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09-13 投稿



exogenetic 发音

英:[[eks??d??'net?k]]  美:[['ekso?d??'net?k]]

英:  美:

exogenetic 中文意思翻译



exogenetic 短语词组

1、exogenetic force ─── 外动力

2、exogenetic succession ─── 外因演变

3、exogenetic rock ─── 外生岩

exogenetic 相似词语短语

1、cenogenetic ─── adj.新性状发生的,新生变态的

2、ectogenetic ─── adj.体外发育的

3、isogenetic ─── 同源的

4、pedogenetic ─── 未熟发育的;幼期生殖的

5、merogenetic ─── 分裂的

6、epigenetic ─── adj.后生的;外成的;渐成说的;表观遗传的

7、biogenetic ─── adj.生物起源的;生物发生的

8、xenogenetic ─── adj.自然发生的;世代交替的

9、kenogenetic ─── adj.个体新发生的

exogenetic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、exogenetic inclusion ─── 外来包体

2、exogenetic deposit ─── 外生矿床

3、Shore REE placer is one of the most important exogenetic ore deposits of REE. ─── 外生稀土矿床中最重要的是海滨砂矿。

4、The term cogenetic deposit is proposed to describe those formed through a combination of endogenetic and exogenetic processes,operating simultaneously at or proximal to the Earth's surface. ─── 联生矿床是指在内生和外生因素共同作用下,在地表或地下一定深度所形成的矿床。

5、Objective To explore the inhibitive effect of exogenetic nitric oxide(NO) on the proliferation of neural stem cells(NSCs) from mouse. ─── 目的探讨外源性一氧化氮对小鼠神经干细胞增殖的抑制作用。

6、exogenetic succession ─── 外因演变

7、exogenetic, exogenic, exogenous ─── 外源的, 外生的

8、The neoclassicism mainly studies the relationships between the technology improvement and the economy growth, but it regards the technology progress as an exogenetic variable. ─── 新古典学派研究了技术进步与经济增长的关系,但把技术进步作为一个外生变量;

9、exogenetic rock ─── 外生岩

10、According to the genetic types,gold deposits in northern Hebei can be divided into four types:Shydrothermal, hydrothermal,volcanic and exogenetic gold deposits. ─── 冀北金矿按其成因类型可划分为层控热液型、热液型、火山型和外生金矿。

11、quarternary exogenetic ore deposits ─── 第四纪外生矿床

12、Will control lifelong the diet and depends on the regretful exogenetic insulin treatment. ─── 将终身控制饮食和依懊外源性的胰岛素治疗。

13、exogenetic ore deposit ─── 外成矿床外生矿床

14、Exogenetic thrusts out island t to be possible to reduce the trunk complication the occurrence. ─── 外源性腆岛t可减少大血管并发症的发生。

15、Sandstone-type uranium deposit is a kind of exogenetic uranium deposit. ─── 地浸砂岩型铀矿属干外生铀矿,多数产于盆地区,并与油气关系十分密切。

16、a large capacity to hold exogenetic genes for its rod-shaped nucleocapsid structure can accommodate an additional 100 kb or more of foreign DNA; ─── 对外源基因的容量大,其核衣壳至少可以容纳100kb的外源基因;

17、Keywords gold deposit;exogenetic ore deposit;metallogeny;metallogenic theory;Hunan; ─── 金矿床;外生矿床;成矿作用;成矿理论;湖南;

18、recent exogenetic movement ─── 现代外生运动

19、Two rocks stand face to face beautifully, and the state like a couple of love companions. It is the granite body formed by long-term exogenetic force. ─── 岩性为二长花岗岩,垂直节理发育,为重力崩塌、风化剥蚀而成。两石齐秀,并肩,状似姐妹。

20、Differentiation traits of transgenic NSC with exogenetic expression of GDNF ─── 神经干细胞转染胶质细胞源性神经营养因子基因后的分化表现

21、Content of amino acid in cerebrospinal fluid affected by exogenetic NGF ─── 外源性NGF对脑脊液中氨基酸含量的影响

22、The dynamic forces of geo-environmental changes are the gravitational force of celestial bodies, endogenetic force in the Earth, exogenetic force on the Earth surface and human activities. ─── 地质环境变化的动力是地外天体引力、地球内动力、地球表层外动力和人类社会工程经济活动4种地质作用。

23、exogenetic, exogenous ─── 外原的, 外生的

24、Such activity can enrich students with knowledge about the map reading skills, endogenetic and exogenetic processes, as well as interest on geographical features in Hong Kong. ─── 是次活动除了能增进同学对地图阅读、内营力及外营力的认识外,还可提升同学对学习香港地貌特徵的兴趣。

25、Keywords Cu-Fe deposit;skarn magma;ea;exogenetic water circulation;Anqing; ─── 夕卡岩浆;外生水循环;铜铁矿床;安庆;

26、Keywords exogenetic uranium deposits;organic;evolution;non hydrocarbon;uranium; ─── 外生铀矿床;有机质;演化;铀;非烃;

27、Shore REE placer is one of the most important exogenetic ore deposits of REE. ─── 由于砂矿中的稀土矿物是由基岩风化搬运而来,故了解沿海陆地基岩的岩石类型和岩性十分重要。

28、exogenetic action ─── 外成作用外力酌

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