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09-13 投稿



dodged 发音

英:[dɑ?d?d]  美:[d?d?d]

英:  美:

dodged 中文意思翻译




dodged 短语词组

1、dodged a bullet song ─── 躲过子弹的歌声

2、dodged means ─── 逃避手段

3、electronically dodged print ─── 电子闪避打印

4、dodged kiss ─── 闪避吻

5、dodged it ─── 躲开了

6、dodged a bullet there ─── 在那里躲过一颗子弹

7、dodged a bullet ─── 逃过一劫(dodged是dodge的过去式)躲过一劫(歌名,DodgedABullet)

dodged 词性/词形变化,dodged变形

动词第三人称单数: dodges |动词过去式: dodged |动词现在分词: dodging |动词过去分词: dodged |

dodged 相似词语短语

1、dodge ─── v.躲开;迅速让开;逃避;按变换序列鸣钟;(冲洗或放大时)局部遮光;n.闪躲;逃避的诡计;鸣钟的变序;n.(Dodge)(美)道奇(人名)

2、dodger ─── n.欺瞒者;躲避者

3、dodges ─── v.躲开;迅速让开;逃避;按变换序列鸣钟;(冲洗或放大时)局部遮光;n.闪躲;逃避的诡计;鸣钟的变序;n.(Dodge)(美)道奇(人名)

4、dodgem ─── n.电动碰碰车(常见于游乐场中)

5、donged ─── n.盾(越南货币单位);vt.打击;敲击;vi.发出铛铛的钟声;n.(Dong)人名;(中)董(普通话·威妥玛)

6、modged ─── vt.把……弄糟;亲吻不喜欢的人

7、bodged ─── v.糟糕地(或粗心地)办(一件事)(等于botch);(非正式)拙劣地修补;(使)混乱;n.混乱;拼凑的东西(等于botch);差错;n.(Bodge)(美)波德杰(人名)

8、lodged ─── v.正式提出索赔;(使)固定,卡住;存放,保管;租房;借宿,借住;使倒伏(lodge的过去分词)

9、dogged ─── adj.顽强的;顽固的;vt.跟踪;尾随(dog的过去式)

dodged 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He dodged cleverly when she threw her shoe at him. ─── 她用鞋子砸向他时,他机敏地闪开了。

2、He made an attempt to kiss her; she felt his hot breath fanning her cheek, and dodged. ─── 他想吻她,她感觉到他呼出的热气吹到她脸上,就躲闪开。

3、He dodged a blow . ─── 他躲过了一击。

4、He dodged nimbly behind a tree. ─── 他敏捷地一闪身, 躲到了树后。

5、dodged the dolumn ─── v. 逃避责任

6、The arrest capped a frantic day of searching that started with troopers firing at Phillips as he dodged authorities in a wooded area. ─── 从州警向在树荫浓密的区域里藏身的菲利浦开枪,到他最后被捕,这忙乱的一天终于结束了。

7、Warrior's Overpower will properly become available when one of his Sword Specialization procs is dodged by another player. ─── 当某人躲闪了战士剑专效果的攻击时,压制会亮灯了(原来现在躲闪剑专的那次攻击是不能激活压制的啊...)

8、Yet no one is ready to say for sure that we've dodged the bullet -- and no one is calling off the massive vaccination campaign. Why? ─── 不过,没有人能信心十足地说,我们已经逃过一劫――也没有人在号召发起大规模的免疫运动。为什么会这样?

9、The Mavericks dodged one major bullet on Tuesday with Utah's loss to the Los Angeles Lakers, which ensured that coach Rick Carlisle's team will finish no lower than seventh. ─── 小牛回避的一个主要子弹周二犹他爵士队的损失,洛杉矶湖人队,确保了主教练卡莱尔的研究小组将完成不低于第七位。

10、The scout dodged nimbly and evaded the enemy's searchlight. ─── 侦察兵一闪身机警地躲过了敌人的探照灯。

11、For two days we dodged and fought the Pursuer, and thought we'd obliterated it, but now it has found us once more. ─── 我们用了两天的时间躲避追击者并与其战斗,以为已经将其消灭了,但没想到它再次找到了我们。”

12、The counterattack roots you in place and it can not be dodged or parried, it is guaranteed to land. ─── 反击会让你定在一个地方,并且是不能被招架/格挡的,是肯定命中的。

13、Greek sprinters Kostas Kenteris and Katerina Thanou were hospitalised on Friday with injuries from a motorcycle crash hours before an IOC hearing on whether they intentionally dodged drug testers. ─── 希腊著名短跑运动员肯特里斯和塔娜由于在周五的一次事故而住进了医院。巧的是,这次事故刚好在国际奥委会的一个决定他们俩是否是故意逃避药检的听证会。

14、It cannot be dodged, blocked or parried, and costs 10 runic power (for now). ─── 他不能被躲闪,招架,格挡,消耗10符文能量。

15、THE good news is that the world seems to have dodged a catastrophic banking collapse. ─── 似乎全球银行系统已经躲过了灾难性的崩溃,这无疑是一个好消息;

16、a small low-powered electrically powered vehicle driven on a special platform where there are many others to be dodged ─── 在特殊的平台驾驶的避免与其他的车相撞的低动力的小的电动工具

17、She was exceedingly wrathful and struck at Hurstwood, who dodged. ─── 她愤怒至极,对着赫斯渥就是一棍子,赫斯渥躲开了。

18、“We may end up feeling we dodged a bullet this year,” he said.“We’ve had a run of fairly favorable weather in recent years.But there is no guarantee it will stay that way. ─── “可能我们将在躲过了子弹的感觉中结束这一年,”他说,“我们这些年已经有了一连串相当适宜的天气,但(拥有好天气)是没有保证的。”

19、The iliolumbar artery could not be dodged due to its special anatomic origins. ─── 双侧髂腰动脉由于其特殊的位置关系,无法避开。

20、He desperately dodged a speeding car trying to run him down. ─── 他拼命地闪身躲开一辆高速撞向自己的汽车。

21、Well, we seem to have dodged the deadly pandemic this year that most of us feared, but this threat could reappear at any time. ─── 然而,我们看起来似乎逃过了一劫——发生在今年的致命性大流感。却让我们极为恐惧。

22、He dodged through the door and escaped. ─── 他已闪出门外,溜走了。

23、She made a swipe at Herb, which he easily dodged ─── 她使劲打了赫伯一下,但是他很容易地闪开了。

24、She dodged the falling rock and escaped unhurt. ─── 她闪避了那块掉落的石头,安然无恙。

25、He dodged the book that I threw at him. ─── 他躲开了我扔给他的书。

26、It seemed hours before he crossed the last courtyard, rejected the pressing invitations from the last guardroom, and dodged the outspread arms of the last warder, pleading with simulated passion for just one farewell embrace. ─── 仿佛过了好几个钟头,他才穿过最后一个院子,辞谢了最后一间警卫室里盛情的邀请;躲开了最后一名看守佯装要和他拥抱诀别而伸出的双臂。

27、The Sheffield, understanding the mistake, dodged successfully and did not fire. ─── “谢斐尔德”号知道炸错了,巧妙地躲开,没有开炮。

28、He dodged the bullets and escaped unhurt. ─── 他闪过子弹,毫发无伤地逃开。

29、a small low-powered electrically powered vehicle driven on a special platform where there are many others to be dodged. ─── 在特殊的平台驾驶的避免与其他的车相撞的低动力的小的电动工具。

30、It was as Harry dodged another Bludger, which went spinning dangerously past his head, that it happened. ─── 就在哈利躲过另一只嗖嗖旋转、擦着他头皮飞过的游走球时,事情发生了。

31、Just about everyone else has dodged these questions. ─── 几乎其他所有人都回避了这些问题。

32、He dodged past me ─── 他躲躲闪闪地从我旁边走过。

33、He dodged their queries . ─── 他躲过了他们的询问。

34、He dodged cleverly when she threw her sabot at him. ─── 她用木底鞋砸向他时,他机敏地闪开了。

35、She threw a chair at me,but luckily I dodged. ─── 她拿椅子向我扔过来,但我侥幸地躲开了。

36、He dodged about the hard work . ─── 他逃避困难的工作。

37、The underwear, known as second skin has already been no longer avoided and dodged. ─── 之称的内衣已不再被回避躲闪。

38、But this “dies” is a double-edged sword, on the one hand dodged many risks on the other hand also to fetter many person's hands and feet. ─── 但这个“死”是双刃剑,一方面是规避了很多的风险另一方面也束缚了很多人的手脚。

39、He made an attempt to kiss her; she felt his hot breath fanning her cheek, and dodged. ─── 他想吻她,她感觉到他呼出的热气吹到她脸上,就躲闪开。

40、He threw a bottle at me. but luckily I dodged. ─── 他对准我掷瓶子.幸好我躲开了.

41、She dodged round the corner. ─── 她在角落处躲躲闪闪。

42、They dodged snapped necks and limbs, and with captured energy swords they cut through the enemy until the field ran with rivers of gore and blue blood. ─── 他们躲避着残肢断臂,用夺来的能量剑把敌人刺穿直到血块和蓝色的血液在战场上流成河。

43、He threw a glass at her but she dodged out of the way. ─── 他拿一个玻璃杯向她扔过来,但她躲开了。

44、He dodged cleverly when I threw my shoe at him ─── 我将我的鞋掷向他时,他机敏地躲开了。

45、I have artfully dodged questions about where babies come from and proclaimed my child's half-hearted scribblings works of genius. ─── 可赵爽对老师的真实评价是:“我不想都填好的,数学老师基本每次都会拖堂。”

46、Luckily I dodged in time, or I'd have been knocked down by the bike. ─── 幸亏我让得快,要不早被那辆自行车撞倒了。

47、He dodged again and again, finally dropping the ball into the basket. ─── 他左躲右闪了,终于把球投进了对方球框。

48、for we went about and about, and dodged in, shaving the banks, with a certainty and a neatness that were a pleasure to behold. ─── 我们左拐右拐,东躲西闪,擦着一个个暗滩前进,那副果断的神情和利索的动作让人看了会感到赏心悦目。

49、-Yeah, no.Bullet dodged !-You betcha! ─── |-没错 逃过一劫 -讲的好!

50、He dodged right and left. ─── 他左右躲闪。

51、He quickly dodged under the awning while the mother duck quacked at him and the babies above. ─── 他在妈妈鸭子对他及上面的鸭子呱呱的叫声中,迅速地闪到篷沿下面。

52、He threw a bottle at me, but luckily I dodged (it). ─── 他对准我掷瓶子,幸好我躲开了。

53、For now, at least, the Gulf states -- and their economies -- seem to have dodged a bullet. ─── 至少到目前为止,海湾各国和他们的经济似乎已经躲过了一劫。

54、I dodged out of the way when he threw a chair at me. ─── 他将椅子向我扔来的时候

55、He dodged our questions by changing the subject. ─── 他改变话题以规避我们的问题。

56、He wanted to kiss her but she dodged away. ─── 他想吻她,但她却躲开了。

57、Frost Strike can no longer be blocked, dodged or parried. ─── 冰霜打击将不能被格挡,躲闪或招架。

58、1. He dodged the falling rock and escaped unhurt. ─── 他闪身躲过了滚落的岩石,安然脱险了。

59、A Warrior's Overpower will properly become available when one of his Sword Specialization procs is dodged by another player. ─── 压制能正确的激活,在剑精被人躲了之后。

60、Frost Strike: This ability can now be dodged, parried, or blocked. Weapon damage bonus reduced to 55%, down from 60%. ─── 冰霜打击:此技能现在可以被躲闪,招架或者格挡.武器额外伤害从60%减弱到55%.

61、He dodged and fended off silently. ─── 他一声不吭地躲闪着,推让着。

62、If the blend color (light source) is lighter than 50% gray, the image is lightened as if it were dodged. ─── 如果混合色(光源)比 50% 灰色亮,则图像变亮,就像被减淡了一样。

63、When the enemy shot at him he dodged out of range. ─── 当敌人向他开枪时他跑出了射程。

64、He catched me a couple of times and thrashed me, but I went to school just the same, and dodged him or outrun him most of the time. ─── 他也来找过我,是为了我没有停止上学的事。他把我促住了几回,还揍了我。不过我还是我上我的学。

65、You may get lucky and flip to the masthead page right away, launching you into the content.Bullet dodged. ─── 你可能会很幸运,立刻就翻到报头部分,引导你进入正题.

66、He dodged military service during the war . ─── 在战时,他逃避了服兵役。

67、The seas of sugarcane rippled gently in the air, and butterflies of all sorts floated or dodged briskly above the wildflowers on the hillsides. ─── 如海洋般宽广的甘蔗林在空中微微泛着涟漪,各种类型的蝴蝶在山坡上的野花丛中生机盎然地飞舞躲藏。

68、He dodged, kept running, and squinted ahead at the edge of the factory. His faceplate automatically responded and zoomed to five-times magnification. ─── 他躲避着,不停奔跑,斜眼看着前面工厂的边缘处。他的面罩自动做出正确反映,迅速扩大到五倍比率。

69、To avoid my friend, I dodged into the nearest cafe. ─── 为了避免和一个朋友见面,我躲进了最近的一家咖啡馆。

70、Hutchinson dodged: "I think the fact that she was outside the Beltway [America's political centre] had to have been a decisive factor for John McCain. ─── 哈钦森明显的不安,象很多其他的共和党人一样,部分来自于他们根本不了解佩林;

71、The issue was dodged by the constitutional convention (lest it split the nation before it became a nation) But emerged again during the Civil War and Reconstruction ─── 制宪大会回避了这个问题(唯恐这个问题在美国尚未建立起来就会使之分裂),在南北战争和南方重建时期这个问题又冒了出来。

72、"Surprise Attacks" (Combat): This talent now correctly prevents "Envenom" from being dodged. ─── "奇袭"(战斗):这天赋现在能正确的防止"毒害"被闪避.

73、The boy dodged but his opponent succeeded in fetching him a box on the ear which sent him spinning twice round the room. ─── 众龟奴、盐商眼见这盐枭如此凶狠,再打下去势必要将那孩子活活打死,可是谁也不敢出言相劝。

74、He dodged his military service. ─── 他弄虚作假逃避了服兵役。

75、He dodged his military service. ─── 他弄虚作假逃避了服兵役。

76、Luckily I dodged in time otherwise I might be buried with you. ─── 幸亏我躲得及时,不然,非得做了你的陪葬。

77、That is an amazing development, we've dodged a bullet here, is that right? ─── 发展的确让人吃惊的,我们避开了一截,是么?

78、Lin, well known for being feisty, dodged the press after seeing Xie beaten in front of a full house at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium. ─── 全国锦标赛的团体比赛夜场球总是打得很晚。这一天,广东女队和湖南女队为争夺决赛权打满5盘才分出胜负。

79、I dodged back into the alley and waited a minute. ─── 我往后一闪,躲进胡同里等了一会儿。

80、Obama dodged the question, making a broader point about the complexity of the task that the government is facing and about the need to recognize that there’s not one easy solution to our problems. ─── 奥巴马回避了这个问题,只是对政府现面临问题的复杂性做了更为宽泛的阐述,并强调大家应认识到要解决目前的困难并无一个简单易行的办法。

81、Adam kept low and dodged between the cars as he tried to get away. ─── 亚当压低身子,躲在汽车之间,以便逃走。

82、Surprise Attacks changed to "Your finishing moves can no longer be dodged, and the damage dealt by your Backstab, Gouge, Shiv, and Sinister Strike abilities is increased by 8%". ─── 奇袭改为:所有终结技不会被躲闪,且使你的背刺,凿击,刀锋,邪恶攻击伤害提高8%.

83、“We dodged a bullet the size of a freight train,” notes Amy Wilkins of the Education Trust, an advocacy group in Washington. ─── “我们逃避了一颗如一列货运火车大小的子弹”,教育信托基金会的艾米威尔金斯写到,这是一个在华盛顿的宣传小组。

84、He threw a bottle at me, but luckily I dodged. ─── 他对准我掷瓶子,幸好我躲开了。

85、Again she charged me and I dodged, just missing the stinging swish of the wet towel. ─── 她又一次朝我猛冲过来,我一闪身,恰好躲过了抽来的湿毛巾。

86、The need for laws on euthanasia cannot be dodged for much longer. ─── 制定关于安乐死的法律已经到了不能再回避的地步。

87、The space shuttle Discovery astronauts along with those aboard the International Space Station dodged something of a space bullet today. ─── 发现号航天飞机宇航员和国际空间站上的乘员今天躲过了一块太空子弹。

88、He dodged the enemy's assault and threw him to the ground. ─── 他向旁边一闪, 顺势把敌人摔倒了。

89、He wanted to hit me, but I dodged and he missed. ─── 他要打我,我一闪,他没打着。

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