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09-03 投稿



examinate 发音


英:  美:

examinate 中文意思翻译



examinate 相似词语短语

1、examinates ─── n.受检查者

2、deaminate ─── vt.使脱去氨基;n.脱氨基

3、evaginate ─── v.使(管状、袋状器官或构造)外翻;使(器官或部位)表层外翻

4、eliminate ─── vt.消除;排除

5、examinants ─── n.参加考试者;考官;审查人

6、examinator ─── n.检查人;主考人

7、ecarinate ─── adj.无隆线的

8、delaminate ─── vt.脱层,分层;分成细层

9、examinable ─── adj.可检查的,可考查的

examinate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If the supplier can't get with Haier's pace,it will be eliminated.So the SM's main work is to find the best suppiers,to examinate suppiers. ─── 同时,也发现了自己对自己公司一些产品或其原料组成什么的也是了解甚少,哎,什么时候得恶补一番。

2、Methods The case-control association study and were adopted to examinate color perception before and after intraocular lens implantation and in 97 patients. ─── 方法用病例对照研究方法,选择行白内障手术的患者97例,进行色觉检查及填写统一设计的问卷调查。

3、The sensor we developed, was used for special occasion, and had not the mature examination equipment, therefore,how to examinate and demarcate the sensor is also an important work. ─── 3、检测标定装置的研制 由于我们所研制的传感器,是作特殊用途的,没有现成的检测工具,因此需要专门研制传感器检测和标定装置。

4、Using five classification method of automatic blood count to examinate lymphocyte and monocyte absolute value in peripheral blood. ─── 用全自动血细胞计数五分类法检测外周血LC、Mo的绝对值。

5、I gave you one job! (Starts to examin the lasagne through the bottom of the glass pan. ─── 我只让你做一件事情!(透过玻璃锅底开始查看面条。

6、Methods To selective examinate 300pieces of cervical vertebra oblique radiograph and the disadvantage of every piecesis what we statist. ─── 方法:抽查300份颈椎斜位片,每份片的缺点为统计内容。

7、The other part focuses on real case study to examinate the accuracy of the foregoing conclusion. ─── 第二部分则是透过个案研究,并与第一部份所获得之结论相互印证。

8、In this test ,young rats drink alcohol of different concentration.Sixty days later,we extract DNA in epithelial cell of middle duodenum,examinate apoptosis of DNA through agarose gel electrophoresis. ─── 以幼龄小白鼠为研究对象,使其饮用不同浓度酒精,然后提取十二指肠中段上皮细胞DNA,经琼脂糖凝胶电泳,检测细胞凋亡情况。

9、Conclusion We can conclude that morbidity of dentistical diseases is higher than those of any other organs,so dentistical health care and mass examin... ─── 结论口腔疾病的发病率高于全身其他任何器官疾病的发病率,口腔预防保健以及群检、群防、群治工作是非常重要的。

10、The Method to Examinate in-situ the Self-repairing Performance of Lubrication Oil Additive ─── 原位检验润滑油添加剂自修复性能的方法探讨

11、The ultrasound(US) findings of 51 cases with primary tongue cancers were compared with those of clinical examin ation(CE),magnetic resonance tomography(MR) and pathology. ─── 其中51例原发性舌癌超声检查(US)与核磁共振检查(MR)、临床检查及病理检查结果进行对照。

12、We should self-examinate and revaluate Dong Zhongshu's history status by the way of "put oneself in another's position ". We should affirm his indelible historic contributions. ─── 我们应当以一种"同情之了解"的立场和态度来反思和重估董氏之历史地位,肯定其不可磨灭的历史贡献。

13、Methods The case-control association study and were adopted to examinate color perception before and after intraocular lens implantation and in 97 patients. ─── 方法用病例对照研究方法,选择行白内障手术的患者97例,进行色觉检查及填写统一设计的问卷调查。

14、Methods Using tricolor analytic method of flows cytometry to examinate the DC1 and DC2 subgroup in 70 patients peripheral blood. ─── 方法采用流式细胞术的三色分析法检测70例肺结核患者的DC1及DC2亚群。

15、Societyshould examin uthe systemic reasons why cosmetic vagina work is even on the menu, she sys, rath gb than the should or should nots of getting the surgery. ─── 社会应该多了解人们要去做阴道整容手术的原因,而不是去单纯讨论这种手术应不应该做。

16、28.At the start of a match and whenever he changes his racket during a match a player shall show his opponent and the umpire the racket he is about to use and shall allow them to examinate it. ─── 比赛开始时及比赛过程中运动员需要更换球拍时,必须向对方和裁判员展示他将要使用的球拍,并允许他们检查。

17、Monica: I gave you one job! (Starts to examin the lasagne through the bottom of the glass pan. ─── 我只给了你这么一项工作(你就做成这样)

18、Methods Evaluate the examinate datum of Expanded Program on Immunization recently ten years by Close-value method. ─── 方法用密切值法对1993-2002年的安庆市计划免疫考核资料进行分析。

19、thank you , I can examinate myself by it . ─── 非常感谢你,我已经给你加分了。

20、Objectives: to examinate stability of melatonin and its improving sleep function and its safety as a healthy food. ─── 目的:检验保健品中褪黑素含量的稳定性及其改善睡眠功能和毒理学安全性。

21、In order to examin the instrument, we have observed the LEED patterns of clean surface and oxygen-adsorbed surface of Cu (100), the patterns are sharp and satisfactory. ─── 为检验LEED仪的性能,我们观察了清洁Cu(100)面及氧吸附层的LEED图样,图样是清晰而满意的。

22、MRCP examin ations were performed using3D -FSE Sequence and conventional se quence on PHILIPS GYROSCAN NT 1.0MR S canner. ─── MRCP检查是以PHILIPSGYROSCANNT1.0磁共振成像仪并用3D-FSE序列和常规SE序列进行的。

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