侧的输尿管积水和肾盂积水。

47、Take the example of colon cancer,People say there is a gene that predisposes us to the disease. ─── 就 拿 结 肠 癌 来 说 吧 , 人 们 认 为 遗 传 基 因 是 导 致 发 病 的 原 因 。

48、A cold predisposes a person to other diseases. ─── 伤风容易使人患别的病。

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