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09-13 投稿



dampish 发音

英:[?d?mp??]  美:[?d?mp??]

英:  美:

dampish 中文意思翻译



dampish 反义词


dampish 同义词

dripping | humid | dull | muggy | watery | weaken | indifferent | soggy | foggy | quench | discouragement | marshy | drizzly | extinguish | restrain | sodden | half-hearted | soak | dampen | obstacle | soften | suffocate | spiritless | tone down | humidity | rainy | depressed | listless | retard | water |check | lukewarm | deaden | dejected | stifle | curb | mute | moist | clammy | wetness | lifeless | moistness | break | smother | clamminess | dank | tropical | humidify | moisture | blanket | bedew | choke | wet | muffle | dampish | barrier | unenthusiastic | moisten | wettish | dampness | despondent | wet blanket

dampish 词性/词形变化,dampish变形

形容词最高级: dampest |副词: damply |动词过去式: damped |形容词比较级: damper |名词: dampness |动词过去分词: damped |形容词: dampish |动词第三人称单数: damps |动词现在分词: damping |

dampish 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They walked barefoot on the damp hard sand. ─── 他们赤着脚在潮湿的硬梆梆的沙滩上走着。

2、But it was not enough to damp the parched ground. ─── 但是这一阵雨是灌溉不了枯槁的土地的。

3、It has turned out to be a damp squib. ─── 可惜他的打算落空了。

4、He tumbled back against the slick damp wall. ─── 他在光滑潮湿的墙上摔了个跟头。

5、currents were not allowed in the whole building, a dampish corner in the basement of which served as our laboratory, with a dampish chemical laboratory overhead; ─── 整幢楼都不准有交流电,这幢楼地下室潮湿的一角便用做了我们的实验室,头顶就是一个潮湿的化学实验室;

6、The wind blown from the fens was damp. ─── 从沼泽地刮过来的风是潮湿的。

7、Nothing could damp her spirits. ─── 什么也不能使她气馁。

8、My misconception of her purpose cast a damp over her spirits. ─── 我误解她的意图,使她大为扫兴。

9、She wiped the table with a damp cloth. ─── 她用潮湿的布擦桌子。

10、The ground is damp in rainy weather. ─── 地面在雨季是潮湿的。

11、If you don't use the fire now,you can damp it down. ─── 如果你现在不用火,你可以把火压上。

12、Price control can damp down a general rise in prices. ─── 价值控制可以压低价格的一般上涨。

13、The surveyor found damp in the kitchen. ─── 房屋测量员发现厨房里有水渍。

14、Mamma steamed her damp boots at the fire. ─── 妈妈把湿靴子放在火上烘。

15、Their damp drafty house was scarcely habitable. ─── 他们潮湿透风的屋子不宜住人。

16、Wounds festered in the damp, they never healed. ─── 伤口在潮湿中溃烂,永远也不能愈合。

17、It is gloomy and damp in the basement. ─── 地下室里阴暗而潮湿。

18、Their mother's illness cast a damp over the Christmas holidays. ─── 他们妈妈的病使圣诞假期失去了乐趣。

19、Cleaning the light is simplicity itself; just wipe it with a damp cloth. ─── 把灯弄乾净非常容易,用湿布一擦就行了。

20、It feels colder when the air is damp. ─── 当空气潮湿时会觉得较冷。

21、The previous owners had obviously papered over any damp patches. ─── 原先的房主显然是用壁纸把潮斑都盖起来了。

22、You should damp clothes before ironing them. ─── 在烫衣服前应将衣服打湿。

23、There is too much damp in your house. ─── 你房子里湿气太大。

24、Anything damp and my rheumatism comes back. ─── 一碰到潮湿我的关节炎就要复发。

25、The underneath part felt damp. ─── 底层很潮湿。

26、The walls are sweating with damp. ─── 墙壁因潮湿而蒙上一层水珠。

27、My mother's disease cast a damp over my holidays. ─── 我母亲的病使我的假期过得不痛快。

28、Do we love the damp passageways of Hell? ─── 我们是否喜欢潮湿的通道地狱?

29、My clothes are damp from the rain. ─── 我的衣服被雨水打湿了。

30、Nothing could damp down my passion. ─── 任何事情都不能磨灭我的激情。

31、I don't like damp weather. ─── 我不喜欢潮湿的天气。

32、My towel is still damp from my morning shower. ─── 我早上冲了个澡,毛巾现在是湿的。

33、The fruit decayed in the damp weather. ─── 在潮湿的天气下,水果腐烂了。

34、Easy to keep clean; wipe with a damp cloth. ─── 便于保持清洁,可用湿布块擦拭。

35、Her sweater smells of damp wool. ─── 她的羊绒衫发出一股湿羊毛味。

36、My kitchen wall lets in the damp. ─── 我厨房的墙壁受了潮。

37、It was plainly a damp, feverish, unhealthy spot. ─── 很明显,这是一个潮湿、使人容易得热病而又极不利于人们健康的地方。

38、The Indian began tearing up damp grass. ─── 印第安人动手拔了一些湿草。

39、Nothing can damp down his spirit. ─── 任何事都破坏不了他的兴致。

40、Everything was damp and rife and hot. ─── 到处都那么潮湿、拥挤、闷热。

41、I shiver with the cold the damp air brings. ─── 我发抖与潮湿的空气带来的寒冷。

42、"Perhaps a little damp and agueish?" said Quilp. ─── “大概有一点阴湿,叫人发冷吧?”奎尔普说。

43、It is rather damp in the basement. ─── 地下室很潮湿。

44、My left knee acts up in damp weather. ─── 我的左膝盖在阴湿的天气时会很不舒服。

45、Ant: damp, deliquescent, moist, soggy, wet 2. ─── noun 1) 戒忘扼批抒忘;扼批扮抆;

46、They try to smother the flames with a damp blanket . ─── 他们试图用湿毯子把火扑灭。

47、The room was damp and the paper was peeling off. ─── 屋子很潮湿,壁纸都一片片剥落了。

48、Damp the dress before you iron it. ─── 你熨这衣服之前先浇?崴?

49、My forehead was damp and my heart thumped heavily. ─── 我的前额湿漉漉的,心头怦怦得直跳。

50、She wiped her floury hands with a damp cloth. ─── 她用湿布擦去手上的面粉。

51、Ben: Hey~you look damp, are you ok? ─── 嘿~你看起来很沮丧,还好吗?

52、The inhabitant is predispose to rheumatism by the damp climate. ─── 因气候潮湿,居民易患风湿症。

53、The cheese molded in the damp cellar. ─── 乳酪在潮湿的地下室中长了霉。

54、The room is bone-dry, not a trace of damp anywhere. ─── 房间十分干燥,连一点湿气也没有。

55、We shivered in the damp of the forest. ─── 我们因树林里的湿气而打寒颤。

56、dampish corner in the basement of which served as our laboratory. ─── 地下室潮湿的一角用做了我们的实验室。

57、Her skin was damp with perspiration. ─── 她的皮肤上汗津津的。

58、A “breakthrough” in land reform? Or a damp squib? ─── 土改真正“突破”?或者哑炮一颗?

59、She wipe d her floury hands with a damp cloth. ─── 她用湿布擦去手上的面粉.

60、Sweet damp air poured in through the vent. ─── 惬意的、湿润的空气从通风孔里灌进来。

61、No thing could damp his spirits . ─── 任何事都不能败他的兴。

62、Difficulties did not damp down his enthusiasm. ─── 困难没能减弱他的热心。

63、The amaranthine powder can easily absorb damp. ─── 产品为深红色粉末,易吸潮,吸潮后结成块状,但不影响使用效果。

64、My rheumatism does play me up during this damp weather. ─── 天气潮湿时我的关节炎就痛得要命。

65、I turned my collar 2 the cold &damp. ─── 我竖起衣领以抗御这湿冷的夜。

66、Don' t stay outside in the damp. ─── 不要停留在外面的潮湿空气中。

67、It was drizzling, and miserably cold and damp. ─── 外面下着毛毛细雨,天气又冷又湿,令人难受。

68、I prefer to iron my shirts while they are still damp. ─── 我喜欢在衬衫尚潮湿时熨烫。

69、The house had got woodworm and rising damp. ─── 房子有蛀虫,而且有返潮。

70、Leakiness in the roof caused a damp attic. ─── 屋漏使顶楼潮湿。

71、He stamped on the stamps and slammed the lamp on the damp dam. ─── 他用脚踩邮票并将灯砰地摔在潮湿的坝上。

72、My left knee acts up in damp weather. Her arthritis is acting up again. ─── 我的左膝一到阴湿天气就犯病。她的关节炎又犯了

73、Bread tends to mold in damp weather. ─── 在潮湿天气中面包易于发霉。

74、Damp the cloth before you clean the windows. ─── 在擦玻璃窗之前,把揩布弄湿。

75、Damp down the fire before you go to bed. ─── 你睡觉前要把火封起来。

76、I find that damp weather plays hell with my rheumatism. ─── 我发现潮湿的天气使我的风湿病更严重了。

77、Our damp clothes steamed in the heat. ─── 我们的湿衣服在高温下冒着水汽。

78、You'd better damp (down) the fire before leaving. ─── 你最好在离开以前用灰把火封上。

79、A grey horse was already cropping the damp grass. ─── 一匹灰马已经在吃这些湿草了。

80、You should air the clothes to get the damp out. ─── 你应该把衣服晾一下去去潮气。

81、I don' t like to sleep between damp sheets. ─── 我不喜欢睡在潮湿的被单里。

82、Dec. 10. Sunshine. Very damp in the room. ─── 12月10日太阳出来了,屋内却感到特别潮湿。

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