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masonic 发音

英:[m??sɑ?n?k]  美:[m??s?n?k]

英:  美:

masonic 中文意思翻译



masonic 网络释义

adj. 共济会会员的

masonic 词性/词形变化,masonic变形

动词现在分词: masoning |动词第三人称单数: masons |动词过去分词: masoned |动词过去式: masoned |

masonic 短语词组

1、masonic hall ─── 共济会大厅

2、masonic homes ─── 共济会家庭

3、masonic hats ─── 共济会礼帽

4、masonic vs for the win esports ─── 共济会vs赢得电子竞技

5、masonic wallpapers ─── 共济会墙纸

6、jesters masonic lodge ─── 杰斯特共济会酒店

7、masonic funeral music ─── 共济会葬礼音乐

8、masonic music ─── 共济会音乐

9、masonic temple grand lodge ─── 共济会寺庙大旅馆

10、masonic handshake ─── 共济会握手

11、masonic apron ─── 共济会围裙

12、masonic temple ─── 共济会寺庙

13、masonic lodge ─── 共济会会址

14、masonic rings ─── 共济会戒指

15、masonic funeral ─── 共济会葬礼

16、Anti-Masonic Party ( ─── 美国)反共济会党(1826~1835)

17、masonic boys ─── 共济会男孩

18、masonic symbols ─── 共济会符号

masonic 同义词

masonic 反义词


masonic 相似词语短语

1、masoning ─── n.泥瓦匠;石工(等于stonemason)共济会会员(等于freemason);vt.用砖瓦砌成

2、parsonic ─── adj.教区牧师的;教区长的

3、agonic ─── adj.不成角的;无偏差的

4、Gaonic ─── 高尼克

5、Masonic ─── adj.共济会会员的

6、Aaronic ─── adj.(与)亚伦(有关)的

7、malonic ─── 丙二酸的

8、aeonic ─── adj.恒久的

9、mesonic ─── 介子

masonic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Under their masonic aprons and emblems he could not help seeing the uniforms and the decorations they were striving after in mundane life. ─── 在他们的围裙和会徽底下,他看见他们平日经过努力而得到的制服和十字勋章。

2、Nina wonders if he is the mole, and she orders Tony to shut down Mason's security access. ─── 尼娜想知道梅森是否就是那个内奸,她指令托尼关闭梅森的安全访问权限。

3、It was a Masonic sign Caderousse had taught him. ─── 这是卡德·罗斯教他的暗号。

4、George Mason held few public offices. ─── 乔治?梅森几乎没有政府机关的任何头衔。

5、The mason who finishes the cornice of the palace returns at night perchance to a hut not so good as a wigwam. ─── 完成了皇宫上的飞檐,入晚回家的石工,大约是回到一个比尖屋还不如的草棚里。

6、And George Mason University in Virginia is closing its campus in Ras Al Khaimah, another of the United Arab Emirates. ─── 弗吉尼亚州乔治梅森大学准备关闭设在阿联酋另外一个城市拉斯阿尔卡麦的校区。

7、The Institute of Public Policy, George Mason Unive. ─── 乔治马森大学公共政策学院。

8、The Ancient Order of Druids itself was founded in 1781, led by Henry Hurle and apparently incorporating Masonic ideas. ─── 古代德鲁伊律法本身也是在1781年建立的,由亨利哈里领导,明显是合并了共济会的思想。

9、He asks that, in the meantime, Mason keep an eye on Nina. ─── 他也要求,在找证据的同时,梅森密切注视尼娜的动向。

10、I agree with that, but the Knicks had Harper, Mason, Oakley, Starks..... ─── 很高兴看到范甘迪得到了他应有的承认。火箭今年除了惊喜还是惊喜。

11、He carved marble faster than any mason. ─── 他雕刻大理石的速度比任何石匠都快。

12、Mr. Mason suggested I call you . ─── mason先生建议我打电话给您。

13、So keep a stiff upper lip before Mason and everybody. ─── 在梅森面前,在所有的人面前,都要沉着冷静。

14、For picture of Sir Anthony Mason. ─── 下载梅师贤爵士之相片。

15、Bryan Caplan blogger, professor of economics at George Mason University and an Adjunct Scholar of the Cato Institute. ─── 布赖恩卡布兰,博客主,乔治马森大学经济学教授,卡图研究会的助理学者。

16、Nina stays calm, divulges nothing and never lets Mason get the best of her. ─── 尼娜并没有激动,什么也没透露,也一直没有让梅森占上风。

17、If something does happen to Palmer, Mason could be implicated for impeding the investigation. ─── 如果帕默确实遭袭,梅森将可能因为阻止进一步的调查而惹麻烦。

18、George Mason was born in the colony of Virginia in 1725. ─── 乔治?梅森于1725年生于弗吉尼亚殖民地,

19、Mason wants evidence for such a strong charge, and Jack vows to get him proof. ─── 对于如此严重的指控,梅森想要杰克提供证据,杰克发誓会为他找到证据。

20、In 1953, Mason introduced the signal flow graph in the analysis of linear systems. ─── 在1953年,梅森在线性系统分析中引进了信号流图。

21、"There are so few bronzes from classical times," says Carol Mattusch of George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. ─── 弗吉尼亚费尔法克斯的乔治梅森大学的卡洛尔·马图西说:“很少有古典时期留下的青铜雕像。

22、People are afraid that pollution might still exist in Mason River. ─── 句子表达有问题。你的意思应该是人们担心河流还存在污染

23、Where have you been recently, Mason? ─── 你最近到哪里去了,梅森?

24、There were unanswered questions, of course-the Masonic Pyramid and the Lost Word among them-but he sensed that the answers, if they even existed, were not for him. ─── 还有无法回答的问题——其中有共济会金字塔和遗失的文字—可是他意识到这些答案,要是真的存在,不是他想要的。

25、That was one year before George Mason died. ─── 就在他去世的前一年。

26、Not infrequently, we see people on the Mason users list asking questions about how to handle caching DBI connections. ─── 在Mason的用户邮件列表中我们发现人们经常提问如何处理持续性的。

27、And for days and nights together he forced himself to work at masonic labours , hoping to keep off the evil spirit. ─── 他于是日日夜夜迫使他自己致力于钻研共济会的作品,希望驱逐逼近的魔鬼。

28、"Good-night,Mr. Mason," she said with a weak smile. ─── “再见,梅森先生。”她回答说,脸上带着无力的笑容。

29、They brought along cuttings from their gardens, tucking them into mason jars and looking for new land to plant them in. ─── 他们从他们带来剪报花园夜晚到梅森瓶子和寻找新的土地种植他们进来。

30、He learned the mason's craft. ─── 他学泥水匠这一行。

31、Nina calls Mason and explains the problem Hanlin is causing. ─── 尼娜打电话给梅森,向其说明了汉林所导致的麻烦。

32、Perry Mason solved the case of the missing heir. ─── 佩里·梅森解决了那个缺少继承人的案子。

33、In 1990 Hazen took on a second position, as professor of earth science at George Mason University. ─── 1990年起,他也兼任美国乔治梅森大学的地球科学教授。

34、He leaned heavily upon Mason's arms while the latter sustained him as best as he could. ─── 他沉重地倒在梅森的胳膊上,梅森用力托住他。

35、Mason decided to cross the Atlantic Ocean as a trip. ─── 于是梅森先生决定横渡大西洋来旅游。

36、This yellow certificate, in mostly red ink, contains various Masonic vignettes and is affixed to a slightly larger paperboard backing. ─── 这份黄色的证书大部分用红墨水印刷,包含各种各样的共济会蔓藤花样,它粘在一个略大的硬纸板内衬上。

37、Now, doctor, is Mason ready to be moved? ─── 医生,梅森先生能动了吗?

38、The last small segment is of a Masonic wedding at a lodge in Istanbul. There is a masonic wedding ceremony. ─── 最后的小片段是在伊斯坦堡的一场异教婚礼的现场,典型的共济会婚礼仪式。

39、Fighting to the sea, another in the same boat Masonic, leading all the way to create first-class. ─── 商海搏击,共济同舟,一路领先,共创一流。

40、A mason returning from his day's work, left behind him a little package on a bench near the bridge of Austerlitz. ─── 一个收工回家的泥瓦工人把他的一个小包忘了,丢在奥斯特里茨桥旁的一条长凳上。

41、He was 34-year-old David Mason, and he lived in Dedham, Massachusetts. ─── 他是34岁的戴维迈森,住在麻州戴德海姆。

42、Palmer calls Mason and demands him to reverse his orders on the trade for Jack. ─── 帕默打电话给梅森,要求他推翻不允许他以杰克换亚历克西斯的命令。

43、He ended the letter with a Masonic plea for help: "O my Lord, my God, is there no home for a widow's son? ─── 他用共济会请求帮助的语句来结束了这封信:“哦我的神,我的上帝,寡妇的孩子注定了没有家吗?”

44、The answer will probably be Alabama or somewhere south of the Mason - Dixon line . ─── 回答可能是亚拉巴马州或者是梅森一迪克森线以南的什么地方。

45、A few years later, George Mason took part in creating the United States Constitution. ─── 几年以后,乔治?梅森参与了美国宪法的编制。

46、Stephen Hecht at the Masonic Cancer Center at the University of Minnesota thinks that this could be an overreaction. ─── 明尼苏达大学共济会癌症中心斯蒂芬。黑茨认为这可能是一种过度反应。

47、I wish James Mason and Evangelina Renato would go somewhere private with their displays of affection. ─── 唉...总是专注于同样的事务真令人厌烦。提高了我的高级药理学技能。我去户外的街道散了一会儿步。

48、George Mason had other concerns about the proposed Constitution. ─── 乔治?梅森对宪法的提案还有其他的担心,

49、Tell him Mr. Mason. Mr. Mason from Spanish Town, Jamaica. ─── 就说是梅森先生。牙买加西班牙城的梅森先生。

50、Mason: Nicole, did the Pied Piper take the children away because he was mad that the town did not pay him? ─── 尼克,是那个吹笛子的人因为没有人付钱给他,他就疯了然后把孩子带走了吗?

51、Mason: Oh, I know! It's amazing! They can parallel park like no one's business! ─── 喔,我知道!张是太神奇了!他们可以停平行的车位停的平安无事!

52、When Mason found his bicycle damaged by his younger brother, it really made the feathers fly. ─── 当梅森发现自行车被他弟弟弄坏时,他简直暴跳如雷。

53、He asked the mason to make him a tombstone. ─── 他要求这个石匠给他做一块墓碑。

54、Bandiera,S.; Sawyer,T.; Romkes,M.; Zmudzka,B.; Safe,L.; Mason,G.; Keys,B.; Safe,S.Toxicology 1984,32,131. ─── 刘树深,有机物分子电性距离矢量表征及其应用,高等教育出版社,北京,2005.

55、Under these conditions a second crossing of Hastings Street occurred a short distance north of the Masonic block. ─── 在这种情况下,第二通道的黑斯廷斯街发生短距离北共济会大楼。

56、Captain Mason died in 1635, just before his proposed trip to the new country which he never saw. ─── Mason船长死于1635年,最终没能亲眼看到他提议前往的新国家。

57、He's a way-up Mason, and that goes a long way. ─── 他在共济会里地位很高,这一点起了很大的作用。

58、Palmer assures him that when he does become President, he will instate Mason to a high position of power. ─── 帕默向他保证,等他当上总统,他会任命梅森一个位高权重的职位。

59、No! ' cried Mason, trembling. Mr Rochester dropped his arm, and turned away in disgust. ─── “不!”梅森发抖地叫着。罗切斯特放下手,厌恶地扭过头去。

60、The ash content of HBS lignin (mason pine) is 0.6%,while the ash content of traditional lignin sulfonate is 21.4%. ─── 从松木中提取的?沸醇木质素的w(灰分)=0 6%,而传统造纸黑液制得木质素磺酸钙的w(灰分)=21 4%。

61、Looking at the replay again I'm not so sure that Mason took a swipe at Yao. ─── 又看了回放,我也不确定梅森是不是打了姚。

62、Military, administrative, political, and masonic questions were continually engrossing his attention. ─── 军事的,行政的、政治的、共济会的问题,都继续不断地吸引着他的注意力。

63、Legg Mason Capital Management Inc. ─── 作為雷格梅森资產管理公司。

64、Sometimes if you ever watch us play, we play Roger Mason and DeShawn together.Who's the point in that situation? ─── 如果之前你看过我们的比赛,我们把罗格.梅森和史蒂文森放在一起,谁才是组织后卫?

65、Mason Wyler: Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to bottom. ─── 别误导我,我喜欢做受。

66、"The freedom of the press is one of the great bulwarks of liberty" (George Mason). ─── “出版自由是自由最有力的保障之一” (乔治·梅森)。

67、Pat, Mason's Son: Can a mirror defeat a basilisk? ─── 帕特,瓦匠的儿子:用镜子能打倒蛇怪吗?

68、Who build stronger than mason , a shipwright , or a carpenter? ─── [谁的建筑比泥水匠,修船者,木匠更坚固?

69、"Good-night, Mr. Mason," she said with a weak smile. ─── “再见,梅森先生。” 她回答说,脸上带着无力的笑容。

70、Rochester quiets the household's alarm but asks Jane privately to help nurse Mr. Mason who is bleeding and unconscious. ─── 庄园里的人惊慌失措,罗切斯特使他们镇静下来。但他私下里要求简·爱帮助照料正在流血、失去知觉的梅森先生。

71、Mason, could accidently be obtained by the isolation of the diseased leaves. ─── Mason)等真菌。

72、George Mason refused to sign the Constitution. ─── 乔治?梅森拒绝在宪法上签名。

73、George Mason, refused to sign the constitution until it was enriched with specific guarantees for individual rights. ─── 乔治·梅森拒绝在宪法上签字,一直到宪法中增添了对个人权利的具体保障。

74、Joseph Mason, a finance professor at Drexel University, sees bigger problems. ─── 德雷塞尔大学的金融学教授JosephMason则看到了更严重的问题。

75、Mason’s front door.He carried a long white and green box and a clipboard . ─── 他携带了一个长的白色和绿色的盒子和一个付有纸夹的笔记板。

76、He leaned heavily upon Mason's arms while the latter sustained him as best he could. ─── 他沉重地倒在梅森的胳膊上,梅森用力托住他。

77、Several of his friends were members of a Masonic lodge in Calcutta. ─── 他的几个朋友是共济会在加尔各答的成员。

78、Mr. Mason, astonished and distressed, as you may suppose, revealed the state of matters. ─── 就象你猜想得到的,梅森先生又诧异又痛苦,把事实真相说了出来。

79、Under their masonic aprons and emblems he could not help seeing the uniforms and the decorations they were striving after in mundane life. ─── 在他们的围裙和会徽底下,他看见他们平日经过努力而得到的制服和十字勋章。

80、She should be inside with her husband, not coming out with us to Masonic dances. ─── 她应该待家里陪她丈夫,而不是和我们去参加共济会的舞会

81、Only she, Tony, Mason and Ryan Chapelle know that Palmer is alive. ─── 只有尼娜、托尼、梅森和赖安知道帕默未死的消息。

82、Later, they were members of the same Masonic lodge in Vienna, and became personal friends as well as mutual admirers. ─── 后来,海顿与莫扎特共同成为维也纳共济会团体的成员,结为私交并互为对方的仰慕者。

83、George Mason was responsible for the first American Bill of Rights. ─── 乔治?梅森曾负责编撰第一部美国《权利法案》。

84、The Ancient Order of Druids itself was founded in 1781 led by Henry Hurle and apparently incorporating Masonic ideas. ─── 古代德鲁伊律法本身也是在1781年树立的,由亨利哈里引导,显明是合并了共济会的思想。

85、Family Name - Mason Aviation safety improves when we share our cultural experience. ─── 在我们分享彼此文化经验的同时,航空安全也将得到进一步地改善。

86、He pedaled off to summon a mason . ─── 他骑脚踏车去叫泥瓦匠。

87、Oklahoma City Thunder: Desmond Mason, Malik Rose, Robert Swift. ─── 俄克拉何马城雷鸣:梅森,罗斯,斯威夫特。

88、The doorkeeper of a Masonic or other fraternal society's lodge. ─── 共济会或其它兄弟会聚会所的守门人

89、Mason, Elizabeth Knisely, Janet Kendall. ─── 作者声明: Jana M.


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