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09-13 投稿



hoven 发音


英:  美:

hoven 中文意思翻译





hoven 词性/词形变化,hoven变形

hoven 相似词语短语

1、hooven ─── adj.气胀病

2、coven ─── n.女巫大聚会;十三女巫大集会;n.(Coven)人名;(英、西)科文;(法)科旺

3、hovea ─── n.长叶荷贝亚属

4、doven ─── vi.作祈祷;vt.作祈祷(等于daven)

5、hosen ─── 短袜

6、hovel ─── n.小屋;栅舍;茅舍;vt.使…住在茅屋;把…拴入棚舍

7、hogen ─── n.(Hogen)人名;(英、捷、瑞典)霍根

8、hove ─── v.(用力)举起;用绳将(船)拉动;(非正式)抛(重物);发出(叹息);起伏;呕吐,恶心(heave的过去式及过去分词);n.(Hove)(美)霍弗(人名)

9、haven ─── n.保护区,避难所;港口;v.为……提供避难所;n.(Haven)(美)黑文(人名)

hoven 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hoven once asked: "How many people speak the same language even when they speak the same language?" ─── 霍文曾问道:“即使是在说同一种语言,有多少人说的是相同的语言呢?”

2、This is a research of the three Viennese masters Haydn, Mozart and Beet hoven, including their times and chamber music style. ─── 室内乐起源于17、8世纪间的欧洲,这种多声部音乐具有曲式严谨、奏细腻等特征,本文就维也纳古典乐派三位大师海顿、扎特、多芬所处的历史时代及他们的室内乐风格作一分析探索。

3、Russell Hoven once asked: "How many people speak the same language even when they speak the same language? " ─── 拉塞尔·霍文曾问道:“即使是在说同一种语言,有多少人说的是相同的语言呢?”

4、Keane was Liverpool's best player against PSV Eind hoven in the Champions League on Tuesday night and afterwards was at pains to point out that leaving is the furthest thing from his thoughts. ─── 在周三欧冠联赛利物浦客场击败埃因霍温的那场比赛后,基恩当选最佳球员,随后他借机指出,他从未想过离开。

5、Mainly treats: hoven, hyperchlorhydria, insufficient internal heat in stomach. In food: pickling all kinds of meat to add with tastes. Dessert: osmanthus cakes and dumplings are known far and wide ─── 功效:主冶:胃气、胃涨、胃寒、胃酸美食:可腌各种肉类,美味非常甜品:桂花糕及桂花汤圆,更是远近驰名。

6、Van Der Hoven ─── 范德霍文

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