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09-13 投稿



deteriorated 发音

英:[d??t??ri?re?t?d]  美:[d??t?ri?re?t?d]

英:  美:

deteriorated 中文意思翻译




deteriorated 短语词组

1、deteriorated crossword ─── 劣化纵横字谜

2、deteriorated synonym ─── 变质同义词

3、deteriorated rubber ─── 变质橡胶

4、deteriorated structure ─── 结构劣化

5、deteriorated beet ─── 变质甜菜

6、deteriorated disc disease ─── 椎间盘恶化

7、deteriorated l5 l5 ─── 退化

8、deteriorated case ─── 坏病

9、deteriorated define ─── 劣化定义

10、deteriorated definition ─── 恶化的定义

11、deteriorated blood ─── 变质的血液

12、deteriorated disc ─── 光盘老化

deteriorated 词性/词形变化,deteriorated变形

动词过去式: deteriorated |动词过去分词: deteriorated |动词现在分词: deteriorating |动词第三人称单数: deteriorates |形容词: deteriorative |名词: deterioration |

deteriorated 同义词

fade | break | corrode | dogs | degrade | degenerate | worsen | downhill | alloy | ablate | away | sully | decay | disintegrate | contaminate | to | weaken | the | rust | break up | wither | debauch | wear away | decompose | pervert | slide | fall apart | wane | fall | wilt | sink | taint |decline | get worse | vitiate | drop | crumble | go | slip | go to the dogs | erode | subvert | devolve | wear | apart | rot | mold | pollute | go downhill | corrupt | fail | up | depreciate

deteriorated 反义词

improve | ameliorate |recuperate

deteriorated 相似词语短语

1、unstercorated ─── 无障碍

2、to deteriorate ─── 恶化

3、deteriorative ─── adj.恶化的;颓废的;退化的;变质的

4、deteriorating ─── v.退化,恶化(deteriorate的ing形式)

5、deteriorate ─── vi.恶化,变坏;vt.恶化

6、ameliorated ─── v.使……变好,改善(meliorate的过去式和过去分词)

7、deteriorates ─── vi.恶化,变坏;vt.恶化

8、deteriority ─── 劣化

9、deterioration ─── n.恶化;退化;堕落

deteriorated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the past two weeks the share prices and, more scarily, the credit spreads of banks with the lowest-quality tier-one capital have deteriorated sharply. ─── 在过去的两周,股价以及更可怕的是,一级资本质量最差的那些银行的信贷利差已经大幅恶化。

2、Later the general atmosphere deteriorated because of the influence of the Gang of Four. ─── 后来由于“四人帮”的破坏,风气不好了。

3、When the aquacultural environment is deteriorated and full of the pathogenic bacteria, the culture harvest is not stable. ─── 受到恶化的养殖环境和病原菌的肆虐,所以在收获上呈现极大的不稳定。

4、Studies on division, assessment, suitable land and tree of afforestation site type in semi-dry deteriorated grass farm. ─── 半干旱退化草牧场造林立地类型划分、评价与适地适树研究。

5、The pair's relationship deteriorated and they split in Hawaii. ─── 他们的关系破裂并在夏威夷分道扬镳。

6、Wardens said the latest adoptee looked well and strong. Oryx number two was taken away from the lioness after its condition deteriorated from lack of food. ─── 动物看管员们说这只刚刚被"狮妈妈"收养的小狮子看上去身体状况不错,很健壮,但是由于跟在狮妈妈身边缺少食物,第二只被收养的小羚羊已经被看管员从母狮子身边带走。

7、In addition, Russia army strengthened military restraining power to ensure national security when facing increasingly deteriorated geography-politics position. ─── 另外,面对日益恶化的地缘政治形势,为保障国家的安全,俄军强化了现实遏制能力。

8、Regenerationprocess of deteriorated chloroplatinic acid by reducing and purifying is introduced. ─── 介绍了变质氯铂酸经过还原、提纯,再生为分析纯氯铂酸的中间操作过程。

9、But they tended to run subsidiaries to maximise cashflow, and the businesses slowly deteriorated, like a poorly maintained house. ─── 但他们往往采用补贴的方式来让现金最大限度地流动起来,于是企业就慢慢地退化了,象维护不善的房子一样。

10、Within a week his condition deteriorated, his pain became unbearablehe relapsed into morphine consumption. ─── 不出一周他的每况愈下,痛苦不堪又陷入服用吗啡的恶习。

11、In the following years Sino-Soviet relations deteriorated, and China was beset with economic difficulties. ─── 后来中苏两国关系不好了,中国面临经济困难

12、The environment which animals growth have been deteriorated. ─── 动物生长的自然环境一直在恶化。

13、But Mr Shinmachi proved unable to restore the carrier's once pristine brand image. Employee morale also deteriorated after a proposed 10 per cent across-the-board pay cut. ─── 但事实证明,新町先生未能恢复这家航空公司一度无懈可击的品牌形象。在提议全面裁薪10%后,雇员士气也被削弱。

14、In late 1934, relations between Italy and Abyssinia (as Ethiopia was known at the time) deteriorated in the wake of a border incident. ─── 1934年末,意大利和阿比西尼亚(今“埃塞俄比亚”)之间的关系在边界事件发生之后开始恶化。

15、It is saddening to see that relations between the two countries should have deteriorated to the present state. ─── 两国关系恶化到今天这个地步, 是令人痛心的。

16、She walked east along Van Buren Street through a region of lessening importance, until it deteriorated into a mass of shanties and coal-yards, and finally verged upon the river. ─── 她沿着凡布伦街朝东走,穿过一个不太豪华的地段,继续往前走,房子变得越来越一般,渐渐出现了简陋小屋和煤场,最后到了河边。

17、Losses which become deteriorated due to the negligence of notice or nonfeasance of remedies shall be compensated by the defaulting Party. ─── 一方未尽通知义务或未采取措施避免、减少损失的,应就扩大的损失承担相应的赔偿责任。

18、The 27-year-old also denied that his relationship with Benitez has deteriorated in light of the manager's indecision over his future last year. ─── 27岁的阿隆索同时否认由于去年贝尼特斯自作主张决定自己的未来,他与贝尼特斯的关系恶化。”

19、Security has deteriorated in the capital and many parts of the country. ─── 在首都喀布尔和阿富汗许多地方,安全局势有所恶化。

20、The deteriorated grassland area has hit 135 million hectares,which is still increasing at the annual speed of 2 million hectares. ─── 其中”三化“(退化、沙化、碱化)草原面积已达13500万公顷,并且每年还以200万公顷的速度增加。

21、Regeneration process of deteriorated chloroplatinic acid by reducing and purifying is introduced. ─── 介绍了变质氯铂酸经过还原、提纯,再生为分析纯氯铂酸的中间操作过程。

22、Under the intense human disturbance, the area of China's urban wetland is reducing, with its ecological services deteriorated and pollution and eutrophication getting serious. ─── 受人为活动干扰强烈,中国城市湿地存在面积缩小、功能退化、污染严重,特别是富营养化现象突出。

23、Thus the economy is severely jeopardized,and environment cruelly deteriorated,in the long run. ─── "左"的指导方针不仅给经济发展带来了严重危害,也恶化了生态环境。

24、Palpation revealed a stony hard left eyeball and his visual acuity bad also deteriorated. ─── 在诊断疑似眼球后出血的情况下马上给予外科与内科疗法。

25、They looked at this rate before and after nephrectomy to see if kidney function had deteriorated. ─── 他们在切除手术前后对比了这一水平,用来检验肾功能是否恶化。

26、However, while the situation has undeniably deteriorated, several factors militate against an outright balance of payments crisis in the country. ─── 不过,虽然不可否认,越南的经济形势有所恶化,但一些因素有助于避免该国出现全面的国际收支危机。

27、is saddening to see that relations between the two countries should have deteriorated to the present state. ─── 两国关系恶化到今天这个地步,是令人痛心的。

28、Their relations with the inland regions deteriorated. ─── 他们和内地的关系恶化了。

29、The marine environment here has deteriorated due to crude oil leakage. ─── 因为发生原油泄漏,这里的海域环境恶变。

30、The deteriorated grassland area has hit 135 million hectares, which is still increasing at the annual speed of 2 million hectares. ─── 其中"三化"(退化、沙化、碱化)草原面积已达13500万公顷,并且每年还以200万公顷的速度增加。

31、Once tube wall is overheated, oxidation corrosion rate is not only accelerated, hut also the tube performance is rapidly deteriorated. ─── 一旦管壁过热不仅加速氧化腐蚀速率,且急剧恶化管材性能。

32、His condition got worse and worse.; His condition steadily deteriorated. ─── 他的病情恶化, 日甚一日。

33、The flameout of oil-fueled incinerator in CO2 expanded tobacco line deteriorated its working stability. ─── CO2膨胀烟丝生产线在运行过程中存在焚烧炉熄火现象,造成焚烧炉工作稳定性差,难以满足生产和工艺的要求。

34、we do know is that in the decades since Gonur-depe was discovered, the site has deteriorated significantly. ─── 我们确实知道的是,在戈纳尔-德佩被发现后的几十年里,这个地方已经严重恶化。

35、Sanitary conditions had deteriorated to such an extent that there was widespread danger of disease. ─── 卫生条件恶化到了如此程度,到处都有发生疾病的危险。

36、British-Russia relations deteriorated after Moscow refused to hand over former KGB officer Andrei Lugovoi. ─── 在莫斯科拒绝把前克格勃官员卢格沃伊递交给英国之后,英国和俄罗斯的关系就开始恶化。

37、Climatic conditions again deteriorated. ─── 气候条件再次恶化。

38、Human activities make environment deteriorated, which has severely threatened children s health and the sustainable development of society. ─── 人类活动使环境不断恶化,儿童健康日益受到威胁,严重影响到人类的可持续发展。

39、Results showed that air quality has been deteriorated gradually from 1997 to 2005, which was in accordance with the results of SOM. ─── 在此基础上使用自组织特征映射验证了主成分分析的结果正确,最后给出了相关结论。

40、It was not long after the docter came that my father's illness deteriorated out of control. ─── 医生来后不久就设法把我父亲的病控制住了。

41、Mehrmann said the health condition of the Chinese sturgeon No.1 suddenly deteriorated in the past two days and died Friday morning. ─── 内地赠送香港的濒危动物中华鲟经过半年多的努力仍未能完全适应新环境。

42、Until the end of 2007, Raphael's condition deteriorated quickly.He was admitted in the hospital again for more treatments. ─── 到2007年底,拉菲儿的情况快速恶化,再次被送入医院进行治疗。

43、The performance of electronic current transformer could been deteriorated,even destroyed during some extreme circumstance,for example,overvoltage or over current. ─── 在遭受过电压、过电流等极端情况时,电子式互感器易受冲击而导致性能下降或损坏。

44、At fast forward/rewind or slow regeneration the tracking accuracy will be deteriorated and the noise will be increased. ─── 在快进/倒带或慢速重放时,跟踪的准确性将下降,噪声将增大。

45、But the security there, in North and South Kivu, has deteriorated badly since August. ─── 但是基伍湖的北部与南部的安全问题却在今年8月以来出现极度的恶化。

46、His condition steadily deteriorated. ─── 他的病情恶化, 日甚一日。

47、Within a week his condition deteriorated, his pain became unbearable and he relapsed into morphine consumption. ─── 不出一周他的情况每况愈下,痛苦不堪同时又陷入服用吗啡的恶习。

48、His work has deteriorated in the last month. ─── 他的工作在最后一个月变糟了。

49、His condition deteriorated rapidly and he died of severe respiratory disease on 3 December 2003. ─── 他的病情迅速恶化,他于2003年12月3日死于严重呼吸道疾病。

50、I thought about my grandmother in Hawaii, watching the convention on TV because her back was too deteriorated for her to travel. ─── 我想起在夏威夷的外婆,正在看着电视上的党代会转播,因为她背上的毛病恶化了,不能前来。

51、You appealed to the court for this case, but the doctor affirmed that your organ might have deteriorated long ago. ─── 你告到法院,但是医生辩解说你的器官很久以前就不见了。

52、A whaler shark thought to be injured by a fishing hook two weeks ago had to be put down after its health deteriorated. ─── 两个星期以前,一头捕鲸鲨被类似捕鱼钩的东西弄伤了,所以,在它的伤势恶化以前,必须要把它释放。

53、Not only Hanya, people like Xinyi, Bina etc all deteriorated when they enter the next Xingguang competition. ─── 她好像没有在驻唱了耶...一边教书一边比赛..不过加入她的后援会搞不好能进棚看她现场的演出喔

54、His clinical condition deteriorated over the next 2 days and his temperature increased to 39.6 deg C. ─── 两天后,他的临床状况恶化,体温升高到39.6℃。

55、But in the meantime, the outlook has deteriorated sharply and the administration has still not decided how to get bad loans off banks' balance sheets. ─── 可话说回来,情势急剧恶化,此等背景下怎样剔除银行资产负债表上的不良资产,政府仍踌躇不决。

56、His condition got worse and worse. or His condition steadily deteriorated. ─── 他的病情恶化,日甚一日。

57、Relations between the superpowers have deteriorated sharply in recent weeks. ─── 在最近几周,超级大国的关系急剧恶化。

58、The patient's condition has deteriorated over the last few hours. ─── 几个钟头前病人的病情已恶化。

59、"I've seen guys who seem to have deteriorated, " he said about co-workers. ─── “我已经看到伙计们看起来已经恶化,”他说到两位同事。

60、His health had deteriorated while he was in prison. ─── 他在狱中时健康已经恶化了。

61、Since the end of 2001, US terms of trade have deteriorated by an eighth, as commodity prices have soared and the currency devalued. ─── 2001年底以来,随着大宗商品价格飙升和本币贬值,美国贸易条件的恶化幅度已达八分之一。

62、In fact, the assets the Federal Reserve holds have deteriorated tremendously. ─── 事实上,美联储拥有的资产质量惊人地恶化了。

63、Results showed that air quality has been deteriorated gradually from 1997 to 2005,which was in accordance with the results of SOM. ─── 在此基础上使用自组织特征映射验证了主成分分析的结果正确,最后给出了相关结论。

64、When compared with Iso hearts, Iso+BRL group had more deteriorated cardiac functions and higher LVW/BW. ─── 与Iso组比 ,Iso +BRL组的心脏舒缩功能进一步下降 ,左室重 /体重进一步增加。

65、PCR, or polymerase chain reaction, can build copies of even the tiniest fragments of deteriorated DNA to allow accurate DNA typing. ─── PCR也就是聚合酶连锁反映,能制成即便是变质的dna最微小的碎片的复制品,从而使dna分类达到精确。

66、The situation of the company has quickly deteriorated, It has become virtually unmanageable. ─── 公司的情况每况愈下,变得几乎失控。

67、One can see that much of the attachment into Regan's form occurred in the head, which is why the brain deteriorated so after his term in office. ─── 你可以看到有如此多连线连到里根的头部,这就是为什么他的大脑在卸任后如此受损的缘故。

68、Veterinary services, including hospitals and district clinics, diagnostic facilities and cold storage and distribution systems have deteriorated over the past years. ─── 多年来,包括医院和地区诊所、诊断设施以及冷藏和分配系统在内的兽医服务情况不断恶化。

69、On numerous occasions relationships deteriorated to within an inch of all out war, but through the efforts of CONCORD a compromise solution has always been found. ─── 在一些时候,国家间的关系恶化到几乎要付储于战争,而通过CONCORD的斡旋,通常会达到双方妥协并和平解决争端。

70、Relations between the two countries, often uneasy, have deteriorated. ─── 两国之间常常不稳定的双边关系已经恶化。

71、Her health deteriorated so quickly. ─── 她病情急转直下。

72、"But he deteriorated rapidly and I thought he was going to die," Ms Hegyi said. ─── “但他的病情继续恶化,我想他可能有生命危险”。

73、However, the architecture in Paris of his period, the period of baron Haussmann, has not much been deteriorated. ─── 但在霍斯曼男爵的时代,巴黎的建筑尚未如此堕落。

74、Garza's condition deteriorated over the weekend as he struggled to breathe and eat. ─── 加尔萨的病情是在上周末开始恶化的,他不得不挣扎着去呼吸和进食。

75、The air quality has deteriorated these past few days. ─── 前几天空气质量已下降。

76、As to the deteriorated NBTT of China,there are various reasons,such as unreasonable foreign trade policy,overseas trade barrier etc. ─── 中国价格贸易条件恶化的诱因有不合理的外贸政策、外资结构以及外国贸易壁垒等。

77、The restoration and upgrading of deteriorated urban property by the middle classes, often resulting in displacement of lower-income people. ─── 中产阶级造成恶果由中产阶级造成的恶化的城市所有权的兴起和升级,其结果是低收入人民的流离失所

78、As film shows how much the tradition has deteriorated over the centuries. ─── 许多电影也展示了这一传统历经几个世纪已经变了质。

79、His condition deteriorated rapidly and he died on 2 March. ─── 他的病情很快恶化,3月2日死亡。

80、Krista's vision deteriorated again, and Dr.Weiss suspected that a cataract caused by the uveitis had gotten worse. ─── 克丽斯塔的视力再次下滑,外斯医生猜测由泼尼松引起的白内障致使情况变得更糟。

81、His relations with Haakon deteriorated, and he was assassinated on the king's order. ─── 与哈康四世的关系恶化后,被国王下令暗杀。

82、Relations between Russia and Ukraine have deteriorated in recent weeks. ─── 在最近几周内俄罗斯与乌克兰的关系已经恶化。

83、He continued to bleed, and his general condition deteriorated. ─── 他不断地流血,同时全身状态也恶化了。

84、If the goods deteriorated or were damaged due to their nature, non-conforming packing method, or storage beyond their shelf-life, the warehouser is not liable for damages. ─── 因仓储物的性质、包装不符合约定或者超过有效储存期造成仓储物变质、损坏的,保管人不承担损害赔偿责任。

85、Based on the principle of the ecology,the course of the deteriorated mountains region of the southern calcareous stone was discussed in two aspects. ─── 依据生态学原理,从山地石漠化的生态学属性和山地石漠化的生态学机理两个方面探讨了南方石灰岩地区山地石漠化过程的生态学原理。

86、The public finances also deteriorated sharply as some of the costs of the recent banking rescues came into the official figures. ─── 随着近期银行救援措施所产生的费用进入了官方数据,公共财政也急剧恶化。

87、Nancy's car deteriorated as it got older. ─── 南茜的车子越旧越糟

88、From the Qing dynasty to now, with the increase of population, overgrazing, cultivating and excavating became more and more seri-ous, so environment has deteriorated further. ─── 从清代开始我国人口开始膨胀,从外地迁往该地的人口较多,新中国成立以来,人口迅速增长,繁重的人口承载加重了该地区的垦殖、过牧和樵采,进而促进了该区的沙化。

89、Consequently, speculative philosophy, deteriorated by western philosophy, will be able to march towards clarity in the dimension of new materialism. ─── 从而才能使被当代西方哲学弄得混乱不堪的思辨哲学在新唯物主义中的维度得以走向澄明。

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