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09-11 投稿



fuzz 发音

英:[f?z]  美:[f?z]

英:  美:

fuzz 中文意思翻译





fuzz 网络释义

n. 绒毛;模糊;细毛;警员vi. 作绒毛状飞散;变成绒毛状;变得模糊vt. 使模糊;起毛

fuzz 词性/词形变化,fuzz变形


fuzz 短语词组

1、fuzz up ─── 使模糊

2、go fuzz ─── 去绒毛

3、fuzz button ─── 毛纽扣

4、fuzz brawl ─── 毛绒斗殴

5、fuzz productions fuzz ─── 产品

6、fuzz face ejf ─── 毛绒面ejf

7、fuzz universe ─── 模糊宇宙

8、fuzz-face ─── 模糊的脸

9、fuzz face diy ─── 毛绒脸diy

10、fuzz test ─── 模糊试验

11、fuzz factory ─── 绒毛工厂

12、fuzz head ─── 毛绒头

13、fuzz box ─── 模糊音装置

14、fuzz ball ─── 绒毛球

15、fuzz man ─── 毛茸茸的人

16、fuzz book ─── 毛绒书

17、peach fuzz ─── 桃子表面上的绒毛;乳臭未干的小伙子

18、demo tape fuzz ─── 演示磁带模糊

19、fuzz pedal ─── 起毛踏板

fuzz 相似词语短语

1、muzz ─── v.(使)(某物)模糊不清;n.(非正式)模糊,混乱状态

2、fizz ─── v.发嘶嘶声;起泡沫;劈啪作响;有活力,显示兴奋;n.气泡;嘶嘶声;劈啪声;充气饮料;兴奋,活力

3、buzz ─── v.发出嗡嗡声;发出蜂鸣声;用蜂鸣器(发信号);(非正式)飞近(作为警告或威胁);(非正式)给……打电话;迅速移动,东奔西忙;(非正式)高速逼近;充满嘈杂声;充满兴奋;(非正式)猛掷;迅速流传;n.嗡嗡声;唧唧喳喳的谈话声;(愉快或兴奋等)强烈情感;(喝酒或吸毒的)快感;活跃的气氛;(非正式)电话;(非正式)谣传;n.(Buzz)(美、印、俄)巴兹(人名)

4、futz ─── vi.闲混;闲荡

5、abuzz ─── adj.嗡嗡的;嘁嘁喳喳的;呈现忙碌状况(的);议论纷纷(的)

6、fuzzy ─── adj.模糊的;失真的;有绒毛的;n.(Fuzzy)人名;(英)富齐

7、tuzz ─── 燕尾服

8、fuze ─── n.引信;保险丝;导火管

9、frizz ─── v.(使)鬈曲;为某人卷发;煎炸时吱吱做声;用刮刀修整;n.卷发;皱缩

fuzz 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Imprecise calculations show up as fuzz in the picture. ─── 不精确的计算会使图像模糊。

2、German police spokesman says, this kind of new bust bodice is an attempt, the safety of fuzz is authorities forever the problem of the firstest consideration. ─── 德国警方发言人说,这种新胸罩是一次尝试,警员的安全永远是当局最首要考虑的问题。

3、We have got to come up with something. We can't be like those German professors who spend their whole lives studying the fuzz on a bee. ─── 我们必须拿出成果,不能像有些德国教授那样,毕生研究蜜蜂身上的绒毛。

4、Fuzz Loosely bonded fibres projectingfrom the surface of paper.Also called Fluff, Lint. ─── 在纸面上,纤维一端与纸面结合,另一端则松散的情况。

5、fuzz model ─── 模糊综合评判

6、Role-based Fuzz Access Control ─── 基于角色的模糊存取控制

7、the fuzz on the peach ─── 桃子上的毛

8、Whenever he embraced me, red, itchy spots would break out on my body. This was probably caused by the fuzz from his electric blankets. ─── 他身上沾了电毯的细毛再来拥抱我,我即起红点,奇痒难当。

9、He tried to clear his head of the whisky fuzz. ─── 他试图清醒因威士忌而发晕的头脑。

10、I got my fuzz all tipped to play ─── 我把我的失真倾情表演

11、When cotton cloth comes from the loom, the fiber ends or fuzz must be removed, because a smooth surface is necessary, particularly if the cloth is to be printed.This is especially important for fabrics known for their smooth surface. ─── 刚下机的棉织物,应该除去纤维头和茸毛,因为要求布面是光洁的。如果织物需要印花,这一点就更加重要。如果最终产品要求有整洁的布面,这一点则特别重要。

12、Bai Yun's newborn was about 4 inches long and covered with white fuzz. ─── “白云”的第一胎大约有4英寸长,浑身长满了白色的茸毛。

13、Advanced design:international advanced wind route with big caliber is adopted ,reclaiming C2CI4more completely and collecting fuzz more thoroughly. ─── 先进的设计:彩国际最先进的大口径直排式结构风道,风阻小、风量大、C2CI4溶剂回收率高,纤毛惧干净彻底工。

14、Fuzz Membership Function ─── 模糊隶属度函数

15、Laugh it up, fuzz ball ─── 偷笑!混球!

16、It is feasible and reliable to use the established fuzz mathematics system to evaluate the cleaning functions of superfine fiber fabrics. ─── 利用模糊数学评价体系评价超细纤维织物的清洁性能准确、可行。

17、The major products includes gold jewellery , fuzz sand aurum,electrical casting accessory。 ─── 主要产品有黄金首饰、绒沙金、电铸摆件等。

18、Keywords: continuously variable transmission; electronic control system; speed ratio; fuzz y self-adaptive PID; DSP ─── 关键词:无级变速器;电控系统;速比;模糊自适应PID;DSP

19、In this paper, a new control method with off-line fuzz reasoning and on-line self-adjusting is introduced.The special stability analysis method for this kind of system is described.The simulation o... ─── 为了研究系统的稳定性,本文介绍了这种基于模糊推理自校正控制的直接驱动进给系统稳定性分析方法,为同类系统设计提供理论参考。

20、PTT knitted fabrics properties of the tensile, bursting, wearable, drape, fuzz and pills resistance and crease were tested and evaluated. ─── 摘要对PTT针织面料的拉伸、顶破、耐磨、悬垂、起毛起球、折皱等性能进行了测试与评价。

21、3.low static accumulate,low fuzz. ─── 低的静电积累,毛丝少。

22、I will run around, and chase imaginary monsters, and chase your feet and your toes and 'attack' you, and chase fuzz balls, other pets, and small kids. ─── 我会四处奔跑,会追赶假想中的怪兽,也会追逐你的脚和你的脚趾和'袭击'你,更会追着气球,其他宠物和小孩子。

23、have excellent filament endurable for abrading and low fuzz. ─── 具有良好的耐磨性,毛丝少。

24、Second,the decision information was provided based on the different characteristic in-flight and fuzz neural network,the fusion algorithms for tracking was used optimally. ─── 二是根据模糊神经网络及双模传感器在飞行中的不同特征提供的决策信息,对跟踪融合算法进行了优化调用。

25、Framework includes modules to discover hosts, gather information about, fuzz targets, brute force usernames and passwords, exploits, and a disassembler. ─── 在时间上可能比我预期的要快得多,期待他能早日完成,把core impact给比下去 ;)今天在网上也找到了一个类似这种功能的工具:http://sourceforge.

26、fuzz station ─── n. 警察局

27、Do you see a blond guy who still has peach fuzz standing up there? ─── 你看到上面站了个乳臭未干的金发小子吗?

28、Keywords gun roving;fuzz amount;fiber drawing; ─── 喷射纱;毛羽量;拉丝;

29、Requiem: In Paradisium is also unnecessarily experimental, with overlapping fuzz and tape effects diluting the sound; the looped drum track is also unimaginatively integrated. ─── 《安魂曲:在天国》也未必是实验派作风,重叠的电子失真音像效果冲淡了钢琴的演奏;不间断的鼓声更是毫无想象力的组合。

30、Brother Sharp managed to catch attention; but it was a brief case of serendipity before he slid back into the general fuzz. ─── 犀利哥曾试图抓住公众的眼光,但这毕竟只是个非常巧合、灵光一现的例子而已。

31、Then the fuzz y control algorithm for multi-point closed-loop forming is proposed. ─── 提出了多点闭环成形的模糊控制方法;

32、Performance evaluation should utilize Fuzz Comprehensive Evaluation(FCE) with financial and non-financial targets. ─── 业绩评价应坚持可控和匹配的原则,利用财务指标和非财务指标,以纵向维度和横向维度为评价的标准,运用模糊综合评价法定量地确定经营者业绩。

33、Many of the crashes resulting from fuzz testing are direct results of memory allocation mistakes and buffer overflows. ─── 由模糊测试导致的许多故障都是内存分配错误及缓冲器溢出的直接结果。

34、The scientist refused to shave, because there was no evidence that his facial fuzz posed a hazard. ─── Barbeito解释说,“因为没有证据证明他脸上的胡子会引发卫生问题。”

35、The fuzz on a peach. ─── 桃子上的绒毛

36、the fuzz on a peach ─── 桃子上的细毛

37、The girl's hair stood out in a fuzz round her head. ─── 小女孩长了一头短短的卷发。

38、White fuzz goat of Liaoning ─── GB/T4630-1984辽宁绒山羊

39、Clinging bits of fiber and fluff;fuzz. ─── 棉绒,软棉布聚在一起的纤维和绒毛;

40、Fuzz up an argument ─── 把论点弄糊涂

41、Clinging bits of fiber and fluff; fuzz. ─── 棉绒,软棉布聚在一起的纤维和绒毛; 细毛

42、fuzz man ─── n. 警察

43、I just work down the street, you know, I could keep an eye on the fuzz, could run interference, massage your shoulders. ─── 我就在楼下大马路上干活,帮你们望风啦,引开条子啦,捏捏肩膀啦。

44、Keywords PTT/wool belended fabrics;PET/wool belended fabrics;stretch and recovery;crease recovery;fuzz and pills resistance; ─── 毛混纺织物;PET/毛混纺织物;拉伸弹性;褶皱回复;起毛起球;基本风格;

45、Later, they grow chartreuse fuzz, making pale green auras in the sun. ─── 接着会张出黄绿色的绒叶,在阳光下映出淡绿的光辉。

46、The analysis of choosing information system function for outsourcing by fuzz group decision-making of multiplicative attribute ─── 企业信息系统外包职能选择的模糊多属性群决策分析

47、Fuzz mathematics ─── 模糊数学

48、fuzz resistance ─── 抗起毛性

49、Analysis and precaution of brick and tile machine bearing failure based on fuzz math ─── 基于模糊数学的砖瓦机械轴承失效分析及预防

50、fuzz tone ─── 模糊音键

51、Fuzz Comprehensive Assessment in Contracting Construction Projects Risk Evaluation ─── 模糊综合评价法在建设工程承包风险评估中的应用

52、Fuzz testing ─── Fuzz测试

53、Fuzz Comprehensive Evaluation Method Based on Expert Group Evaluation on Researching Crisis Advance Warning ─── 模糊综合评价法在企业危机预警中的应用

54、Ice police station of city of constabulary Germany hamburger recruits fuzz from time to tome the regulation of an extraordinary: Must meet skate. ─── 冰上警察德国汉堡市警察局招收警员时有一条与众不同的规定:必须会滑冰。

55、fuzz comprehensive evaluation ─── 模糊综合评价法

56、Look at the fuzz on a baby's ear. ─── 仔细观察婴儿耳朵上的绒毛。

57、fuzz up ─── v. 使模糊

58、I mean, they made their own effects boxes, you know? They made their own fuzz boxes. ─── 我是说,他们自己制作效果盒,你知道吗?他们自己制作模糊音装置。

59、In order to prove her to be a true princess, the old queen turned around and entered the bedchamber.She put a pea under twenty mattresses, then put twenty fuzz quilts above them again. ─── 为了证实她是真正的公主,老皇后转身进入寝室,将一个豌豆放在二十床垫子下面,再在上面放了二十床绒被。

60、No fuzz cotton ─── 光籽棉

61、The paper improved a kind of linear programming model based on fuzz maths principle. ─── 摘要根据模糊数学原理,对求解直接负荷控制的一种线性规划数学模型进行了改进。

62、The Fuzz factor option allows you to tell Eclipse to ignore some of the context lines when applying the patch. ─── Fuzzfactor选项使您能够告诉Eclipse在应用补丁时忽略一些上下文行。

63、I saw it as a dim fuzz through the binoculars. ─── 我从双筒望远镜看只见一团模模糊糊的东西。

64、Brush off the fuzz that has blown on ─── 把被风吹上去的绒毛刷掉。

65、Particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is adopted to optimize the center of fuzz K-means (FKM) with kernel function, which is used to classify the temperature of blast furnace. ─── 摘要提出了一种高炉炉温分类辨识的方法PSO-K-FKM,该方法采用基于核函数改进的模糊K均值聚类,利用粒子群对聚类中心寻优。

66、Applying fuzz mathematical method to evaluate food organoleptic quality is a noveler method. ─── 应用模糊数学法评价食品感官质量是一种较为新颖的方法。

67、I mean, they made their own effects boxes, you know? They made their own fuzz boxes. ─── 我是说,他们自己制作效果盒,你知道吗?他们自己制作模糊音装置。

68、fuzz method ─── 模糊法

69、Marshall Bravestarr is the lawman of the wild-west planet "New Texas" with help from Thirty-Thirty, his cybernetic talking horse and Deputy Fuzz, his sidekick and Shaman, his mentor. ─── 揭发无耻卖家--程家星(淘宝帐户:古城1982),以组装硬盘充当原装日立移动硬盘卖,诱骗买家签收后就置之不理。

70、The evaluation method for regional water resources system based on roughness and fuzz set theory ─── 基于粗糙模糊集的区域水资源系统的评价方法

71、There is some tiny fuzz on the newly emerged tender sprouts. ─── 刚长出来的嫩芽上有些细小的茸毛。

72、A peach skin is covered with fuzz. ─── 桃上有一层细毛。

73、Fuzz technology ─── Fuzz技术

74、Gun roving is a high value-added product among rovings.Besides the specification on linear density,splitting rate and LOI,the control of fuzz is also very important. ─── 喷射纱是无捻粗纱产品中高附加值的产品,除了线密度、分束率和可燃物含量等指标要求外,毛羽的控制十分重要。

75、fuzz theory ─── 模糊理论

76、Although fuzz testing usually requires some manual coding, there are tools that can help. ─── 尽管模糊测试通常需要一些手动编码,但还有一些工具能提供帮助。

77、Worked quickly to fuzz up the details of the scandal ─── 急急忙忙处理以模糊该

78、Fuzz and pills resistance of PTT/wool fabrics is better generally with the grade above 4. ─── PTT/毛织物的抗起毛起球性能一般在4级以上;

79、Trying to Analyse "the Application of Fuzz Mathematical Method in Combination with Minicomputer in Food Organoleptic Test" ─── 试析“模糊数学法与微机联用在食品感官检验中的应用”

80、E. T. built his own communicator out of the fuzz buster, some hobby pins, a knife and fork, and the UHF tuner from the TV set. . . E. T. ─── 用那个策念头、一些曲别针、一把刀子和一把叉子,另有一架电视天线等东西,建起了他本身的通信装配。

81、light down or fuzz,as on a young bird or on a dandelion or milkweed seed ─── 如长在小鸟身上、蒲公英或马利筋属植物种子上的轻软绒毛

82、By the time the puppy is 6 months old, you will have stripped his entire body of puppy fuzz and he will be familiar with the feeling of having the hair pulled out. ─── 按时间就送6个老,你会有剥夺他的整个身体的小狗搅浑,他将熟悉的感觉,有头发拉出来。

83、As we have learned, 4 days in, fuzz finds about 20 the injured party only, still many 20 party remains to search. ─── 据了解,4天之内,警员只找到约20名被害人,尚有20多名当事人有待寻找。

84、The significance of developing mercerized wool /cashmere/rabbit fuzz hair/Tencel blended yarn is introduced,as well as the technology,process and Technical key points of each process. ─── 文章介绍了开发丝光羊毛/山羊绒/兔绒/天丝混纺纱的意义,生产工艺流程以及各工序的技术要点,为天丝这种新型环保纺织材料在粗纺上的应用进行了探索。

85、You will notice that the head has developed a new halo of fuzz by 6 months. ─── 你会发觉头已经制定了新的光环模糊了6个月。

86、By combination of expert experience and fuzz y identification, the fuzzy rules become more reliable. ─── 在建立模糊规则时,应用了专家经验与模糊辨识相结合的方法,使规则更加合理可信。

87、a fuzz of blonde hair ─── 一团金色鬈发

88、fuzz amotmt ─── 毛羽量

89、The paper has researched the fuzz and pilling of the wool/rayon blended fabric by contrasting with dry and wash condition. ─── 文章以毛粘织物为例,对织物水洗前后的起毛起球性能进行了对比研究。


dildo英 [?d?ld??] 美 [?d?ldo?] n.假阴茎


dildo 英音:['dild?u] 美音:['d?ldo] 名词 n. 俚(女子同性恋者用的)人造阴茎

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