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09-04 投稿



disproportionality 中文意思翻译



disproportionality 词性/词形变化,disproportionality变形


disproportionality 短语词组

1、disproportionality ratio ─── 不均衡率

2、disproportionality ppt ─── 不均衡ppt

3、disproportionality theory ─── 不均衡理论

4、disproportionality test ─── 不均衡性检验

5、disproportionality index ─── 不均衡指数

6、disproportionality marx ─── 非均衡性马克思

disproportionality 相似词语短语

1、proportionality ─── n.相称;均衡;比例性

2、disproportionately ─── adv.不成比例地

3、disproportional ─── adj.不相称的

4、disproportionably ─── 不成比例地

5、disproportionalness ─── 不成比例

6、disproportionally ─── adv.不均衡地;不相称地

7、disproportionation ─── n.歧化作用;不相均

8、disproportionate ─── adj.不成比例的

9、disproportionating ─── 歧化

disproportionality 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords activity;electrode potential;disproportion;oxidation state;thermodynamics; ─── 热力学;能量变化;活泼性;电极电势;岐化;氧化态;

2、Among those multiparas who delivered the second babies in years later the incidence of relative cephalopelvic disproportion is much higher. ─── 相隔10年以上再次分娩的经产妇更易发生相对性头盆不称。

3、Application of Unprecious Metal Catalyst in Rosin Disproportion Reaction ─── 松香歧化非贵金属催化剂的研究

4、The cesarean delivery rate more than doubles when passing the 42nd week compared with 40 weeks because of cephalopelvic disproportion resulting from larger infants and by fetal intolerance of labor. ─── 妊娠超过42周的患者,其剖宫产率是妊娠超过40周的患者的两倍,原因多为胎儿产程耐受不良,出现宫内窘迫或胎儿巨大造成头盆不称。

5、The great disproportion between the means of egress and the size of the imprisoned insect makes one wonder how the exit is ever accomplished at all-and it never is without great labor and difficulty. ─── 它的身体这样肥大,那条管儿这样细小,人人都会希奇它怎样才能够出来呢?一定会碰见多少难处,花费多少心机与力气。

6、Congenital growth disproportion ─── 先天性生长不匀称

7、a disproportion between the price and the value ─── 价格与价值之间的不均衡

8、When the electrical conductivity of excessive, will cause the dampening solution concentrations, the result is an oil and water, offsctdruckereien disproportion. ─── 当进火的电导率过不小时,不兵引起润版原液浓度的保持,其甘休不离是油火比例闹争,引发胶印障碍。

9、Analysis of International Capital Flow's Character of Disproportion ─── 国际资本流动的非均衡性浅析

10、Congenital fiber type disproportion myopathy ─── 先天性纤维型不相称性肌病

11、His secret consists in being able to find the exact point where they meet in their greatest disproportion. ─── 他的秘密在于他能够捕捉到这两个世界极度不成比例之时所交汇那一点。

12、Fetal congenital tumor causing disproportion ─── 胎儿先天性肿瘤造成比例不称

13、The study suggested that the occurrence of straight back may produce ventriculo-valvular disproportion by the compression of the left atrium and left ventricle from behind. ─── 本研究暗示著:直背可能从后侧压迫左心房、左心室,形成房室组识-僧帽瓣配合不当,产生僧帽瓣脱垂。

14、disproportion in age, size, weight, importance ─── 年龄上的不相称﹑ 尺寸上的不匀称﹑ 重量上的不均衡﹑ 重要性上的不相等

15、disproportion rosin alcohol ─── 歧化松香醇

16、However, nowadays because of the disproportionality of tourism spatial pattern in Zhoushan islands, the region linkage development has been limited. ─── 而目前其旅游空间结构非均衡性明显,限制了区域联动发展。

17、imbalance; disproportion ─── 比例失调

18、Methods In accordance with Monte Carlo method and measures of disproportionality theory, simulate the adverse drug reaction surveillance data by the random mode. ─── 方法参照蒙特卡罗方法基本思想,基于不相称性测定理论,采用随机模拟的方法对药物不良反应监测数据进行模拟。

19、prosthetic disproportion ─── 人造瓣大小比例失当

20、disproportionality theory of crises ─── 比例失调危机论

21、disproportion decomposition ─── 歧化分解

22、chronic disproportion ─── 慢性失调

23、The great proof of madness is the disproportion of one's designs to one's means. ─── 一个人的计划与实践存在太大的落差即是疯狂的表现。

24、Try to float the cup, and it will be grounded, due to the disproportion between water and vessel. ─── 何必要高飞九万里而到那遥远的南海呢?”

25、On the basis of practical experience,this text simple analyses disproportion phenomenons、reasons and countermoves of common electroplating auxiliary in use. ─── 本文依据实践经验,对常见镀种中所用助剂使用中的比例失调现象、原因及可采取的对策作了简要分析,供助剂生产厂家及电镀厂点参考。


27、And the choice of structure or production base, a lamp-shade mix well, not "big guy wearing a cap" or "small tall person wearing green" disproportionality of the flu. ─── 支架和底座的选择或制作,一灯罩搭配好,不能有“小人戴大帽”或“细高个子戴小帽”的比例失调之感。

28、Suppose a moral disproportion obtains in M's case.He has been made to suffer excessively for his crimes. ─── 假设在M案件中出现了道德失衡,他遭受了过量的惩罚之苦。

29、disproportion potential ─── 歧化势

30、serious disproportion ─── 比例严重失调

31、China's feudal dictatorship hierarchical system is expedites the cultural disproportionality and the dominant basic reason. ─── 中国的封建专制等级制度是催生文化不均衡性和强势性的根本原因。

32、Reflections on Handling the Gender Disproportion Problem of Newly-born Population ─── 对治理出生人口性别比失调问题的思考

33、the cs rate is much higher in those who delivered the second babies 10 years later, of which the incidence of relative cephalopelvic disproportion is significant difference. ─── 相隔10年以仁再次分娩的经产妇剖宫产率较高,更易因相对性头盆不称而不得不手术终止妊娠。

34、However, a moral disproportion also obtains in N's case. ─── 但是,道德失衡也可能在N的案子中出现。

35、Results It was found that a previous of uterine scar and cephalopelvic disproportion were the main causes of uterine rupture, and 5 cases were inproper treatment of obstetrics obviously. ─── 结果本组子宫破裂发生的高危因素以瘢痕子宫、头盆不称为主,其中有5例明显存在产科处理不当,产科处理不当在子宫破裂的发生中起重要作用。

36、The cephalopelvic disproportion was the major indication in the spontaneous labour group. ─── 在剖宫产指征方面两组有所不同。

37、Keywords Grey Model;contacting relation degree;cesarean section rate;fetal distress in uterus;cephalopelvic disproportion;fetus valuable; ─── 关键词灰色系统;关联度;剖宫产率;胎儿宫内窘迫;头盆不称;胎儿珍贵;

38、There should be at least three exceptions to the rule, that is disproportion between risks and benefits, fraudulent behavior, and dangerous contract. Art. ─── 无论作为理论问题还是司法实践,可预见性原则至少应该存在三个例外,即风险和收益不相称的例外,欺诈行为例外及危险合同例外。

39、Fetal hydrops causing disproportion ─── 胎儿水肿造成比例不称

40、congenital fibre type disproportion ─── 先天性纤维型不(相)称

41、they distribute a disproportion in the whole. (2). ─── 第四,城市空间分异明显,整体布局不均衡。

42、Fetal myelomeningocele causing disproportion ─── 胎儿脑脊髓脊膜膨出造成比例不称

43、the disproportion between the gravity of geopolitical events and the time available to deal with them ─── 地缘政治学事件的严重性与用于处理这些事件的时间极不相称

44、"The great proof of madness is the disproportion of one's designs to one's means. ─── "一个人的计划与实践存在太大的落差即是疯狂的表现。

45、Fetal sacral teratoma causing disproportion ─── 胎儿骶部畸胎瘤造成比例不称

46、disproportion unit ─── 歧化装置

47、Autism is a syndrome defined by behaviour characteristics.However, there is a disproportion of a peculiar cognitive development behind that. ─── 摘要自闭症是以行为特点定义的一组症候群,而其背后存在着自闭症的特异性的认知发展不均衡现象。

48、Fetal disproportion ─── 胎儿比例不称

49、Perhaps what most impressed me was to note the absolute disproportion between the pleasure obtained from a cigarette and the risk run. ─── 或许让我印象最深刻的是看到了吸烟的快乐与健康承担的风险不成比例。

50、Cephalo-pelvic disproportion exists when the capacity of the pelvis is inadequate to allow the fetus to negotiate the birth canal. ─── 什麽是'头盆不相称-不相称婴儿的头部和母亲的骨盆'?

51、How to use the spared throughput is worthy of studying, because of the disproportion of passenger flow in different time periods. ─── 由于各时段不均衡客流的存在,非高峰期线路馀能的利用是一个值得研究的问题。

52、Relults: The cesarean section rate was steadily increased every year and its major indications were fetal distrcess, cephalopelvic disproportion, and breach presentation. ─── 结果:剖宫产率逐年上升,其中胎儿宫内窘迫,相对头盆不对称、臀位、已成为剖宫产的主要指征,社会因素指征明显增加。

53、feto-placental disproportion ─── 胎儿胎盘不相称

54、cephalo-pelvic disproportion ─── 头盆不称

55、A distinguishing feature of high office, however, is the disproportion between the gravity of actions and the time available to deal with them. ─── 但是,身居高官显职的人的一个显著特点是,他们所采取的行动,其重要性同可以用来处理问题的时间很不相称。

56、relative cephalopelvic disproportion ─── 相对性头盆不称

57、The disproportion in the population of berth gender is a relatively serious problem, it would brings banns to the family, social stability and the sustainable development for the future. ─── 摘要人口出生性别比的失衡,是一个较为严重的社会问题,它会对今后家庭、社会的稳定和可持续发展带来危害。

58、congenital fiber type disproportion ─── 先天性纤维型失调

59、disproportion kinetics ─── 歧化动力学

60、Congenital disproportion ─── 先天性不匀称

61、The Anatomy about Disproportion Characteristic of the Tang Chang'an City Form ─── 从隋、唐长安城看中国古代都城空间演变的功能趋向性特征

62、Because of the time delay and disproportion message function,limit cyclesexist in the third model.With the same reason, it makes the third model the mostsuitable one to re?ect the real world. ─── 模型三最为复杂,它既带有时滞,信号函数也是非对称的,它的动力学性质最为复杂:出现了极限环.也因为同样的原因,它最能反映真实的情况.

63、Disproportion of other origin ─── 其他原因的比例不称

64、A Research on Prediction Model Applied to Analyzing many Factors and the Disproportion in the Sports Results of Athletes ─── 十项全能运动员成绩多因素非均衡性预测模型的研究

65、cephalopelvic disproportion ─── 头盆不称胎头骨盆不相称

66、The other complications was eliminated in each of teams.The result display that the cause of PROM are, the many times cyesis in 62%, cephalopelvic disproportion in 46%, abnomal fetal position in 10%. ─── 结果显示胎膜早破的病因,以多次妊娠为主占62%,头盆不称占46%,胎位异常占10%,性生活占6%,阴道炎占6%,再次发生胎膜早破占4%,羊水过多占2%。

67、Keywords phase transfer catalysis;furaldehyde;disproportion reaction; ─── 相转移催化;糠醛;歧化反应;

68、The SPD and BPD measured by ultrasound would be method for diagnosis of cephalopelvic disproportion in childbearing. ─── 临产前超声测量胎儿双顶径及孕妇骨盆骶耻径可作为产前头盆不称筛查的检测方法而值得临床应用。

69、Keywords shape selective molecular sieve;zeolite;catalysis;alkylation;disproportion;transalkylation;selectivity; ─── 择形分子筛;沸石;催化作用;烷基化;歧化作用;烷基转移;选择性;

70、Fetal ascites causing disproportion ─── 胎儿腹水造成比例不称

71、The different value between the SPD and the BPD in 100 cases of normal labor is obviously larger than that of 55 cases of cesarean section who were diagnosed as cephalopelvic disproportion(P

72、The equity analysis show the distributing of MMR in different provinces is disproportion, and indicates the maternal and infant health situation in our country is inequitable. ─── 健康公平性研究表明,孕产妇与儿童死亡在各省分布不均衡,妇幼健康存在不公平现象,并逐年加重。

73、a supply in disproportion with the demand ─── 供求失调

74、Any study counting citations, depending on when it is conducted, runs the risk of registering the "impact" of the fad in disproportion to its scholarly merit or long-term value or interest. ─── 取决于其研究的时间,任何引用计数的研究都冒着记录时髦的“影响力”的风险,而时髦与其学术创见或长期价值或利益并不成正比。

75、In recent years, the gender disproportion problem of newly-born population is growing more and more serious. ─── 摘要近年来,我国出生人口性别比失衡现象日趋严重。

76、By far the worst form of competition in schools is disproportion ate emphasis on examinations. ─── 学校里最最糟糕的竞争方式是不恰当地强调考试。根据这句话可知

77、a profession with a high disproportion of male to female employees ─── 男女雇员比例严重失调的职业

78、Very large fetus causing disproportion ─── 特大胎儿造成的比例不称

79、This paper analyzes the gender issue and the related social policy in the process of population ageing, eg, gender disproportion in the old people, hard life of senile women esp. of the rural group. ─── 摘要中国的老龄化过程已经呈现出了性别特征,如老年性比例失调以及老年高龄妇女和农村妇女生活艰难。

80、This paper offered according countermeasures for governing it, by analyzing about the present condition of the disproportion in the population of berth gender in Qinghai province and its negativities. ─── 本文分析了青海省出生人口性别比失衡的状况及其危害,提出相应的治理对策。

81、First Senator. Indeed, they are disproportion'd; My letters say a hundred and seven galleys. ─── 元老甲它们真是参差不一;我的信上说是共有船只一百零七艘。

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