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09-13 投稿



remittent 发音

英:[r?'m?t(?)nt]  美:[r?'m?tnt]

英:  美:

remittent 中文意思翻译



remittent 网络释义

n. 弛张热adj. 间歇性的;忽轻忽重的

remittent 词性/词形变化,remittent变形

副词: remittently |名词: remittence |

remittent 短语词组

1、bilious remittent fever ─── [医] 波状热, 黑尿热

2、remittent malarial fever ─── [医] 弛张疟

3、bilious remittent malaria ─── [医] 黄疸弛张疟

4、remittent fever ─── [医] 弛张热

5、gastric remittent fever ─── [医] 胃弛张热

6、remittent tetanus ─── [医] 手足搐搦, 弛张性强直

7、remittent temperature ─── [医] 驰张温度

8、pernicius remittent fever ─── [医] 恶性弛张热

remittent 相似词语短语

1、unremittent ─── adj.不懈的

2、remittency ─── n.弛张热(remittent的变形)

3、remittence ─── 弛张;缓解

4、remittee ─── n.汇款领取人

5、remitment ─── 豁免;宽恕;汇款

6、remittently ─── 宽宏大量地

7、rebitten ─── 重新注册

8、remitments ─── 豁免;宽恕;汇款

9、remitted ─── 免除

remittent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、One, estimate of incongruous of urban and rural development is remittent now pay close attention to problem of urban and rural and harmonious development very much. ─── 一、城乡发展不协调的测度 现在上上下下都很关注城乡协调发展问题。

2、remittent square field all gives widespread attention. ─── 上上下下方方面面均给予普遍关注。

3、Two good shots, remittent, drawing wool collects deep feeling. ─── 两根棒针,上上下下,牵引毛线汇成深情。

4、Through remittent joint efforts, the reform of level obtained expectant result in front, laid good foundation. ─── 经过上上下下共同努力,前面阶段的改革取得了预期的效果,打下了良好的基础。

5、Differentiation of symptoms and signs for remittent asthma from the constitution of kidney deficiency ─── 哮喘缓解期从肾虚体质辨证

6、remittent malaria ─── 弛张疟

7、"Stopped foreign trade this road, the company is remittent turn urgently all round, daydream selling baby. ─── “断了外贸这条路,公司上上下下急得团团转,做梦都在卖娃娃。”

8、remittent malarial fever ─── [医] 弛张疟

9、Begin, remittent thought understanding is skimble-scamble also. ─── 开始,上上下下的思想熟悉也不统一。

10、Counterpoise and contract around rural land the design of deadline, protection, in China remittent spread out complex, and the fight that will be prolonged. ─── 围绕农村土地承包权和承包期限的设计、保护,在中国上上下下展开了一场复杂的、而且将是旷日持久的斗争。

11、Nose root point comes between Shuang Mei (remittent) , remove mouth close lightly, delimit the circle is added remittent; ─── 人的皮肤不是碗碟,是活的生命体,所以坚持温水冷水温水冷水多反复几遍,最后的结果不用我说大家也可以想象到吧。

12、Farmer burden is overweight, it is remittent the problem that pays close attention to very. ─── 农民负担过重,是上上下下都十分关注的问题。

13、And " Ji Lie " series is remittent green transparent, the towel be clear at a glance below the stage, toilet glass can regard as unexpectedly systemic lens. ─── 而“吉列”系列上上下下绿得透明,台下的毛巾一目了然,梳妆镜竟可以当作全身镜了。

14、French forestry develops, it is to mix they are remittent do not divide to the deep knowledge of forestry. ─── 造成这种状况的原因,主要就是对林业的熟悉不够,或者说,根本没有一个正确的、清醒的熟悉,更谈不上深刻的、长远的熟悉,因此,只能是短期行为。

15、Once, he goes bathing, forgot strip, one buttock sits into tub to take bath towel the whole thing, remittent busy move is swabbed rise. ─── 有一次,他去洗澡,忘了脱衣,便一屁股坐进浴盆拿起浴巾前前后后、上上下下地忙着擦洗起来。

16、remittent necrotizing acrocyanosis ─── 间歇性坏死性肢端紫绀

17、Remittent Effect of Safflor yellow on rat cardiac insufficiency induced by myocardial ischemia ─── 红花黄色素缓解心肌缺血大鼠心功能下降作用的研究

18、Current, industrialization of agriculture of countrywide each district is developing flourishingly, make the consensus of surface of remittent, square field and self-conscious move. ─── 目前,全国各地农业产业化正蓬勃发展,成为上上下下、方方面面的共识和自觉行动。

19、Once, he goes bathing, forgot strip, one buttock sits into tubtotake bath towelthewhole thing, remittent busy moveisswabbed rise. ─── 有一次,他去洗澡,忘了脱衣,便一屁股坐进浴盆拿起浴巾前前后后,上上下下地忙着擦洗起来。

20、Remittent effect of ischemic preconditioning on lung injury induced by ischemia-reperfusion in the hind limbs of rats ─── 缺血预适应减轻大鼠后肢缺血再灌注后肺损伤的研究

21、The calorific heat that uric road affects change is bigger, can be continued fever, intermittent heat or remittent fever, also can be low heat, it is long-term even low heat. ─── 尿路感染的发热热型变化较大,可以是稽留热、间歇热或弛张热,也可以是低热,甚至是长期低热。

22、The common symptoms are repeated remittent fever、coughing、expectoration、shortness of breath、leukoplakia in mouth、rapid weight loss、striking tabefaction and so on. ─── 临床表现以反复或持续发热、咳嗽、咳痰、气短、口腔粘膜白斑、体重减轻、显著消瘦等为主要症状。

23、" say elevator is remittent enjoyment, that is to point to by elevator person, for the person to making elevator, compare them to be in remittent searching is again appropriate did not pass. ─── 都说电梯是上上下下的享受,那是指乘电梯的人,对制造电梯的人来说,比喻他们在上上下下间求索是再恰当不过了。

24、remittent ischemic attacks ─── 缓解的缺血发作, 缺血发作缓解

25、malarial, remittent fever ─── 弛张热

26、In a year of in the past, the structural reorganization of nothing is more... than of attention of worker of total remittent cadre and team recombine the nucleus in making most. ─── 在过去的一年里,最令中核总上上下下干部职工关注的莫过于机构改革和队伍重组。

27、Midsummer, be worth the sandal on market especially hot when, of shoe factory remittent had begun to raise money Qiu Dong's design and example. ─── 盛夏,正值市面上凉鞋分外火爆之时,鞋厂的上上下下已经开始筹措秋冬的款式和样板。

28、Remittent, offerred all sorts of different point of views, but basically did not break through advocate complementary talked range. ─── 上上下下,提出了各种不同的观点,但基本上没有突破主辅论的范围。

29、n: there are three types , intermittent fever , remittent fever and relapsing fever. ─── 护士:有三种。即:间歇热、弛张热和回归热。

30、" drunkard is remittent look around, still cannot see a person, he is immersed oneself in again hardworking. ─── 酒鬼上上下下张望,还是看不到人,他又埋头苦干了。

31、pernicius remittent fever ─── [医] 恶性弛张热

32、The main type of fevre is remittent fever and take place especially at afternoom or at night. ─── 方法对245例副伤寒甲的临床资料进行回顾性分析。

33、gastric remittent fever ─── [医] 胃弛张热

34、Forehead is both hands delimits outwards respectively circle, the cheek also delimits circle, t form area wants to notice, nose ala two side (remittent) , arrive from nose ala nose needle; ─── 当然要用温水使毛孔张开,用洁面乳或洁面奶适度按摩,让它们带走脏东西,然后,用清水冲洗,再用冷水收敛毛孔。

35、About this, there is a demand in the center of, basic level has voice, remittent had formed consensus. ─── 关于这一点,中心有要求,基层有呼声,上上下下已经形成共识。

36、This should say many days 100 100 days be rough every, it is whole town 100 days when surface of remittent, square field pays close attention to particularly. ─── 我到河津任市委书记仅仅100多天的时间。这100多天应该说是不平凡的100天,是全市上上下下、方方面面都特别关注的100天。

37、Differentiation of symptoms and signs for remittent asthma from the constitution of kidney deficiency ─── 哮喘缓解期从肾虚体质辨证

38、The 3rd, perfect promotion system, organize remittent force, get promotion greatly together; ─── 第三,完善推广体系,组织上上下下的力量,一起来大搞推广;

39、remittent temperature ─── 弛张温度

40、Lie below the bed, feel the somebody on the bed again, so remittent, afflict the person dead really!Afflict the person dead really!! ─── 躺在床下,又感到床上有人,如此上上下下,真把人折磨死了!”

41、Stopped foreign trade this road, the company is remittent turn urgently all round, daydream selling baby. ─── 断了外贸这条路,公司上上下下急得团团转,做梦都在卖娃娃。

42、Of " of unlock " difference fan bureau- - base the dweller income of coefficient and our country allocates the Buddhist nun problem of difference income gap is remittent now care relatively. ─── 解开"差距"的迷局--基尼系数与我国的居民收入分配差距 收入差距问题现在上上下下都较为关心。

43、Our country shows the difference of the rich and the poor that level exists to draw big question, had become remittent the popular topic that pays close attention to very. ─── 我国现阶段存在的贫富差距拉大问题,已经成为上上下下都极为关注的热门话题。

44、After be being hit, I also do not know to who should look for, the company is remittent not be a thing so. ─── 打完之后我也不知道该找谁了,公司上上下下都这么不是东西。

45、pernicious remittent fever ─── 恶性弛张热

46、bilious remittent malaria ─── 黄疸弛张疟

47、Trachecotomy was some effective but dyspnea can not remittent uncompletely. ─── 4均有遗留有明显的肺实质损害如肺纤维化,肺脓肿、空洞,支气管扩张,肺顺应性下降等。

48、Remittent effect of ischemic preconditioning on lung injury induced by ischemia-reperfusion in the hind limbs of rats ─── 缺血预适应减轻大鼠后肢缺血再灌注后肺损伤的研究

49、bilious remittent fever ─── [医] 波状热, 黑尿热

50、Those who be versed in people faces elevator market a few this years is the cadre of factory of elevator of city of Tianjin city ferry, changeable, searching in remittent door indeed. ─── 天津市津城电梯厂的干部、工人们这几年面对电梯市场的风云变幻,就着实在上上下下门求索着。

51、There are three types , intermittent fever , remittent fever and relapsing fever. ─── 有三种。即:间歇热、弛张热和回归热。

52、remittent tetanus ─── [医] 手足搐搦, 弛张性强直

53、Massagist should adorn commonly raw silk glove, through chafing in the gentleness with remittent body, achieve the goal that stimulative blood circulates, can make person instantly mental hundredfold. ─── 按摩师一般要佩戴生丝手套,通过在身体上上下下的轻柔摩擦,达到促进血液循环的目的,能使人立即精神百倍。

54、During the first week there is a gradually increasing remittent fever. ─── 第一周驰张热逐渐升高。

55、remittent centrifuge ─── 间歇式离心机


移就格Transferred Epithet,俗称形容词移位,它是英语语言中的一种修辞手段,其修饰语形容词或起形容词作用的词组从本该由它形容的名词之前移开,而去修饰本不该由它修饰的名词。例如:a sleepy corner 使人瞌睡的角落,在这一短语中,形容词sleepy是用来形容人的,但在这里却用来修饰corner(角落)一词,这种情况被称为移就格或形容词移位,然而在汉语中并未将其归为单独的修辞手法。

remittance amount中文是什么意思?

remittance amount翻译成英文是:汇款金额remittance amount 网络 汇款金额; [例句]Domestic remittances: Members of the public may consign Chunghwa Post to make a remittance of a specific amount to a domestic beneficiary.一国内汇兑:指公众以一定金额委托中华邮政公司支付与国内受款人之业务。

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