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09-03 投稿



thrifty 发音

英:['θr?ft?]  美:['θr?fti]

英:  美:

thrifty 中文意思翻译



thrifty 网络释义

adj. 节约的;茂盛的;成功的

thrifty 反义词


thrifty 短语词组

1、thrifty lifestyle ─── 节俭的生活方式

2、thrifty housekeeper ─── 节俭的管家

3、thrifty colon ─── [医] (水分)吸收过旺性结肠

thrifty 同义词

parsimonious | prudent | saving | sparing | economizing | frugal |economical | careful | provident | cautious | efficient

thrifty 词性/词形变化,thrifty变形

名词: thriftiness |形容词最高级: triftiest |副词: thriftily |形容词比较级: triftier |

thrifty 相似词语短语

1、thriftily ─── adv.节俭地;繁茂地;兴旺的

2、drifty ─── 漂流的

3、rifty ─── adj.有裂缝的

4、shifty ─── adj.变化的;诡诈的;机智的

5、thrifts ─── [植]海石竹(thrift的复数形式)

6、shrift ─── n.忏悔;认罪;临终忏悔

7、thrift ─── n.节俭;节约;[植]海石竹;储蓄银行;n.(Thrift)思里夫特(人名)

8、thrilly ─── 激动人心。

9、unthrifty ─── 浪费的,不节约的

thrifty 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、be industrious and thrifty in running one's home ─── 勤俭持家

2、Following the hardworking and thrifty BANYAN Dad, LittleBanyan gradually understand the past hard years of old trees, and LittleBanyan also know the importance of thrift. ─── 在勤俭的老树爸爸带领之下,小榕树逐渐了解老树们过去的心酸及刻苦耐劳,也明白节俭的重要性。

3、Even after he'd made it, he led a simple and thrifty life. ─── 他发了财,然而生活依然俭朴。

4、For example, the work of encouraging women to be industrious and thrifty in managing their households. ─── 勤俭持家就是这样的工作。

5、Pizza, for example, is a south Italian regional dish that was once served because it combined all the virtues a thrifty cook looks for - it was inexpensive, simple to make, nourishing, and tasty. ─── 例如,馅饼是意大利南部的一种地方食品,它集中了勤俭厨师所的一切优点--价格不贵,制作方便,营养丰富,而且美味可口。

6、Advocating the thrifty and self-renewal consumption ethics concept--reflection on paper survey of college students in Hefei district ─── 倡导勤俭自强的消费伦理观--关于合肥地区大学生问卷调查的思考

7、Frugal father was still incredible on behalf of himself wearing a home-spinning weaving of clothes I bought the fabric pulling hide carefully and repeatedly asked me to be thrifty and not wasteful. ─── 俭朴得不可思议的父亲至今仍穿着五六十年代亲手纺的家织布,对我买的衣服扯的布料小心地藏起并再三嘱咐我要节俭不要浪费。

8、Thousands of years, Chinese culture has always been the principle of "Abolishing Luxury Honors Thrifty" consumer outlook. ─── 千百年来,中国文化一直秉持着“黜奢崇俭”的消费观。

9、Born with a silver spoon in her mouth, she was taught by her parents to be hard-working and thrifty. ─── 虽然出生在富贵之家,她的父母却教导她要勤俭节约。

10、Books relieve the human mind of long-term storage rents, freeing it up for other things, while language compresses awkward hand-waving communication into a thrifty, energy conserving voice. ─── 书本使得为储存信息长期占用的人脑得到解脱,使它能够去做些别的事情,而语言把笨拙的手势交流成功地压缩为保存声音的能力。

11、Lao Song,the hero of the novel,is intelligent and thrifty but has to struggle in vain for life,and finally he runs away,giving the touching silent cry of the mind. ─── 主人公老宋精明聪慧却在无奈中挣扎,殷勤节俭却在认命中奋争,最终他突围逃跑,在无声中发出撼人心灵的呐喊。

12、What is arrogant? Cow! What is modest? Installs! What is diligent and thrifty? Digs out! What is intelligent? Blows! What is beautiful woman? You! The beautiful woman holiday is joyful! ─── 什么是骄傲?牛呗!什么是谦虚?装呗!什么是勤俭?抠呗!什么是聪明?吹呗!什么是美女?你呗!美女节日快乐!

13、She is a thrifty housekeeper. ─── 她是一个节俭的持家人。

14、Don't get me wrong. I just meant to say that he is very thrifty. ─── 别误会,我的意思是说他很节俭。

15、Call for extensive publicity and form a thick atmosphere of thrifty consumption.Increase warm reminders such as advocate economy and moderate consumption. ─── 倡议号召广泛发动宣传,形成节俭消费的浓厚氛围,店内增加“崇尚节约、适度消费”等温馨提示;

16、eg. She was a thrifty woman and managed to put aside some money every month. ─── 她是个很会持家的妇女,每月都设法存些钱。

17、Trifty can be or not be the nurse of a servant with aggressiveness, because the motion of aggressiveness is not thrifty but benefit. ─── 节俭可以是进取精神的仆人的护理人,同样地也可以不是。因为进取精神的动力不是节俭,而是利润。

18、His wife is a frugal [thrifty] housekeeper. ─── 她的妻子是个节俭的好管家。

19、She is also a thrifty and industrious woman. ─── 她同时也是一个节俭而进取的人。

20、Why do you suddenly become so thrifty? ─── 你怎么突然变得这么节俭了?

21、He is willbor, are U.S. willbor. Thrifty sun filial devotion and sense of humor willbor! ─── 他是玮柏,是我们的玮柏。阳光孝顺敬业节俭而又幽默的玮柏!

22、He is excessively thrifty Because he rememBers the Depression. ─── 他还记得大萧条时期的穷困,因此他现在格外节俭

23、is so impressive about it, however, is not its lengthiness but rather the reverse — the thrifty compactness of its construction. ─── 然而,令人印象深刻的不是它的冗长,恰恰相反——是它简洁紧凑的结构。

24、industrious and thrifty ─── 勤俭

25、the view on The thrifty and luxry ─── 俭奢观

26、A good domain name can let your enterprise thrifty plenty of propagative costs! ─── 一个好域名能让您的企业节约大量的宣传费用!

27、The Conflicts and Mediation of Tradition Thrifty Virtue and Contemporary Undergraduates'Consumption Idea ─── 传统节俭美德与当代大学生消费观的冲突与调和

28、As a result, the rich blink another time Heng Kong born, a simple and thrifty and the poorhouse so the annihilation. ─── 于是,瞬时间又一有钱人横空出世,一个勤俭朴素的穷人家就这样湮没了。

29、Whereas many Americans are reasonably thrifty, the wealthiest group spends more than it earns. ─── 大多数美国人都相当节俭,而最富有的那群人花得却比他们挣得还多。

30、thrifty in small matters only. ─── 仅仅在小事情上节俭的。

31、thrifty colon ─── [医] (水分)吸收过旺性结肠

32、She is always industrious and frugal, thrifty even in days of abundance. ─── 她总是克勤克俭,富日子当穷日子过。

33、He led a thrifty and simple life although he was an official. ─── 他虽然当官,但生活俭朴。

34、a thrifty housewife ─── 一个勤俭持家的主妇

35、Yet, however unfair it may seem to the thrifty, rate cuts are needed to boost the overall economy. ─── 但是,这对节俭者来说是不公平,但是利率下降是全面的促进经济繁荣。

36、Be hardworking and thrifty ─── 克勤克俭

37、The Chinese people have always been industrious and thrifty. ─── 中国人民一向勤劳节约。

38、Among these I would list string and brown paper, kept by thrifty people when a parcel has been opened, to save buying these two requisites. ─── 在这些物品中,我想列举的是细绳和牛皮纸。节俭的人在打开一个包裹时,会把这两样东西收起来,省得再买这两样必需品。

39、You spend too freely. You should be more thrifty. ─── 你手面太阔了,要节约一点才好。

40、We should stress the need both to build up the country through thrift and hard work and to be industrious and thrifty in managing a household. It is not right just to stress one of the two. ─── 勤俭建国、勤俭持家一定要联起来,只提一个不够。

41、Among these I would only list string and brown paper kept by thrifty people when a parcel has been opened, to save buying these two requisites. ─── 在这些例子中我只举其中之一,有些勤俭节约的人在打开包裹纸盒后总是将绳线和牛皮纸收藏起来,免得将来需要时再去买。

42、She is a very thrifty housewife. ─── 她是个很节俭的主妇。

43、To be thrifty or miserly. ─── 吝啬的过于节俭或吝啬的

44、He was thrifty in the use of time. ─── 他用时节省。

45、Only thrifty child manages to fill up a money-box. ─── 只有非常节俭的儿童才会设法填满一个储蓄罐。

46、Almost as if the General could control fuel prices, the Malibu gained an optional six-speed automatic to go with its thrifty four-cylinder engine last year. ─── 好像一般可以控制的燃料价格,马利布获得一个可选6速自动去其节俭四缸发动机去年。

47、live industriously and frugally; lead an industrious and thrifty life ─── 勤俭过日子

48、She has been provident since she was young, so she is thrifty in shopping. ─── 她从小节省惯了,买东西的时候很节俭。

49、Diligence is a money-spinner, thrifty is the cornucopia. ─── 一、勤是摇钱树,俭是聚宝盆。

50、To Innovate Electricity Controlling Mode and Reduce Power Consumption in a Thrifty Way ─── 创新用电受控模式精打细算降低电耗

51、Artificially low interest rates are achieved by inflating the money supply.Low interest rates penalize the thrifty, and those who save are cheated. ─── 刻意提升市场资金流量的措施,却也惩罚储蓄人的节约,因为放在银行的钞票只会愈来愈薄。

52、Because the driving force of the entrepreneurial spirit is not thrifty,is profits. ─── 因为进取精神的动力不是节俭,而是利润。

53、She was a thrifty woman and managed to put aside some money every month. ─── 她是个很会持家的妇女, 每月都设法存些钱。

54、Staff ethics: loyalty, selfless, hard-working, thrifty, unity, honesty, self-improvement, courtesy, observance of discipline and trustworthiness. ─── 员工道德:忠诚、无私、勤劳、节俭、团结、廉洁、自强、礼貌、遵纪、守信。

55、South Korean households, which have reduced their saving rate from 23% of disposable income in 1998 to only 3% last year, can hardly be accused of being overly thrifty. ─── 在南韩,家庭储蓄率由1998年个人可支配收入的23%减少到去年的3%,这几乎不能被指责过分节俭。

56、Advocate patriotic and abide by the law, ming Licheng is believed, solidarity is affable, self-improvement of hardworking and thrifty, respect the industry new wind with consecratory course of study. ─── 倡导爱国守法,明礼诚信,团结友善,勤俭自强,敬业奉献的行业新风。

57、is excessively thrifty because he remembers the Depression. ─── 他还记得大萧条时期的穷困,因此他现在格外节俭。

58、Being Industrious and Thrifty to be the Modern Fashion of Life ─── 勤俭:我们现代的生活方式

59、Among these I would list string and brown paper,kept by thrifty people when a parcel has been opened to save buying these two requisites. ─── 在这些物品中,我想列举的是细绳和牛皮纸。节俭的人在打开一个包裹时,会把它们收起来,省得再买这两件必需品。

60、Yet, however unfair it may seem to the thrifty , rate cuts are needed to boost the overall economy. ─── 但是,这对节俭者来说是不公平,但是利率下降是全面的促进经济繁荣。

61、From my point of view, a college student, as a pure consumer, should learn to be thrifty. ─── 从我的角度看,一个大学生,作为一个纯粹的消费者,应该学会节俭。

62、If a woman aches for a new Chanel handbag that far exceeds her budget, opting for a $30 tube of lipstick may feel like a thrifty shopping decision. ─── 如果一个女人心疼为新款香奈儿手袋付出的超过预算的大把银两时,转而选择一管30美元的口红可能是一种节俭的购物决定。

63、thrifty in daily spending; economical; (of a building or place) austere ─── 俭朴

64、Tips on how to save money from a thrifty homemaker in Taiwan. ─── 台湾节俭家庭主妇敎你如何省钱。

65、Furthermore, he said that he did not wish to have sons, lest one of them should chance to be thrifty. ─── 他烧印度的香料,从不用煤,以免煤烟充满他的公寓。

66、She is a thrifty housewife. ─── 她是位节俭的家庭主妇。

67、Self-cultivation of a person need to be hardworking and thrifty, the progress of a country's prosperity also needs thrift. ─── 一个人修身养性需要勤俭节约,一个国家富强进步同样也需要勤俭节约。

68、He described his motherasa thrifty woman. ─── 他描述他的妈妈是一个节俭的女人。

69、industrious and thrifty management of shops ─── 勤俭办商店

70、It is a long-term task to advocate building up the country through thrift and hard work and being industrious and thrifty in managing our households. ─── 勤俭建国、勤俭持家应经常提倡,是长期要做的工作。

71、"We were incredibly thrifty" says Cran. ─── “我们无比节俭。”

72、It is not wise, nor in the long run is it kind, to tax the thrifty for the thriftless. ─── 它不是明智的,也不长远来说是它客气,征税节俭为奢侈。

73、Katherine's husband spends money like crazy but she's thrifty so they always manage to save some money every month. ─── 凯瑟琳的丈夫挥霍无度,但她自己是一个精打细算的家庭主妇,她每个月都能省下一笔钱。

74、Manage to fill up Only very thrifty children manage to fill up a money box. ─── 但是能把储蓄罐装满的只有屈指可数的几个特别节俭的孩子。

75、Be thrifty and hardworking in whatever undertaking you are to start on. ─── 办任何事情都要勤俭。

76、Enlightenment of "Repelling Extravagance and Advocating Thrifty" put forward by Emperor Wendi of the Han Dynasty ─── "汉文帝拒奢尚俭"史鉴

77、Ni Zhen column talked about recently in its thrifty wedding three first: the first to buy a wedding ring, the first to buy wedding cake and a lawyer presided over the wedding, such as home. ─── 倪震日前在专栏中谈到其节俭的婚礼有三个第一:第一次买结婚戒指、第一次买结婚蛋糕及请律师到家中主持婚礼等。

78、Her mother is a thrifty housewife. ─── 她妈妈是一个节俭的主妇。

79、The reason lies in the virtue the Family Yan pursued of elegancy, of locality to the sovereign, of living simply and thrifty, of erudite sduty and diverse cultures. ─── 原因何在?这与颜氏家族儒雅传家、忠君孝悌、淡泊勤俭、博物多通的家风与文化密不可分。

80、She was pretty, young, anxious, to better herself and thrifty. ─── 她美,她年轻,她要强,她勤俭。

81、The commuters include the French ambassador to the EU, a thrifty fellow who recently swapped the cavernous nine-bedroomed official residence for a flat near his office. ─── 其中包括法国驻欧盟大使,他很是节俭,最近将其豪华的九室官邸换成了办公室附近的一处公寓。

82、My mother had been a very hard working, industrious and thrifty woman with strong Chinese traditional virtues. ─── 我的母亲是一位典型的中国传统女性,勤劳、刻苦、节俭。

83、My mother taught me to be thrifty. ─── 我母亲教会我生活要节俭。

84、economical; thrifty; frugal; sparing ─── 俭省

85、More mature men regardless of the money will be very thrifty on their own, while others great side. ─── 成熟的男人不管多有钱,都会对自己很节俭,而对别人很大方。

86、Large flocks and herds, therefore, are in time possessed, by active and thrifty individuals through their own exertions, and by the heads of families and tribes through the exertions of those who are connected with them by allegiance. ─── 因此,勤勉和节俭的人靠自己的努力,以及氏族和部落首领靠其忠顺子民的努力终于拥有了大量的牛群和羊群。

87、Nature is the most thrifty thing in the world, she never wastes anything; she undergoes change, but there's no annihilation the essence remains. ─── 大自然是最节俭的,她从不浪费任何东西;她历经改变,但是,却没有毁灭。她的本质依旧。

88、They refers not only to the thrifty of productivity and work but also to that of created assets and undeveloped natural resources. ─── 它不仅指生产、生活、工作方面的节约,而且也包含节约人类创造出来的财富和尚未开发的自然资源;

89、His father is a thrifty farmer. ─── 他的父亲是个节俭的农夫。


浪子的英文为“ Prodigal”,也可以翻译为“败家子”。 例句:

1、The prodigal had returned. 浪子已经回头了。

2、Prodigal habits die hard. 大手大脚的习惯很难改掉。 “ Prodigal”的应用: 1、Prodigal Sons :回头浪子 ; 败家子 2、Prodigal Blues :浪子的忧郁

3、Prodigal voice :浪子心声


浪子的英文为“ Prodigal”,也可以翻译为“败家子”。例句:

1、The prodigal had returned.浪子已经回头了。

2、Prodigal habits die hard.大手大脚的习惯很难改掉。“ Prodigal”的应用:1、Prodigal Sons :回头浪子 ; 败家子2、Prodigal Blues :浪子的忧郁3、Prodigal voice :浪子心声


“ Prodigal”的近义词:名词的近义词为squanderer;dissipator , spendthrifty:浪子;挥霍者。例句:But just how important is money to Beckham and is he really the all-consuming squandererthatmany perceive him to be? 不过钱对他来说究竟有多重要,他真的是很多人想象中那样挥金如土的人吗?


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