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09-13 投稿



goffer 发音

英:['g?f?]  美:['gɑf?]

英:  美:

goffer 中文意思翻译



goffer 词性/词形变化,goffer变形

过去式:goffered 过去分词:goffered 现在分词:goffering 第三人称单数:goffers

goffer 相似词语短语

1、goffers ─── v.用熨斗将(花边或饰边)熨弯曲;熨成褶子;(在书的金边上)印压图案;n.(用来将花边熨弯曲或熨出褶子的)熨斗;装饰褶边

2、go-fer ─── n.皱纹;兼勤杂工作的办事员;vt.使起皱褶(皱纹)

3、gowfer ─── 很 完美

4、gofer ─── n.皱纹;兼勤杂工作的办事员;vt.使起皱褶(皱纹)

5、gaffer ─── n.领班;乡下老头;老人

6、offer ─── vt.提供;出价;试图;n.提议;出价;意图;录取通知书;vi.提议;出现;献祭;求婚

7、coffer ─── n.围堰;保险箱;金库;资金;vt.把…放进箱柜;用平顶镶板装饰

8、doffer ─── n.落纱机;小滚筒;落纱工

9、golfer ─── n.高尔夫球手

goffer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、" Fast food restaurants goffer people on the run everything from fried chicken to fried rice. ─── 快餐店提供赶时间的人各种食物,从炸鸡到炒饭,应有尽有。

2、In another call, Messrs. Drimal and Goffer agreed to meet on Manhattan's Upper East Side, the complaint says. ─── 起诉书说,在另外一次电话交谈中,德里摩尔和高佛尔约定在曼哈顿的上东区会面。

3、Both nature upper eyelid goffer and upper vessel net of margo palpebrae were used as a datum line.According to the base line,double eyelid plasty was performed. ─── 方法根据上睑缘血管网上缘及自然上睑体表皱褶为标准设计650例重睑手术。

4、His clothes are too old with patch and goffer, and slack. But he is neat and cultured fairly. ─── 他的衣服已经很旧,有些地方都打了补丁,还有些地方满是褶子,松松垮垮。但从整体来看,他还算整洁,而且蛮有修养。

5、Goffer, an Israeli engineer, knows this all too well. ─── 戈弗是以色列人,工程师,他太清楚这一切了。

6、Amit Goffer, an Israeli engineer, knows this all too well. ─── 阿密特?戈弗是以色列人,工程师,他太清楚这一切了。

7、In 1997 Dr Goffer, an Israeli engineer, suffered an accident that left him partially paralysed. ─── 1997年,以色列工程师高飞博士遇到一起事故,让他半身不遂。

8、goffer machine ─── 压纹机

9、The Goffer brothers discussed using the disposable cellphones to call someone they called 'the Greek, ' the complaint says. ─── 起诉书说,高佛尔兄弟讨论了用一次性手机给某个他们称之为“希腊人”的人打电话的事。

10、The Goffer brothers discussed using the disposable cellphones to call someone they called 'the Greek,' the complaint says. His identity couldn't be determined. ─── 起诉书说,高佛尔兄弟讨论了用一次性手机给某个他们称之为“希腊人”的人打电话的事。这个人的身份无法确定。

11、guan le goffer ─── 冠乐绉

12、1 Hour no air bubble goffer or removal vice etc ─── 1小时,无气泡皱纹水斑和脱落等缺陷

13、Ironically, none of this is yet of use to Dr Goffer. ─── 讽刺的是,高飞博士还没使用过这些仪器。

14、Dr Goffer says his aim is to enable paralysed people to lead normal lives. ─── 博士说他的目标是让瘫痪的人们都在过上正常的生活。

15、Alas, Goldfarb was a little late with his security consciousness -- Goffer's line had already been tapped by law enforcement. ─── 唉,高德法伯虽然安全意识不错,可惜还是晚了一步——高佛尔的电话线已经被执法机关录音了。

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