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09-13 投稿



Himalayan 发音

英:[?h?m??le??n]  美:[?h?m??le??n]

英:  美:

Himalayan 中文意思翻译




Himalayan 网络释义

adj. 喜玛拉雅山脉的

Himalayan 常用词组

himalayan movement ─── 喜马拉雅运动

himalayan orogeny ─── 喜马拉雅运动;喜马拉雅造山运动

Himalayan 短语词组

1、Himalayan Cuckoo ─── 喜马拉雅杜鹃

2、Himalayan rat ─── 喜马拉雅老鼠

3、himalayan mountains ─── 喜马拉雅山脉

4、Himalayan Birch ─── 喜马拉雅桦树

5、Himalayan field rat ─── 喜马拉雅野鼠

6、himalayan pink salt ─── 喜马拉雅粉盐

7、Himalayan rhubarb ─── [网络] 雅大黄

8、Himalayan cat ─── 喜马拉雅猫

9、Himalayan rabbit ─── [医]喜马拉雅兔

10、Himalayan Pine ─── 乔松

11、Himalayan cedar un. ─── 雪松 [网络] 喜马拉雅 ─── 雪松

12、Lhasa Newar (trans Himalayan traders) ─── 拉萨纽纳(穿越喜马 ─── 拉雅贸易商)

13、himalayan restaurant ─── 喜马拉雅餐厅

14、Lhasa Newar (trans Himalayan trader ─── 拉萨纽纳(穿越喜马 ─── 拉雅贸易商

15、himalayan salt ─── 喜马拉雅盐

16、himalayan eagle ─── 喜马拉雅鹰

17、Himalayan lilac ─── [网络] 喜马拉雅淡紫色

Himalayan 相似词语短语

1、Himalayan cat ─── 喜马拉雅猫

2、Malayan ─── adj.马来人的;马来语的;马来亚的;n.马来人;马来血统的人;马来语(等于Malay)

3、Himalayan cats ─── 喜马拉雅猫

4、Himalayan ─── adj.(与)喜玛拉雅山脉(有关)的;n.色点猫

5、Grimaldian ─── 格里马尔王朝

6、Himalaya ─── n.喜马拉雅山脉

7、jambalayas ─── n.(美国南部的)什锦饭(用米饭、海鲜、鸡肉等加香料制作而成);各种元素(或物质)的混合物

8、the Himalayas ─── 喜马拉雅山

9、Himalayas ─── n.喜马拉雅山脉

Himalayan 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Darjeeling Himalayan railway is the light railway system of a gauge 610 millimeters. ─── 大吉岭喜马拉雅铁路的轨距尺是610毫米。

2、Of 320,000 registered voters, nearly 80% cast a ballot, a triumph for civic educators in the fastidiously administered Himalayan kingdom. ─── 32万注册的选民中,大约80%参与了投票,对于这个管理的一丝不苟的喜马拉雅王国的市民教化者来说,是一个胜利。

3、CHI draws inspiration from the origin of the Shangri-La legend, high in the mystical Himalayan mountains. ─── “气”,根据香格里拉的美丽传说,产生于神秘的喜马拉雅山脉间。

4、Shortly before Chennault's AVG began operations against the Japanese, CNAC had pioneered a number of air routes over the forbidding Himalayan Mountains in order to connect China and India by air. ─── 在陈纳德的美国航空志愿队(飞虎队)开始来中国参加抗日之前,为了能将中国与印度在空中连接起来,中国航空公司在险恶的喜马拉雅山上空开辟了几条航线。

5、A year ago, a dispute over the countries' shared Himalayan borders reignited and has yet to be settled. ─── 一年前,两国的喜马拉雅边界爆发争端,至今仍未解决。

6、Heavy security has been deployed for polling in the Kashmir valley, the disputed northern Himalayan region claimed by both India and Pakistan. ─── 在克什米尔地区以及富有争议的喜马拉雅北部地区的选举警备重重。

7、Most of the media and political pundits in this tiny Himalayan nation did not see much difference between the two parties vying to lead the nation into democracy, but the voters of Bhutan did. ─── 不丹历史性的选举结束了长达一个多世纪的世袭君主制。被广泛视为对王室最为忠诚的政党赢得了压倒胜利。

8、The Himalayan cryosphere such as glaciers and permafrost is very important in water circulation in the area. ─── 喜玛拉雅的冰冻圈,如冰川和永冻土在该区域的水循环中非常重要。

9、Located at the foot of the Himalayan mountains, Corbett is home to about 135 Bengal tigers. ─── 位于喜马拉雅山脉脚下,是135只孟加拉虎的家园。

10、Himalayan Southwest Chu, Ussuri River north-east side. ─── 喜玛拉雅西南矗,乌苏里江东北边。

11、The peak-period of discharge and generating hydrocarbon of hydrocarbon source rock was in early, medial and later Yanshan period and Himalayan period. ─── 发育二叠系、三叠系、侏罗系多套烃源岩,分别具有多期生、排烃特点。

12、The red panda is found in the Himalayan foothills, which extend through Northeast India. ─── 上图为生存在印度东北部到喜玛拉雅山脉丘陵地带的红色熊猫。

13、The SE limb of Naligou anticline was fractured in the action of persistent regional stressing and expanded into detachment-thrust structure during Himalayan orogenic period. ─── 喜山期持续的区域应力作用使那里沟背斜SE翼沿软弱面断裂,经递进扩展变形,最终形成逆冲推覆构造。

14、Tazhong 4 Oilfield is originally formed at later Hercynian, and then petroleum is entrapped at Yanshanian.Finally, it is reconstructed and reallocated in Himalayan. ─── 塔中4油田最初形成于晚海西期,燕山期又经历了一次重要的成藏过程,喜山期还有一次改造再分配的过程。

15、The himalayan mountain is a tallest mountain of whole world. ─── 喜玛拉雅山是全世界最高的山。

16、Since the Miocene Yanqi basin has been overthrusted from north by Tianshan belt and from south by Kuluktag belt because of the Himalayan orogenic event.The Yanqi basin is now one of foreland basins. ─── 喜马拉雅造山事件以来,其南北两侧山体向盆地内对冲,形成典型前陆冲断褶皱构造,盆地内发育一系列台阶状断层及其断层相关褶皱。

17、The glaciers are melting in the Himalayan Mountains. An environment group took these photos in China in April. ─── 全球变暖加剧冰川融化,证实了今年的世界环境日要以此为主题。6月15日我们要以严肃的态度去对待这个问题。

18、The resentment that exploded in Lhasa on March 14th 2008 and spread rapidly across the vast Himalayan plateau has by no means subsided. ─── 2008年3月14日的爆发的情绪,穿过喜马拉雅大高原传播开来,并没有被平息。

19、large Himalayan goat with large spiraled horns. ─── 喜玛拉雅有大的螺旋状角的大山羊。

20、The ore-forming process of the alkaline type deposits lasted from Mesoproterozoic to Himalayan, mainly in Mesoproterozoic and Variscan periods. ─── 堿性岩型矿床的形成时代从元古宙到喜马拉雅期,主要集中在中元古代及华力西-印支期。

21、A monk in the Shankaracharya Order, he held the highest position as a Shankaracharya, which he then renounced to continue to serve the Himalayan Tradition. ─── 作为商羯罗查尔雅学会的一名高僧,他获得了该学会的最高职位。但他后来放弃了这个职位,继续为喜玛拉雅文化的传承服务。

22、Annapurna South at sunrise, Nepal. There's disagreement among scientists about how much Himalayan glaciers are melting and the cause. ─── (图)尼泊尔境内南喜马拉雅山脉的日出。科学家们一直对喜马拉雅山脉冰川储量和消融原因存在争议。

23、A professional skier, Miura is no stranger to Himalayan adventure. ─── 三浦为职业滑雪高手,对于攀登喜马拉雅山脉一点都不陌生。

24、In an attempt to settle the matter once and for all, Nepal this week launched a two-year geodesic survey to measure the Himalayan peak. ─── 为了一劳永逸地解决这个问题,尼泊尔这个星期启动了一个两年的大地测量计划来测定珠穆朗玛峰高度。

25、Distribution: Himalayan region, China and Taiwan. Locally in low to medium elevations of forest margins and open sites. ─── 原产地:喜马拉雅地区、中国大陆及台湾;台湾分布于低中海拔林缘及开阔地。

26、Patches of porphyries of late Himalayan epoch broadly occur in the whole Gandise massif, showing the intracontinental extension after the collision and orogeny in the region. ─── 喜马拉雅晚期的小斑岩体实际上广泛出露于整个冈底斯地块上,它反映的是该区在经历了碰撞造山后发生的陆内伸展的构造过程。

27、China's assertiveness is mirrored in its refusal to grant visa to any official from Arunachal Pradesh and aggressive patrolling of the still-fuzzy Himalayan frontier. ─── 中国是一个崛起中的大国,但在与周边国家的领土或海上纠纷上,它也是一个越来越凶猛好战的国家,无法超越狭隘的考虑。

28、A large scale migration and accumulation took place during Later Himalayan movement,as a result a type of called remained gas pools with higher gas columns were formed. ─── 喜山构造运动使研究区天然气重新大规模运移聚集,形成充满度很高的残余气藏。

29、Cross the Himalayan mountain range is located in Queen Valley, western China's Sichuan Province and other places large and small Jinchuan River basin upstream of the ancient name. ─── 地处喜马拉雅横断山脉的女王谷,是中国四川西部大小金川等地大渡河上游流域的古代名称。

30、Governments have formed and disintegrated faster than a snowflake in a Himalayan gale. ─── 政府形成再瓦解的速度比喜马拉雅大风中的一片雪花还要快。

31、Himalayan goat have a silky undercoat highly prized as cashmere wool. ─── 喜玛拉雅山羊,底层绒毛柔滑如丝被赞为克什米绒毛。

32、Snow leopards in the Indian Himalayan area of Ladakh were photographed using remotely operated camera traps. ─── 在印度喜马拉雅地区的拉达克,摄影师用隐藏式远程遥控相机捕捉雪豹的踪影。

33、In the Himalayan bassinet and the arms of Ganges, Hindustan become a cryptic country. ─── 在喜玛拉雅的摇篮里,在恒河的怀抱中,天竺成为一个神秘的国度。

34、Himalayan Head and Scalp Massage ─── 喜马拉雅头部按摩

35、China continues to lay claim to more Indian territories, even as it holds on to Himalayan areas it seized furtively or by conquest in the 1950s and early 1960s. ─── 即使在五十年代和六十年代初,中国就不断暗中攫取或征服喜马拉雅地区,它继续主张更多印度的领土。

36、Experts say the loss of the Himalayan glaciers, which feed rivers, could cause water shortages for millions of Asians. ─── 专家们表示,失去作为河流之源的喜马拉雅冰川,可能给数百万亚洲居民造成水源短缺。

37、The Himalayan Mountains were formed some 150 million years ago after the landmass that is now India broke off from Antarctica, drifted north and collided with the rest of Asia. ─── 喜马拉雅山脉大概在1亿五千万年前,当印度大陆从南极洲分离向北漂移时和亚洲其他部分撞击形成的。

38、A south access to the Brahmaputra water along the eastern Himalayan slopes southeast plunge down into the Indian Ocean, becoming the most important water vapor channel Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. ─── 一条向南的通道将雅鲁藏布江水沿东喜马拉雅东南坡面急泻而下注入印度洋,成为青藏高原最主要的水汽通道。

39、Cerro San Lorenzo might only be 3706m high but the 1500m south east face is 5km long and of himalayan proportions. ─── 塞若.圣洛伦索只有3706米高,但是高差1500米的东南壁有5公里长,是喜马拉雅式的路线。

40、Himalayan glaciers feed many of Asia’s great rives, including Ganga, Indus, Brahmaputra, Mekong, Nujiang (Salween), Yangtze and Huang He.These rivers ensure water supply to millions of people. ─── 喜马拉雅山的冰山是亚洲许多大河的水源,包括恒河,印度河,布拉马普特拉河、眉公河、怒江、长江和黄河,这些河流保障了数亿人口生活用水的需求。

41、"But most of the high Himalayan peaks are used to be sparkling sun Fanzhuo under the waves of the ocean. ─── 但是喜马拉雅山的大部分高耸的山峰都曾经是太阳照射下泛着粼粼波光的海洋。

42、Two regimes of overthrust systems were formed during the Hercynian movement in the end of Early Permian and the Himalayan movement in the end of Oligocene respectively. ─── 在盆地的演化历史中,早二叠世末的晚海西运动和渐新世末的喜马拉雅运动形成了两个世代的逆冲-逆掩断裂系统。这两期构造也是油气的主要成藏期。

43、In this mixed zone between taiga and subtropics, southern species such as the tiger and Himalayan bear cohabit with northern species such as the brown bear and lynx. ─── 在这样一个针叶树林地带与亚热带混合的地区,老虎、马拉雅熊等南方物种与棕熊、猫等北方物种得以共同栖息。

44、The Machangqin Cu-Mo-Au deposit is a type deposit related to the Himalayan epoch rich-alkali intrusive rock. ─── 云南马厂箐(铜、钼)金矿床是滇西北地区与喜马拉雅期富碱侵入岩类有关矿床的典型代表之一。

45、In South Asia, the Himalayan glaciers could retreat causing water scarcity. ─── 在南亚,喜马拉雅山冰河的倒退造成了水荒。

46、India has always had an abundance of exotic experiences for travelers: marble Mogul tombs, grand palaces, palm-fringed beaches and Himalayan treks. ─── 去印度旅游的游客常常被带去欣赏壮观的陵墓、精美的宫殿和迷人的海滩,或是加入惊险刺激的攀登喜马拉雅山之旅。

47、Himalayan topography captured by Reflection Radiometer ASTER, which flies on NASA's Terra . ─── 喜马拉雅山脉的地形被反射辐射计紫菀,这苍蝇在美国航天局的Terra卫星。

48、The structural system began to develop during the Indo-sinian orogeny,took full shape in the Yanshanian movement,and had a strong activity in the Himalayan epoch. ─── 华南山字型是印支期发生发展,燕山期成型和定型,喜马拉雅期仍有较强活动的构造体系。

49、Himalayan meteorological phenomenon ─── 喜马拉雅气象现象

50、Delhi has waged war with China in the past over border disputes in its northern Himalayan region and it distrusts Beijing over its ties with Pakistan. ─── 围绕北方喜马拉雅地区的边境争端,印度曾与中国交战,而且由于中国与巴基斯坦的关系,德里也不信任北京。

51、The effect of Yanshan movement and Himalayan orogeny on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in Junggar basin is analyzed. ─── 分析了燕山运动和喜马拉雅运动在准噶尔盆地油气运移和聚集中的作用。

52、A little shep herd infected plague by touching Tibetan hunting dog which once ate deathful Himalayan marmot came to Yushu canton Institute for Endemic Disease control to see doctor on August 6,1996. ─── 1996年8月6日,玉树州囊欠县拉索尼二队牧童白某因接触叼食自毙獭的藏猎狗而感染鼠疫,来玉树州地方病防治研究所驻觉拉监测队就诊。

53、Then, the fault is remade in middle and late Himalayan period, showing the characteristics of brittle thrust in many times. ─── 充分反映该断裂具多期次活动的脆性逆冲特征。

54、Chinese survey teams remeasured Mount Everest, the highest of the Himalayan mountains. ─── 中国的测量队重新测量了喜马拉雅山脉的最高峰珠穆朗玛峰。

55、China and India need only to look at the impact on their water supplies of melting Himalayan ice caps to understand that simply blaming the US for the problem does them little good. ─── 中国和印度只需想一想喜玛拉雅冰盖融化对本国水供应的影响,就能明白将责任简单地推给美国对自己没什么好处。

56、Uranium mineralization in M body, in addition to the small amounts during late Caledonian (geosyneline stage), are mainly developed during Himalayan stage (diwa stage). ─── M岩体的铀矿化,除少数形成于加里东晚期(地槽阶段)外,主要形成在喜马拉雅期(地洼阶段)。

57、Little precipitation makes it over the crests of the Himalayan ranges and onto the Tibetan Plateau, and so the climatic contrast across the Himalaya is extreme. ─── 在喜马拉雅山的山峰与青藏高原上,降雨很少,因此,在喜马拉雅山的两侧,气候型态截然不同。

58、Its really instant mood enhancer believe me.6 kgs of himalayan purest rock of salt crystal is being heated by 15 w bulb and 7 candles. ─── 你能衡量它所释放出的负离子数量吗?它的瞬间增强器让我相信6千克的喜马拉雅纯盐水晶被15瓦的灯泡和7只蜡烛加热了。

59、The Northern Himalayan Dome Belt ─── 北喜马拉雅穹隆带

60、The Eastern Himalayan alpine meadows have more varieties of plant than anywhere in Asia, except the rainforests of Borneo. ─── 东喜马拉雅山脉高山草地的植物种类比亚洲其他任何地区都多,婆罗洲的雨林除外。

61、Based on above research, a prototype system, Virtual Earth System (VES), was developed to visualize Yong Ding River and Mountain Himalayan. ─── 在核心刊物及会议上发表论文十余篇。


63、A number of places, from San Francisco to the tiny Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan, have banned or severely restricted the use of plastic bags. ─── 从旧金山到喜马拉雅王山的小国不丹,都已禁止或严格限制塑料袋的使用。

64、India's armed forces, as well as its railways and space programme, hog an unduly large amount of spectrum, doled out to them when the radio waves were as sparsely populated as the Himalayan peaks. ─── 印度的军队,铁路及航天领域占有过多的频谱,而这种资源就像喜马拉雅山顶的居民一样稀少。

65、It had sweeping grasslands and alpine mountains, like snow covered, serious Himalayan style alpine mountains. ─── 那儿有一望无垠的草原和高山,那些山峰好似有冰雪覆盖,就像真正的喜玛拉雅山一样。

66、In Tibetan plateau the crust thickness is more than 70 km,in orogenic belt of Himalayan mountains it is about 55 km of,in Brahmaputra basin valley it is 33 to 35 km,and in Naga mountain it is 40 to 45 km. ─── 喜马拉雅造山带为55 km左右; 布拉马普特拉河谷盆地为33~35 km;

67、India tour is a combination of spiritual experience being in an ashram setting, getting the training in the Himalayan Tradition and experience the rich tradition of India. ─── 印度之旅是一次体验静修中心喜马拉雅瑜伽传统和丰富的印度文化的经历。

68、The Himalayan orogenic belt has some important features that distinguish it from the Andean and Alpine orogenic belts. ─── 喜马拉雅山带不同于安第斯山和阿尔卑斯山,有其自己的特征

69、Himalayan tectonic movement has significant influence on the geology evolution and the oil-gas reservoir formation in the Ordos Basin. ─── 喜马拉雅运动对鄂尔多斯盆地断裂构造演化和油气藏的形成与分布具有十分重要的影响。

70、The thrust flat in the south carries a slab of the GHC over the Lesser Himalayan Sequence(LHS)and creates a large hanging wall fault-bend fold continuing N100 km south of the MCT ramp zone. ─── 南部的逆冲断坪携带了一个GHC的板片(Slab)叠置在小喜马拉雅层序之上(LHS),并形成了一个在MCT逆冲断层带之南延续100km的巨大上盘断弯褶皱。

71、The Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan has evenbanned the sale of tobacco products. ─── 位于喜马拉雅山南麓的不丹甚至禁止销售烟草产品。

72、And soot from India, China and a few other countries threatens water supplies fed by the Himalayan-Tibetan glaciers. ─── 印度,中国和其他国家的煤烟,威胁到喜马拉雅山脉到西藏冰川一带的饮用水供应。

73、Using long-period wave form data from GSN,according to the general ray theory,we presented the inversion results of three strong-moderate earthquakes occurred at the Himalayan convergence zone. ─── 利用全球数字化地震台网(GSN)长周期数字地震波形资料,对发生在喜马拉雅碰撞带的3次中强地震事件,根据广义射线理论,就其震源物理过程进行了反演。

74、In keeping with the private, secret nature of Himalayan tradition, the official wedding was attended only by family members and monks. ─── 遵从喜马拉雅保密传统,只有家庭成员及僧侣才能参加正式的婚礼。

75、The most of oil and gas are injected in Caledonian and early Hercynian.In Himalayan tectogenesis oil accumulates before hydrocarbon splits. ─── 加里东期-海西早期为主要油气充注期,喜山期属于早期油藏晚期裂解。

76、Everest :Sherpas and Himalayan mountaineering /Sherry B.Ortner. ─── 书名/作者 Life and death on Mt.

77、The Early Himalayan period (from Paleocene to Eocene) was relatively quiet in terms of magmatic activity. ─── 喜山早期(古新世至始新世)岩浆活动微弱。

78、In the lower reaches of the mountain river, Himalayan mahseer are gathering. ─── 在山涧河流的下游,喜玛拉雅马西亚鱼正在聚集。

79、Strike-slip tectonics formed possibly in Himalayan Period when the boundary faults thrusted and right lateral strike slipped concurrently, intersect the boundary faults of the central geotectogene and collocate like the en-echelon faults. ─── 在中央拗陷带内走滑断层与边界主断层斜交并呈“雁列式”排列,表明走滑构造可能在边界断层发生大规模逆冲兼右行走滑时形成,其形成时期可能为喜山期。

80、He was offered a place in the Himalayan expedition and jumped at the chance. ─── 人家向他提议让他参加喜马拉雅山考察队,他求之不得地接受了。

81、Think of Himalayan Mountain Bike tours as if trekking-by-bicycle except you get to cover 3 or 4 times the territory in same time while maximizing your vacation time and holiday experience. ─── 喜马拉雅的山地车旅行好像用徒步在骑车,除非你有3,4次在当地骑车,同时消耗掉你最佳的假期时间,假期体验。

82、He was solely responsible for establishing the Delhi University Climbing Club and excelled at all the climbing and outdoor adventure course at the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute in Darjeeling. ─── 他自发建立德里大学攀登俱乐部,在达吉岭的喜马拉雅登山研究所他在攀登和户外探险课程中表现优异。

83、The glaciers are melting in the Himalayan Mountains. ─── 喜马拉亚上冰层正在融化。

84、Orange-bellied Himalayan squirrel ─── n. 橙腹长吻松鼠

85、Can people across the Himalayan region mobilise to build a common, collaborative response to the impacts of climate change? ─── 喜马拉雅地区的人们能否行动起来共同应对气候变化给他们带来的影响呢?

86、Plot : After their plane crashes into uncharted territory in the snowy Himalayan Mountains, the surviving members of a college football team set out to find help in a freezing cold blizzard. ─── 图:在他们的飞机坠毁到未知领域的喜马拉雅山脉的雪山,幸存的成员学院足球队开始着手寻找帮助在严寒暴雪。

87、He immediately received several large orders even though Bhutan is a landlocked Himalayan kingdom which then did not even have a stockmarket. ─── 他立即收到数个大订单,尽管喜马拉雅王国不丹是个内陆国家,而且那个时候还没有股票市场。

88、Middle and late Himalayan movements determined the formation and development of structural traps. ─── (5 )喜山运动中晚期活动控制构造圈闭的形成和发展 ;

89、Enjoy breathtaking views of the Himalayan mountain range on this guided journey through the spiritual heart of Tibet, beginning and ending in Katmandu, Nepal. ─── 免责声明:本站数据全部由蜘蛛程序自动抓取而来,且仅提供文章链接及部分摘要信息,文章所持观点和本站无关,请点击原文链接查看原作者和出处!

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