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09-13 投稿


approximates 发音

英:[??pr?ks?me?ts]  美:[??prɑ?ks?me?ts]

英:  美:

approximates 中文意思翻译



approximates 短语词组

1、approximates meaning ─── 近似意义

2、approximates ipa ─── 近似ipa

3、approximates means ─── 近似平均值

4、approximates def ─── 近似def

5、approximates phonetics ─── 近似语音学

6、approximates definition ─── 近似定义

approximates 词性/词形变化,approximates变形

动词第三人称单数: approximates |动词现在分词: approximating |副词: approximately |动词过去分词: approximated |动词过去式: approximated |

approximates 相似词语短语

1、approximation ─── n.[数]近似法;接近;[数]近似值

2、approximated ─── adj.接近的;估计的;v.接近;约等于(approximate的过去式和过去分词)

3、approximately ─── adv.大约,近似地;近于

4、approximations ─── [数]近似值

5、appreciates ─── v.欣赏;感激(appreciate的第三人称单数)

6、approximate ─── adj.近似的,大概的;v.接近,近似;粗略估计

7、approximating ─── n.逼近;v.接近;约等于(approximate的ing形式)

8、approbates ─── vt.认可;承认;批准

9、approximative ─── adj.近似的

approximates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His income this year approximates to 8,000 dollars. ─── 他今年的收入接近八千美元。

2、The council consider that the carrying amount due from subsidiary approximates their fair value. ─── 理事會認為附屬公司應付集團款項的賬面值,與其公平值相約。

3、My intimate mate's ultimate estimate approximates the appropriate value. ─── 我亲密伙伴的最终估计接近恰当的值。

4、In this paper, a new theoritical method, the steepest descent approxim ation method was developed to study the eigen value problem in optical waveguide theory. ─── 本文提出了一套研究波导电磁场本征值问题的最陡下降逼近方向。

5、This paper presents a new method of making complex surface developable.A developable surface is obtained between two curves on the complex surface and approximates to the original surface. ─── 摘要依附于复杂曲面的两条空间曲线之间,构造可展面,逼近复杂曲面,使复杂曲面可展化。

6、The council consider that the carrying amount of other payables approximates their fair value. ─── 理事會認為,其他應付款的賬面值與公平值相若。

7、For small displacement u, the oscillator is a Duffing-type cubic non-linear oscillator, while for large displacement u, the oscillator approximates to a linear harmonic oscillator. ─── 所谓达芬-谐波振子是指当位移远小于1时,系统可化为三次非线性振子,而当位移远大于1时,该系统则化为线性谐波振子。

8、Your account of what happened approximates truth, but there are several samll errors. ─── 你关于事件发生的报告接近事实,但仍有一些小错误。

9、The total income approximates 10, 000 dollars. ─── 总收入近一万美元。

10、Your story approximates to the facts we already know ─── 你所说的与我们已经了解的事实很接近.

11、Bilinear system(BLS) is a nonlinear system, but it is the simplest in form and most approximates the linear system. ─── 双线性系统是形式上最简单,并且最接近于线性系统的一类非线性系统。

12、Before testing, each surrogate lighter must be examined to verify that it approximates the production lighters in appearance, size, shape, and weight. ─── 在测试之前,每只打火机必须经过检察,确保其与打火机产品的外观、尺寸、形状和重量相一致。

13、Several Algorithm s and C Program s of Extractingan Approxim ate Root of a Unary Cubic Equation ─── 求解一元三次方程近似根的几种算法的C语言实现

14、Your guess only approximates to the facts . ─── 从这些事实中可能推断出两种截然相反的结论。

15、His latest design approximates much more closely to what I understood the building to be like. ─── 他最近的设计与我所了解的好幢建筑物未来的样子更为接近。

16、The yearly output approximates to 500 000 tons. ─── 年产量约计50万吨。

17、Your latest design approximates much more closely to what I understand the building to be like. ─── 你的最新设计与我所想的那房子的模样接近得多了。

18、His account of the incident approximates to that of the other witness . ─── 他对该事件的报告和其他证人所报告的情况接近。

19、Generally, one approximates a blockbody in the laboratory by a hollow insulated enclosure which contains a small hole in the wall. ─── 一般地说,人们在实验室中用壁上带有一个小孔的空心绝缘壳来近似模拟一个黑体。

20、Note that the performance of 128-byte packets now approximates that of 1, 024-byte packets, presumably as the result of improved batching. ─── 注意,128字节数据包的性能现在与1,024字节数据包的性能大体相同,这可能是因为改进的批处理。

21、His income this year approximates to 8 0 0 0 dollars . ─── 他今年的收入近八千美元。

22、Should not be barrel-chested.Perfect depth of chest approximates the point of elbows, and the deepest part of the chest should be back of the forelegs-near the ninth rib. ─── 良好的修饰、非常好的毛发质地比毛发数量更重要,雄性的“围脖”比雌性更浓厚一些。

23、Your story approximates to the real facts. ─── 你所说的仅仅是接近事实真相。

24、His account of what happened approximates to the truth though there may be some small errors. ─── 虽然可能有些小的出入,他对这件事的叙述是接近事实真相的。

25、Generally, one approximates a blackbody in the laboratory by a hollow insulated enclosure which contains a small hole in the wall. ─── 一般地说,人们在实验室中用壁上带有一个小孔的空心绝缘壳来近似模拟一个黑体。

26、To a value that approximates the steady-state connection usage for the application. ─── 使之接近可使应用程序的连接使用处于稳定状态的值。

27、An STL file approximates the shape of a part or assembly using triangular facets. ─── 婚礼仪式上,铁岭市委常委、市委宣传部部长宋彦麟为两位新人证婚。

28、Lower and Upper Approximates of Linear Space ─── 线性空间中的下近似与上近似

29、The result of experiment on the sea showed the measured value of wave approximates to the true after using this system over half a year. ─── 经过半年多的海上试验证明,使用该系统后所测量出的波浪数据更接近真实值。

30、It first approx imates the discrete points by cubic spline and gets the first derivative of the given discrete points, then approximates the cubic spline by biarc curve. ─── 先对离散点列用三次样条曲线插值,求出型值点的一阶导数,然后对三次样条曲线用双圆弧逼近。

31、The nearer a society approximates to zero population growth, the older its population is. ─── 一个社会的人口增加率越接近零,其人口便愈老龄化。

32、a situation that closely approximates real life ─── 一个与真实生活极为近似的情况

33、Your design only approximates to the requirements of the customers. ─── 你的设计仅仅是近似顾客们的需要。

34、I believe we may best describe his credo by saying that it approximates the Golden Rule. ─── 我想,我们可以通过说它已经很接近金科玉律了来描述他的人生信条。

35、His account of the incident approximates to that of the other witness. ─── 他对该事件的报告和其他证人所报告的情况接近。

36、The carrying amount of other payables and accruals approximates to its fair value. ─── 其他應付款項及應計費用的帳面值與其公平值相約。

37、a concave molding with a cross section that approximates a quarter circle ─── 截面近于九十度弧的凹线脚

38、To some extent, the FIFO method approximates the results that would be obtained by specific identification of costs. ─── 从某种程度上说,采用先进先出法计算的结果与采用个别辨认法计算的结果大体相同。

39、The color of the curtains approximates that of the rug. ─── 窗帘的颜色和地毯相近。

40、% approximates an ideal gaussian. ─── % ,接近一个理想的高斯。

41、The ultimate result is a bright, lyrical tapestry of color with shapes loosely defined by a heavy line breaking or fading against shifting planes of color as it approximates contour. ─── 最终的结果是一种明亮、抒情的彩色挂毯,其松散的形状是通过厚重的线条来打破或减弱近似轮廓的变幻不动的色块来确定的。

42、The total income this year approximates 10,000 dollors. ─── 今年总收入接近一万元。

43、The nearer a society approximates to zero population growth, the older its population is. ─── 一个社-会的人口增长率越接近零,其人口便越老龄化。

44、The prime number theorem of Gauss and Legendre approximates the number of primes less than x. ─── 素数定理高斯和勒接近若干素数不到十。

45、Info:This is a beautiful Cocktail/Debs/Prom dress it is made to order, so delivery time would be approxim ...... ─── 主要材质:其它次要材质:其它尺码:全码适用季节:夏

46、The carrying amount of other receivables, deposits and prepayments approximates to its fair value. ─── 其他應收款項、按金及預付款項的帳面值與其公平值相約。

47、Your latest design approximates much more closely to what I understand the building to be like. ─── 你的最新设计与我所想的那房子的模样接近得多了。

48、The simulation result shows that the trained ANN model not only approximates the normal busbar operation precisely and reflects all types of the inner failures but also satisfies protection precision. ─── 结果表明经过训练以后的母线保护人工神经网络模型能准确判断母线的正常运行方式,对其内部的各种故障能正确区分,并且满足保护精度的要求。

49、When the vocal tract adopts this megaphone configuration, it approximates the shape of an amputated trumpet (with no coiling tube or valves, but with a bell, or horn). ─── 此时声道变成扩音器形状,有点类似短号(没有捲曲的管身或活门,但有号口)。

50、Nordic Ski Jumping on the mobile attempts to simulate the experience and stimulate your interest in a sport that more approximates flying than jumping. ─── 北欧跳台滑雪的经验激发您的兴趣。

51、Your story approximates to the facts we already know. ─── 你所说的与我们已经了解的事实很接近。

52、IM creates an environment that approximates the sharing of a physical space, allowing distance students to engage in learning that approaches face-to-face meetings. ─── 即时通讯造成共享一个物理空间的环境,让远距离学生学习时可以以面对面的谈话的方式。

53、The organoleptic and physic-chemical targets of whole-seed sufu and conventional sufu are approxim... ─── 成品感官及理化指标均达到了普通腐乳标准,具有显著的经济效益。

54、The maximum vertical displacement of the top rock is 2.3 mm and that of the bottom rock approximates zero after anchorage concrete being cast. ─── 研究结果表明,浇注锚体混凝土阶段顶部围岩最大下沉位移2.3 mm,底部围岩竖向位移趋近于0。

55、MJC: Building steel, when properly bonded together, approximates an ideal Faraday cage. ─── 当建筑物内的钢筋被合理地等电位连接在一起时,近似于一个理想的法拉第笼。

56、His story approximates to the facts that we already know. ─── 他的陈述和我们已掌握的事实接近。

57、15.The triangulated irregular network (TIN) approximates the terrain with a set of non-overlapping triangles. ─── 不规则三角网由一系列的不相重叠的三角形组成的,近似于地形。

58、The color of the curtains approximates that of the rug. ─── 窗帘的颜色和地毯相近。

59、We present a new method for making complex surface developable and developing it.A developable surface is obtained between two curves on the complex surface and approximates to the complex surface. ─── 摘要提出了一种复杂曲面可展化及其展开的新方法,在依附于复杂曲面的两条空间曲线之间,构造可展面,逼近复杂曲面,使复杂曲面可展化并展开。

60、In the southern areas, most of the rain falls in the April to October period, which approximates to the growing season, although in some southern areas moisture is also stored through fallowing. ─── 如表3所示,澳大利亚小麦产量的历史变化趋势表明了农业措施对土壤肥力的影响。

61、Your account of what happened approximates to the real facts. ─── 你对发生的事情的描述接近实际情况。

62、My intimate mate’s ultimate estimate approximates the appropriate value. ─── 我亲密伙伴的最终估计接近恰当的值.

63、His story approximates to the facts that we already know. ─── 他的陈述和我们已掌握的事实接近。

64、The carrying amount of other payables approximates to its fair value. ─── 其他應付款項的帳面值與其公平值相約。

65、The total income this year approximates 10, 000 dollars. ─── 今年的总收入接近一万美元。

66、The Creation myth that narrates the Universe and the origin of the world approximates the philosophical secrets of the root meaning and the reverie soul of the poets. ─── 叙说宇宙和世界起源的创世神话,更接近于本源意义上的哲学秘密和诗人梦幻般的灵魂。

67、The pharmacokinetic profile of Lev closely approximates the ideal characteristics expected of an antiepileptic drug, with good bioavailability, linear and time-invariant kinetics, minimal protein binding, and least metabolism. ─── 左乙拉西坦几乎具备了较好的抗癫痫药物的所有药动学特性:生物利用度高、线性曲线、低蛋白结合率、无肝酶诱导作用。

68、A lamp's reported color temperature approximates the temperature of an ideal radiating "black body. ─── 灯的实际色温接近理想放热“黑体”的的温度。

69、He who has affinity with the genii approximates himself to them. ─── 与人类的类型相似,或者甚至超越人类,他们的;

70、2)Your account of what happened approximates truth, but there are several small errors. ─── 你关于事件发生的报告接近事实,但仍有一些小错误.

71、The color temperature of HID lighting more closely approximates the color temperature of natural daylight than does a halogen bulbs, which appears yellowish. ─── 氙气灯的色温与通常看起来微黄色的卤素灯相比,更加接近白天自然光的色温。


73、Their overall performance approximates or reaches the international advanced level, and they have gained certain share in the international launching service market. ─── 火箭总体技术性能接近或达到国际一流水平,在国际商业卫星发射市场上具有一定的竞争力;

74、The tendency of simplification is found in Bynner"s translation, but not in Xu"s translation. (2) Xu"s translation approximates to the original in terms of the language adopted. ─── (3)许渊冲的译本成功地保留了原作的韵味,使读者真实地体会到唐诗本身以及中国文化;

75、Israeli Deputy Defence Minister Ephraim Sneh said the attacks were intended as a warning for Palestinians "since (they) are beginning to wage something that approximates a guerrilla war". ─── 以色列副国防部长斯耐说这次袭击是对巴勒斯坦的警告,“因为他们看上去试图发动一场游击战争。”

76、The total income approximates 10, 000 pounds. ─── 总收入将近一万英镑。

77、The fair value of the Group's lease obligations approximates their carrying amount. ─── 本集團的租賃承擔與其賬面值相若。

78、The Lundberg average closely approximates the $2.052-a-gallon daily average compiled by motorist group AAA, as of Sunday. ─── 截至周日,伦德伯格调查的均价非常接近于由美国汽车协会得出的每日均价2.052美元每加仑。

79、BMI is one of the most widely used measurements for obesity. The BMI approximates body mass using a mathematical ratio of weight and height. ─── BMI是鉴别肥胖常用指标之一。BMI是根据体重和身高的数学比来估计身体质量。

80、The process of adjusting impedance so that the input impedance of an antenna equals or approximates the characteristic impedance of its transmission line over a specified range of frequencies. ─── 天线匹配指定频率范围内,调整阻抗使得天线的输入阻抗等于或大致等于其发射线路特性阻抗的过程。

81、Rational number can approxim ate to real number, use the notation of Approximate one can prove Riemann function isn't differentiable anywhere, that the Rational points are dense in unit circle. ─── 摘要利用有理数对实数逼近的表示方式,给出黎曼函数处处不可导的一种证明,给出单位圆周上的有理点在单位圆上稠密的证明。

82、The yearly output approximates to 500,000 tons. ─── 年产量约计五十万吨。

83、Your guess only approximates to the facts. ─── 你的猜测仅仅是接近事实。

84、A Method that uses the principle of Galerkin variations is presented to obtain approximates solutions of elliptic partial differential equations. ─── 提出利用Galerkin变分原理,得到椭圆型偏微分方程谱元方法的逼 近解的方法。

85、At the same time it can make the solution escape local extreme value and cause the overall optimization capacity when the solution approximates the minimum point. ─── 当解逼近当前极小点的后,动态方程又能使解逃逸局部极值,使其具有全局寻优能力。

86、Olefin gas closely approximates air. ─── 烯空气跟空气十分近似。

87、We know that we are getting even older, and that the nearer a society approximates to zero population growth, the older its population is likely to be - at least, for any future that concerns us now. ─── 我们知道人类在日益变老,人口增长率接近于零的社会离我们越近,人口越可能呈老龄化的趋势,至少就与影响我们的未来来说是这样的。

88、Your story only approximates to the real facts. ─── 你的叙述仅仅是近似实际情况。

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