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09-03 投稿


annexes 发音

英:[??neks?z]  美:[??neks?z]

英:  美:

annexes 中文意思翻译



annexes 词性/词形变化,annexes变形

形容词: annexational |动词现在分词: annexing |动词过去分词: annexed |动词第三人称单数: annexes |名词: annexation |动词过去式: annexed |

annexes 短语词组

1、annexes are ─── 附件是

2、annexes crossword ─── 附件纵横字谜

3、annexes fr ─── 附件fr

4、annexes crossword clue ─── 附填字游戏线索

5、annexes of GATS ─── 服贸总协定附件

6、annexes definition ─── 附件定义

7、annexes of marpol 《 ─── 防污公约》附件

annexes 相似词语短语

1、annex ─── v.附加;获得;并吞;占为己有(非正式);n.附加物;附属建筑物;(文件)附录;n.(Annex)(美、法、尼、瑞、加)艾尼克斯(人名)

2、reannexes ─── 重新连接

3、apexes ─── n.顶点;尖端

4、annexed ─── adj.附加的,附属的;v.附加(annex的过去分词)

5、coannexes ─── 同轴电缆

6、annates ─── n.(天主教规定的)担任教职第一年的收入

7、annexures ─── n..附加物,附录

8、annexe ─── n.附属建筑;附加物;n.(Annexe)人名;(法)阿内克斯

9、anneals ─── v.使(金属、玻璃等)退火(变坚硬);使(DNA链条)重组成双链形式;加强,使坚韧;n.退火;重组(DNA链条);加强

annexes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It noted that there was a call for further narrowing the proposals that were contained in Annex A. ─── 它注意到有一个进一步缩小附件A中所包括的提案的倡议。

2、Accordingly, this Annex provides notes and supplementary provisions to the Agreement. ─── 因此,本附件为本协定提供注释和补充规定。

3、The foundations and decorative mosaics belonging to some kind of annexes built onto the sides of the atrium have been found. ─── 天井前厅被证实来自这教堂外墙的自然延伸,同样有两排柱子。

4、International preliminary examination report with its annex. ─── 国际初审报告及附件。

5、Another point to remember is to avoid placing too much information in annexes and footnotes; only a few readers will consult these. ─── 另外一点是记住,避免在附件和脚注中放置过多信息。没有几个读者会看这些内容。

6、Accordingly, Group B was ready to enter into in-depth discussions concerning the proposals contained in Annex A. ─── 因此,B集团已准备好就附件A中包括的提案进行深入讨论。

7、The Under-ground Palace consists of five chambers, the front hall, the central hall, the rear chamber and left and right annexes. ─── 地下宫殿包括5个墓室,前厅、中厅、后厅和左右两厅。

8、It expected to obtain recommendations with regard to Annex A by the end of the week, so that they could achieve concrete results that week. ─── 它希望在周末之前收到有关附件A的建议,以便在本周之内取得具体成果。

9、The dumping of wastes or other matter listed in Annex I shall be prohibited (See Annex I). ─── 一、禁止倾倒附件一所列的废弃物及其他物质(见附件一)。

10、Zhuang Yuanzhu 7-storey, in front annex building, next to the cottage, stables, mills, Ranfang, weaving workshops, bunkers and prisons. ─── 庄园主楼高7层,前面有附楼,旁边有平房、马厩、磨坊、染坊、编织作坊、碉堡和监狱等。

11、issuance of SSCC and the provisions referred to in Annexes 1 and 3; ─── 签发船舶卫生控制措施证书,及附件1和3 提及的条款;

12、"Acceptance Certificate" refers to the certificate in the form attached as Annex 6 to this Contract. ─── “验收合格证书”指按照本合同附件6格式出具的证书。

13、There are 160 members of the Assembly, whose names are set out in List No. 2 in the Annex. ─── 伯尔尼联盟大会有160个成员,其国名列于附件中的表2。

14、Conforming implementations shall make at least one codeset available per locale specified in Annex B. ─── 一致性实现必须为附录B中的每个本地环境至少提供一套编码集。

15、The structure of the audit was in accordance with the audit plan and audit planning matrix included as annexes to this summary report. ─── 审核的安排依据本份报告所附的审核计划及审核策划矩阵图.

16、But this is not LSI exclusive recently annex buys the operation. ─── 可这并不是LSI比来独一的一次兼并收买挪动。

17、Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage, Annex Block, 36A Western Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong. ─── 地址:西营盘西边街36号A后座(西区社区中心)。

18、The redrafted text of those paragraphs appearing as paragraphs 14 and 15 in Annex III attempted to take those concerns into account. ─── 为了将这些关注纳入考虑,重新起草了这两段的案文,即附件三的第14段和第15段。

19、The location of this project is shown in Annex I &II of this permit. ─── 工程项目的地点,见载于本许可证中的附件I &II。

20、He stated that the services subject to price controls were listed in Annex 4 by their respective CPC codes. ─── 他表示,属政府定价的服务均按其CPC编码列在附件4中。

21、When there is conflict between the Commercial part of the Contract and the Annexes, the Commercial part of Contract shall be prevailing. ─── 如果双方之间发生纠纷,那么合同和附属文件中的贸易方占有优势。

22、However, for the purposes of this Agreement the meaning of the terms given in Annex 1 applies. ─── 但就本协定而言,应适用附件1中所列术语的含义。

23、For the expansion of warehousing and logistics services range, the two sides may amend Annex 1 in writing at any time. ─── 如需扩展仓储与物流服务范围,双方可随时以书面形式修改附件1。

24、As to the specifications of the commodity, they are detailed in an annex. ─── 关于商品的规格,将在合同的附件中详细规定。

25、The provisions of Annex II shall be observed in the application of this paragraph. ─── 在适用本款时应遵守附件2的规定。

26、On lipotropic and growth-promoting activities of lysine and threonine.Chinese J.Physiol., 18(annex): 69-751962. ─── 倘于该饲料中添加不同量之离氨酸及息宁氨酸后饲之,其体重之增加率较速;

27、The laws listed in Annex III shall be applied locally by way of promulgation or legislation by the HKSAR. ─── 凡列于附件三的法律,由香港特别行政区在当地公布或立法实施。

28、More details of the levels of achievement required to score points in this category are set out in Annex B: Achievement in your chosen field. ─── 中展示了这个范畴获得分数的成就的更多的细节。

29、Amendments to Parts IV, V and VI of GATS and the respective annexes shall take effect for all Members upon acceptance by two thirds of the Members. ─── 对GATS第四部分、第五部分和第六部分及相应附件的修正,经成员的三分之二多数接受后,应对所有成员生效。

30、A full set of written submissions received by the Task Force has been included in the Annexes. ─── 专责小组收到的书面意见,已悉数载附于附件。

31、A plagiarist annexes the ideas of others. ─── 剽窃者窃取他人的文思构想。

32、One of the options proposed was to amend the WIPO convention of 1967, and the Group had included this in the annex to the September document. ─── 建议的办法之一就是修订1967年的WIPO公约,该集团已经将此纳入9月份文件的附件中。

33、The annex has been built on to the main building. ─── 主楼配建有附属的建筑物。

34、Angelina is said to spend most of her time in one of the annexes while Brad lives in the main house with its 10 bedrooms. ─── 皮特住在带有10个卧室的主宅中,而朱莉大部分时间则待在与住宅毗邻的一间小屋里。

35、In 1997 the company launched the second half of this multilingual email, website and the various annexes translation services. ─── 1997年下半年这个公司启动了多语种电子邮件、网页及各种附件翻译服务。

36、The draft lists prepared by the different delegations were discussed in the plenary, and the PCDA agreed on the proposals contained in Annex I. ─── 全会讨论了各不同代表团编拟的清单草案,PCDA就本总结附件中所载的各项提案达成一致意见。

37、Such a policy, in his view, was consistent with Article XVI of the GATT 1994 and relevant Annexes of the SCM Agreement. ─── 他认为,此种政策符合gatt 1994第16条和《SCM协定》的相关附件。

38、Annex II lists two categories of "other wastes". ─── 公约的附件二列出两类“其他废物"

39、Not only by the enterprise of annex hard bring back to life, oneself are procrastinated possibly also to break down. ─── 不仅被兼并的企业难以救活,自己也可能被拖垮。

40、The dumping of the wastes listed in Annex II requires a prior special permit (See Annex II). ─── 二、倾倒附件二所列的废弃物(见附件二),应当事先获得特别许可证。

41、In this annex, more technical details will be discussed. ─── 在本附录中,将讨论更多的技术细节。

42、The total ad valorem subsidization shall be calculated in accordance with the provision of Annex IV. ─── 从价补贴的总额应依照附件4的规定计算。

43、It is no longer possible to diplomatic annex a country of another religious group. ─── 对不同宗教群的国家,不再可能外交吞并了。

44、China shall provide relevant information, including information specified in Annex 1A, to each subsidiary body in advance of the review. ─── 中国应在审议前向每一下属机构提供相关信息,包括附件1A所列信息。

45、Any reference to a paragraph or subparagraph of this Annex includes all subdivisions thereof. ─── 对本附件的各款或各项的任何提及均包括其中所有各目。

46、Some members of the Working Party explained that, as an illustration of the above, certain types of subsidies did not appear in Annexes 5A and 5B. ─── 一些工作组成员说明,作为上述情况的证明,某些类型的补贴没有出现在附件5A和5B中。

47、Sewer mud and dredged stuff containing substances listed in 1 and 2 of this Annex. ─── 含有本附件第一、二项所列物质的阴沟污泥和疏浚物。

48、For those goods listed in Annex 2B, China shall phase out limitation on the grant of trading rights pursuant to the schedule in that Annex. ─── 对于附件2B所列货物,中国应根据该附件中所列时间表逐步取消在给予贸易权方面的限制。

49、A summary of the pamphlet is in the Annex. ─── 小册子的撮要载于附件。

50、The annexes are an integral part of this Agreement. ─── 各附件为本协定的组成部分。

51、You may install electronic constant tensioner which is an annex if needed. ─── 可以根据需要安装电子恒张力器(备选附件)。

52、Annex IV - TCF is submitted to a Notified Body for assessment. Annex II requirements must also be met. ─── 以上是我的个人见解,不当之处请诸位高人多多指教!

53、The Delegation asserted that the annex to the minutes of the last meeting could not be a basis for structuring the debate. ─── 代表团申明上届会议备忘录的附件不能作为组织辩论的基础。

54、For the purposes of this Agreement, the definitions provided in Annex A shall apply. ─── 就本协定而言,适用附件A中规定的定义。

55、A working annex can be converted to a mini-hospital with tie-down hardware for a casket. ─── 一个工作套间可转换成微型医院,其中装有固定灵柩用的金属紧固件。

56、For the purposes of this Agreement, the definitions provided in Annex A shall apply. The annexes are an integral part of this Agreement. ─── 就本协定而言,适用附件A中规定的定义。各附件为本协定的组成部分。

57、To annex territories of another country is an injustice. ─── 兼并它国土地是一种不义行为。

58、He entered the autopsy room and in the annex found David Coleman dissecting a leg. ─── 他穿过验尸室,在另一间屋子里看到大卫.科曼正在解剖一条腿。

59、National laws shall not be applied in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region except for those listed in Annex III to this Law. ─── 全国性法律除列于本法附件三者外,不在香港特别行政区实施。

60、Israel has proposed a land swap that would result in the Palestinians receiving an area of land equivalent to what Israel annexes. ─── 以色列提议交换土地将导致巴勒斯坦获得与以色列一样多的领土。

61、Italy formally annexes Ethiopia after taking the capital Addis Ababa on May 5. ─── 1936年的今天,意大利在于5月5日占领埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴后,正式将后者归为附属国。

62、At the date of the writing of this document, the 43 States listed in Annex III had signed the Treaty. ─── 在编写本文件之日,共有43个国家在条约上签字,签字国名单载于附件三。

63、This Joint Declaration and its Annexes shall be equally binding. ─── 本联合声明及其附件具有同等约束力。

64、Except in the case of the first Legislative Council, the above- mentioned Election Committee refers to the one provided for in Annex I of this Law. ─── (二)除第一届立法会外,上述选举委员会即本法附件一规定的选举委员会。

65、Contents sendmail included in the annex to this email without the procedure. 6. ─── 5. 目录sendmail包含发送无附件的email的程序。

66、See Annex 3 for the minimum collateral level, overage collateral level and smallest LGD of the collaterals of different categories. ─── 不同抵质押品的最低抵质押水平、超额抵质押水平,以及最低违约损失率见附件3。

67、Any specific requirements for the manufacture of special groups of products, for example sterile preparations, are covered in the annexes. ─── 对特殊类别的产品如无菌制剂的具体生产要求,见附件。

68、The business enterprise multinational annex of move because of the analysis. ─── 企业跨国兼并的动因分析。

69、In 1997 the company launched the second half of this multilingual e-mail, website and the various annexes translation services. ─── 1997年下半年这个公司启动了多语种电子邮件、网页及各种附件翻译服务。

70、It also provides assessment checklists and reference information by sector and reference annexes for displaced populations at risk. ─── 它还向暴露在各种风险之中的灾害移民的提供了按领域划分的评估一览表和参考信息以及参考附录。

71、The hazard classes of the wastes listed in Annex I to the Basel Convention are contained in Annex III to that Convention. ─── 巴塞尔公约的附录一列出的废物危险类别包含在巴塞尔公约的附录三中。

72、The next annex provides the technical details required to get started. ─── 下一节附录提供了开始工作所需的技术细节。

73、"General permit" means permission granted in advance and inaccordance with Annex III. ─── “一般许可证”系指按照附件三规定,事先发放的许可证。

74、ECHA will prioritise substances to be assessed for inclusion in Annex XIV of the REACH Regulation, signifying that they are subject to authorisation. ─── ECHA将根据优先次序对物质加以评估,并纳入REACH法规附件XIV,以表示该物质需要得到授权。

75、If needed transportation equipment, it is suggested that the equipment and its annex are filled with padded packaging. ─── 如果需运输设备,建议将设备及其附件分别以软垫填充包装。

76、Conforming implementations should provide an X Output Method which supports the encoding schemes listed in Annex B. ─── 一致性实现最好提供一个能支持附录B中列出编码方案的X输出方法。

77、Allocations would be valid for any article or mixture of articles subject to the same quota as specified in Annex 3 of the Protocol. ─── 分配量对议定书(草案)附件3所列同一配额管理的任何产品或产品组合有效。

78、Company to export products, tools and products for civilian use tools and machine tool factory annex and knives series. ─── 公司主要以出口产品为主,其产品为民用工具和工厂用工具和机床附件及刀具系列。

79、The affixing of the CE marking presumes in addition that the conditions in annexes III and V of the Directive are fulfilled. ─── 在行政长官的标志张贴假定除在附件三的条件和指令得到实现五。

80、The location of this project is shown in Annex I of this permit. ─── 工程项目的地点,见载于本许可证中的附件I。

81、Framework agreement as well as annexes and sched-ules all give full consideration to the benefit of developing country. ─── 不仅框架协议而且附件和具体义务承诺表,都体现了对发展中国家的利益的特殊照顾。

82、Supplementary information on the estimated cost of the adoption of these new standards is provided in Annex IV. ─── 关于采用此项新标准所需费用概算的补充信息见附件四。

83、Annexes: The annexes of the Agreement shall be an integral part of the Agreement and shall be binding upon both parties. ─── 6附件:本租赁合同的附件构成本合同的不可分割的组成部分,对双方具有同等拘束力。

84、QQ screenshots on stripping functions, stored in the clipboard, you can annex, drawing, editing found inside. ─── 剥离QQ上截图功能,保存在剪贴板了,你可以在附件,画图,编辑里边找到。

85、The Annexes and any supplementary agreement entered into during the performance hereof shall be an integral part of this Contract. ─── 本合同的附件以及在本合同履行过程中签订的补充协议,系本合同不可分割的组成部分。

86、Annexes of the Contract are integral parts of the Contract and shall have the same force as the contract itself. ─── 合同附件作为合同的一个完整部分,具有和合同本身同样的法律效力。

87、For the purposes of this Code the definitions in Annex 1 of this Agreement shall apply. ─── 就本规范而言,应适用本协定附件1中的定义。

88、As for proposal 5, the Delegation declared that such a proposal was actionable and that it should be merged with Annex B2, as a general principle. ─── 关于提案5,该代表团声明说这一提案是可采取行动的,而它应作为一般性原则与附件B2合并。

89、The term of the tenancy is specified in the annex 1. ─── 1乙方承租该公寓的期限见本合同附件1的约定。

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