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09-03 投稿



enforces 发音

英:[?n?f??s?z]  美:[?n?f??rs?z]

英:  美:

enforces 中文意思翻译




enforces 词性/词形变化,enforces变形

动词过去式: enforced |动词第三人称单数: enforces |动词现在分词: enforcing |形容词: enforceable |动词过去分词: enforced |名词: enforceability |

enforces 反义词


enforces 常用词组

enforce the law ─── 执法;执行法律

enforces 同义词

apply | administer |oblige | require | compel | carry out | make | implement | drive | execute | coerce | insist on | impose | urge | force

enforces 短语词组

1、enforces definition ─── 强制定义

2、re-enforces (re-enforce ─── 的第三人称 -s形式) 加强

3、enforces ecoa ─── 强制执行ecoa

4、enforces define ─── 强制定义

5、enforces laws ─── 执法

6、enforces laws which branch ─── 执行哪个部门的法律

7、enforces mean ─── 强制手段

8、enforces respa Enforces resa

9、enforces rcra ─── 执行rcra

enforces 相似词语短语

1、renforces ─── 钢筋

2、efforces ─── 效力

3、enforcers ─── n.实施者;强制执行者

4、reinforces ─── 加固;加强;增援;巩固

5、enforce ─── vt.实施,执行;强迫,强制

6、enforcer ─── n.实施者;强制执行者

7、enforced ─── adj.实施的;强制执行的;v.执行(enforce的过去分词)

8、renforced ─── 钢筋d

9、enfierces ─── 儿童

enforces 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This competition enforces the law by Chinese nationality president of the jury Sun Baojie. ─── 本场比赛由中国籍主裁判孙葆洁执法。

2、It's safe because the government enforces laws that deter even the thought of crime. ─── 新加坡之所以安全,是因为政府所实施的法律,使我们对犯法的行为想都不敢想。

3、"Three clear three dark" problem to the study that the water and soil conservation direct enforces the law the influence ─── "三明三暗"问题对水土保持监督执法影响的探讨

4、Remember: HiveMind enforces interfaces. ─── 记住:HiveMind强制编写接口。

5、The long-term integrity of modular system structures requires information hiding, which enforces a rigorous separation of interface and implementation. ─── 模块化系统结构的长期完整性需要信息隐藏,信息隐藏实施在接口和实现之间的严格分离。

6、It addresses disconnection(including disconnection that represents catastrophic failures) and migration and enforces atomicity and isolation criteria of the global transaction. ─── 它支持全局事务的迁移、网络的断接(包括可能发生的灾难性断接)并保证全局事务的关键站点子事务的原子性和隔离性。

7、The Commission also regulates interstate market securities and enforces laws against unfair and illegal practices ─── 委员会还负责管理州际市场的证券,并对不公平和非法行为实行法律制裁。

8、Also, consider how your design enforces security and authentication. ─── 另外,还要考虑您的设计如何实施安全性和身份验证。

9、When the people's court enforces the repayment of the debt by the said partner's property share, it shall send a notice to all partners. ─── 人民法院强制执行合伙人的财产份额时,应当通知全体合伙人,其他合伙人有优先购买权;

10、Do exactly opposite things: The former assumes rule-based structure in external texts; the latter enforces it in internal objects. ─── 完成完全相反的事情:前者假定基于规则的结构在外部文本中;后者将它强制在内部对象中。

11、See Also: "How Oracle Enforces Data Integrity" for more information about integrity constraints ─── “Oracle如何强制实现数据完整性”了解关于完整性约束的更多信息

12、A firm might publish a privacy-protection policy, but who enforces it? ─── 一家公司可能会公布一项隐私保护政策,但谁来执行呢?

13、Constraints built into the database become part of the definition of the database itself, and the database enforces them consistently across all applications. ─── 构建数据库的约束将成为数据库本身定义的一部分,并且数据库将在所有应用程序中一致地实施这些约束。

14、"enforces its plea with a description of the pains of hell" (Albert C. Baugh) ─── “以描述地狱的苦痛来增强其恳求”(艾伯特C.鲍)

15、Because of that, the ODR enforces a better utilization of your hardware resources and protects your server from too much of a workload. ─── 由于这个原因,ODR能更好地利用硬件资源,且保护服务器不会承担太多的工作负载。

16、Is a constraint that enforces domain integrity by limiting the possible values that can be entered into a column or columns. ─── 一个约束,该约束通过限制可输入一列或多列中的可能值来强制实现域完整性。

17、Congress makes the laws; the President enforces the laws and the court explains the laws. ─── 国会制定法律,总统执行法律,法院解释法律。

18、The common language runtime enforces this isolation by preventing direct calls between objects in different application domains. ─── 为了强制实施此隔离,公共语言运行库禁止在不同应用程序域中的对象之间进行直接调用。

19、Data abstraction enforces a clear separation between the abstract properties of a data type and the concrete details of its implementation. ─── 抽象数据强调抽象数据类型属性及其执行的具体细节的清晰分离。

20、a military corps that enforces discipline and guards prisoners ─── 执行纪律和看守罪犯的军事兵队

21、A solution of all sorts of contradictions and conflictions in contemporary society needs that public security enforces the law. ─── 当代社会各种矛盾和冲突的解决需要公安执法。

22、Existing problems and countermeasures of the public health supervised and enforces the law ─── 公共卫生监督执法存在的问题及对策

23、The Department of Labor enforces the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). ─── 劳工部实施了公平劳工标准法。

24、Is a constraint that enforces entity integrity for a specified column through a unique index. ─── 一个约束,该约束通过唯一索引来强制指定列的实体完整性。

25、It is the continuous self-consummation and reform that put livingness and vigor to the volley sport, and thus enforces its competitiveness, charm as well as the adoption to the social development. ─── 正是这种连绵不断的完善和变革,给排球运动注入了生机与活力,使排球比赛的竞技性、观赏性以及该运动社会发展适应性得到加强。

26、Country An Zhei plants the procedure as if to express to referee's disaffection, but the referee enforces the law has the superior to cut the commission to determine. ─── 国安这种做法似乎要表达对裁判的不满,但裁判执法有中超裁委会判定。

27、Finally, Seam enforces a single thread per conversation per process model for the conversation context by serializing concurrent requests in the same long-running conversation context. ─── 最后,Seam通过将在同一个长时间运行的对话上下文中的并发请求序列化来强迫实现一个流程一个对话一个单线程的模型。

28、However, compares his specialty to come, what he even more excels is the secondary occupation: Enforces justice on behalf of Heaven, kills these to escape the legal sanction criminal! ─── 不过,比起他的专业来,他更加擅长的是第二职业:替天行道,杀死那些逃脱法律制裁的罪犯!

29、It also administers and enforces several other ordinances including the Trustee Ordinance,insofar as it relates to trust companies,the Registered Trustees Incorporation Ordinance and the Limited Partnerships Ordinance. ─── 此外,该处也实施和执行若干其他条例,包括《受讬人条例》中与信讬公司有关的部分、《注册受讬人法团条例》和《有限责任合伙条例》。

30、Regarding de as a complementizer conforms to the language facts of Chinese, and at the same time, it enforces the explanation adequacy of the theory. ─── 把“的”分析为标句词,符合汉语的语言事实,也增强了理论的解释性,对普遍语法的假设提供了一个很好的例证。

31、People say we should strengthen the standards for school buildings, but how can we achieve this unless we bolster the system that enforces those standards? ─── 有人说,这次地震后应该提高学校建筑的防震标准,但问题是,如果制度不进步,光是提高标准又有什么用呢?

32、It enforces that you are the only one allowed to logon to your Internet banking account. ─── 它要求您是允许访问Internet银行账户的人。

33、Team Foundation enforces this two-step file addition process to make sure that you can test and compile your code in context before checking it into the server. ─── Team Foundation强制执行这一两步骤的文件添加过程,以确保您可以在上下文中测试并编译您的代码,然后再将代码签入服务器。

34、China Enforces New Laws Limiting Dog Ownership ─── 中国加强法律限制饲养宠物犬

35、a military corps that enforces discipline and guards prisoners. ─── 执行纪律或看守罪犯的军事兵队。

36、” If a500- pound boulder blocks your way, it is the law of gravity that enforces this constraint. ─── 如果一块重达500磅的大石头挡住了你的去路,这时就由引力定律来决定你去向的约束。

37、Looked from the realization method that, the public security administration enforces the method to have enforces indirectly with enforces two kinds directly. ─── 从实现手段来看,治安行政强制执行手段有间接强制执行和直接强制执行两种。

38、Advise on the measures to be adopted by the Labour Department with a view to improving the existing system which enforces occupational safety and health legislation. ─── 向劳工处建议可采取何等措施,以改善执行职业安全及健康法例的现有制度。

39、The multi-agent architecture enforces the intelligent and expandable capability, and improves the monitoring efficiency and reliability of power networks. ─── 多智能主体技术的引入增强了系统的智能性和可扩展性,提升了电网监控效率和安全可靠性。

40、Attendance at school is compulsory.Parents cannot decide to keep their children out of school。.Each state enforces the attendance of young people,usually between the age of 7 and 16. ─── 学生入学是义务的。学生父母不能决定学生的退学。每个州都必须强制执行通常年龄在7-16岁的青少年入校学习的规定。

41、The tax law enforcement refers to that the tax authority enforces the national laws, regulations and rules about the administrative management activity of tax. ─── 再者,它是税务行政机关执行国家有关税务行政管理活动方面的法律、法规和规章的行为。

42、He or she also reviews and contributes to design, deliverables, enforces coding and design standards, and provides technical support for the team. ─── 我们以程序为核心的工作方法保证了无数项目的成功实施,并取得了事实证明的骄人成果。

43、All this reflects the nationalization campaign the Song Dynasty enforces in Chaozhou, Shantou and the border areas in the south. ─── 寇乱对宋代潮州及周边地区社会历史的发展有一定影响。

44、If the line appears solid, the DBMS enforces referential integrity for the relationship when rows are added or modified in the foreign-key table. ─── 如果为实线,则在外键表中添加或修改行时,DBMS将强制关系的引用完整性。

45、The expansion process also enforces any message restrictions that are configured for recipients. ─── 展开过程还强制执行任何为收件人配置的邮件限制。

46、This assignment operator implicitly performs widening but not narrowing conversions if the compilation environment enforces strict semantics. ─── 如果编译环境强制使用严格的语义,则此赋值运算符将隐式地执行扩大转换而不是收缩转换。

47、Multiple versions of a component or application can coexist, you can choose which versions to use, and the common language runtime enforces versioning policy. ─── 可以同时存在多个组件或应用程序的版本,您可以选择使用哪个版本,然后公共语言运行库实施版本控制策略。

48、It provides a structured model that enforces a clear separation of concerns within applications, and makes it easier to unit test your code and support a TDD workflow. ─── 它提供了一个结构模型,加强了应用程序中的重要部分的划分,而且使得做单元测试和支持TDD工作流更加简单。

49、The company enforces the system of manager responsibility system, and the manager will be directly under the leadership of the Board of Directors. ─── 公司实行董事会领导下经理负责制。

50、The file system preserves and enforces access control lists (ACL). ─── 文件系统保存和强制访问控制列表(ACL)。

51、Executing both tasks within the scope of a single transaction enforces the connection between them. ─── 在一个事务范围内执行两个任务会加强两者之间的关系。

52、Possibly becomes the basis public security management punishment decision which the public security enforces, and must be effective has the performability. ─── 可能成为治安强制执行的依据的治安管理处罚决定,必须是有效并且具有可执行性的。

53、Enforces quality standards and agreed upon commitments, addressing performance problems in a timely, tactful, but direct manner. ─── 加强质量标准,明确责任,能及时明确的指出表现不佳的情况。

54、The green baize cloth, much like the smooth lawn of a bowling green, enforces quiet, concentration, care. ─── 绿色的球桌台尼,光滑堪比滚木球场里的草坪;场内需保持安静,球员须专注、小心翼翼。

55、Restraining her sentiment, she enforces the law impartially and finally finds out the truth.After the redressing of her grievance, Chen Xiaoxiao comes to Lu Sha. ─── 李安克制个人的感情,秉公执法,查明冤情,使陈小小得以平反,回到路沙身边。

56、Instead of including that paragraph, she added one that described Lengel's crabbed response to the girls so that she could lead up to the A & P "policy" he enforces. ─── 她没有概括这段话,而是加上了一段话,描述了朗格尔对女孩们的乖僻反应,这样她就可以引导他执行 A&P “政策”。

57、The spiritual power from the heart enforces the expanding feeling of the space concept. ─── 一个需要有心灵的力量驱使精神不断地拓展其空间的观念。

58、Patent troll is a pejorative term used for a person or company that enforces its patents against one or more alleged infringers in a manner considered unduly aggressive or opportunistic. ─── 是一个贬义词,用来指一个人或者一个公司用其专利,对声称的侵权者,用过分挑衅或机会性的态度,行使其权利。

59、Even with laws officially protecting private property of the type just passed, full protection requires an independent judiciary that enforces these laws in a reasonable and efficient way. ─── 即使有了像刚通过的这样的法律正式规定要保护私有财产,还需要有独立的司法系统来公正而有力地实施这些法律,私有财产才能得到全方位充分的保护。

60、enforces its plea with a description of the pains of hell(Albert C. Baugh) ─── 以描述地狱的苦痛来增强其恳求(艾伯特C.鲍)

61、Enforces that forms are at the top level. ─── 强制窗体位于顶层。

62、Neglects the morals which the police enforces the law to closely examine, inevitably creates the moral flaw which the police enforces the law. ─── 忽视警察执法的道德追问,必然造成警察执法的道德缺失。警察执法应是法治化与道德化的统合。

63、An INS that enforces its mandates selectively serves business purposes well. ─── 按公司意愿行事的移民归化局有意选择对公司经营有利的解决方法。

64、He enforces an argument by analogies ─── 他用种种比方来加强论点。

65、I believe in earlier (and unfixed) versions that the software allowed the creation of more than three alias entities but current software now enforces the limitation. ─── 如果有需要立即关注的问题或疑问,请提交呼叫,或与您的惠普响应中心联系。

66、Supports and enforces ISO procedures and documentation as it pertains to the tool room and its employees. ─── 支持及加强模具车间相关的ISO程序文件。

67、Code access security also enforces the varying levels of trust on code, which minimizes the amount of code that must be fully trusted in order to run. ─── 代码访问安全性还实施不同级别的对代码的信任,从而最大限度地减少了必须完全信任才能运行的代码的数量。

68、job scope: provides general administrative support, and enforces policies and/or procedures of the ... ─── 学历要求:本科以上|工作经验:0-2年|职位类型:|公司规模:500-999人

69、It greatly enforces the functions of normal alert system.This article mainly focused on the capture, display and processing of digital video signal. ─── 它和传统的模拟监控系统相比,在功能上有了很大的增强,是监控系统的发展潮流和热门课题。

70、Instead of including that paragraph,she added one that described Lengel`s crabbed response to the girls so that she could lead up to the A &P “policy” he enforces. ─── 删除了该段后,她添加了一段,该段描述Lengel对女孩们表现暴躁,这样她就可以把话题引向Lengel所坚持的A&P政策。

71、Executing both tasks within the scope of a single transaction enforces the connection between them. ─── 在一个事务范围内执行两个任务会加强两者之间的关系。

72、In order to overcome this, the Federal Trade Commission, which enforces a ban on false and deceptive advertising, watches over this far-flung industry. ─── 为了克服这一点,联邦贸易委员会严密地注视着这一广阔的行业,他们对于假冒、欺骗性的广告可以实施禁令。

73、One that enforces or believes in strict discipline. ─── 执行纪律者,严格纪律信奉者

74、This SPU context is treated like a physical SPU, and the current implementation enforces a direct mapping between them. ─── 这个SPU上下文会被当成一个类似的物理SPU对待,当前的实现可以在它们之间强制进行直接映射。

75、An independent data protection authority enforces new legislation based on international principles governing the collection, holding, processing and use of personal data. ─── 一个独立的资料保障管理局负责根据有关收集、保存、处理和使用个人资料的国际准则执行新法例。

76、Enforces that style sheets are at the top level. ─── 强制样式表位于顶层。

77、When Visual Studio enforces this limit, it deletes not only the test results files for a test run but also any files that were deployed for the test run. ─── 当Visual Studio强制实施此限制时,它不仅会删除测试运行的测试结果文件,还会删除为该测试运行部署的任何文件。

78、enforces its plea with a description of the pains of hell(bAlbert C. Baugh) ─── 以描述地狱的苦痛来增强其恳求(b艾伯特C.鲍)

79、And enforces the rule that all members of a given cluster must also reside in the same core group. ─── 执行给定群中的所有成员必须属于相同的核心组的规定。

80、an official who enforces the rules at a football game. ─── 在足球比赛中,执行比赛规则的人。

81、Entity integrity enforces the integrity of the identifier columns or the primary key of a table, through UNIQUE indexes, UNIQUE constraints or PRIMARY KEY constraints. ─── 实体完整性通过UNIQUE索引、UNIQUE约束或PRIMARY KEY约束,强制表的标识符列或主键的完整性。

82、The law of opportunity enforces its continuance and availability. ─── 机会法则确保了机会的持续性和可行性。

83、Enforces new data validation and data checks that might cause existing scripts to fail when they are executed on invalid data in a data file. ─── 会强制执行新的数据验证和数据检查,这将导致对数据文件中的无效数据执行现有脚本时,可能会失败。

84、Interprets company policies to workers and enforces safety regulations. ─── 向员工解释公司政策及安全制度。

85、Countries bind themselves and their trading partners to transparent and nondiscriminatory trade rules, which the WTO then enforces even handedly. ─── 国家使自己和他们的贸易伙伴受到透明和非歧视性贸易规则的制约,而WTO会强化这些规则。

86、This competition's president of the jury was the last week enforces the law Manchester United Chelsea safflower war's Leighly. ─── 本场比赛的主裁判就是上周执法曼联切尔西红蓝大战的莱利。

87、In fact, creating institutions that provide low cost transacting in economic markets is the key to creating productive economies, but it is the polity that defines and enforces the property rights. ─── 事实上,创造能在经济市场上提供低成本交易的制度是创造生产性经济的关键,但是那是由政体决定和实施产权。

88、If you turn the switch On, the compiler enforces strict type semantics. ─── 如果您将此开关设置为On,编译器将强制执行严格的类型语义。

89、Enforces that styles are in style sheets. ─── 强制样式位于样式表中。

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