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09-13 投稿


inorganic 发音

英:[?n??'g?n?k]  美:['?n?r'g?n?k]

英:  美:

inorganic 中文意思翻译



inorganic 短语词组

1、inorganic chemical technology ─── [化] 无机物工学; 无机工艺学; 无机物工艺学

2、inorganic fertilizer ─── [化] 无机肥料

3、inorganic (corrosion) inhibitor ─── [化] 无机缓蚀剂

4、inorganic analysis ─── [化] 无机分析 ─── [医] 无机分析

5、inorganic peroxide ─── [机] 无机过氧化物

6、electro-inorganic chemistry ─── [化] 电无机化学

7、inorganic accentuated ─── [医] 非器质性杂音

8、inorganic oxacid ─── [医] 无机含氧酸

9、inorganic ion exchange paper ─── [化] 无机离子交换纸

10、inorganic chromatography ─── [化] 无机色谱法

11、inorganic chemistry ─── [化] 无机化学 ─── [医] 无机化学

12、inorganic acid ─── [化] 无机酸

13、inorganic enzyme ─── [医] 无机酶(具有酶作用的无机溶胶)

14、inorganic nitrogenous fertilizer ─── [化] 无机氮肥

15、inorganic compound ─── [化] 无机化合物 ─── [医] 无机化合物

16、inorganic electrolyte ─── [电] 无机电解

17、inorganic matter ─── [医] 无机物质

18、inorganic fibre ─── [化] 无机质纤维

19、inorganic adhesive ─── [化] 无机胶粘剂

inorganic 同义词

lifeless | inanimate | inert |mineral

inorganic 词性/词形变化,inorganic变形

副词: inorganically |

inorganic 反义词


inorganic 相似词语短语

1、organic ─── adj.[有化]有机的;组织的;器官的;根本的

2、anorgasmic ─── 厌气

3、inorganised ─── 无机

4、homorganic ─── adj.相同发音器官发出的;(辅音字母)同部位的

5、inorganized ─── adj.缺乏组织的;无组织的

6、inorganically ─── 无机地,无机物地,无组织体系地(inorganic的副词形式)

7、disorganic ─── 杂乱无章的

8、Koranic ─── adj.古兰经的

9、nonorganic ─── 非有机

inorganic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Natural vegetable food contain interior phytase,which hydrolyze phytate to liberate inorganic phosphorus. ─── 天然植物食品中含有内源性植酸酶,一定条件下可以催化其中的植酸水解。

2、A substance that is neither animal nor vegetable; inorganic matter. ─── 无机物既非动物也非植物的物质;无机物

3、The electrolyte comprises a polar solvent and a solute comprising at least one of inorganic acids, organic acids and salts of such acids. ─── 上述电解质具有极性溶剂和无机酸或有机酸或其盐中任何一种以上的溶质。

4、A New Antistatic Fiber Without Inorganic Conducting Medium. ─── 不含无机导电介质的抗静电纤维。

5、Excellent adhesion to inorganic zinc silicate. ─── 对无机硅酸锌具有极好的附着力。

6、Having no organic qualities; inorganic. ─── 无机的不具有有机物性质的; 无机的

7、The paper attempts to solve the problem posed by students in the process inorganic chemistry experimenting teaching. ─── 就学生在无机化学实验教学过程中提出的问题作一解答。

8、Not resistant to inorganic acid, alkali and strong oxidizing solutions. ─── 对强溶剂(如:酮、酯类)及植物油的耐度有限。

9、B. Henderson and G.F. Imbuschr, “Optical Spectroscopy of Inorganic Solids”, Clarendon Press.Oxford, (1989). ─── 张立德,牟季美,“奈米材料和奈米结构”,科学出版社,北京,中国(2001)。

10、The antibacterial mechanism of this kind of inorganic antimicrobials is proposed. ─── 对该类抗菌剂的抗菌机理作了初步分析。

11、Apply on properly blast cleaned steel or directly over inorganic zinc coating in good condition. ─── 施工于适当处理的钢材表面上,或直接施工于状态良好的无机富锌涂层之上。

12、Analyze the reason for the effect of inorganic salt on surfactivity. ─── 分析了无机盐对表面活性剂表面活性产生影响的原因。

13、The turbidity was induced mainly by inorganic salt in seriflux and the ethyl fatty acid in brut liquor. ─── 低度白酒浑浊及货架期沉淀的原因主要是由加浆水中的无机盐和原酒中的高级脂肪酸乙酯引起的。

14、Fig. 3 The schematics of silane coupling agent reacted with the inorganic compound. ─── 图3硅烷偶联剂与无机物反应机理。

15、Most inorganic salts ionize in water solution. ─── 大多数无机盐在水溶液中离解。

16、Among those kinds of autotrophic-salt,the standard of Inorganic nitrogen is seriously overproof for 66%. ─── 其中无机氮严重超标达66%,无机氮与叶绿素的关系在枯水期、丰水期呈正相关;

17、There is the potential of uptake of soil, inorganic nitrogen by the roots of the semi-parasite. ─── 半寄生的根系有可能吸取土壤的无机氮。

18、In a few hours, the corpse dissolves into an inorganic liquid, which can be used as a fertiliser, and a white ash-like residue. ─── 数小时内,遗体便被分解为可被当作肥料使用的无机液体和白色灰状残渣。

19、In general, an inorganic residue is much more detrimental to the operation of the waveguide. ─── 一般,无机残留物对波导使用的危害要大得多。

20、An inorganic acid, such as perchloric acid, containing the largest proportion of oxygen in a series of related acids. ─── 一种无机酸,如各种相关酸中含氧量最大的酸

21、ATPase ( adenosine triphosphatase) An enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP and inorganic phosphate. ─── ATP酶:催化ATP水解为ADP和无机磷酸的一种酶。

22、The inorganic world is inanimate. ─── 无机物的世界是没有生命的。

23、Students should learn inorganic chemistry and inorganic chemistry experiment ...etc before learning the course. ─── 学习本课程应先修无机化学、无机化学实验等课程。

24、It is shown that magnesium hydroxide is a new type of inorganic fire retardant which is friendly to environment. ─── 指出氢氧化镁阻燃剂是一种新型的、对环境友好的无机阻燃剂。

25、Method To treat 36 cases of ST of inorganic cardiopathy with Xinkeshu Tablets with 4 tablets three times daily. ─── 方法随机观察非器质性心脏病窦性心动过速患者36例,口服心可舒片(山东沃华医药科技股份有限公司生产),每日3次,每次4片,4周为1个疗程。

26、But inorganic selenite is just as nutritionally effective as selenium in organic form. ─── 但无机的亚硒酸盐却是以有机形式的硒起着营养作用。

27、Microscale lab is an important part in optimization of teaching inorganic chemistry experiments. ─── 整体优化势在必行,微型化学实验在改革中功不可没,发挥了其独特作用。

28、Most, if not all fungi can dispense with inorganic sources. ─── 即使不是全部亦是大多数真菌可省去无机氮源。

29、The balance was carbonaceous fraction, the nonflammable inorganic fraction was negligible. ─── 其余为不挥发的可燃物碳粒,不可燃的无机物极少。

30、To investigate inorganic element pollution status in road cumulated dust in Wusong industry and nearby areas. ─── 了解上海市吴淞工业区及周边地区道路积尘中无机元素的污染状况。

31、China Inorganic Substance Tech Industry Corp. ─── 丰业玻璃公司中国无机材料科技实业集团公司。

32、Farmers enrich the soil with organic and inorganic manures. ─── 农民用有机肥料和无机肥料来提高土壤的肥力。

33、Both inorganic and organic surfaces constitute the soil adsorption complex. ─── 无机和有机表面组成土壤吸附复合体。

34、Cyclic voltammetry shows that this novel inorganic-organic composite film is of good electrochemical activity. ─── 循环伏安研究表明,薄膜具有较好的电化学活性。

35、Inorganic elements calcium, iron, magenesuim, zinc, copper and manganese join in the OP’s occurred and development. ─── 无机元素钙、铁、镁、锌、铜、锰等参与了OP发生发展的病理过程;

36、The acid pickling wastewater in small and medium size enterprises contains Fe 2+ ,PO 3- 4,Zn 2+ and inorganic acid. ─── 中、小企业的酸洗废水流量不大 ,其中主要含有Fe2 + 、PO3 -4、Zn2 + 和无机酸。

37、Analysis of Amino Acids and Inorganic Elements in Fruits of Cassia fistula L. ─── 傣药腊肠树果实中氨基酸和无机元素分析。

38、Title: Variation of inorganic phosphorus contents in seeds of rapeseed (Brassica napus L. ─── 关键词:甘蓝型油菜;种子;无机磷;植酸磷

39、Animals, although they need some inorganic food, cannot live on it alone. ─── 尽管动物需要无机物的营养,但是却不能单独以此维持生命。

40、Can dispel inorganic and organic pollutants, as well as toxicant. ─── 可消除无机和有机污染物、有毒物。

41、Zhang Jiangshan, Professor, devoted to the research on inorganic chemistry and inorganic materials. ─── 张江山,教授,主要从事无机化学及无机材料研究。

42、The novel non-toxic bismuth vanadate pigment can be the effective substitute for yellow toxic inorganic pigments. ─── 新型无毒的钒酸铋颜料可作为毒性无机黄颜料的一种良好替代品。

43、Inorganic polyphosphate has been found to be widely distributed in living thing, from bacteria to mammals. ─── 摘要多聚磷在生物体内广泛存在,并且发挥重要作用。

44、Chemoautotrophs and chemoheterotrophs obtain energy from inorganic oxidation reactions. ─── 化学自养生物和化学异养生物从无机氧化反应获得能量。

45、Organic Se components can be obtained by biosynthesis making use of inorganic Sein organic bodies. ─── 在生物体内:无机硒被转化成有机硒组分而充分发挥其作用。

46、Guo Yue is Olympic Games, before she has not hit the racket which the inorganic glue water sticks. ─── “郭跃是奥运,之前她没有打过无机胶水粘的球拍。

47、In fact, it's inorganic chemistry and it has upset the aquatics world. ─── 实际上,这种新型泳衣就是无机化学的产物,它已经颠覆了整个水上运动界。

48、The inorganic whisker is a special one in the High-tech new compound material. ─── 无机晶须材料是高技术复合材料中的一种特殊成员,

49、Inorganic salt hyarates which are main form of inorganic PCMs have high solution heat and coefficient of heat co... ─── 探讨了这方面研究的发展方向,展望了储能技术市场化应用的前景。

50、In the determination of the inorganic constituents of the sediment there are two ways to look upon the analysis. ─── 对沉积物中无机成分的测定有两种分析方法。

51、Hydrodynamic cavitation as a tool to control macro-, micro-, and nano-properties of inorganic materials. ─── 以液力气蚀作用调控无机材料之宏观、微观及纳米特性。

52、The most common samples of inorganic materials are the gases of the atmosphere , water , rock , etc . ─── 大气中的气体,水,岩石都是无机物中最普通的实例。

53、Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry Expe. ─── 无机与分析化学实验。

54、He believed them to be natural products of the "plastic power" of the inorganic world, and said so in a book. ─── 他相信它们是无机世界“塑料能量”的天然产物,并在书中也如是说。

55、Apply over properly prepared steel or over inorganic zincs. ─── 施工于正确处理的钢材上或无机富锌底漆上。

56、Study on biological value of inorganic phosphorus sources in various chemical forms for broiler chickens. ─── 不同化学形式的无机磷源在肉雏鸡体内生物学效价的研究。

57、Coal is a sedimentary rock composed principally of organic carbonaceous macerals and inorganic minerals. ─── 摘要煤是一种有机沈淀岩,主要包括有机碳化合物和无机矿物。

58、They may have a nonprotein part (cofactor), which may be an inorganic ion or an organic constituent (coenzyme). ─── 它们结构中可能含有非蛋白的部分(辅因子),既可以是无机离子,也可以是有机成分(辅酶)。

59、RO equipment can remove all kind of organic and inorganic matter , germs and viruses in water. ─── 可去除各类无机盐类、有机杂质、细菌和病毒。

60、Multi-techniques were applied to characterize the surface interactions for organic and inorganic windings of marine sediments. ─── 用多种表面分析技术对海洋沉积物表面无机—有机组分的相互作用进行了表征。

61、Possible applications of the organometallic complex doped inorganic materials have been studied. ─── 探索研究了金属有机配合物掺杂无机固态材料的潜在用途。

62、The wall and the ceiling are decorated with imported inorganic paint painted with airless apray gun. ─── 墙面,天花采用进口无气喷枪涂刷无机涂料;

63、Self-heating liquid, inorganic, n.o.s. ─── 无机液态自身放热物质,

64、Medicine,distillery,organic acid and inorganic industry,also used in purification and decoloring. ─── 制糖、染料工业,用于去杂质纯化,脱色。

65、No poison .no taste, no pollution and inorganic metal ,a chemical property stable, good hydrophile . ─── 为无毒、无味、无污染的无机非金属材料,化学性质稳定,具有良好的亲水性。

66、In February 2008, Goodwin said, "There are no plans for any inorganic capital raisings or anything of the sort. ─── 2008年2月时,古德温说,“我们没有任何对外融资的计划,或者类似计划。”

67、All form ATP from adenosine monophosphate ( AMP ) or adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate. ─── 三磷酸腺都是由腺一磷酸(amp)或腺二磷酸(ADP)和无机磷酸形成。

68、Generally speaking, ceramics are what you get when you apply heat to certain inorganic, non-metallic solids and then allow them to cool. ─── 一般来说,陶瓷就是你加热某些无机的、非金属的固体然后让它们冷却得到的东西。

69、Analysis on the Characteristics of Inorganic Elements in Dioscorea opposita Thunb. ─── 怀山药无机元素的特征分析。

70、Liu W M, Xue Q J.A study on the development of inorganic borates as oil additives[J].Tribology, 1993, 13(4): 382-387. ─── [4]刘维民,薛群基.无机硼酸盐润滑油抗磨添加剂的发展状况[J].摩擦学学报,1993, 13(4): 382-387.

71、Monotilithic inorganic material construction for high reliability. ─── 无机材料,独石结构,具有高度可靠性

72、The fundamentals of inorganic chemistry are very important. ─── 无机化学的基础很重要。

73、Rocks and minerals are inorganic. ─── 岩石和矿物都是无机物。

74、R &D, production and appilication, etc on silicon, organic fluorine, inorganic fluoride and fluorosilicone coating. ─── 内容涉及有机硅、有机氟、无机氟和精细品、氟硅涂料等专业门类,包含研发、生产、应用等多领域。

75、Locals are encouraged to separate their organic from their inorganic waste for recycling. ─── 当地居民被提倡要为有机及无机的垃圾,做分类回收。

76、Inorganic mulches such as gravel and pebbles rarely need replenishing. ─── 无机材料的覆盖物如卵石则很少再需补充。

77、Chemistry in university is consist of Organic Chemistry, inorganic Chemistry and physical chemistry. ─── 在大学中,化学分为有机,无机和物理化学三大类。

78、Analysis of Inorganic Elements in Fruit Pericarp and Pedicel of Garcinia mangostana L. ─── 山竹果皮及果蒂无机元素成分的分析。

79、All inorganic objects contrast with animal and plant kingdoms. ─── 所有的无机物与动物界和植物界形成对照。

80、Method:ICP-AES was used to analyze the inorganic elements in Gypsum Fibrosum together with HCl-HNO3 digestion. ─── 方法:湿法盐酸-硝酸对石膏样品进行消解,利用电感耦合等离子发射光谱法(ICP-AES)测定其无机元素的含量。

81、Polyferric sulphate as a kind of high efficient inorganic polymer flocculants was widely applied to water treatment. ─── 摘要聚合硫酸铁是一种高效无机高分子絮凝剂,在水处理领域中应用极其广泛。

82、Abstract: Polyphosphazenes are inorganic polymeric functional materialsthat have unique characterization. ─── 文摘:聚磷腈是一类具有特殊性能的无机高分子功能材料。

83、Application: Ceramics, cements, paints, refractories, inorganic mineral powders, and other industries. ─── 产品应用领域:适用于陶瓷,水泥,涂料,耐火材料,无机矿物粉体等行业。

84、Inorganic salt had a major impact on surface activity of SDS but little on tea saponin's since its steady quality. ─── 无机盐主要对溶液中的SDS表面活性产生影响,茶皂素性质比较稳定,基本不受影响。

85、Thus arose the two great divisions of this science known as inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry. ─── 于是,产生了这门科学的两大分支,即所谓的无机化学和有机化学。

86、What she means is that there is something inorganic, derivative and inauthentic about a lot of mobile communication. ─── 她所说的是我们对过多的移动通话产生了某种无缘无故就衍生出来的虚假自我感。

87、At the same culture time, the content of cadmium in cultured shrimp in inorganic cadmium group was more than organic cadmium group. ─── 同一养殖时间内无机镉饲料组养殖对虾对镉的蓄积量要大于相应浓度的有机镉饲料组。

88、Determination of inorganic elements and amino acids in Phaysalis pubescens L. ─── 天泡子果实无机元素和氨基酸的测定。

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