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crisscross 发音

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crisscross 中文意思翻译






crisscross 网络释义

n. 十字形;矛盾adj. 十字形的;交叉的vt. 画十字形于…;使…交叉成十字状vi. 交叉;交叉往来adv. 十字形地;十字交叉地

crisscross 词性/词形变化,crisscross变形

动词过去式: crisscrossed |动词过去分词: crisscrossed |动词现在分词: crisscrossing |动词第三人称单数: crisscrosses |

crisscross 短语词组

1、crisscross 2018 ─── 纵横交错的2018

2、crisscross 1992 ─── 纵横交错1992

3、crisscross offence ─── [体]交叉传球进攻

4、crisscross motion ─── 交叉运动

5、crisscross chain ─── 交叉链

6、crisscross movie 1992 ─── 纵横交错电影1992

7、crisscross movie ─── 纵横交错的电影

8、crisscross method ─── 交叉法

9、crisscross screen ─── [体]交叉掩护

10、crisscross-row n. ─── 字母

11、crisscross applesauce ─── 十字形苹果酱

12、crisscross gtf ─── 交叉gtf

13、crisscross inheritance ─── [医] 交叉遗传

14、crisscross mixer ─── 交叉拌合机

15、crisscross merge ─── [计] 交叉合并

16、crisscross squeeze ─── [体]十字交叉挤牌法

17、crisscross army ─── 纵横交错的军队

18、crisscross paths ─── 纵横交错的路径

crisscross 相似词语短语

1、to crisscross ─── 纵横交错

2、criss-crossed ─── 十字交叉;纵纵横横

3、criss-cross ─── 十字交叉;纵纵横横

4、crisscrosses ─── v.在……上构成十字形图案;多次往返于,来回奔波于;(在……内)纵横交错,交叉;贯穿;n.线条纵横交错的图案;adj.十字形的,交叉的;adv.十字形地,十字交叉地

5、christcross ─── n.十字形的记号

6、crisscrossed ─── v.在……上构成十字形图案;多次往返于,来回奔波于;(在……内)纵横交错,交叉;贯穿;n.线条纵横交错的图案;adj.十字形的,交叉的;adv.十字形地,十字交叉地

7、criss-crosses ─── 十字交叉;纵纵横横

8、criss-crossing ─── 交叉回交

9、crisscrossing ─── v.在……上构成十字形图案;多次往返于,来回奔波于;(在……内)纵横交错,交叉;贯穿;n.线条纵横交错的图案;adj.十字形的,交叉的;adv.十字形地,十字交叉地

crisscross 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Experiment of Axial Compression Bearing Capacity for Crisscross Section Special-Shaped Column Composed of Concrete-Filled Square Steel Tubes ─── 十字形截面方钢管混凝土组合异形柱轴压承载力试验

2、To create nanoscale transistor junctions, engineers can crisscross different types of semiconducting strands, thereby stacking the materials in layers crucial for manipulating electron flow. ─── 工程师若想制造奈米级的电晶体接面,可让不同类型的半导绞线交叉,使这些半导体层层相叠,构成操控电子流的主体。

3、Column with section of concrete-filled square tubes is a new type of special-shaped column and crisscross combined column of concrete-filled square tubes is a representative one. ─── 方钢管混凝土组合异形柱是一种新型的异形柱结构形式,十字形截面组合异形柱是其主要柱形之一。

4、Undoubtedly, the crisscross streets here are fraught with clamor and impetuosity, which I am the most reluctant to contact. ─── 上海阡陌纵横的街道无疑充斥着都市的喧嚣与浮躁,而这些正是我最不愿意接触的。

5、Thereafter, he began to grapple with modern events in his own way through fables that often crisscross time. ─── 后来,他开始以自己的方式、通过时常时间交错的寓言着手解决当代重大事件。

6、interlock; crisscross ─── 交错

7、crisscross seeding ─── 交叉播种

8、Crisscross velocities ─── 交错速度

9、but now there were raised white scars in a violent, puckered crisscross, a slash from his hairline to the bridge of his nose and from there a reverse angle to the heel of his jawbone. ─── 但现在,那里凸现着白色的伤疤,组成了凶恶皱起的十字,一道疤痕从发际延伸到鼻梁,又反向折回到下巴根部。

10、The crisscross and mixture of intelligence and morals, the unity of the reasons of means and value--the future development trend of moral education ─── 智性与德性交融工具理性与价值理性统一--未来道德教育发展的走向

11、farming-pastoral crisscross zone in North China ─── 北方农牧交错带

12、Common curl cries again " self-invited roll " , easy and mutual crisscross pesters the hair, knot, comb very hard. ─── 普通卷发又叫“自来卷”,头发轻易相互交错纠缠、打结,很难梳理。

13、Keywords the crop-grazing crisscross area;Yanchi county;in-situ monitoring;plant diversity; ─── 关键词农牧交错带;盐池;定位监测;植物多样性;

14、The Crisscross of Two Kinds of Revolution--The Epoch Realization of Zhao Shuli's Fictional Creation ─── 两种革命的错位--论赵树理小说创作的时代意识

15、the tempo-spatial crisscross structure ─── 时空交错式结构

16、Therefore,among the measures, the application of crisscross bedding substructure can serve as an examplary approach to similar problems in the course of construction later on. ─── 尤其是在处理地下水的过程中采用纵横交错、平面立体结合的方式,为我们在以后工作中处理类似问题提供了思路。

17、crisscross merge ─── 交叉合并

18、Many busy Taipei people crisscross the city day after day, ignoring its300- year history, the passing of time, and the indelible marks that bear witness to the city's fascinating past. ─── 忙碌的台北人每天穿梭在城市的不同角落,却浑然不觉这块土地已有三百多年的开垦岁月,及无数时代的过往和生活的轨迹。

19、crisscross row ─── ph. 【古】字母

20、" We can become a place where the cultures of the world crisscross. ─── 我们可以成为世界不同文化的交汇地。

21、Crisscross the country attending antiwar demonstrations? ─── 在全国巡回参加反战示威游行?

22、crisscross fire ─── 交叉火力

23、The potential, intensity of electric field and characteristic impedance of transmission line, which is consisting of crisscross and circular conductors, is also analyzed. ─── 同时还分析计算了十字形内导体一圆外导体特种同轴传输线的电位、场强和特性阻抗。

24、Compositive board: Be out of shape this kind of material uses deep treatment of classics of old way log not easily, point to same crisscross joining together like the hand and become. ─── 中密度板与刨花板:各有优劣刨花板是天然木材粉碎成颗粒状后,经压制而成的板。中密度板是用粉末状木屑经压制后成型,平整度较好,但耐潮性较差。

25、Add the orchid color with different depth, already abstruse be like sea floor, beautiful be like blue sky, the crisscross that feels time. ─── 加入深浅不同的兰色,既深邃如海底,又明媚如蓝天,感受一下时光的交错吧。

26、crisscross inheritance ─── 交叉遗传

27、The geologic structures is very complex and the surface is a crisscross network of gullies in the Hefei Basin. ─── 合肥盆地地质构造复杂,地表沟壑纵横,通过对重力异常目标处理,揭示基底特征及断裂、构造发育情况,认为本区南北分区,"众凹环隆"。

28、The Design of Asymmetric Spur Gear Pumps with Crisscross Spurs Structures ─── 交错齿结构非对称齿齿轮泵设计

29、crisscross the sheet of paper. ─── 在一页纸上画十字形。

30、A pattern of crisscross diagonal lines. ─── 交叉对角线的图案。

31、An open framework made of strips of metal, wood, or similar material overlapped or overlaid in a regular, usually crisscross pattern. ─── 格构开放式格架,由金属片。木片或相类似原料搭叠成格状,通常用交叉方式构成。

32、The calculation formula for the conversion slenderness ratio of the crisscross section column composed of CFST and the increasing coefficient of the stability of the steel tube is determined. ─── 在此理论基础上,确定了十字形截面方钢管混凝土组合异形柱换算长细比的计算公式和钢管稳定性提高系数。

33、The main component of the celestial globe is a hollow bronze globe, with crisscross grids on the spherical surface, which are used to delineate the exact position of celestial bodies. ─── 两个极点的指尖,固定在一个南北正立着的大圆环上,大圆环垂直地嵌入水平大圈的两个缺口内,下面四根雕有龙头的立柱支撑着水平大圈,托着整个天体仪。

34、The crisscross spaghetti junctions become dancing ribbons for the flowing vehicles and lighting headlamps . ─── 十字形的意大利面条联接为流动的车辆和照明前灯变成舞蹈缎带。

35、Axial steel struts of crisscross section need to be checked on torsional buckling. ─── 十字形截面轴心钢压杆有必要进行扭转屈曲的验算,计算方法宜采用换算长细比法。

36、Other famous handicrafts of Changzhou are the "crisscross" style of silk embroidery and carvings made from green bamboo. ─── 其他著名的手工艺品常州是“交叉”风格的丝绸刺绣,雕刻制成的绿色竹子。

37、In material apply on, the main material of grille smallpox is aluminous material, through advocate the freely crisscross of deputy bone braids smallpox to a string of 1 the top is decorated. ─── 在材料的运用上,格栅天花的主要材料是铝材,通过主副骨的纵横交错编织成天花吊顶装饰。

38、crisscross girder ─── 十字形钢梁

39、This paper starts from finished consumable's characters of economy and technique to put forward finished products' 'crisscross R&D' mode. ─── 本文从最终消费品自身的经济技术特征以及消费品国际市场竞争趋势出发,提出最终产品“十字形”R&D模式。

40、Ducts and pipes crisscross. ─── 管道纵横交错。

41、crisscross lines ─── 交错纹理

42、At the crisscross footpaths between fields, I try to recognize my foot-prints at childhood, to catch the innocent laughter and to chase ballad of pure sentiments. ─── 在交错的阡陌,辨认童年的脚印,捕捉天真的笑声,追寻纯情的歌谣。

43、As to the aspects as how to establish an omnibearing, crisscross, infiltrative cooperation mechanism system and supply chain alliance in large and medium-sized enterprises were discoursed as well. ─── 对如何建立大、中型生产企业和流通企业多方位、纵横交错、相互渗透的协作有机体系和供应链联盟等方面作了论述。

44、This was Nahal David, one of four springs that crisscross the oasis. ─── 的小路带到溪流里,这条溪流的名字叫纳哈尔.大卫,是交叉流过绿洲的四条泉水之一。

45、My hands brush against the wires that crisscross the insulation. I worry that I will be electrocuted. I try not to think about rats. ─── 手紧挨着随处交织的绝缘线,我真耽心我会被电死,还要尽量不去想老鼠甚么的。

46、Formation dip is large, caverns develop much, fractures crisscross each other, part with metasomatism of kiesel and carbonate. ─── 地层倾角较大,溶洞发育,裂隙纵横交错,部分被硅质、破酸盐所交代。

47、Affection is life prop up, when justice and affection crisscross, how should choose again? ─── 情感是生命的支撑,当正义与情感交错,又该如何抉择?

48、A charming love crisscross time and space ─── 凄美的跨越时空之恋

49、Based on a case study of a slope in the wind-water erosion crisscross region on the Loess Plateau, the dynamic changes of soil water under different land uses were analyzed during the rain season. ─── 摘要以黄土高原水蚀风蚀交错带六道沟小流域典型坡面为研究对象,分析了雨季不同土地利用方式下土壤水分的动态变化。

50、Thereafter, he began to grapple with modern events in his own way through fables that often crisscross time. ─── 后来,他开始以自己的方式、通过时常时间交错的寓言着手解决当代重大事件。

51、1 shadow is sutural law The trend of needlework wants the way that comes out down design picture, prevent thrum crisscross, and embroider is made like naturally picture circle. ─── 1阴影针脚法针线的走向要顺着图案画出来的方向,防止线头交错,并自然地画圆似的绣制。

52、A Finite Analysis Computation Method of the Crisscross Tension Wire Rope Structure ─── 交叉式钢索结构的有限分析计算方法

53、crisscross eyepiece ─── 十字线目镜

54、Spatio-temporal crisscross, you stop male people I go. ─── 时空交错,男人们你停我走。

55、as well as small and large Fangzhuan Fangzhuan Mistaken Putie "crisscross footpaths between paths rock," similar to the mood of ancient well field farming is Recollecting years long history stories. ─── 以及小方砖与大方砖错位铺贴的“阡陌石”,类似古代井田耕作的意境令人追思岁月悠久的历史典故。

56、crisscross screen ─── 交叉掩护

57、Spatial Differentiation Pattern of Production Structure in the Farming-pastoral Crisscross Zone of North China ─── 北方农牧交错带农林牧业生产结构类型空间分异特征研究

58、The National Highway 207 and 325 and Guangzhou-Zhanjiang Expressway crisscross, making Zhangjiang a main hub of highways. ─── 国道207线、325钱和广湛高速公路纵横交错,是全国公路主枢纽之一。

59、A crisscross network of public and private railways makes it easy to explore the entire Lavaux region on foot or by bike. ─── 四通八达的公共及个人铁路网为观光提供了便捷,游客们可以步行,也可以骑自行车。

60、I gathered all my courage and looked down. I saw the square in the center of the village. And I saw the crisscross of twisting turning streets leading to the square. ─── 我鼓足勇气朝下看,看到了村子中心的广场,也看到了纵横交错、弯弯曲曲的街从不同方向通往广场。

61、But also put in the zoology environment problem with serious move, especially region of farming herd crisscross. ─── 但也存在着严重的生态环境问题,尤其是农牧交错地带。

62、Actually, resource poverty and ability poverty often crisscross distributings form certain combination, raise different requirement to helping the design of deficient strategy up thereby. ─── 实际上,资源型贫困和能力型贫困经常交错分布形成一定的组合,从而对扶贫战略的设计提出不同的要求。

63、crisscross cultivation ─── 交叉耕作

64、Deafening firecrackers to break out, the fireworks crisscross rises, families throughout the city boiling, a New Year will have arrived. ─── 震耳欲聋的鞭炮声此起彼伏,千家万户的烟花交错升起,整个城市沸腾了,新的一年来到了。

65、collagen fiber bunch was arranged in a crisscross way with clear cross striation and no collagen observed sections. ─── 到产后第25天时,腺上皮细胞被基底膜包围,腺体腔内出现微绒毛。

66、crisscross motion ─── 交错运动

67、By 1800, there are 800 new meridians that crisscross through major chakra centers beginning at the feet and ending at the crown interconnecting the right and left sides of the etheric body. ─── 到1800股时,就有800个新穴位交叉于主脉轮中心,从脚部起始,终止于头顶,互联以太体的左右两边。

68、a crisscross design ─── 十字型设计

69、Growth of postwar world economy presents crisscross sex feature. ─── 战后世界经济增长呈现交错性特征。

70、crisscross section ─── 十字形

71、Four - lane highways crisscross the country. ─── 四线干道纵横交叉布于全国。

72、And I saw the crisscross of twisting turning streets leading to the square ─── 也看到了纵横交错、弯弯曲曲的街从不同方向通往广场。

73、Soil seed bank dynamics of degraded grassland in the crisscross eco-zone of agriculture-animal husbandry in northern China ─── 华北农牧交错带退化草地土壤种子库动态变化

74、a crisscross pattern ─── 十字形图案

75、9 see joke: Before, crisscross of freely of the highroad trail, be like a piece of your person's perplexed net. ─── 9看笑话: 眼前,大路小径纵横交错,如一张令人迷惘的网。

76、multiply crisscross ─── 交叉相乘

77、crisscross circulation network ─── 四通八达的流通网络

78、The company's net production of natural silk was, after Featured silk, artificial mesh crisscross layers are, mechanical precision technology from quilted. ─── 公司生产的纯天然蚕丝被,经过精选蚕丝,人工网状纵横交错层层排列,机械精密工艺绗缝而成。

79、time and space crisscross ─── 时空交错

80、Jingguang, Longhai, Jiaozhi, and the Beijing - Kowloon railways line crisscross the province and the new opening “Eurasian continental bridge” crosses the whole province. ─── 京广、陇海、焦枝、京九等铁路干线纵横交错,新开通的亚欧大陆桥横贯全省;

81、When you wander in the canyon, you will be surprised at the crisscross of the rocks of different eras. ─── [行前准备] 简易实用的藏语,一贴就通![美图贴吧] 厕所场景大集合,爆笑!

82、Things go crisscross. ─── 事情向相反方向发展(事与愿违)。

83、crisscross squeeze ─── 交叉挤压

84、Observation on Therapeutic Effect of Crisscross Scalp Acupuncture with Long Needle-Retaining Time on Hemiplegia due to Apoplexy ─── 头针交叉刺久留针法治疗中风后偏瘫疗效观察

85、crisscross offence ─── 交叉攻击

86、15 years ago, he and a couple of colleagues set out to crisscross the u. ─── 15年前,他和几位同事决定乘坐一辆露营车行遍整个美国。

87、Statesmen will crisscross the Continent. ─── 政治家们将在欧洲大陆上来往奔波。

88、Keywords crop-grazing crisscross area;contrd measures of desertification;plant bioversity;siting monitoring;Yanchi county; ─── 关键词农牧交错带;荒漠化治理措施;植物多样性;定位监测;盐池县;

89、Crisscross Zones of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Unsuitable for Large-scale Land Reclamation ─── 农牧交错带不适宜大规模开垦



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