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09-13 投稿



dreamless 发音

英:[dri?ml?s]  美:['driml?s]

英:  美:

dreamless 中文意思翻译



dreamless 网络释义

adj. 无梦的,不做梦的

dreamless 词性/词形变化,dreamless变形

名词: dreaminess |形容词最高级: dreamiest |副词: dreamily |形容词比较级: dreamier |

dreamless 短语词组

1、dreamless book ─── 无梦之书

2、dreamless comic ─── 无梦漫画

3、dreamless dreams ─── 无梦的梦

4、dreamless cc ─── 无梦cc

5、dreamless def ─── 无梦def

6、dreamless belt ─── 无梦地带

7、dreamless pdf ─── 无梦pdf

8、dreamless hair ─── 无梦的头发

9、dreamless sleep ─── 无梦睡眠

10、dreamless night ─── 无梦之夜

dreamless 相似词语短语

1、dreamers ─── n.梦想家(dreamer的复数形式);做梦的人

2、dreadness ─── n.恐惧;可怕的人(或物)(dread的变形)

3、dreamlessly ─── 无梦的

4、dreadless ─── adj.无畏的

5、dreaminess ─── n.多梦;朦胧;梦幻状态;耽于幻想

6、beamless ─── 无梁的

7、streamless ─── 无河川的

8、breadless ─── adj.无面包的,没饭吃的;缺粮的

9、dreamiest ─── 梦幻般的(dreamy的最高级)

dreamless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It grows in the sun and sleeps in the stillness of the night; and it is not dreamless. ─── 它在阳光下生长,在夜的寂静中安眠,而那睡眠并非天梦。

2、Dreamless sleep isshallower,we have all witnessed cats or dogs cocking their ears to a sound when apparently fast asleep. ─── 无梦睡眠则要浅得多,而且我们都见到过猫或狗在外表上酣睡中,有一点响动就会竖起耳朵。

3、Therefore, ultimate reality must also be fully present in deep dreamless sleep, and anything that is not present in deep dreamless sleep is NOT ultimate reality. ─── 因此终极实相也必定存在于无梦的深睡中,那么在无梦的深睡中不存在的东西,一定不是终极实相。

4、Her thick dark lashes lay like fans against her lids as they fluttered, awakened from a dreamless sleep, and she looked at the tray. ─── 她眨着眼睛,乌黑浓密的睫毛像扇子一样在她睡意惺忪的脸颊上扇动,她看着我的托盘。

5、Can you imagine what it would be like to go into dreamless sleep with full consciousness? ─── 你能想象出带着充分意识进入到无梦睡眠里吗?

6、dreamless sleep ─── 无梦睡眠

7、" But in dreamless sleep, you don't go into it consciously. ─── 但是在无梦的睡眠里,你不是有意识地去进入到那个“未呈现的”中。

8、Delta: deep, dreamless sleep, trance state,; profound relaxation, restorative sleep, feelings of tranquility and peace ─── 深层,无梦睡眠,恍惚状态,;深层放松,有益健康睡眠,感觉平静和和平。

9、He fell into the dreamless sleep which rounded off his past ─── 他睡着了,睡得非常沉,好像把过去的岁月全补足。

10、he didn't get enough sleep last night; calm as a child in dreamless slumber. ─── 昨晚他没有很好地睡觉。

11、3.The one thing I miss from the days we wore our hair in crew cuts is that I was so fit, full of boundless energy, enjoying dreamless sleep, always ready for anything. ─── 在过去我蓄平头的日子里,我怀念的一件事,就是那时我很强健,充满无穷的活力,睡觉也安稳,而且总是留心和乐意去进行或对付一切事情。

12、With a stalk of mosquito-repellent incense burning, a night of dreamless sleep makes me happy too. ─── 点蚊香,安心的入睡,也会让我感到开心。

13、Finally, exhausted and exhilarated, he soon fell into a mercifully dreamless sleep ─── 最后,他觉得困乏了,可还是喜孜孜的,终于很快就昏昏沉沉地睡着了。

14、Friday, a cloudy day, has remained so ever since I woke up from a long, dreamless(maybe)sleep. ─── 同宿舍兔子不在,睡到自然醒,感觉很开心。太阳终于没有出来,打开手机发现原来已经9点啦,汗,睡了一圈了。

15、If she granted his dream, she migt fall into a dreamless world. And when he had his wings, he would probably leave her. ─── 如果把梦想给了他,她将永远坠入没有梦的世界,而天使有了翅膀后,也许会离她而去。

16、Apart from dreamless sleep, which I mentioned already, there is one other involuntary portal. ─── 除了我前面提到的无梦的睡眠之外,还有一种不由自主出现的入口。

17、Her thick dark lashes lay like fans against her lids as they fluttered, awakened from a dreamless sleep, and she looked at the tray. ─── 她眨着眼睛,乌黑浓密的睫毛像扇子一样在她睡意惺忪的脸颊上扇动,她看着我的托盘。

18、a dreamless sleep ─── 无梦的睡眠

19、Sleeping at last in a dreamless sleep locked fast. ─── 终于在无梦的睡眠中睡得香。

20、It is dark like a sleep that is dreamless. ─── 它阴沉黑暗,像无梦的睡眠。

21、There are those who renounce the kingdom of dreams that they may not seem distant from the dreamless. ─── 有人舍弃梦幻的王国,以免被无梦者视为异己;

22、the normal brainwave in the encephalogram of a person in deep dreamless sleep; occurs with high voltage and low frequency (1 to 4 hertz) ─── 在脑电图中一个沉睡无梦的人显示的正常脑波,电压高,频率低(赫兹)

23、It grows in the sun and sleeps in the stillness of the night; and it is not dreamless . ─── 它在阳光下生长,在夜的寂静中安眠,而那睡眠并非天梦。

24、You take a journey into the Unmanifested every night when you enter the phase of deep dreamless sleep. ─── 每天晚上,在你进入那个深层次的、无梦的睡眠时,你就在踏上一个进入到“未呈现的”中的旅途。

25、He lay in a dreamless night, ─── 躺在无梦的夜晚。

26、Throw me a dream please, it's been a dreamless sleep for such a long time. ─── 生命中,欢喜有时,忧惧有时,每一件小事都成为明日可爱的记忆,过去每天的际遇都为今天的我作导航。

27、I can picture being in dreamless sleep quite easily. ─── 我能够轻而易举地想象无梦的睡眠。

28、the normal brainwave in the encephalogram of a person in deep dreamless sleep; occurs with high voltage and low frequency (1 to 4 hertz). ─── 在脑电图中一个沉睡无梦的人显示的正常脑波,电压高,频率低(赫兹)。

29、I fell straight into a dreamless sleep. ─── 我一下子就进入了无梦的酣睡。

30、In addition she also wants you to bring her 5 Super Healing Potions, 5 Super Mana Potions and 5 Major Dreamless Sleep Potions. ─── 此外她还要你带给她5个终极治疗药剂,5个终极法力药剂和5个特效昏睡药剂。

31、He fell into the dreamless sleep which rounded off his past . ─── 他睡着了,睡得非常沉,好象把过去的岁月全补足。

32、E. or do you usually have a dreamless sleep? ─── 或者你通常很少做梦?

33、and cause me, uncondemned now, to sleep a dreamless sleep, and keep Thy servant untroubled by thoughts, and drive away from me all satanic deeds; ─── 愿我得以不受责罚地躺卧安眠,并远离鬼魅和幻梦。求你保全你仆役的思想念虑不受侵扰,并使一切撒旦的营谋远离我。

34、Dreamless sleep is much shallower, and we have all witnessed cats or dogs cocking their ears to a sound when apparently fast asleep. ─── 动物在有梦睡眠时,被有效地解除动作能力,并且对外界刺激缺乏反应。

35、this occasion, he had fallen at once into a dreamless sleep. ─── 这一次,他立刻进入了无梦的睡眠。

36、As you probably know, in sleep you constantly move between the phases of dreamless sleep and the dream state. ─── 大概你知道,在睡眠中,你会在无梦睡眠和梦中状态两个阶段不断地徘徊。

37、2. the normal brainwave in the encephalogram of a person in deep dreamless sleep; occurs with high voltage and low frequency (1 to 4 hertz). ─── 在脑电图中一个沉睡无梦的人显示的正常脑波,电压高,频率低(赫兹)。收藏指正

38、Use: Puts the imbiber in a dreamless sleep for 12 sec. During that time the imbiber heals 3600 health and 3600 mana. ─── 使用:使饮用者进入无梦的睡眠,持续12秒。在这段时间内,饮用者可以回复3600点生命值和3600点法力值。

39、However, the long trip of train and bus exhausted us.The weariness soon drew all of us into dreamless sleeping, shielding us from the tire.That was really good sleep. ─── 但是,长途跋涉已经令我们疲惫不堪,并很快带我们进入了梦里他乡。

40、But, deep dreamless sleep would take you down to the lowest frequency, typically 2 to 3 cycles a second. ─── 但是无梦的深层睡眠将使你的脑电波频率降到最低,通常情况下为每秒2-3周。

41、You take a journey into the Unmanifested every night when you enter the phase of deep dreamless sleep. ─── 每天晚上,在你进入那个深层次的、无梦的睡眠时,你就在踏上一个进入到“未呈现的”中的旅途。

42、Now the starlit acient town was dim and silent, like a dreamless sleep. ─── 星光灿烂的古镇,如今幽暗而寂静,像无梦的睡眠。

43、What always awaited me then was a night of easy, dreamless sleep. ─── 那时候,等待我的总是轻松的、连梦也不作的睡眠。

44、As you probably know, in sleep you constantly move between the phases of dreamless sleep and the dream state. ─── 大概你知道,在睡眠中,你会在无梦睡眠和梦中状态两个阶段不断地徘徊。

45、Dreaming in life while dreamless in sleep ─── 生活有梦睡眠无梦

46、He fell into a deep dreamless sleep. ─── 他酣然入睡,一夜无梦。

47、dreamless sleep is much shallower , and we have all witnessed cats or dogs cocking their ears to a sound when apparently fast asleep. ─── 无梦的睡眠是非常浅的,而且我们已经全部目击猫或狗耸立到一种声音的他们耳朵当显然地快速地睡熟了的时候。

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