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09-13 投稿


calx 发音

英:[[k?lks]]  美:[[k?lks]]

英:  美:

calx 中文意思翻译



calx 词性/词形变化,calx变形

名词复数: calxes |

calx 短语词组

1、calx a prototek company ─── 普罗泰克公司

2、calx file calx ─── 文件

3、calx sodica ─── [医] 钠石灰, 苏打石灰

4、calx chlorata ─── [医] 含氯石灰, 漂白粉

5、calx stock price today ─── 今日calx股价

6、calx yahoo finance ─── 金融组成部分

7、calx natrica ─── [医] 钠石灰

8、calx quote Calx ─── 引用

9、calx def ─── 钙定义

10、calx c ─── 钙质c

11、calx stock ─── 钙储备

12、calx sulfurata ─── [医] 含硫钙, 粗制硫化钙

calx 相似词语短语

1、cal ─── abbr.小卡(热量单位)(smallcalorie);n.(Cal)(美)贾尔(人名)

2、calf ─── n.[解剖]腓肠,小腿;小牛;小牛皮;(鲸等大哺乳动物的)幼崽

3、cal. ─── n.加州,加利福尼亚州

4、calm ─── adj.静的,平静的;沉着的;vt.使平静;使镇定;vi.平静下来;镇定下来;n.风平浪静;n.(Calm)人名;(法、德)卡尔姆

5、call ─── vi.呼叫;拜访;叫牌;vt.呼叫;称呼;召集;n.电话;呼叫;要求;访问;n.(Call)人名;(瑞典、罗)卡尔;(英)考尔

6、calyx ─── n.盏,[植]花萼;杯状结构

7、calk ─── v.用填料或密封剂密封(缺口等);(使船)不漏水;加尖铁;描摹复制;n.防水填料;马蹄铁上的防滑尖铁;n.(Calk)(美)凯乐克(人名)

8、calix ─── n.杯;盏;圣餐杯;n.(Calix)人名;(法)卡利

9、calc ─── abbr.计算(calculation)

calx 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The results showed that N, P, K fertilizers combined with calx and borax increased the percentage of fertile fruit and yield by 9.9% and 14.2%, respectively, and promoted the growth of new shoots. ─── 试验初步表明,在N、P2O5、K2O 比例为1?0.4?0.6、氮磷钾施用量1.38kg/年/株的基础上添加石灰和硼砂,与对照相比,硬核期后的坐果率提高9.9%,产量增加14.2%,明显促进新梢生长。

2、calx chlorinata ─── 漂白粉

3、calx chlorata ─── [医] 含氯石灰, 漂白粉

4、calx sodica ─── [医] 钠石灰, 苏打石灰

5、He heated liquid mercury in air, and it turned into a red powder, known as the red calx of mercury. ─── 他将液汞在空气中加热,然后它变成了一种红色粉末,即通常所说的红色水银烧渣。

6、And calcium (ca) is named after calx, the Latin word for lime. ─── 钙(ca)得名于calx——生石灰的拉丁名称。

7、Everybody knows sodium encounters water to be able to produce severe reaction, release much heat at the same time, encounter water like calx same. ─── 大家都知道钠遇水会发生剧烈反应,同时释放出大量的热,就像生石灰碰到水一样。

8、Effects of calx and borax on growth and bearing of plum ─── 石灰和硼砂对果梅生长结果影响初报

9、To elaborate the causes losing efficacy of electrical dust precipitator of third calx - kiln and the appropriate measure of transform, to put forword some view to inquire. ─── 阐述了3#石灰窑电除尘器失效原因分析以及相应的整改措施.提出了一些探讨性的意见。

10、When the calx was further heated to a higher temperature it turned back into mercury. ─── 当将烧渣继续加热到更高温度的时候,它又变回成水银。

11、Reoccupy calx 1 gram, with the pulverization that a few water make, add 50 milliliter water next, filter goes residual; ─── 再用生石灰1克,用几滴水使之粉化,然后加50毫升水,滤去残渣;

12、In 1775 lavoisier, on repeating Priestley’s experiment, noticed an additional phenomennon---that is, the mercury derived from the calx weighed less than the calx. ─── 在1775年,拉瓦锡重复做了普里斯特利的实验。却发现了另外一个现象:就是水银衍生出比烧渣更轻的烧渣。

13、Some A00012, calx not renowned 4x4, ahead the structure, dormitory's two degrees verification completes. ─── 某A00012,金属灰不知名越野车,宿舍楼前,二度验证完毕。

14、Calx Usta ─── 氧化钙

15、and calcium (Ca) is named after calx, the Latin word for lime. ─── 钙(Ca)得名于calx——生石灰的拉丁名称。

16、Calx Chlorinate ─── Chlorinated Lime

17、All flammable materials contain phlogiston that is liberated in burning, leaving the "dephlogisticated" substance in its "true" calx form. ─── 所有易燃材料均含有在燃烧过程中释放的发火物质,使“去表皮化的”物质保持其“真正”的杯状形式。

18、sodica calx ─── 钠石灰, 苏打石灰

19、natrica calx ─── 钠石灰

20、calx sulfurata ─── [医] 含硫钙, 粗制硫化钙

21、calx natrica ─── [医] 钠石灰

22、Reoccupy calx 1 gram, with the pulverization that a few water make, add 50 milliliter water next, filter goes residual; ─── 再用生石灰1克,用几滴水使之粉化,然后加50毫升水,滤去残渣;

23、When the calx was further heated to a higher temperature it turned back into mercury. ─── 当将烧渣继续加热到更高温度的时候,它又变回成水银。

24、Effects of calx and borax on growth and bearing of plum ─── 石灰和硼砂对果梅生长结果影响初报

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