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09-03 投稿



bracteal 发音

英:[?br?kt??l]  美:[?br?kt??l]

英:  美:

bracteal 中文意思翻译



bracteal 词性/词形变化,bracteal变形

形容词: bracteal |

bracteal 相似词语短语

1、bracted ─── 苞片的

2、bracteoles ─── n.[植]小苞片

3、brachial ─── adj.臂的,臂状的

4、tracheal ─── adj.气管的;导管的

5、ebracteate ─── adj.[植]无苞的

6、bracteole ─── n.[植]小苞片

7、lacteal ─── adj.乳状的;输入乳糜的;n.乳糜管

8、bracteates ─── adj.(植物)有苞的;n.苞状饰片(尤指原形黄金饰片);由贵重金属打造的精美盘、碟

9、bracteate ─── adj.(植物)有苞的;n.苞状饰片(尤指原形黄金饰片);由贵重金属打造的精美盘、碟

bracteal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Leaf petiole glabrous or subglabrous. Leaf and bract blade central segment obovate, apex 3-lobulate or 3-dentate; lateral segments unequally 2-lobed or 2-lobulate, or entire. ─── 叶柄无毛或近无毛。叶子和苞片中心裂片倒卵形,先端具3小裂片或者3具牙齿;不相等的侧裂片2裂的或2具小裂片,或全缘。

2、The existence of bract primordium during the early stages in many species of Potamogeton indicates that the absence of bract in mature flowers should be the result of reduction. ─── 在花原基早期发育的过程中苞片原基的存在表明眼子菜属植物成熟花中缺乏苞片是简化的结果。

3、Fruit lens-shaped, attached to midrib of accrescent, membranous, reticulately veined floral subtending bract. ─── 果透镜形,着生于增大,膜质,网状脉的花对着的苞片的中脉。

4、Effect of corn bract on the rate of apoptosis of smooth muscle cells and expression of p53 and Fas in atherosclerotic rabbits ─── 玉米苞叶对动脉粥样硬化家兔平滑肌细胞凋亡及p53和Fas蛋白表达的影响

5、Moreover, the changes of internode length, leaf size and bract color were depended on the combination of seedling clone and commercial cultivar. ─── 又嫁接后实生苗营养系节间长较短,叶片大小及苞叶颜色之改变,则因实生苗营养系或嫁接商业品种不同而异。

6、During reproductive development, DEP1 was preferentially expressed on the adaxial side of the bract primordium, as well as in the bract primordia of primary and secondary rachis-branches. ─── 在生殖发育期间,DEP1在叶原基的近轴面,以及初生次生枝梗形成阶段的叶原基中优先表达。

7、free bract apex a mucro. ─── 离生苞片先端一短尖头。

8、1 Branchlets, petioles, and veins with unguiculate hairs or scales, some scales truncate; bract narrowly ovate, ca. 5 mm. ─── 小枝,叶柄和有有爪的头发或者规模,一些鳞片截形的静脉;苞片狭卵形,约5毫米

9、Flowers 1-3 borne on axil of a fleshy bract, sessile, appearing sunken into fleshy rachis, without bractlets, bisexual. ─── 一肉质的苞片,无梗,凹陷成为肉质的轴,没有小苞片的花1-3生于腋,两性。

10、In the early December, the first bract primordium was formed in the axil scale at the cone base, then bract initiation had occurred in acropetal direction. ─── 12月初,最初的苞片原基在雌球果原基的鳞片的叶腋处产生,之后其由基部向顶部连续发生。

11、The Effects of Corn Bract Decotion on Endothelin and Prostacyclin and Morphology of Atherosclerosis in Rabbits ─── 玉米苞叶煎剂对动脉粥样硬化家兔血清内皮素、前列环素及病理形态学影响

12、The fresh quality of bract and leaves, and the dry quality of above-ground parts of poinsettia grown in medicine residue-substrate were higher than that in peat-substrate. ─── 中药渣基质上一品红的苞片鲜质量、叶片鲜质量、地上干质量显著增加,其中以苞片鲜质量的增幅最大。

13、Flowers hermaphroditic, with 1 bract and 2 bracteoles, axillary or clustered into spikes. ─── 花两性,具1苞片和2小苞片,腋生或簇生成穗状花序的。

14、bract and bracteole(s) borne on or at base of pedicel; ─── 花单生苞片和小苞片生于花梗上或在花梗基部;

15、branches frequently subtended by variously modified bract. ─── 枝条通常具有形状多样的苞片。

16、bracts initially small, 1 bract becoming much enlarged in fruit, scarious, reticulate veined; ─── 最初小的苞片,1苞片非常放大在果期,干膜质,网状的脉;

17、Bracteole entire, subentire, or lacerate at margin; basal bract 2.5--6 cm; flowers solitary. ─── 小苞片全缘,近全缘,或撕裂状在边缘;基部的苞片2.5--6厘米;花单生(6

18、pertaining to or resembling or functioning as a bract ─── 关于、类似于苞叶,或具有苞叶的功能

19、involucral bract ─── 总苞叶

20、Leaf blade smaller, marginal teeth without awns. Bract 5-9 cm. Fruit ovoid, rarely obscurely 5-angled, not tuberculate. ─── 叶片更小,边缘的齿没有芒。苞片5-9厘米。果卵形体,很少具不明显的5角,不具瘤。

21、After an inflorescence branch primordium is shaped,first it produces a terminal flower prmordium,later a bract and continually an axillary bud primordium and an accessory bud primordium in the axill of the bract. ─── 花序分枝原基形成后先产生分枝的顶花原基,然后产生苞叶原基,苞叶原基腋内再依次分化出腋芽原基和副芽原基,如此反复进行多次。

22、Abstract : Tillandsia has some good characters , for example, strong resistance, manageable, clean, portable, without soil, beautiful leaf, flower and bract and so on. ─── 摘要 : 空气凤梨抗逆性强、易管理、洁净、轻便、无需泥土、既能赏叶,又可观花、观苞片;

23、Inflorescences axillary or lateral, produced with young leaves, paniculate or racemose, pendent, flowers 1 per bract. ─── 花序腋生或侧生,与幼叶一起生出,圆锥状或总状,下垂,每苞片1花。

24、Involucral bract petiole 1--2 mm wide; leaf blade central leaflet 3-lobed; sepals ca. 5, pilose or subglabrous, with or without vein anastomoses. ─── 总苞片叶柄1--2毫米宽;叶片中心的小叶3浅裂;萼片约的5,具柔毛或近无毛,有或没有网结脉。(15

25、A small bract. ─── 小苞片

26、Rhizome both long and short. Leaf petiole and scape hirsute. Involucral bract blade ca. 3 cm. Cyme 4- or 5-flowered. Sepals white to pink, 5--6 mm. Ovary base narrowed. Stigma globose. ─── 根状茎长和短。叶柄和花葶具粗毛。总苞片叶片大约3厘米。聚伞花序4或5花。萼片白色到粉红色,5-6毫米。子房基部狭窄。柱头球状。

27、Keywords Corn bract;Atherosclerosis;Smooth Muscle Cell;Apoptosis;Prolifiration Index (PI); ─── 玉米苞叶;动脉粥样硬化;平滑肌细胞;凋亡;增殖;

28、Leaf petiole villous. Leaf and bract blade central segment broadly rhombic, apex many lobulate or many dentate; lateral segments unequally 2-parted. ─── 叶柄具长柔毛。叶和苞片中心裂片宽棱形,先端很多具小裂片或很多具牙齿的侧裂片不相等的2深裂。

29、basal cincinnus with a leaflike involucral bract at base, with bisexual flowers, others without involucral bracts, with only male flowers. ─── 基部的蝎尾状聚伞花序具一叶状的总苞片在基部,具两性花,其它的没有总苞片的,具只有雄花。

30、bract of each flower ─── 每个花的苞片

31、Genetic Analysis of Ear Bract Characters in Maize ─── 玉米果穗苞叶性状的遗传分析

32、Study on the Bract Abaxial Epidermis of the Genus Scirpus from Shandong Province ─── 山东藨草属苞片下表皮微形态的研究

33、Furthermore, we also confirmed the view that sepal and bract are homologous. ─── 此外,本文也进一步证实了花萼与苞片的同源性。

34、Plants glabrous except for rachis and bract margins. Leaf blade elliptic or ovate-lanceolate. ─── 植株无毛除了轴和苞片边缘。叶片椭圆形披针形或卵形。

35、of or relating to a sessile leaf or bract that completely clasps the stem and is apparently pierced by it ─── 属于或关于完全环绕茎部并明显被茎穿过的无柄叶片或苞叶的

36、Fruiting bract entire, inconspicuous; lateral bracteoles expanded into 2 small wings on nutlet, fused into disc wing, or fused with sepals to form husk; leaves odd-pinnate. ─── 果苞片全缘,不明显;在小坚果上扩展到2个小的翅膀的侧的小苞片,熔化成盘状翅,或熔合具萼片形成外壳;奇数羽状复叶(3

37、Of or relating to a sessile leaf or bract that completely clasps the stem and is apparently pierced by it. ─── 抱茎的属于或关于完全环绕茎部并明显被茎穿过的无柄叶片或苞叶的

38、Both MSAP (methylation sensitive amplification polymorphism) ratio and full methylation level were the highest in bracteal leaf, and the lowest in tassel. ─── 同一组织在两个自交系中的甲基化水平也存在差异。

39、Flowers solitary in bract axils, bisexual, with 2 bractlets. ─── 在苞片花单生腋,两性,具2小苞片。

40、Inflorescences spicate, lax, to 25 cm.Flowers subsessile, solitary from bract axils. ─── 穗状,疏松的花序,令25厘米花的是近无柄,苞片的单生。

41、Any of various deciduous shade trees of the genus Tilia having heart-shaped leaves,drooping cymose clusters of yellowish,often fragrant flowers,and peduncles united into a large lingulate bract. ─── 椴树,一种落叶遮荫树木椴树属,长有心形叶,浅黄色聚伞状下垂花序,通常花朵芳香,花梗下端有巨大舌状苞片。

42、Cymes 1-6-flowered; bract margins entire to dentate or serrulate; calyx lobes unequal. ─── 聚伞花序1-6开花;苞片边缘全缘到具牙齿的或有细锯齿;萼裂片不等长。(12

43、pertaining to or resembling or functioning as a bract. ─── 关于、类似于苞叶,或具有苞叶的功能。

44、free bract apex a short mucro. ─── 离生苞片先端一短短尖头。

45、Flowers subtended by a primary bract and 2 bracteoles, sessile, usually 4-merous, minute, lowermost ones female, uppermost ones male, sometimes middle ones bisexual. ─── 花具一原生苞片和2小苞片,无梗,4瓣,雌花的小,最下,雄花的最上的通常被包着,雄花:花萼2-4深裂;

46、In contrast to the relationships among leaf, bracteal, spikelet and their initiation duration, the correlation between the number of floret and its initiation duration was highly significant. ─── 而小花原基数与小花分化持续期之间的数量关系最为密切.研究结果有助于揭示和理解小麦茎顶端发育的生物学规律.

47、primordia was affected by both genotype and environment, while the Numbers of bracteal, spikelet and floret primordia were affected mainly by environmental factors. ─── 叶原基数由基因型和环境条件共同决定,而苞叶原基、小穗原基和小花原基数以环境因子的影响为主。

48、Stipules persistent, often becoming a rounded, dentate bract, base amplexicaul, margin sharply denticulate. ─── 托叶宿存,经常成为一圆形,有齿的苞片,基部抱茎,边缘锐具小齿。

49、Be like: Evergreen cane can " eat " benzene, bracketplant can " devour " indoor carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, tian Naxing's bract can absorb benzene, 3 chloric ethylene. ─── 如:常青藤能“吃”苯,吊兰能“吞食”室内的一氧化碳、甲醛,天南星的苞叶能吸收苯、三氯乙烯。

50、each flower with 1 bract and 2 bracteoles, scarious. ─── 花两性每花具1苞片和2小苞片,干膜质。

51、Racemes terminal.Flowers few, solitary from bract axils. ─── 总状花序顶生开花很少,单生从那里苞片。

52、Any of various deciduous shade trees of the genus Tilia having heart - shaped leaves,drooping cymose clusters of yellowish,often fragrant flowers,and peduncles united into a large lingulate bract. ─── 椴树一种落叶遮荫树木椴树属,长有心形叶,浅黄色聚伞状下垂花序,通常花朵芳香,花梗下端有巨大舌状苞片

53、Inflorescences capitate spikes, without terminal flowers, each flower with simple bract and without bracteoles, sepals present; capsules arranged spirally along main axis, sessile. ─── 花序头状穗状花序,没有顶生花,每花具单苞片没有小苞片,萼片宿存;沿着主轴,无梗螺旋排列的蒴果。(11

54、basal bract leaflike and usually conspicuously longer than flower; ─── 叶状的基部苞片和长于花的通常显著;

55、A small chafflike bract enclosing the flower of a grass. ─── 内稃一种包住花的禾木科小穗上的苞片

56、involucral bract leaflike;heads many, hemispheric, many flowered. ─── 总苞片叶状头状花序很多,半球形,多花的。

57、free bract apex a very short mucro. ─── 离生苞片先端一非常短短尖头。

58、Any of several southern African herbs of the genus Strelitzia, especially S. reginae, having orange and blue flowers grouped above a boat-shaped bract. ─── 天堂鸟(植物):一种非洲南部的鹤望兰属草本植物,尤指鹤望兰,在船形苞片上长有成群的桔色和蓝色花朵

59、Seeds connate with bracts, sometimes with 2 apparent lateral wings formed from bract. ─── 合生的种子具苞片,有时具由组成的明显侧翅苞片。

60、Stipules lanceolate, caducous, not becoming a bract. ─── 托叶披针形,早落,不成为一个苞。

61、free bract apex a long, recurved cusp. ─── 离生苞片先端一长,下弯的尖突。

62、Leaf blade and proximal bracteal leaf blade pilose adaxially. Fl. and fr. May-Nov. ─── 具柔毛的叶片和下部的苞片的叶片正面。花期及果期5-11月。

63、Capsule ovoid to depressed globose, shorter than calyx; ovary ovoid to depressed globose; inflorescences cymose, sympodial, or scorpioid, racemose; bract apparently absent or 1; stem leaves 1 to few. ─── 球状的蒴果卵球形到下凹,短于花萼;子房卵球形到下凹球状;花序聚伞状,合轴,或者蝎尾状,总状;苞片表面上无或1;干把1留给少数。(11

64、Corn bract ─── 玉米苞叶

65、Study on tissue culture from bract explant of dwarf Euphorbia pulchrrima ─── 矮生一品红苞片外植体组织培养技术研究

66、One - bract ─── 一枚苞片

67、wing bract ─── 翅苞

68、each bract subtending a small dichasium with 2 or 3 flowers; ─── 每苞片对着一小的二歧聚伞花序具2或3花;

69、At the end of February, the bract attained approximately their full size, and a pair of anatropous ovules were initiated on the adaxial surface at the base of the fertile ovuliferous scale. ─── 2月底,苞片体积不再发生变化,珠鳞膨大端的基部的近轴面分化出2个倒生胚珠。

70、Stipules persistent, often becoming a rounded, dentate bract. ─── 托叶宿存,经常成为一圆形,有齿的苞。

71、Flowers perfect, arranged in terminal or axillary heads or spikes, flower solitary in axil of a bract, subtended by 2 bracteoles. ─── 完全花,在顶生或腋生头状花序或穗状花序里排列,花单生在一苞片的腋里的,被2小苞片包着。

72、bract machilus bark ─── 狗爪樟

73、Leaf petiole more than 2 mm wide; involucral bract blade undivided or sometimes 3-lobed; cyme 1-flowered; sepals glabrous or sparsely puberulent; staminodes sometimes present. ─── 叶柄超过2毫米宽;总苞片不裂或有时3浅裂;聚伞花序1花;萼片无毛的或疏生微柔毛;退化雄蕊有时宿存。(50

74、Flowers bisexual, often in clusters of 2--4, sometimes solitary, small, subtended by a bract and a few bracteoles; ─── 花两性,通常在2-4簇生,有时单生,小,以苞片和一些被包着;

75、Florets composed of 2 opposing bracts enclosing a single small flower, outer bract (lemma) clasping the more delicate, usually 2-keeled inner bract (palea); ─── 小花由2个对生的苞片包裹一个小花,外面的苞片(外稃)包裹更小的2个内苞片(内稃)。

76、Leaf blade larger, marginal teeth with awns. Bract 5-9 cm. Fruit obovoid or obovoid-cylindrical, prominently 5-angled, densely stellate hairy, not tuberculate. ─── 更大的叶片,边缘的齿具芒。苞片5-9厘米。果倒卵球形或倒卵球形圆筒状,具显著的5角,密被星状毛,不具瘤。

77、free bract apex a small mucro. ─── 离生苞片先端一小的短尖头。

78、Seeds navicular, convex on 1 side, with a deep groove on other; pedicel as long as or longer than bract, rarely slightly shorter. ─── 种子舟形,凸的在一边上,具一个深的槽沟在另1面;花梗等长或长于苞,很少稍微有点短。(13

79、Inflorescence a cyme surrounded by bracteal leaves, rarely flower solitary. ─── 一聚伞花序苞片的叶,很少花单生包围的花序。

80、They are clustered in whorled double rows along the the floral stalk, each cluster covered by a thick, waxy, hood like bract, purple outside and deep red within. ─── 他们群集在雄蕊双排沿花,茎,每簇复盖厚,糯,像罩苞片,外面紫色和深红色以内.

81、anterior bract cell ─── 前苞片细胞

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