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09-12 投稿



dispensaries 发音

英:[d?s?p?ns?riz]  美:[d??sp?ns?riz]

英:  美:

dispensaries 中文意思翻译



dispensaries 同义词

superfluous |needless | unnecessary | unessential | replaceable | expendable

dispensaries 短语词组

1、dispensaries in indiana ─── 印第安纳州的药房

2、dispensaries jobs ─── 药房工作

3、dispensaries in maine ─── 缅因州的药房

4、dispensaries in aurora colorado ─── 科罗拉多州奥罗拉的药房

5、dispensaries in yucaipa ─── 尤卡帕的药房

6、dispensaries phoenix ─── 菲尼克斯药房

dispensaries 词性/词形变化,dispensaries变形

名词复数: dispensaries |

dispensaries 反义词


dispensaries 相似词语短语

1、dispensable ─── adj.可有可无的;非必要的

2、dispenses ─── v.分与;分配(dispense的单三形式)

3、dispensations ─── n.分配;免除;豁免;天命

4、dispensary ─── n.药房;(学校、兵营或工厂的)诊疗所;防治站

5、dispensatories ─── n.处方集;药房;adj.分配的

6、dispensers ─── n.分发者;药剂师;配药员;药剂分配器;自动售货机(dispenser的复数)

7、dispensators ─── 药房

8、dispensation ─── n.分配;免除;豁免;天命

9、dispensative ─── 可有可无的

dispensaries 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The growth of Robinson's business has come with the explosion in the number of Colorado's medical-marijuana dispensaries, or centers. ─── 罗便臣的业务增长,出现了与在美国科罗拉多州的医疗大麻药房,或中心数目激增。

2、They also performed valuable social functions because they served as schools, dispensaries, poorhouses, banks, and concert halls. ─── 由于它们也被用作学校、诊疗所、救济院、银行和音乐厅,它们也作为重要的社交场合。

3、Strengthening capacity on TB control of TB dispensaries. ─── 加强结防机构自身的业务能力建设。

4、The Police, in a joint operation with the Department of Health, arrested 10 persons in connection with the sales of medicines obtained fraudulently from Government clinics to private dispensaries。 ─── 警方和卫生署采取联合行动,拘捕十人,他们诈骗政府诊所药房配药,并将药物卖给私人药房。

5、Particularly with the elderly at home, but should give more consideration to the best hospitals and dispensaries . ─── 特别是家中有老年人的,更要多考虑最好靠近医院、药房。

6、Analysis of Sputum Test Results of Patients with Prolonged Cough Consulted At TB Dispensaries ─── 持续咳嗽不同时间的结核病专科门诊就诊病人痰检结果分析

7、The problems should be solved such as holding patients by general hospitals, patients refuse to visit tuberculosis dispensaries and where they go. ─── 重点解决截留、拒诊和流动人口结核病人去向。

8、Mobile dispensaries, floating clinics and a flying doctor service cater to residents of remote areas and outlying islands. ─── 该署并派出流动诊所、医疗船和飞行医生到偏远的乡郊地区和离岛服务。

9、Experience has shown that when facilities such as schools, dispensaries, hospitals, or even clothes and food are offered to the people being taught, many complications arise. ─── 经验表明,如果向对方提供学校、诊所、医院,或者哪怕只是衣物食品,都会导致很多节外生枝的问题。

10、Dispensaries in village were major origin of fail-to-report cases and their FRR were highest(100%). ─── 就诊漏报以村级 (私人诊所 )医院所占比重最大 ,漏报率也最高 ,为 10 0%。

11、AVENE and, of course, VICHY, and other brands sold in dispensaries are also cheaper than domestic, and tax rebates. ─── 当然VICHY和AVENE等在药房出售的品牌也比国内便宜,而且有退税。

12、Denver's 484 dispensaries already charge sales tax, which means that - financially, anyway - the city isn't hurting from their presence. ─── 丹佛的484家配药房已经上交了销售税,这意味着——从财务上讲,无论如何——这座城市并不打算将他们赶尽杀绝。

13、Question: such as: the town of brain-ling. answer: Depends on the specific drugs or drug En Tong cheap, and some people medicine dispensaries big cheaper. ─── 摘要:在衢州:买药品在慈恩堂还是老百姓大药房便宜?问题:比如:镇脑宁。回答:要看具体药品的,有的药慈恩堂便宜,有的药老百姓大药房便宜。

14、Mobile dispensaries,floating clinics and a flying doctor service cater to residents of remote areas and outlying islands. ─── 流动诊所、医疗船和飞行医生被派往偏远的乡郊地区和离岛服务。

15、Even large towns must make do with meagre dispensaries and most lack doctors. ─── 即使在大城市里,防治所装备差,缺乏医生。

16、AVENE and, of course, VICHY, and other brands sold in dispensaries are also cheaper than domestic, and tax rebates. ─── 当然VICHY和AVENE等在药房出售的品牌也比国内便宜,而且有退税。

17、Particularly with the elderly at home, but should give more consideration to the best hospitals and dispensaries. ─── 特别是家中有老年人的,更要多考虑最好靠近医院、药房。

18、Some of the inventions of this year's winners may soon be found at big retailers or in hospital dispensaries. ─── 有些得主的发明,很快将在卖场、药局看得到。

19、These include dispensaries, health care centres, outpatient hospital departments and hospitals in the affected districts. ─── 这些设施包括受影响各县的诊所、卫生保健中心、医院门诊部和医院。

20、Past efforts to reduce the number of dispensaries, including issuing the moratorium on new stores, only managed to shutter 34. ─── 之前减少大麻药店数量的措施,包括新大麻药店的暂停法令,仅仅关闭了34家大麻药店。

21、The missionaries began to propagate Western nursing through setting up dispensaries,hospitals and nurses schools. ─── 传教士通过建立诊所、医院和护士学校,开始在中国传播西医护理学。

22、San Francisco and other cities passed laws capping the number of dispensaries within their borders. ─── 圣弗朗西斯科以及其它的城市通过了限额获取大麻的法律。

23、This sterilizer can be used in hospitals, dispensaries and scientific research units to boil and sterilize small instruments, vessels and appliances. ─── 电热定时煮沸消毒器适合医院、诊疗所、卫生院和科研等单位对小型器械、器皿与用具进行煮沸消毒之用。

24、88% Patients received treatment in non-TB dispensaries. There were no management approaches (regular treatment rate was about 60% in TB dispensaries, it wasn't higher enough% ─── 88%的病人是在结防机构以外的医疗单位接受治疗的,无治疗管理(即便是结防机构,规则治疗率也只有60%

25、The booklets also encourage dispensaries to simplify their process to help anticipate and prevent human error. ─── 这些手册还鼓励分配商简化其过程来预测并避免人为差错。

26、objective To analyze situation of referring TB suspects from health institutions to TB dispensaries and explore the measures for strengthening referring system. ─── 目的分析辖区医疗卫生机构可疑肺结核转诊的情况,探讨提高转诊率的措施。

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