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dissolution 发音

英:[?d?s??lu??n]  美:[?d?s??lu??n]

英:  美:

dissolution 中文意思翻译



dissolution 网络释义

n. 分解,溶解;(议会等的)解散;(契约等的)解除;死亡

dissolution 常用词组

anodic dissolution ─── 阳极溶解

dissolution 反义词


dissolution 短语词组

1、dissolution of marriage ─── [法] 婚姻的终止, 解除婚姻关系

2、dissolution of responsibility ─── [法] 免除责任

3、heat of dissolution ─── [医] 溶解热

4、dissolution of parliament ─── [法] 解散议会

5、dissolution of trade union ─── [法] 解散工会

6、dissolution of restitution ─── [法] 免除赔偿

7、batch dissolution ─── [化] 分批溶解; 间歇溶解

8、dissolution of juristic person ─── [法] 法人的解散

9、dissolution of company ─── [法] 公司的解散

10、dissolution heat ─── [化] 溶解热

11、dissolution of injunction ─── [法] 取消禁令

12、dissolution of a legal entity ─── [经] 解散法人

13、dissolution of stock company ─── [法] 解散股份公司

14、dissolution of partnership ─── [法] 终止合伙关系, 折伙, 散伙

15、goodwill method in partnership dissolution ─── [经] 合伙解散的商誉法

16、dissolution of contract ─── [经] 契约的解除, 解除合同

17、dissolution of engagement ─── [法] 解除婚约

18、dissolution of adoption ─── [法] 终止收养

19、dissolution of treaty ─── [法] 条约的终止, 解除条约

dissolution 词性/词形变化,dissolution变形

形容词: dissolutive |

dissolution 同义词

disconnect | disassociate | separate |divorce | detach | distance | disjoin | disjoint | decouple | disunite | liberate

dissolution 相似词语短语

1、dissolutive ─── 溶剂

2、dissolutionist ─── 溶解论者

3、absolution ─── n.赦免;免罪

4、devolution ─── n.权力下放,分权;倒退,堕落;退化;(财产的)合法转让;相传,转移;委付;依次;落下

5、dissolutionists ─── 溶解论者

6、dissolutions ─── n.分解,溶解;(议会等的)解散;(契约等的)解除;死亡

7、redissolution ─── n.再溶解

8、dissolutionism ─── 溶解

9、dissociation ─── n.分解,分离;分裂

dissolution 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Results: The dilution steps influence determination of the dissolution. Reference substance was more reasonable than self reference. ─── 结果:稀释步骤影响溶出度的测定,对照品比自身对照合理。

2、The potentiostat is one of the principal instruments used to control an anodic dissolution process accurately in electrochemical experiments. ─── 摘要恒电位仪是在合金相电解提取中精确控制阳极溶解过租的重要仪器。

3、Other causes for dissolution, as stipulated in the enterprise's articles of association, have occurred. ─── 外资企业章程规定的其他解散事由已经出现。

4、Further development of librarianship, then, presupposes the dissolution of library castes. ─── 为了图书馆未来的发展,就要消除阶级制度。

5、Successive post-war governments have presided over the gradual dissolution of the British Empire. ─── 战后的英国历届政府眼巴巴地看着英帝国逐渐解体。

6、Order or judgment for dissolution. ─── 七解散之命令或裁判。

7、Following such approval, such approved dissolution application shall be registered with the SAIC. ─── 在解散申请获得批准后,经批准的解散申请应在工商行政管理局登记。

8、It has only two options: to go forwards towards a closer union or backwards towards at least partial dissolution. ─── 如今它只有两个选择:要么继续前进,建立一个更紧密的联盟,要么倒退,至少部分解体。

9、And the principles of prior dissolution and oxidizing removing cerium were discussed. ─── 本文还对优溶和氧化除铈过程的机理进行了讨论。

10、And the party proposing dissolution must notify other parties to the venture by written form. ─── 提出解散要求的一方必须以书面形式通知其他合营方。

11、The yogi sees the dissolution of the five khandas, both inside (citta) and outside (object). ─── 例如坐的色身为所知,是灭去的;

12、Moreover, variations in the vitamin D receptor gene increased the chances of bone dissolution and deep infection. ─── 此外,维生素D受体基因的变异增加了出现骨骼溶解和深部感染的机会。

13、The dissolution test for itraconazole hydrochloride capsules by UV spectrometry was presented. ─── 建立了盐酸伊曲康唑胶囊溶出度的紫外分光光度测定法。

14、The empty shell of a snail or clam may be left behind, and if it is sufficiently durable and resistant to dissolution, it may remain basically unchanged for a long period of time. ─── 蜗牛或蛤蜊的空壳可能会被留下来,如果足够持久和抗溶解,它可能会在很长一段时间内基本保持不变。

15、The division of a company may take the form of division by continued existence or division by dissolution. ─── 公司分立可以采取存续分立和解散分立两种形式。

16、In the sunset of dissolution, everything is illuminated by the aura of nostalgia, even the guillotine. ─── 在夕阳的余晖下,一切都被留恋的神秘所笼罩,包括断头台。

17、Flux is associated with alchemical dissolution and disintegration. ─── 暗火与炼金术中的熔解与裂解原理有关。

18、Methods To improve the dissolution rate of Mosapride Citrate(MC)by whetting with lactose. ─── 方法采用枸橼酸莫沙必利与乳糖研磨的方法提高其溶出速率。

19、Ordovician strata in Tahe oilfield belong to carbonate reservoir with well developed fractures and dissolution pores. ─── 塔河油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩储集层裂缝普遍较发育,同时存在大量溶蚀孔隙。

20、King staggered after him, and, with a pang like that of dissolution, delivered another blow. ─── 汤姆金蹒跚地追过去,忍受着好象要瓦解一样的剧疼,又打了一拳。

21、The main oil reservoir porosities in the rocks are primarily vesicles and secondary dissolution openings. ─── 其主要储集孔隙为原生气孔和次生溶蚀孔(洞),构造裂缝及风化裂缝在油气运移过程中主要起输导管作用。

22、Upon rendition of a dissolution order or judgment. ─── 八解散之命令或裁判。

23、The main reservoir types in Ordovician carbonate formation in Tahe Oilfield are dissolution fractures and caves. ─── 塔河油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩地层的主要储集空间为溶蚀缝、洞。

24、In the experiment group dissolution of myofibril is reduced. ─── 实验组肌原纤维溶解程度减轻;

25、But actually the operating result of the strategic alliance is not so satisfied. The dissolution rate is always higher. ─── 但战略联盟的实际经营效果差强人意,联盟解散的比率一直较高。

26、Microwave Sample Dissolution and Flame AAS Determination of Heavy Metals in Oysters. ─── 密封增压微波消化火焰原子吸收测定牡蛎中重金属

27、Methods:The oar method for dissolution test in Chinese pharmacopoeia 2000 edition was consulted. ─── 方法:参照中华人民共和国药典2000年版溶出度测定桨法测定其溶出量。

28、Chemical weathering: dissolution, oxidation, carbonation, hydrolysis, and hydrations. ─── 化学风化:溶解、氧化、碳酸岩化、水合作用和水化作用。

29、Dissolution gladdened the well-to-do middle peasants but saddened the poor peasants. ─── 叫散,富裕中农高兴,贫农发愁。

30、The dissolution of the empire was swift. ─── 帝国迅速地瓦解了。

31、Dissolution of lipid during specimen processing gies cytoplasm a clear spongy appearance as seen here. ─── 在制作标本的过程中这些液体被溶解了,使得胞质呈透明多孔海绵状。

32、Enhance airtightness to prevent dissolution of bond agent and avoid micro-leak. ─── 2 .增加嵌体的洞缘密合性与封闭作用,防止粘固剂被唾液溶解,减少微漏的发生。

33、The doped Li+, Al3+, Zn2+ can restrain Mn dissolution and Jahn_Teller effect at a certain extent. ─── 最终认为掺杂的尖晶石型锂锰氧化物具有良好的循环稳定性,主要由于在充放电过程中,掺杂金属离子可以抑制正极活性材料的Jahn_Teller效应及锰离子的溶解。

34、The dissolution of the empire was remarkably swift. ─── 帝国非常迅速地瓦解了

35、He stayed on until the dissolution of the firm in 1948. ─── 他一直呆到1948年公司解散。

36、Moreover, the mechanism for the dissolution of oxygen precipitates by RTP is discussed. ─── 另外,计论了快速热处理消融氧沈淀的物理机制。

37、There came to him a presentiment of his early dissolution [death]. ─── 他突然有一种早亡的预感。

38、He is a dark fanatic wholly committed to the ultimate dissolution of the universe. ─── 他是个黑暗的狂热信徒,全身心的相信这个世界最终必将消亡。

39、The churches consociated to fight their dissolution. ─── 教会联合起来对付他们的分裂行动。

40、For example, consider the three-stage USP dissolution test. ─── 例如,USP中溶出度的三阶段测定。

41、There were sharp pains, and sudden dizziness, and then profuse bleeding at the pores, with dissolution. ─── 剧痛袭来不久,是突如其来的头晕眼花,接着毛孔血流不止,人于是必死无疑。

42、Demise of the Crown formerly caused a dissolution of Parliament. ─── 以前英王驾崩导致议会解散。

43、Turkey becomes a republic following the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. ─── 土耳其在奥斯曼帝国解体后随即成为共和国。

44、It accelerates the dissolution of thrombi and improves the supply of the tissue with oxygen and nutrients. ─── 它促进了血栓的溶解,并能增进组织氧气和营养的供给。

45、He obtained the dissolution of his marriage with her. ─── 他解除了和她的婚姻。

46、The understratum, calcareous sandrock and conglomerate rock, generate dissolution of groundwater. ─── 其下部钙质砂(砾)岩在地下水作用下产生溶蚀现象。

47、The main topic is the dissolution process of Hu-Han contexts in the Five Dynasty and Early Song Dynasty. ─── 摘要本文希望讨论的问题,是五代宋初“胡/汉”语境的消解过程。

48、Corrosion reactions, with metal dissolution, can occur in both basic and acidic solutions. ─── 使金属溶解的腐蚀反应,可以在碱性也可以在酸性溶液中发生。

49、Moreover, if the drug is in the anhydrous state, the rate of dissolution is usually faster than with the hydrous salt. ─── 而且,如果药物在无水状态,溶解的速度通常快速比与含水盐。

50、Dissolution is necessary due to a merger or division of the company. ─── 因公司合并或者分立需要解散的。

51、It took several days for her to fully realise that the approach of the dissolution of her husband's business meant commonplace struggle and privation. ─── 她花了几天的工夫才充分认识到,她丈夫的生意即将完结,这意味着他们要为生活而挣扎,要遭受贫困。

52、This article mainly discuss the mechanism of organic acid dissolution and the main origin of dissolution medium. ─── 本文主要从成岩角度讨论有机酸溶解作用机理以及溶解介质的主要来源。

53、In addition, some rare types, such as the burial-diagenetic dissolution type are also considered here. ─── 尚有深埋溶解型储层,但此类较少。

54、Methods: The determinated on the content and the dissolution of ondansetron hydrochloride by HPLC. ─── 方法:采用HPLC法测定盐酸恩丹西酮的含量和溶出度。

55、All of us bear witness to the dissolution of our piece of creation. ─── 我们都眼见自己创造物的变化消亡。

56、The act of separating or breaking up; dissolution. ─── 分散分离或断离的行动;分散。

57、Many in this second camp, who have despaired of Mr Yushchenko's indecisiveness, were gleeful over the dissolution. ─── 曾对亚努科维奇的犹豫不决感到绝望的第二阵营的人们,现在对他的解散令感到十分高兴。

58、The formation and evolution process of the AAO accords with the model of electric fuleld dissolution. ─── 多孔有序阳极氧化铝膜的形成更符合“电场支持下的溶解”模型。

59、The latter has the rights to apply for dissolution of the venture to the examination and approval authorities. ─── 履行合同的一方或者数方有权向审查批准机关提出申请,解散合作企业。

60、The new system shall come into force at the dissolution of the present parliament. ─── 新制度应在本届议会解散时生效。

61、This paper discusses the effects of drug binding and extractable impurities from syringe filters on dissolution data. ─── 本文讨论了药物结合以及可从针头式过滤器中提取的杂质对溶出度数据的影响。

62、What is there more opposed to health than sickness; to strength and beauty, than decay and dissolution. ─── 人正当年轻力壮,谁去想三灾六病,人正当雄姿英发,谁去想衰朽残年,奄然物化。

63、The preceding circular of Messrs. G. &B. and Messrs. B. &C. informed you of the dissolution of their establishment. ─── 先前在通函系告知贵方,g.b.公司与b.c.公司已经解散。

64、The statutory dissolution of insurance contracts is a significant institution of insurance contract law. ─── 保险合同的法定解除制度是保险合同法中的重要制度。

65、The President announced the dissolution of Parliament. ─── 总统宣布了议会解散。

66、After the dissolution of parliament the country went in chaos. ─── 国会解散之后,这个国家变成一片混乱。

67、Hirudoid/ Hirudoid forte prevent the formation and enhance the dissolution of superficial thrombi and microthrombi. ─── 喜疗妥乳膏/强喜疗妥乳膏不但能预防浅表血栓和微血栓的形成而且能促进其分解。

68、Methods: L-HPC was added into tolbutamide and its dissolution was measured. ─── 方法:于甲苯磺丁脲中加入低取代羟丙基纤维素测定溶出度。

69、They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. ─── 他们在婚姻方面,在结婚期间和在解除婚约时,应有平等的权利。

70、Hydrophobicity of alkaline protease enhanced by salts in the systems increased the dissolution of protease. ─── 无机盐增大了碱性蛋白酶的表面疏水性,使碱性蛋白酶在疏水相中增溶.

71、Ionic halos form by the dissolution of the minerals surrounding the concealed orebodies. ─── 在隐伏矿体的周围产生矿物溶解,即在矿床的周围形成离子晕。

72、The dissolution of vinpocetine??PVPK30 was higher than VIN??PEG6000??SD, but the stability of VIN??PVPK30 was lower. ─── VIN??PVPK30的药物溶出好于VIN??PEG6000,但稳定性不如VIN??PEG6000;

73、The existence of FCI has no time limit.The final dissolution shall be decided by special congress. ─── 具有正式代表资格并且在FCI享有良好剩余的所属会员协会和代表协会享有每国一票的权利。

74、The diageneses which are constructive to the reservoirs are mainly dolomitization and burial dissolution. ─── 对储层起建设性作用的成岩作用主要有白云石化作用、埋藏溶解作用。

75、In 1940, Quaid was compelled to after the dissolution of the Qing as a park manager. ─── 1940年,奎德社被迫解散后,担任了庆乐园经理。

76、The color may change after contact with seawater due to cuprous oxide dissolution into the seawater. ─── 在接触海水之后,由于氧化亚铜溶于海水之中会导致颜色改变。

77、The dissolution of the unconscious releases energy; the mind feels adequate and become quiet. ─── 无意识的销融释放出能量,头脑便感到充裕及变得安宁。

78、Other than austenite,copper element dissolution is found in material. ─── 母材区除了奥氏体组织外,存在铜元素的扩散。

79、Dissolution meant the loss of his thousand dollars, and he could not save another thousand in the time. ─── 散伙意味着失去他那1000块钱,而且此间他不可能再攒出1000块钱来。

80、The emphasis of future research is how to reduce the dissolution of heteropoly acid on supports. ─── 对于杂多酸催化,今后的研究重点为如何减少杂多酸在载体上的溶脱问题。

81、The preceding circular of messrs. G. & B. and messrs. B. & C. inform you of the dissolution of their establishment. ─── 先前在通函系告知贵方,G。B。公司与B。C。公司已经解散。

82、Cromwell also presided over the dissolution of the monasteries, and in 1540 he was created Earl of Essex. ─── 同时克伦威尔还主持了修道院的解散。在1540年他被授予埃塞克斯伯爵爵位。

83、After the Dissolution, it was realised that its circular shape made it a perfect venue for cock fighting. ─── 在解散寺院之后,鸽棚的环形结构为斗鸡提供了绝佳的场所。

84、Abstract: Objective: To improve the dissolution rate of a poorly watersoluble drug, tanshinone. ─── 摘 要: 目的:提高难溶性药物丹参酮的体外溶出度。

85、There is vacuolization and dissolution of epidermal cells along the basal layer, along with lymphocytes. ─── 在基底层有上皮细胞的空泡形成或溶解,并伴淋巴细胞浸润。

86、The effect of temperature, stirring velocity and grit size on the dissolution of gold and silver also was investigated. ─── 也试验了温度、拌速度和粒度对溶解金和银的影响。

87、Dissolution of cells or protein components in one species by the action of lysins or enzymes from another. ─── 异种溶解一种物种中的细胞或蛋白质化合物因另一种物种中的赖氨酸或酶的作用的溶解

88、The dissolution of ore, oxidization of sulphur, interference of coexisted elements, conditions of elution are groped. ─── 对矿样的溶解、硫的氧化、共存元素的干扰、洗脱条件亦作了研究。

89、The preceding circular of messrs. G.& B. and messrs. B.& C. inform you of the dissolution of their establishment. ─── 先前在通函系告知贵方,G&B公司与B&C公司已经解散。

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