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09-04 投稿



hypnotic 发音

英:[h?p?nɑ?t?k]  美:[h?p?n?t?k]

英:  美:

hypnotic 中文意思翻译




hypnotic 词性/词形变化,hypnotic变形


hypnotic 短语词组

1、hypnotic hypermnesia ─── 催眠性超记忆

2、hypnotic suggestion ─── [医] 催眠暗示

3、hypnotic responsivity ─── 催眠反应

4、sedative hypnotic ─── 镇静催眠药

5、hypnotic sleep ─── [医] 催眠性睡眠

6、hypnotic mp ─── 催眠mp

7、hypnotic state ─── [医] 催眠状态

8、hypnotic psychoanalysis ─── [医] 催眠精神分析

9、hypnotic induction ─── 催眠诱导

10、hypnotic trance ─── [医] 催眠性迷睡

11、in a hypnotic trance ─── 处于催眠状态,恍恍惚惚

12、sedative-hypnotic ─── 镇静催眠药

13、hypnotic phase ─── [医] 催眠相

14、hypnotic relationship ─── 催眠关系

15、hypnotic regression ─── 催眠回归

16、sedative-hypnotic chemical ─── 镇静催眠药

17、sedative-hypnotic drug ─── [网络] 镇静助眠的药物

hypnotic 相似词语短语

1、hypnotism ─── n.催眠术;催眠状态

2、hypnic ─── adj.催眠的;使瞌睡的;入睡前发生的

3、henotic ─── adj.有相同倾向的;使和谐的

4、hypnotise ─── v.对(某人)施催眠术;(使)着迷,陶醉(等于hypnotize)

5、hypnotics ─── n.[药]催眠药;[药]安眠药

6、cyanotic ─── adj.青紫的;发绀的

7、hypnotoid ─── 催眠

8、hypnotize ─── vt.使着迷;对…施催眠术;使恍惚;vi.施催眠术;使进入睡觉状态

9、hypnotist ─── n.施催眠术的人

hypnotic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A flash that was hypnotic, significant, insistent passed between them. ─── 一阵催眠的,有意义的,强固的闪电通过了两人之间。

2、induction of a hypnotic state ─── 催眠

3、She was again the victim of the city's hypnotic influence. ─── 城市催眠般的魅力又一次让她上当受气。

4、Because of,be like some people again now and then insomnia or ache use hypnotic and composed or acetanilide remedy, down to develops long-term abuse, form finally depend on. ─── 又如有的人因偶尔失眠或疼痛使用催眠镇静或止痛药物,以至发展到长期滥用,最后形成依赖。

5、The process of inducing or entering sleep or a hypnotic state. ─── 催眠引导或进入睡眠或催眠状态的过程

6、In addition, evidence indicates that hypnotic responsiveness may have a hereditary component: identical twins are more likely than same-sex fraternal twins to have similar Stanford scores. ─── 另外,证据指出,对催眠的反应程度可能与遗传有关:比起同性的异卵双胞胎,同卵双胞胎的史丹佛量表分数比较接近。

7、Another some of patient beyond the mark and scared hypnotic medicaments, aux would rather painful ground tosses about, connect a medicine to also dare be not tasted. ─── 另一些病人又过分恐惧催眠药物,宁愿痛苦地辗转反侧,连一片药也不敢尝。

8、How to write hypnotic sales letters! ─── 如何撰写催眠销售信函!

9、Yet Ms.Tequila is still a hypnotic presence on the screen. ─── 不过,特基拉在萤幕上仍有一定的吸引力。

10、The hypnotic subject is very suggestible ─── 受催眠治疗的病人,在精神上是易受影响的。

11、This might sound like libertarian boilerplate: Nietzsche repackaged for the Chamber of Commerce crowd.But three things gave her work its hypnotic power. ─── 兰德无疑是在大萧条时期任坚定不移地抨击集体主义、而没有被其浪潮淹没的最坚定的一员。

12、Your hypnotic eyes will capture the hearts of those who interest you. ─── 你迷人的眼神会捕获追求者的心。

13、By what I can tell from the tape he seems to be in a legitimate hypnotic state. ─── 就我从录相上看到的情况,他确实处在一种催眠的状态。

14、He laid out a scenario of an enemy doctor placing thousands of patients under hypnotic mind control, and eventually programming key military officers to follow his assignment. ─── 他曾提出一个关于敌军医生把成千上万的病人放置在催眠的精神控制中的假设,而最后,主要的军方官员采取行动以跟进他的任务。

15、The term "mind control" has many meanings, for example, advertising, subliminal advertising, hypnotic self help, or government propaganda. ─── “精神控制”这个术语有多重含义,例如广告,潜意识广告,催眠的自我帮助,或者政府的宣传。

16、Halcion is a potent short-acting hypnotic agent, which produces its hypnotic activity from the first night of administration. ─── 好而睡是一种强力速效催眠药,它从服药后的第一个夜晚开始产生催眠作用。

17、Always with a plan, he had activated a post hypnotic suggestion in himself that made him repress the Batman persona in his mind. ─── 蝙蝠侠总是有计划的,他在自己身上激活了一个催眠暗示,通过它压抑住了脑海中的蝙蝠侠人格。

18、The hypnotic effect of the compound was assessed by investigating the changes in the pentobarbital sodium-induced sleeping. ─── 利用延长戊巴比妥钠睡眠时间实验和戊巴比妥钠阈下催眠剂量实验,观察复方酸枣仁油栀子油的催眠作用;

19、Sleeping pills is not a drug, but with a stable, peaceful and music, such as phenobarbital hypnotic drugs collectively. ─── 安眠药不是一种药物,而是指含有安定、安泰乐、苯巴比妥等催眠药物的总称。

20、As the hypnotic spell is renewed again and again, he makes it his life's purpose to carry out this act until it is finally achieved. ─── 因为这种催眠的符咒将会一遍接一遍的更新,他使它成为他的人生目标来实现,直到它最终被完成。

21、Second, eat a little calm, hypnotic drug treatment. ─── 二、吃一点镇静、安眠的药物辅助治疗。

22、The water extract of Fructus schisandrae Chinensis possesses obvious sedative and hypnotic effects. ─── 北五味子水提取物有明显的镇静、催眠作用。

23、Years turn and turn with an hypnotic grace, which ─── 一年又一年呈现出麻醉般的优雅的同时,又

24、With hypnotic doses, respiratory depression produced by Phenobarbital is similar to that which occurs during physiologic sleep with slight decrease in blood pressure and heart rate. ─── 催眠剂量苯巴比妥产生的呼吸抑制效果类似于生理睡眠状态,血压、心率略有降低。

25、At the same time, it is hypnotic and pressure the evil forces and the magic of medical value, aquamarine impregnated with the water can cure diseases of the eye, and a gas Bongchang uh. ─── 同时,它还具有催眠和压邪的力量以及神奇的医用价值,用海蓝宝石浸过的水可以治眼疾、迸气和打呃。

26、A barbiturate, C8H12N2O3, that is a white crystalline powder and is used as a sedative and hypnotic especially in the form of its soluble salt, sodium barbital. ─── 巴比妥巴比妥类药物的一种,c8h12n2o3,白色晶体粉末,用作镇静剂和催眠剂,尤指其可溶性盐,钠巴比妥的形式

27、But she did have very hypnotic eyes and she had an angelic sort of aura, and that's what got people. ─── 但她确实有可以催眠的眼睛,而且她有一种天使般的气质,这是她能够骗到人的原因。

28、It worked, but it only worked while you were all in a hypnotic state. ─── 它确实有效,但是它只能在你们所有被催眠的状态下才能有效。

29、Hypnotic is the choice drug which etiologically and semeiologically treats insomnia. ─── 催眠药物是对失眠症进行对因和对症治疗的首选药物。

30、His voice had an almost hypnotic effect. ─── 他的声音有一种近乎催眠的作用。

31、Scoring on the Stanford scales ranges from0, for individuals who do not respond to any of the hypnotic suggestions, to12, for those who pass all of them. ─── 史丹佛量表的分数为0~2分,0分表示对于所有的催眠暗示都没有反应,12分表示完全有反应。

32、In lab animal studies, jiang can showed a strong hypnotic effect and also showed an inhibitory effect against convulsions cause by strychnine. ─── 在实验室内研究,僵蚕对动物有催眠作用;并且对番木鳖碱所致的惊厥有抑制作用。

33、Josh and Zuleika, swimming slowly under the surface, seem to float in some cosmic dance above a luminous garden of waving, hypnotic shapes. ─── 杰克和奈提莉在水面的下方缓缓地游着,看上去就像在一个发光的,荡漾着温柔波浪的花园里轻快地跳舞。

34、Post hypnotic suggestions are transmitted by radio waves triggering a certain preconditioned behavior... ─── 实施催眠暗示是通过无线电波传送,激发某种预先设定的行为。”

35、Men fail to see a way out simply because they are hypnotized. Imagination is the force that keeps them in a hypnotic state. ─── 人看不见出路只是因为他们被催眠了,而想象就是使他们留在催眠状态的力量。

36、But the new findings reveal how, when used properly, the power of hypnotic suggestion can alter cognitive processes as diverse as memory and pain perception. ─── 但目前的最新发现是,使用得当时,催眠的力量可以改变认知过程,包括记忆与疼痛的感知。

37、Children Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale ─── 儿童催眠易感性量表

38、The subject's heart rate and respiration may slow down, but this is due to the relaxation involved in the hypnotism process, not the hypnotic state itself. ─── 受测人的心率和呼吸也许会放慢,但是是因为催眠过程中放松而不是催眠状态本身的原因。

39、It had evident hypnotize effect and could lead to the mice fall sleeping at a subliminal hypnotic dose of Pentobarbital and prolong the sleeping time. ─── 同时复方酸枣仁油栀子油能改善和提高正常和记忆损伤小鼠的学习记忆,产生明显的促进学习记忆作用;

40、Below hypnotic condition, but the germ of emersion anguish, and the psychological conflict that these concealmenting or mental scar, it is to bring about the main reason with unusual psychology. ─── 在催眠的状态下,可再现痛苦的根源,而这些隐蔽的心理冲突或精神创伤,是导致心理异常的重要原因。

41、Its medicaments main effect is mixed at the reticulate structure of cerebrum margin system, consequently, produce composed and hypnotic effect. ─── 其药物主要作用于大脑的网状结构和边缘系统,因而,产生镇静催眠作用。

42、His voice had an almost hypnotic effect. ─── 他的声音有一种近乎催眠的作用。

43、Hypnotic is what can you make person generation bad really psychedelic? ─── 催眠术真的可以让人产生不好的幻觉吗?

44、Dalmane:a trademark used for a hypnotic drug prescribed for insomnia. ─── "盐酸氟胺安定:商标名,用于为失眠而指定的安眠药."

45、The hypnotic state actually lies somewhere between being awake and being asleep. ─── 催眠状态实际上是介于清醒与睡眠之间。

46、hypnotic method of interrogation ─── 催眠讯问法

47、Her voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance we were all caught in. "Mom, let's run through the rain," she said. ─── 小女孩甜美的声音打破了这令人昏昏欲睡的气氛,“妈妈,我们在雨里跑吧,”她说。

48、The dissertation mainly studied the influences of circadian rhythm system and GABAergic system on hypnotic activity of melatonin. ─── 其中,褪黑素作为内源性催眠物质诱导生理性睡眠和调节睡眠-觉醒节律的作用尤其引人注目。

49、Despite these findings, however, the mechanisms underlying hypnotic pain relief are still poorly understood. ─── 尽管有这些发现,催眠减缓疼痛的机制仍大多是未知的。

50、Although average person from absentminded in anabiosis it is too difficult to come over, but experts still admonish people, be in hypnotic at the beginning when, should have wanted how to anabiosis. ─── 尽管一般人从恍惚中复苏过来不会太困难,但专家们还是告诫人们,在催眠一开始时,就应想好怎样复苏。

51、To us you seem extremely alert and active. We cannot possibly believe that you are in a kind of hypnotic state, which leaves no memory behind. ─── 你看来极之警觉和活跃。咱们很难相信你处于一种无记的催眠状态。

52、They obviously have found a wavelength with hypnotic effects so that they could give me posthypnotic orders. I wasn't able not to obey. ─── 他们明显的已经发现一种有着催眠效果的波长,以致他们能给我催眠后的命令。我不能不服从。

53、Stanford hypnotic susceptibility scale ─── 史丹福催眠易感性量表

54、What does hypnotic method have? ─── 催眠的方法有哪些?

55、Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility ─── 哈佛催眠易感性小组量表

56、Her voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance we were all caught in. "Mom, let's run through the rain, " she said. ─── 小女孩甜蜜的声音冲破了这令人昏昏欲睡的空气,“妈妈,我们在雨里跑吧,”她说。

57、Poisoning by other sedative or hypnotic ─── 其他镇静或安眠剂中毒

58、Brainwashed artists are no different from the dope-takers who have entered a state of illusion or followers of shamanistic impulses that induces hypnotic twitching. ─── 今天,艺术早已被软禁,艺术家也强遭劫持。被洗脑之后的艺术家们,就像嗑药者进入迷幻状态,一种萨满教式的冲动让人抽搐不止。

59、Etomidate is a rapid, short-acting carboxylated imidazole derived hypnotic. ─── 依托米脂是一种快速、短效羧基化咪唑镇静剂。

60、The hypnotic apparatus, an unparalleled wonder in Both ancient and modern times, Brings aBout revolution on sleep. ─── 催眠辅助仪,妙绝古今,睡眠新革命。

61、The real hypnotic subjects, however, slowly and with some difficulty terminated hypnosis by themselves. ─── 但是真正被催眠者要自行终止催眠时,却缓慢而且艰难。

62、It was all Chao Hsin-mei's fault.His joking had put the idea in his head, like someone in a hypnotic state who has been given a suggestion. ─── 全是赵辛楣不好,开玩笑开得自己心里有了鬼,仿佛在催眠中的人受了暗示。

63、By what I can tell from the tape he seems to be in a legitimate hypnotic state. ─── 就我从录相上看到的情况,他确实处在一种催眠的状态。

64、Hypnotic induction believed to involve animal magnetism. ─── 催眠引导法认为与动物性磁力有关的人工引导催眠方法

65、A hypochondriac car thief, a hypnotic and ambiguous surgeon, and a young, mean and incompetent telephone operator make up this noir story, set in Italy and Switzerland. ─── 一个患有忧郁症的盗车贼,一个神秘的外科医生,还有一个年轻稚嫩的接线员,三个角色一台戏。

66、The Polaroid pictures of Betty he carries begin to have a special, almost hypnotic power for him. ─── 他随身携带的贝蒂的照片开始对他产生了一种特殊的、几乎是催眠的作用。

67、The process of inducingor entering sleep or a hypnotic state. ─── 催眠引导或进入睡眠或催眠状态的过程。

68、Executives and sales professionals alike always ask me what is the fastest way I can learn these skills aside from attending one of your Hypnotic Sales Trainings. ─── 一些经理和专业销售人员总是问我,不上催眠式销售课程是否也能很快地学会这些技巧。

69、Stanford profile scale of hypnotic susceptibility ─── 史丹福催眠易感性剖象量表

70、To arouse from a hypnotic state. ─── 从催眠状态苏醒

71、He played complete and deeply realized tennis, but the lulling beauty of his game was so hypnotic that audiences couldn't imagine it came from sweat and work. ─── 他打出完美而有深度的网球,而他平静美妙的比赛却是乏味的以至于观众不能想象他背后的汗水与努力。

72、Motivation is the key to effective hypnotic suggestions. So, we formulate our Main Suggestion using the format of "Changes because Motivation". ─── 动机是有效催眠暗示的关键.所以,总结我们的主要意见就是“因为动机而产生改变”.

73、A barbiturate,C8H12N2O3,that is a white crystalline powder and is used as a sedative and hypnotic especially in the form of its soluble salt,sodium barbital. ─── 巴比妥巴比妥类药物的一种,C8H12N2O3,白色晶体粉末,用作镇静剂和催眠剂,尤指其可溶性盐,钠巴比妥的形式。

74、From the flickering images and rapidly changing scenes,it induces a hypnotic trance very much like a dream. ─── 从闪烁的图象和迅速地改变的场面,如同催眠曲,就像一场梦。

75、The voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance we were all caught in,"Mom, let's run through the rain," she said. ─── 一个甜甜的声音打破了昏昏欲睡的气氛,“妈妈,我们在雨里跑回去吧!”小女孩说。

76、A potentially habit - forming drug, C16H14N2O, used as a sedative and hypnotic. ─── 安眠酮有潜在的使人上瘾的功能的药,C16H14N2O,用作镇静和安眠药

77、PRN can obviously shorten hypnotic duration of pentobarbital sodium, which suggests that PRN could induce liver microsomal cytochrome P450 in mice. ─── PRN能显著缩短戊巴比妥钠对小鼠的催眠时间 ,提示PRN能诱导小鼠肝微粒体细胞色素P4 5 0活性

78、Create hypnotic rhythms using Ultrabeat, a beatbox with 25 voices and virtually unlimited parameter adjustment. ─── Ultrabeat, 内含25种声音和无限制参数调节的节奏盒,能创造出悠扬而规律的节拍。

79、Sugarcoated melodies are balanced upon driving almost hypnotic beats. ─── 与几乎令人入睡的鼓点相相平衡,旋律方面营造的格外甜蜜。

80、He kept himself awake with a drug called modafinil and then put himself to sleep with a hypnotic agent called zopiclone. ─── 他会击打墙壁,或打翻床头柜上的东西。有时,他会与女友生气地讲话,然后再次入睡。

81、His songs are often both hypnotic and reassuringly pleasant. ─── 他的歌声常常在催人入眠的同时又使人放松愉悦。

82、These tediously made oil paintings are made to look effortless like soft, hypnotic daydreams. ─── 冗杂的细节轻易地把油画变成了柔软的“白日梦”。

83、One other aid to remembering is to give yourself post hypnotic suggestions before you project, or go to bed. ─── 另一个有助于回忆的方法是,在你投射之前或上床前对自己进行后催眠暗示。

84、The dance, performed to hypnotic music played by local musicians, begins slowly and builds to a dramatic, saber-waving crescendo. ─── 伴随着当地乐师演奏的催人入睡的音乐,这种舞蹈开始时节奏缓慢,后来变成激动人心,马刀挥舞的渐强乐段。

85、The likelihood makes hypnotic, statement with tape, anabiosis, or precondition is good the thing of an alarm clock or timer and so on, lest enter " sleep deeply " . ─── 可能用磁带作催眠、指令、复苏,或者事先准备好一个闹钟或定时器之类的东西,以免进入“沉睡”。

86、The monotonous, almost hypnotic process of staring at the center divider for long hours is a grossly underestimated, life-threatening hazard. ─── 一连数小时注视着中夹分道线这样一个单调、乎能催眠的过程是被严重低估的威胁生命的重大隐患。

87、Software Description: About Snowy Winter Wonderland Screen Saver, Relax to the hypnotic snow falling as warm lights adorn a majestic tree and a welcoming cottage glows silently in this lovely scene. ─── 在这个柔和灯光装饰的树和寂静的欢迎别墅灯光的可爱场景当中放松降雪般忧郁的心情。

88、Did you take hypnotic last night? ─── 你昨天晚上吃了安眠药吗?

89、Her face, with its hypnotic raptor eyes, held him, its lines pulled into fierce but frightened lines. ─── 她面对着他,用会催眠的猛禽搬的双眼凝视他,脸上的纹路变得凶猛骇人。








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