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09-03 投稿



hurtled 发音

英:[?h??tld]  美:[?h??rtld]

英:  美:

hurtled 中文意思翻译





hurtled 同义词

soreness | cut | anguish | harm |distress | scotch | weakened | harrow | wound | trample | writhe | detriment | prick | indignant | strain | miffed | pang | irritate | pain | scathe | injure | ailment | damage | lame | wing | prejudice | wrong | offended | unhappy | bruise | wounded | injury | rack | sting | mangle | impair | gripe | mar | sadness | suffering | ache | maim | afflicted | spoil | smart | ailing | grieve | suffer | trauma | injured | rankle | spite | offend | grief | molest | wrench

hurtled 反义词

heal |cure

hurtled 词性/词形变化,hurtled变形

动词过去分词: hurtled |动词过去式: hurtled |动词第三人称单数: hurtles |动词现在分词: hurtling |

hurtled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This was a danger sign, but short lived and again I would be hurtled down into the abyss, feeling like I must end this life as I had come to know it. ─── 这是个危险的信号,但仅仅是暂时的,不久我便俯冲进深渊了,感觉起来我必须终结此生,就如我已然知道的。

2、His voice still hurtled around me. ─── 他的声音依然回响在我的耳边。

3、The car hurtled past us, scraping the wall and screeching to a halt. ─── 那辆汽车从我们身旁疾驰而过,刮擦着墙嘎然停下。

4、I turned away, remembering a heaving deck and wind-hurtled rain, and holding Keefer by the front of his sodden shirt while I cursed him. ─── 我转过身,想起了在那波涛翻腾的甲板上,风雨交加,我一边抓住基弗湿透了的衬衫前部,一边咒骂他。

5、The scream came from overhead.The black dart hurtled above the ledge disappeared in a dive to earth then was gone for its morning hunt. ─── 一阵尖利的叫声从天空传来,只见在礁石上方一只黑色的精灵如利剑般穿过,然后一个俯冲急转而下,冲向地面上去捕获清晨的猎物了。

6、A shot hurtled through the air. ─── 子弹穿过空中。

7、AS HIS BODY hurtled downward, Anthony covered Todd while reaching out with one arm to grab Scott and pull him clear of the track. ─── 安东尼猛然向下扑,身体保护住了托德,同时,伸出一只手臂抓住斯科特,把他从铁轨上拉下来。

8、It turned over a few times in the air, hurtled towards its own blurred image, hit the water with a "plonk" and sank. ─── 石头在空中划了个弧线,在耀眼的水面上向着自己模糊的影子,咕咚一声沉了下去。

9、She knew it was only a matter of seconds before she hurtled over the cliff into oblivion. ─── 她知道,她翻出悬崖消声灭迹,只是瞬息间的事情。

10、D'you think we still want it?" The pan hurtled with a clatter across the floor. And pandemonium broke out as the girl in spectacles hurled the black chicken after it. ─── 铁锅就当着众人在地板上哐啷、哐啷地跳着,人咆哮着,戴眼镜的同学把黑色的鸡子好像抛着石头似的用力抛在地上。

11、Besides bringing water to the oceans, they are also thought to have transported important chemicals as they hurtled through Earth's atmosphere in past eons. ─── 人们认为远古时彗星通过地球大气层除了给海洋带来了水,也给地球带来了重要的化学物质。

12、3.Without gravity we would be hurtled into space. ─── 如果没有地心吸力,我们将被抛入太空中。

13、Zathura" is the story of two young brothers who are drawn into an intergalactic adventure when their house is magically hurtled through space. ─── 的情节结构围绕一个棋盘游戏展开,玩这个游戏的孩子将被送到另一个世界,这次不是在丛林,而是到了银河。

14、AS HIS BODY hurtled downward , Anthony covered Todd while reaching out with one arm to grab Scott and pull him clear of the track. ─── 安东尼猛然向下扑,身体保护住了托德,同时,伸出一只手臂抓住斯科特,把他从铁轨上拉下来。

15、Rocks hurtled down the cliffs. ─── 岩石从悬崖上飞滚下来。

16、The canopy became his shroud, he hurtled to the ground. ─── 伞盖成了他的裹尸布,他急坠向地面。

17、The monk hurtled forward, but his individual movements were too fast for my eyes to track. ─── 武僧一个前冲,我的眼睛根本跟不上他的动作。

18、The express train hurtled past. ─── 那特别快车疾驰而过。

19、Through the air hurtled a jet-plane. ─── 喷气飞机在空中疾飞。

20、They hurtled with the careless speed. ─── 他们以毫无顾忌的速度猛冲。

21、Rainy of time, this kind of walnut 醌 is hurtled down by the rain water, seep into soil. ─── 下雨的时候,这种胡桃醌就被雨水冲下来,渗入土壤中。

22、His motorboat hurtled along the river. ─── 他的摩托艇在河上飞驰而过。

23、The wing of the aeroplane came off and the machine hurtled to the ground. ─── 机翼掉落后机身迅速朝地面坠落。

24、Now it had dashed into front of the door, while four or five men hurtled at it simultaneously, trying to hold its bridle. ─── 黑玫瑰一窜便到门前,黑暗中四五人同时长身而起,伸手来扣黑玫瑰的辔头。

25、There wasn't a Seoul cabbie alive who'd admit he didn't know where the Hilton was.Many a reporter had screamed, as we hurtled along a freeway leading out of town, ‘I don't want to go to the airport! ─── 有些司机脸皮还真厚,明明不知道希尔顿大酒店在哪还死不承认,硬要瞎兜圈子,许多记者就在出城的公路上嚷了起来:“我可不想去机场!

26、No sooner had he finished speaking than two fur bombs the size of large dogs hurtled overhead. ─── 他话音刚落,就有两只猴子猛然窜到前边。

27、A fast train from Beijing to the seaside resort of Qingdao jumped the tracks and hurtled into a second train as they passed through Shandong province. ─── 一辆从北京开往海边胜地青岛的快速列车,突然越过轨道并且飞向第二辆火车,当时它们都在经过山东省。

28、Looking at painful money money, cold Ling Feng lamented greatly a tough pole, very restless to hurtled up to once be subjected to for her! ─── 看着痛苦的金钱钱,冷凌风心痛难极了,恨不得冲上去替她受过!

29、She knew it was only a matter of seconds before she hurtled over the cliff, into oblivion. ─── 她知道,她翻出悬崖消声灭迹,只是瞬息间的事情。

30、6)Through the air hurtled a jet-plane. ─── 呼地一声在天空中飞过一架喷气式飞机.

31、The clouds thundered, swirled, and erupted, punched through by massive flaming projectiles that hurtled to the earth with meteoric speed and bone-jarring strength. ─── 云层雷鸣、旋转、喷发,被燃烧的巨石击穿,巨石以陨星一样的速度和足以震碎骨头的力量疾飞向地面。

32、The risers swung around his neck, connectors cracked his dome.Suspension lines were tied in knots around his skinny bones.The canopy became his shroud, he hurtled to the ground. ─── 伞绳缠住他的脖子,将他包裹在伞蓬中,伞绳死死的缠绕在他瘦弱的身体上,伞衣成了他的寿衣,他高速坠向地面。

33、The clash of our onslaught hurtled across the field ─── 我们猛攻的声音传遍战场。

34、The impact of the crash hurtled the driver against the windshield of the car. ─── 碰撞的震力使驾驶员猛撞于车子的挡风玻璃上。

35、A violent impact hurtled her forward. ─── 一股剧烈的冲击力将她猛地向前抛了出去。

36、He hurtled his empty gun at my face. ─── 他把空枪猛地朝我的脸上投来。

37、A plane hurtled to the east. ─── 一架飞机朝东飞去了。

38、All of a sudden, a lizard about the size of a small crocodile hurtled out of the undergrowth and raced up a nearby baobab tree. ─── 突然,一只小鳄鱼大小的蜥蜴从矮灌木丛中蹿出,爬上了附近的一棵猴面包树。

39、The actress and I were hurtled through makeup. ─── 女演员和我通过化妆弄出火花。

40、Without gravity we would be hurtled (off) into space. ─── 如果没有地心吸力,我们将被抛入太空中。

41、The stockade door again opens, the second oxen hurtled out.Its figure is huge, the abnormality is fierce.", This is getting more terrible too much. ─── 牛栏门再次打开,第二头公牛冲了出来.它体形庞大,异常凶猛.

42、An Iranian airliner which overshot the runway and hurtled into a perimeter wall killing 16 people appears to have hit the tarmac too fast, an aviation official said on Saturday. ─── 一航空官方在星期六表示说,一伊朗航班因飞过跑到而急飞进环形防线,撞击停机坪太快,据悉已有16人死亡。

43、The first train from Beijing to the seaside resort of Qingdao jumped the tracks and hurtled into a second train as they passed through Shandong province.Nine of its carriages plunged into a ditch. ─── 从北京开往海滨城市青岛的火车行驶在山东省境内时发生脱轨,与另一列山东火车相撞.有九节车厢撞得变形.

44、The ball hurtled into the far corner of the net. ─── 球直飞入球门的远角。

45、And the next moment, the ball hurtled back toward him, almost too fast for him to catch. Only now the light was golden. ─── 下一刻,小球直冲他而来,速度快得差点让他抓不住。而且现在,小球上的光是金色的。

46、The scream came from overhead. The black dart hurtled above the ledge, disappeared in a dive to earth, then was gone for its morning hunt. When would it be back? ─── 一阵尖利的叫声从天空传来,只见在礁石上方一只黑色的精灵如利剑般穿过,然后一个俯冲急转而下,冲向地面上去捕获清晨的猎物了。它何时才会返回呢?

47、The wing of the airplane came off and the machine hurtled to the ground. ─── 机翼脱落,于是飞机撞到地面。

48、The white truck hurtled down the streets of suburbia. ─── 白色的卡车在郊区的街道上飞驰。

49、I had just reached 90 feet when she hurtled over our heads. ─── 当她在我们上面驶去的时候,我才潜到90尺。

50、The van hurtled round the corner. ─── 客货车疾驶转过街角。

51、host: so you are saying that you were trying to jump on him and your head hurtled him. ─── 主持人:你的意思是你本来是想继续攻击梅威瑟,可是头却撞到了他。

52、His old car hurtled away. ─── 他的老爷车发着轰鸣声开走了。

53、Spears hurtled against shields. ─── 矛猛击在盾上。

54、an express train that hurtled past. ─── 一辆特快列车呼啸而过

55、He's hurtled out of the house. ─── 他猛一下被扔出了屋子。

56、So did I, for a moment, as we hurtled downhill in the buggy through acres of good waterside planting, steamy irises and overhanging types of oriental tree. ─── 有那么一会我也想到了,当时,我们乘坐着小汽车疾驰下山,穿过几英亩优良的水边植被、水气蒙蒙的鸢尾和枝繁叶茂的东方树木。

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