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09-11 投稿



fluoranthene 发音


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fluoranthene 短语词组

1、fluoranthene pdf ─── 荧蒽pdf

2、fluoranthene wiki ─── 荧蒽

3、fluoranthene uses ─── 荧蒽用途

4、fluoranthene pah ─── 荧蒽

5、fluoranthene sds ─── 荧蒽sds

6、benzo fluoranthene ─── 苯并荧蒽

7、fluoranthene cas ─── 荧蒽cas

fluoranthene 相似词语短语

1、fluorescent ─── adj.荧光的;发亮的;n.荧光;日光灯

2、fluorene ─── n.[有化]芴

3、thioxanthene ─── 噻吨;硫杂蒽

4、fluoresceine ─── 荧光素

5、fluorescence ─── n.荧光;荧光性

6、fluorapatite ─── n.氟磷灰石

7、tetrafluoroethene ─── n.四氟乙烯

8、chloroethene ─── n.氯乙

9、amaranthine ─── adj.苋属植物的;不凋的,不死的;紫红色的

fluoranthene 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Micelle stabilized room temperature phosphorescence;laser induced time resolved technique;fluoranthene;phosphorescence lifetime;transient phosphorescence intensity; ─── 胶束增稳室温燐光;激光诱导时间分辨光谱技术;荧蒽;燐光寿命;瞬时燐光强度;

2、Fluoranthene and pyrene posed higher risk where the probability of the quotients exceeded unit would be near 20%. ─── 在保护95%的物种水平下,菲的风险最小,而荧蒽和芘风险较高,达20%。

3、Keywords gas chromatography;sol-gel;column capacity;undecane;fluoranthene; ─── 气相色谱;溶胶凝胶;柱容量;十一烷;荧蒽;

4、benzo(a) pyrene and benzo(k) fluoranthene ─── 苯并(a)芘和苯并(k)荧蒽

5、and the fluoranthene solution is dripped into the oxidant solution to completely react to produce the polyfluoranthene. ─── 将荧蒽溶液滴加到氧化剂溶液中,反应完全即得聚荧蒽。

6、In this paper, we discuss the probability of adsorption and the catalytic degradation of benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), fluoranthene (Flu), and anthracene (Ant) with micropore zeolites. At first, we did theoretical calculation with the molecules. ─── 本文首先从量子化学计算出发、探讨了微孔沸石吸附和催化降解苯并[a]芘(benzo[a]pyrene,B[a]P)、荧蒽(fluoranthene Flu)和蒽(anthracene Ant)的可能性。

7、Keywords Synchronous-derivative microemulsion stabilized room temperature phospho-rimetry;Fluoranthene;Chrysene; ─── 同步-导致-化学除氧微乳液增稳室温磷光法;荧蒽;屈;

8、Keywords Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH);Fluoranthene;Copper;Phaeodactylum triconutum;Combined toxicity; ─── 多环芳烃;荧蒽;重金属铜;三角褐指藻;联合毒性;

9、UV illumination induced the oxidative impairment of fluoranthene to nauplii. Peroxidase (POD) was more sensitive than superoxide dismutase (SOD) to photo-induced toxicity of fluoranthene. ─── UV照射诱导了荧蒽对卤虫幼体的氧化损伤,过氧化物酶(POD)对荧蒽的光诱导毒性较超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)敏感;

10、toxic effects of fluoranthene on two marine diatoms were investigated using the static method. ─── 采用静态实验方法研究了多环芳烃荧蒽对两种海洋硅藻的毒性作用。

11、LB films of fluoranthene and benzo [b] -fluoranthene embedded in stearic acid matrix were prepared and their steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence properties were studied. ─── 拉制了荧蒽和苯并[b]荧蒽镶嵌在硬脂酸基质中的LB膜,探讨了它们的稳态和时间分辨荧光性质。

12、benzo fluoranthene ─── 苯并荧蒽

13、produce acenaphthene,fluorene,o-phenylphenol,p-phenylphenol,fluoranthene,1,8-naphthalic anhydride and cumar resin,etc. ─── 生产苊、芴、邻苯基苯酚、对苯基苯酚、对苯基苯酚、萤蒽、1,8-萘二甲酸酐、古马隆树脂等。

14、benzo(k) fluoranthene ─── 苯并[k]荧蒽

15、Fluoranthene, perylene, pyrene benzopyrene and benzopyrene have been proposed as the input of terrigenous higher plant. ─── 荧蒽、苝、芘、苯并荧蒽和苯并芘等化合物标志着以高等植物为主的母源输入类型。

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