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09-13 投稿



disliked 发音

英:[d?s?la?kt]  美:[d?s?la?kt]

英:  美:

disliked 中文意思翻译



disliked 词性/词形变化,disliked变形

动词第三人称单数: dislikes |动词过去式: disliked |动词过去分词: disliked |形容词: dislikable |动词现在分词: disliking |

disliked 同义词

displeasure | disfavour | enmity | loathing | loathe | disapproval | thing | disgust | abhorrence | object to | disapprove | aversion | disfavor | animus | detestation | antipathy | repugnance | despise | hatred | grudge | deplore | animosity | abominate |hate | resent | mislike | detest | disinclination | abhor | execrate | frown on | to | object | distaste | repulsion | odium | scorn | disrelish

disliked 反义词

like | liking

disliked 相似词语短语

1、dislikes ─── n.不喜欢(dislike的复数);v.对…厌恶(dislike的第三人称单数形式)

2、dislinked ─── 脱节

3、misliked ─── v.厌恶,不赞成;n.反感,不赞成

4、dislike ─── vt.不喜欢,厌恶;n.嫌恶,反感,不喜爱

5、dislikers ─── 分离器

6、dislikened ─── 无限制

7、dislikens ─── 差异

8、disliken ─── 不相似

9、disliker ─── 厌恶者

disliked 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But he had far fewer students than there are in Yenan, and what is more, they would have disliked production campaigns. ─── 但是他的学生比起延安来就少得多,而且不喜欢什么生产运动。

2、The northern states disliked slavery and wanted to see it abolished;a few of the southern states believed slavery to be essential to their agrarian economy. ─── 他们必须克服彼此之间某些严重的歧见:北方各州不喜欢奴隶制度而想废除它,一些南方的州相信奴隶对他们的农耕经济至为重要;

3、This sneaky girl was disliked by the restof the class. ─── 全班同学都不喜欢这个鬼头鬼脑的女同学。

4、A confrontation was inevitable because they disliked each other so much. ─── 他们互相十分厌恶,因此对抗是不可避免的。

5、They disliked each other too much to meet,so they conducted all their business through an go-between. ─── 他们彼此交恶不愿相见,有事均通过中间人处理。

6、In the late 18th century, Noah Webster disliked American elementary education. ─── 十八世纪末,诺亚?韦柏斯特很不喜欢当时美国的初等教育。

7、He was an outstanding pupil and, ipso facto, disliked by the rest of the class. ─── 他是优秀的学生,正因为这个缘故,全班都不喜欢他。

8、What are the most favorite and disliked courses at school? ─── 一般学生最喜欢和最不喜欢的课程是什么?

9、A drunkard dreamed someone bought him a drink.He disliked cool liquor and ordered a servant to heat it. ─── 一名醉汉梦见有人请他喝酒,他嫌酒凉,便叫服务员拿去热一热。

10、If you go on like that you'll get yourself disliked,ie become unpopular. ─── 你再这样下去,别人就不喜欢你了.

11、He hit too well, I disliked him to be injured. ─── 他打得太好了,我讨厌他受伤了。

12、He was disliked because his manner was always full of braggadocio. ─── 人们讨厌他,因为他老是吹牛。

13、The reactionaries disliked his type of social action for opposite reasons. ─── 反动派由于相反的理由也不喜欢他的那种社会措施。

14、He disliked her staying away from home. ─── 他不愿意让她住在外面。

15、He disliked the man, but each tame they went to buy medicine he felt sorry for this skinny old monkey. ─── 他不喜欢夏先生,可是每逢到药房去,他不由的替这个老瘦猴难过。

16、He greatly disliked what he perceived as the artificiality and pretentiousness of academic life. ─── 他很讨厌他所体会到的不自然的和自命不凡的学院生活。

17、A leader disliked by his subordinates never goes further on the ladder. ─── 不受下属爱戴的上司永远走不了多远。

18、However, they are disliked for their circuitous manner of speaking and their ability to circumvent the law by citing obscure legal doctrines. ─── 但因为他们措辞爱绕圈子,又有本市引用晦涩难解的司法条则来规避司法约束,所以很是不讨人喜欢。

19、And Paul disliked false teachers who kept trying to stomp all over God's thankful, joyful people. ─── 保罗不喜欢假老师常试图践踏这群心存感激,充满喜乐的子民。

20、He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends. ─── 他没有敌人,只是他的朋友都很讨厌他。

21、He contrived to get himself disliked. ─── 他费了许多苦心反而弄得大家都讨厌他了。

22、In her eyes that she strongly disliked being spoken to like that. ─── 从她眼神来看,她不喜欢别人对她那样说话。

23、The father disliked Teddy very much. ─── 他有着公牛一样的坏脾气。

24、He was in a particular hurry about it, because this man was the only one among all the political prisoners whom he disliked. ─── 聂赫留朵夫所以特别忙着跟他招呼,因为在这批政治犯中,他就不喜欢这个人。

25、OSHA quickly became one of the federal government's most disliked agencies. ─── OSHA很快就成为联邦政府里最不受欢迎的部门。

26、He disliked the litter of human dwellings. ─── 他不喜欢住处搞得乱七八糟。

27、He gave up the work, not that he disliked it, but that he was unequal to it. ─── 他放弃并不是因为不喜欢这份工作,而是因为无法胜任。

28、Carey Ashburn looked unhappy, for it was obvious that he, too, disliked Rhett intensely. He gladly would have sided with the doctor but he could not lie. ─── 可凯里 - 阿什伯恩显得并不怎么高兴,因为他明明很不喜欢瑞德,他十分愿意站在米德大夫一边,可是又不能说假话。

29、They disliked him only because he was invertebrate. ─── 他们不喜欢他就是认为他意志较弱。

30、He liked making friends and disliked fighting in any form. ─── 他喜欢交朋友,不喜欢任何形式的斗争.

31、He was pitied rather than disliked by his friends. ─── 他朋友同情他而不是不喜欢他。

32、His behavior was such that everyone disliked him. ─── 他的行为使得人人都讨厌他。

33、Geneen disliked relying on one perspective as the means for giving him the whole picture. ─── 吉宁不喜欢依靠单方面的看法作为了解全局的手段。

34、A threat to do this in 2004 forced the Italians to withdraw their choice as justice commissioner (MEPs disliked his stern views on gays and the role of women). ─── 2004年,议员们的“否决威胁”使得意大利放弃了做司法委员的想法。(因为议员们不喜欢他们对于同性恋和女性社会角色的苛刻态度)。

35、This sneaky girl was disliked by the rest of the class. ─── 全班同学都不喜欢这个鬼头鬼脑的女同学.

36、Henry noticed how much I now disliked the subject. ─── 亨利注意到了我十分讨厌这个学科。

37、"I will not permit it, Peterkin," said Pavillon, hustling up, "I disliked the mitre, but not the head that wore it. ─── “假如我真是这个不幸的少女,”伊莎贝尔说道,看去又想向他下跪,“您能够在这绝望的时刻抛弃我吗?

38、He disliked "soft" living and "intrusive" women and revered murderous savages, to whom he gave guns. ─── 他讨厌“温和”的生活,憎恶“不安本分”的女人,敬重残暴的原始人并向他们赠送枪支。

39、He told me that, after 10 years, he was tired of his job, disliked his boss, and felt he had no potential for further upward mobility. ─── 他告诉我:10年时间了,他已厌倦了自己的工作,并且还讨厌他的老板;觉得已经没可能继续往上爬了。

40、Carrie disliked his appearance, but she was too much the actress not to swallow his qualities with complaisance , seeing that she must suffer his fictitious love for the evening. ─── 嘉莉不喜欢他的样子。但她是一个好演员,所以温顺地容忍了他这些气质。她知道这一晚上她必须忍受他那装模作样的谈情说爱。

41、From the first I disliked him. ─── 从一开始我就不喜欢他。

42、They disliked each other in the beginning. ─── 他们刚开始时不喜欢对方。

43、They always disliked the "foreign-style school". ─── “洋学堂”,农民是一向看不惯的。

44、He often had words with his colleagues, therefore, he was disliked everywhere. ─── 他经常跟同事吵架,所以到处都没人喜欢他。

45、American trade officials, however, disliked Japan's keiretsu because they saw them as a restraint of trade. ─── 但是,美国的贸易官员不喜欢集团公司,因为他们认为这是对贸易的一种遏制。

46、Carrie disliked his appearance, but she was too much the actress not to swallow his qualities with complaisance, seeing that she must suffer his fictitious love for the evening. ─── 嘉莉不喜欢他的样子。 但她是一个好演员,所以温顺地容忍了他这些气质。 她知道这一晚上她必须忍受他那装模作样的谈情说爱。

47、Sen. Yvonne Dorsey said she disliked the look of baggy pants but wanted to defend the public's right to wear their clothes as they wish. ─── 参议员多西表示,尽管自己不喜欢垮裤,但愿意为公众权利辩护,民众有权决定自己想穿的服装。

48、Blake was disliked by everyone in the office, and Morse did away with him by firing him. ─── 办公室里的人都不喜欢布莱克,莫尔斯开除了他,赶走了他。

49、He is always temporizing and is disliked by his classmates. ─── 他总是见风使舵,因而不受同学喜欢。

50、There was a je ne sais quoi about him which made us disliked him form the first. ─── 他这个人有一种说不出来的东西使我们从一开始就不喜欢他。

51、She is disliked by her classmates for tattling on mischief makers. ─── 因为她经常打恶作剧的小报告,所以同学都不喜欢她。

52、This sneaky girl was disliked by the rest of the class . ─── 全班剩余的同学都不喜欢这个鬼头鬼脑的女孩。

53、He gave up the work, not that he disliked it, but that he was unequal to it. ─── 他放弃并不是因为不喜欢这份工作,而是因为无法胜任。

54、To solute the problem, Davy cultivated a new kind of corn which the birds disliked its taste. ─── 为了解决这个问题,戴维培育出了一种新型的不对鸟儿口味的玉米。

55、His words made me in a mess. He sometimes said he liked that, but sometimes disliked that. Now I don't know weather he like it at earth. ─── 他的话真把我给弄糊涂了。他一会儿说喜欢,一会儿又说不喜欢。到现在我也不知道他到底喜欢还是不喜欢。

56、Certainly he disliked him, certainly he professed a contempt for him. Then why-- But this riddle was swallowed up in a renewed fear for the safety of Ashley and Frank. ─── 他肯定是不喜欢他的,肯定说过他鄙视他,那为什么----这个心中的迷又使她为艾希礼和弗兰克的安全担起心来。

57、His behaviour was such that everyone disliked him. ─── 他的行为太不象话,(以致)谁都讨厌他。

58、He disliked it when she behaved badly in front of his mother. ─── 他讨厌她在他母亲面前举止失当。

59、He disliked taking students of Muggle parentage, believing them to be untrustworthy. ─── 他不愿意接受麻瓜生的孩子,认为他们是靠不住的。

60、He was generally disliked and regarded as a pompous ass. ─── 他普遍不受喜欢且被认为是个自命不凡的蠢货。

61、He disliked bars and bodegas. ─── 他不喜欢酒吧和酒店。

62、Curious as Lot's wife, he enjoys prying into other people's secrets and is therefore generally disliked. ─── 他好奇心太重,很爱打听人家的秘密,所以人们多数都不喜欢他。

63、And Paul disliked false teachers who kept trying to stomp all over God's thankful, joyful people. ─── 保罗不喜欢假老师常试图践踏这群心存感激,充满喜乐的子民。

64、He looked on people, and he neither liked nor disliked them. ─── 他看待人们,既不喜欢也不厌恶。

65、He disliked anything that was out of the ordinary. ─── 他不喜欢任何特殊的事物。

66、As he fights he wins approval and advancement; as he refrains, he is disliked, ridiculed, shut out from favorable recognition. ─── 他战斗时,就赢得赞许和升迁;他不战斗时,就不被喜爱,被嘲笑,得不到好评。

67、He went on to say that the funeral was a ritual because the Queen disliked Diana. ─── 他继续说那葬礼只是礼节上走走过场,因为女王不喜欢黛安娜。

68、Despite his occasional protestations of friendship, he disliked England and thought her a worthless ally. ─── 他对英国只是有时表示友好,其实并不喜欢,而且认为英国是一个不中用的盟国。

69、It took more than an hour over tea for him to say that he disliked a woman, Hanfeng thought, but he just shook his head slightly. ─── 瀚峰想,他不过喝了一个多小时茶就让他来说喜欢不喜欢这个女人,但他只是轻轻摇了摇头。

70、Almost half of the students disliked hysteric patients, and many of them would keep far away from the patients. ─── 分别有41%和37%的医学生和非医学生对癔症患者感到同情,也有相当一部分人(14.6%的医学生和19.6%的非医学生)选择敬而远之。

71、An argument was inevitable because they disliked each other so much. ─── 争论是不可避免的,因为他们彼此非常厌恶。

72、Only a man of great will could draw the sword, or a sorcerer, and there were few of those in Lyonnesse, for I disliked their kind. ─── 只有意志坚定的人才能控制剑,魔法师也行,可是莱奥尼斯没有这样的人,更何况我也不喜欢这类人。

73、If you go on like that you'll get yourself disliked, ie become unpopular. ─── 你再这样下去, 别人就不喜欢你了.

74、He disliked her and had never been shy of saying so. ─── 他不喜欢她,而且从来不忌讳说出这种想法。

75、He disliked “soft” living and “intrusive” women and revered murderous savages, to whom he gave guns. ─── 他讨厌“暖和”的生活,憎恶“不安本分”的女人,敬重残暴的原始人并向他们赠予枪支。

76、The reason no one ever knew it was me was becouse i used an unmannerd style and wanted to be disliked by most ppl. ─── 之所以大多数人都不知道这是我的帐号,是因为我以一种非常“吊”的姿态出现,被大部分人所厌恶。

77、They disliked each other too much to meet, so they conducted all their business through an intermediary. ─── 他们彼此交恶不愿相见,有事均通过中间人处理。

78、He disliked their affluent way of life. ─── 他不喜欢他们那种优裕的生活方式。

79、I disliked the arrogant cast to her mouth. ─── 我不喜欢她傲慢的口吻。

80、They take the approach of the countrywoman who disliked politicians altogether. ─── 他们的态度与厌恶政客的村夫村妇一致。

81、The princess did as he told her, but everyone could see that she disliked it. ─── 公主照它的话做了,但是每个人都可以看得出来她非常不愿意。

82、What he disliked about teaching was all the grading he had to do. ─── 他不喜欢教学的地方在于他必须做的所有评分工作。

83、In her eyes that she strongly disliked being spoken to like that. ─── 从她眼神来看,她不喜欢别人对她那样说话。

84、The brand-new rowing park, in Shunyi, also initially made her nervous, because she couldn’t swim and disliked boats. ─── 位于顺义的崭新水上公园,起初也令曹紧张兮兮。因为她不会游泳也不喜欢船。

85、Disliked the situation but had to live with it. ─── 不喜欢这种状态但必须忍受它

86、He is to be pitied rather than to be disliked. ─── 他应该得到怜悯而不是厌恶。

87、That man was disliked inside the college. ─── 全校的人都不喜欢这个人。

88、Einstein was a scientist who hated pomposity and disliked being called a genius. ─── 科学家爱因斯坦不喜欢摆架子,也不喜欢被称为天才。

89、The “paleocons” have always disliked the neocons, sometimes (disgracefully) just because they are Jewish. ─── “旧保守派”历来厌恶新保守派,有时(可耻地)只是因为他们是犹太裔。


But可以和because用在一个句子中,因为这两个单词不会互相冲突,所以用在一起时没有对单词的限制,例如I would like to go with you but I'm afraid i can't,Because I have to study for my english test tomorrow,我想和你一块去,但是恐怕不行了,因为我不得不为了明天的英语考试做准备



because是从属连词,体现从句与主句之间从属的语义关系,引导原因状语从句;可以单独用作连词,连接两个句子也可以和Of连用后接名词以及和名词一样的动名词。 because 表示的原因是必然的因果关系,语气较强,通常放在主句之后,若需强调则放在主句之前。而but是并列连词,体现所连接分句之间并列的语义关系,暗含转折义。

because conj.翻译因为,由于;读音: [b??k?z]



I bought the house simply because it was large.我购买了这房子,只是因为它面积大。


An argument was inevitable because they disliked each other so much.争论是不可避免的,因为他们彼此非常厌恶。

but conj.翻译但是、 除 ... 以外、仅仅;只、 无不; 读音:[b?t]



The watch was cheap, but it goes quite well.这块表虽然便宜,但走得很好。


These changes will cost a lot, but they will save us money in the long run.这些改动相当花钱,但从长远的角度看会为我们省钱

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