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09-04 投稿



embryonated 发音

英:[['embr??ne?t?d]]  美:[['embr?rne?t?d]]

英:  美:

embryonated 中文意思翻译



embryonated 短语词组

1、embryonated egg ─── 孵化蛋

embryonated 相似词语短语

1、embrocates ─── vt.涂擦药液

2、embryophytes ─── [植]有胚植物

3、decarbonated ─── v.除去碳酸,脱去(溶液、物质等的)二氧化碳

4、embryonate ─── adj.胚胎的

5、embrocate ─── vt.涂擦药液

6、embrocated ─── vt.涂擦药液

7、impersonated ─── vt.扮演;模仿;拟人,人格化

8、emarginated ─── 消瘦的

9、embryonal ─── adj.胚的;胚芽的

embryonated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Nogo;Rats;Central nervous system;Growth and embryon ic development; ─── 大鼠;中枢神经系统;生长和胚胎发育;

2、All the isolated viruses grew very well in MDCK cells, but there were only 6 strains (2.1%) in embryonated chick eggs. 21 Avian influenza surveillance specimens were all negative in H5 subtype by. ─── 285株流感病毒都能适应MDCK细胞,但阳性标本液直接接种鸡胚阳性率极低,仅为2.1%(6/285)。

3、Endometrial receptivity is an important factor in deciding the successful nidation of embryon,of which the successful evaluation is the key link of assisted reproductive technology(ART). ─── 子宫内膜容受性是决定胚胎成功着床的重要因素,对内膜容受性进行评估是辅助生育技术中重要的一环。

4、passage in embryonated chicken eggs ─── 鸡胚传代

5、Keywords Olfactory ensheathing cells;Embryon;Cell culture; ─── 嗅鞘细胞;胚胎;细胞培养;

6、But when the different tissues from the inoculated embryonated chickens were tested, the agent was detected only in the brain of embryonated chickens. ─── 值得注意的是,在接种鸡胚的脑部发现了病原体,而在其身体其他部位(除卵黄囊液和尿囊液外)未发现病原体。

7、process technology of convenience food made of embryonated egg are researched in this paper. ─── 对鸡胚蛋方便食品关键加工工艺进行了研究。

8、Considerable progress has been made in the production and use of rabies vaccines in the past century from nerve-tissue vaccines、embryonated egg vaccines to cell-culture vaccines. ─── 在过去的一个世纪里,狂犬病疫苗研制及使用取得了巨大进步,先后经历了神经组织培养疫苗、禽胚疫苗和细胞培养疫苗的发展阶段。

9、Keywords influenza A virus;extracts from Flos Lonicerae;Chlorogenic Acid;embryonated egg; ─── 甲型流感病毒;金银花提取物;绿原酸;鸡胚;

10、The Computer Distinguish of Blood Vessel Patterns on Embryonated Eggs ─── 鸡胚蛋血线模式的机器识别

11、During eggs incubating, embryonated eggs grow continuously and a series of metabolism take place by enzymecatalyzing. ─── 鸡胚蛋在孵化期间,鸡胚的不断生长发育,蛋体内的各种营养物质,在酶的作用下,进行一系列的物质代谢。

12、Analysis of Amino Acids of Embryonated Eggs during Incubation ─── 鸡胚蛋孵化期间氨基酸含量的测定

13、Hologram dimension is one of the basic concept in hologram theory, which is the microcosm of entirety, and which has the characteristics of embryon, development and recapitulation. ─── 全息元是全息理论中的一个基本概念,它是整体的缩影。

14、In addition, the embryonated chicken eggs may be with a foreign-derived factor, which also affected the quality of vaccines. ─── 此外,鸡胚中可能带有的外源性因子也影响疫苗的质量。

15、These results further extend our knowledge of the pathogenicity of T. canis embryonated eggs. ─── 本结果进一步扩展了对于犬蛔虫受孕卵致病性的知识。

16、Methods The influenza virus isolation was performed by MDCK cells and embryonated eggs. ─── 方法用狗肾传代(MDCK)细胞和鸡胚双腔法进行流感病毒分离。

17、Results:Among them, 113 cases were salpingotomies. 3 cases were tubal fimbrial portion pregnancy, so, the embryon was removed directly. ─── 结果:其中113例在腹腔镜下行输卵管切开取胚术,3例伞端妊娠直接取孕囊术,1例中转开腹,1例持续性输卵管妊娠。

18、Application of multimedia in tissue embryon teaching ─── 多媒体在组胚教学中的应用

19、Methods Virus isolation was performed in embryonated hen's eggs with routine method. ─── 方法采用常规的鸡胚双腔法来分离病毒。

20、Recent progress on the regulation of embryon pancreatic development ─── 胚胎胰腺发育调控机制的研究进展

21、Heme oxygenase-1 Expression and apoptosis induced by cadmium in human embryon kidney cells ─── 镉对人胚肾细胞凋亡和血红素氧合酶-1表达的影响

22、Comparision of application and question about embryon stem cell and maturation stem cell ─── 胚胎干细胞和成体干细胞应用前景与问题的比较

23、[15]Li H.Clinical observation on the embryon terminating effect of large dose of Lithospermum in nonoperation treatment of eccyesis.Yunnan Zhong Yi Zhong Yao Za Zhi.1999; ─── 李缓.大剂量紫草在非手术治疗异位妊娠中杀胚作用的临床观察.云南中医中药杂志.1999;

24、The purpose of this study was to investigate thepresence of Escherichia coli isolated from geese and dead embryonated eggs in 10counties of Yancheng. ─── 本研究对盐城地区10个县(市、区)的大、中、小型鹅场爆发(继发)鹅大肠杆菌病的情况及鹅炕坊死胚感染大肠杆菌的情况进行了调查研究。

25、Keywords embryonated eggs;nutrient substances;incubation period; ─── 鸡胚蛋;孵化期;营养物质;

26、The TDA could be cultivated in the allantoic and yolk fluid of embryonated chicken eggs just as primary isolation of other microbial agents. ─── 为了得到大量的病原体纯培养物,我们尝试从鸡胚进行分离。

27、Methods Observing the inhibition effect of silver nitrate on Parainfluenza virus by using hemagglutination and embryonated eggs; ─── 方法采用血凝试验和鸡胚培养法观察硝酸银对副流感病毒的抑制作用;

28、And the reassortant had no toxicity both for embryonated chicken eggs and mice. ─── 且该毒株对鸡胚和小鼠不具有致毒性。

29、Two strains of Capromyces Pleuropneumoniae were propagated in and passed through embryonated eggs for about 80 generations by means of yolk-sac inoculation. ─── 本报告叙述了利用鸡胚培养山传病原体获得成功,并已育成弱毒菌株。


31、embryonated hen's egg ─── 鸡胚胎蛋

32、Methods Following oral infection of mice with Toxocara canis embryonated eggs, the acid-isolating technique was used to study the migratory route of Toxocara canis larvae in mice. ─── 方法采用大弓首线虫感染期卵,管喂小鼠,用稀盐酸分离法进行观察。结果感染后第1天,即在鼠肝发现幼虫;

33、The specimens for viral isolation were taken from throat of patients with influenza like disease, as well as from chickens, then the specimens were inoculated into embryonated chicken eggs. ─── 对流感样患者和鸡咽喉部采样,用常规鸡胚双腔法分离流感病毒并进行毒株鉴定。

34、Methods Observing the inhibition effect of silver nitrate on Parainfluenza virus by using hemagglutination and embryonated eggs; ─── 方法采用血凝试验和鸡胚培养法观察硝酸银对副流感病毒的抑制作用;

35、Classically, embryonated eggs and primary monkey kidney cells have been the isolation methods of choice for influenza viruses, although some continuous cell lines may be used. ─── 通常,鸡胚和原代猴肾细胞培养是分离流感病毒的首选方式,一些传代细胞株也可用于流感病毒的培养。

36、Here we present the first genome-wide, single-base-resolution maps of methylated cytosines in a mammalian genome, from both human embryon... ─── 摘要: DNA cytosine methylation is a central epigenetic modification that has essential roles in cellular processes including genome regulation, development and disease.

37、Keywords incubation;embryonated egg;nutrient substance;effective factors; ─── 孵化期;鸡胚蛋;营养成分;功效成分;

38、Changes of the Nutrient Components in Different Types of Embryonated Eggs During Incubation Period ─── 不同品种鸡胚蛋孵化期间营养成分的变化

39、The MLD_(50) is about 10~(-7.25)/0.1mL, which was similar to EID_(50) (fifty percent embryonated eggs infectious dose), and it indicated that TIV was highly pathogenic to mice. ─── 结果,TIV 对小鼠表现高致死性,MLD_(50) 约为10~(-7.25)/0.1mL;

40、This is the first report that larvae hatched from T. canis embryonated eggs maintained for a long time can cause murine ocular toxocariasis. ─── 本报告为首篇关于自长期培养的犬蛔虫卵孵育的幼虫可引起鼠眼部犬蛔虫症的研究。

41、embryonated egg ─── 孵化蛋

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