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09-03 投稿



sundering 发音

英:[?s?nd?r??]  美:[?s?nd?r??]

英:  美:

sundering 中文意思翻译



sundering 词性/词形变化,sundering变形

动词过去式: sundered |动词过去分词: sundered |动词第三人称单数: sunders |名词: sunderance |动词现在分词: sundering |

sundering 短语词组

1、surreptitious seven star seal sundering ─── 秘密七星海豹解体

sundering 反义词


sundering 同义词

break | cut | loosen | alienate | liberate | sever | disrupt | saw | split | divide | cleave | joint |disjoin | separate

sundering 相似词语短语

1、maundering ─── v.闲逛;唠叨;胡扯;n.(Maunder)(美)蒙德(人名)

2、chundering ─── vi.呕吐(澳俚);n.呕吐(澳俚);n.(Chunder)人名;(印)琼德尔

3、loundering ─── n.重击;vt.狠狠地打

4、squandering ─── 浪费;滥用

5、daundering ─── 磨蹭

6、foundering ─── n.沉没;v.(计划)失败,破产;(船)沉没;(马)患蹄叶炎;变得残疾(尤指变瘸);(过度喂食)使(动物)失去能力(founder的现在分词)

7、blundering ─── adj.浮躁的;粗笨的;粗心的;愚蠢的;v.犯大错;笨手笨脚;摸索(blunder的现在分词)

8、laundering ─── n.洗烫;v.洗涤;洗黑钱(launder的ing形式)

9、plundering ─── v.掠夺,抢劫;侵吞,剽窃;将……滥用殆尽;n.抢夺;战利品;掠夺品

sundering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Demoralising shout does one sixth the threat of a sunder. ─── 挫志怒吼产生的仇恨值是破甲的1/6。

2、Stan: You can't go to the bathroom, you're stacking sunder armor! ─── 屎蛋:你现在不能去厕所,你正在堆叠装甲!

3、out against this careless talk; those who remember the dark and treacherous times of the Sundering care not for it to be repeated again . ─── 但最长寿和圣贤的精灵们大声驳斥这种不负责任的说法,他们还记得充满黑暗和背叛的决裂年代,并小心阻止它再次发生。

4、Description: After the Sundering of the World, some night elves settled in the continent's northern reaches, on and near Mount Hyjal, including this port at the mountain's northern foot. ─── 描述:在世界大分裂之后,一些暗夜精灵在大陆的北端定居下来,有些在海加尔圣山,有些在其附近,包括这个北面山脚下的港口。

5、Undaunted, Sunder Raman's unfaltering affection will continue to keep his family together. ─── 不畏艰难的桑德,他对情感的坚持,会让一家人一直团结下去。

6、sundering ventral ─── 切腹鳍标志

7、Shortly after the Great Sundering , sentenced his brother Illidan to imprisonment for having created a second Well of Eternity. ─── 大灾变结束后,以创造了第二座永恒之井为罪名宣判他的兄弟伊利丹入狱。

8、Masterful Strike (Ex): At 6th level, the master of the field may add his level to any Trip, Disarm or Sunder attempts, as long as these attempts are targeting the master of the field's evaluated foe. ─── 精湛打击(Ex):6级时,竞技大师可以将他的竞技大师等级加在摔绊、卸除武器和击破武器尝试上,只要这些尝试的目标是竞技大师评估过的对手。

9、And now will I break his yoke from off thee, and will burst thy bonds in sunder. ─── 我现在要终止亚述对你们的辖制,打断捆绑你们的锁炼。”

10、Her reign led to the War of the Ancients and the Sundering , after which night elf society underwent sweeping change. ─── 她的统治最终导致上古战争和大灾变,暗夜精灵的社会从此发生翻天覆地的改变。

11、How they got there is not known, but it is presumed to have been a phenomenon that occurred during the Sundering. ─── 没有人知道珊瑚岩里怎么会有这些矿物。不过据推测可能是大分裂期间发生的现象。

12、And come to discover a power that threatens to sunder his world. ─── 我看到书籍的信息有错误,要如何更正?

13、but one result there could never be -- social upheavals that no one had ever intended, sundering of the gentile bonds, division of gens and tribe into two opposing and warring classes. ─── 但是决不会产生那种无意中产生的社会变革,氏族联系的破裂,或同氏族人和同部落人分裂为互相斗争的对立阶级。

14、Sunder Singh Khalsa was born in Taiwan to a Chinese family and moved to the US when he was a young man. ─── 出生于一个来自中国台湾的家庭,当他年青的时候他们移居美国。在他青年时代,他对信仰产生了兴趣。

15、The Sundering that tore apart the world drove great sandstone cliffs and mountain peaks high in the air. ─── 将世界粉碎的大裂变使得巨大的砂岩峭壁和山峰直入云霄。

16、Manifester Level: 8th; Prerequisites: Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, Great Sunder, lesser metaphysical weapon; Market Price: +1bonus. ─── 显能者等级:8;先决条件:“制造灵能武器及防具”、“强力击破武器”、“次级强化武器”;交易价格:+1加值。

17、Description: Thousands of years ago, this valley upon the slopes of Mount Hyjal served as a place for the night elves to start anew in the wake of the Sundering. ─── 描述:数千年前,这个位于海加尔山坡上的山谷是暗夜精灵们因分裂而觉醒,并开始新生活的地方。

18、when he maketh all the stones of the altar as chalkstones that are beaten in sunder, the groves and images shall not stand up. ─── 就是他叫祭坛的石头,变为打碎的灰石,以致木偶和日像,不再立起。

19、The Great Sundering triggered the birth of a new ocean, and the rushing waters chased the night elves all the way to Mount Hyjal. ─── 大灾变造成一个新的海洋,汹涌的海水把暗夜精灵都赶上了海加尔山。

20、Because of changes wrought by the ceaseless uniting and sundering of protein, every conceivable type of arrangement is produced. ─── 由于蛋白质不断结合分解的变化,各式各样的排列组合都产生了。

21、Then came the Burning Legion and the Great Sundering, which shook ancient Kalimdor to the bedrock. ─── 然而,燃烧军团的来临和世界大分裂震荡了整个原始卡利姆的岩床。

22、“But TV has the disadvantage of being restrictive.It's not video on demand,” says Mangala Sunder Krishnan, a chemistry teacher at IIT-Madras and web courses co-ordinator of NPTEL. ─── 印度政府支持的国家技术强化学习项目(NPTEL)寻求建立一个数字图书馆,并创建在线及互动课程。

23、The Pandaren Empire, founded in ancient times, before the Great Sundering of the world, shared resources and mystic knowledge with the haughty night elves of central Kalimdor. ─── 历史/环境在远古时代建立起来的熊猫人帝国,在世界大分裂前,与中卡利姆多傲慢的暗夜精灵分享资源和神秘的知识。

24、Manifester Level:8 th; Prerequisites: Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, Great Sunder, lesser metaphysical weapon; Market Price:+1 bonus. ─── 显能者等级:8;先决条件:“制造灵能武器及防具”、强力击破武器”、次级强化武器”;交易价格:+加值。

25、Suppose we have a 2.0 speed weapon, HS spam and sunder spam. ─── 如果我们用2.0的武器,施放英勇打击和破甲。

26、In what ways is Devastate better than Sunder Armor? ─── 毁灭打击到底在哪些方面比破甲好?

27、How they got there is not known, but it is presumed to have been a phenomenon that occurred during the Sundering . ─── 没有人知道珊瑚岩里怎么会有这些矿物。不过据推测可能是大分裂期间发生的现象。

28、Time and distance often sunder friends ─── 朋友久别远离常产生隔阂。

29、Best practice is to spam sunder, and use HS in between to soak up excess rage. ─── 好好的练习这个,并且学会用英勇打击来消耗多余的怒气。

30、Sundering : This weapon allows a wielder with the Sunder feat to attack opponents' weapons as if with the Great Sunder feat. Only one such attempt is allowed per round. ─── 切离:该武器使拥有精通击破武器专长的持用者攻击对手的武器时视同拥有“强力击破武器”专长。每轮仅可尝试一次这种做法。

31、The sunder armor debuff seems completely independent of the hate it generates. ─── 破甲技能生成的减益状态与它产生的仇恨没有任何关系。

32、Suppose we have a 2.0 speed weapon, HS spam and sunder spam.That's about 280 unmodified tps. ─── 假设我们使用一个2s攻击速度的武器,英勇打击和破甲一直使用,这大概造成280的仇恨/秒。

33、The only improvement is if you are spamming both sunder and HS, and want even more threat. ─── 唯一的好处是,当你一直在使用破甲和英勇打击,仍然希望获得更多的仇恨。

34、His magical abilities were cold comfort, though, for he had been born with golden eyes, which were quite rare in night elves before the Sundering. ─── 他的魔法技能并没有显示出来,尽管他有着[[魔兽百科:暗夜精灵|暗夜精灵]]在分裂以前都很少见的金色的眸子。

35、in sunder ─── adv. 分开着(成碎片)

36、Sunder Armor's threat now scales with attack power. ─── 流血伤害将获得更多的武器伤害加成。

37、The oldest and wisest Elves speak out against this careless talk; those who remember the dark and treacherous times of the Sundering care not for it to be repeated again. ─── 最长寿和圣贤的精灵们大声驳斥这种不负责任的说法,他们还记得充满黑暗和背叛的决裂年代,并小心阻止它再次发生。

38、Sunder armor is the same amount of hate per application, regardless of how many sunders are already on. ─── 每次破甲产生的仇恨完全一致,无论已经打上了几次。

39、Devastate now benefits from the Improved Sunder Armor talent, so there is no longer any way for Devastate to cost more rage than Sunder Armor. ─── 毁灭打击现在从强化破甲天赋中受益,所以现在毁灭打击不再比破甲耗费更多怒气.

40、Will you sunder nitrogen from air? ─── 你能从空气中把氮气分离出来吗?

41、Nothing can sunder our friendship. ─── 什么也不能破坏我们的友谊。

42、[b]Does Devastate generate more threat per hit than Sunder Armor? ─── 查看关于毁灭打击产生额外威胁值的测试方法请看这里.

43、It would take a lot of rebalancing to convert Sunder and Expose over to a percentage, but it would solve some problems too. ─── 把静态破甲转变为百分比破甲会需要大量平衡调整,不过的确能解决一些问题。

44、Sunder armor is the same amount of hate per application, regardless of how many sunders are already on. The same is true for demoralizing shout and thunderclap. ─── 每次破甲产生的仇恨完全一致,无论已经打上了几次。挫锐怒叫和雷霆一击也是如此。

45、Never has the craft of Satan been more at fault than when he has exercised it in seeking to rend in sunder this union of two divinely welded hearts. ─── 世代以来,许多暴君用各样的手段,威胁利诱、牢狱折磨,想分化信徒对主的忠心,但这些努力尽都枉然;

46、The night elves who settled on Kalimdor after the Sundering hunted in Ashenvale's wilds but never settled within its borders. ─── 世界大分裂之后,居住在卡利姆多的暗夜精灵们在灰谷的荒野中狩猎,不过他们的狩猎活动从来不在其国界以内进行。

47、Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative,Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability(immolate), Weapon Focus (falchion ─── 专长:顺势劈,大顺势劈,精通先攻,精通击破武器,猛力攻击,类法术能力瞬发(献祭),武器专攻(大砍刀)。

48、I don't want to sunder us. ─── 我不想让我们有隔阂。

49、Once battle begins, they lead the charge, seeking to sunder the weapons of any enemy warriors. ─── 一旦战斗开始,他们会率先冲锋,并优先击破敌方战士的武器。

50、An instant weapon attack that causes 50% of weapon damage plus and additional threat for each application of Sunder Armor on the target. ─── 15怒的技能。需要单手武器。造成额外50%武器伤害并给破甲带来额外仇恨。

51、For now will I break his yoke from off thee, and will burst thy bonds in sunder. ─── 13现在我必从你颈项上折断他的轭,扭开他的绳索。

52、But the tooltip doesn't make any mention of added threat like the tooltips for other abilities like Shield Slam and Sunder Armor. ─── 但是技能说明里面没有提到任何关于额外威胁值的说明?比如说盾牌猛击和破甲都有说明.

53、These clouds of smoke, puffing, rolling, melting into one another, and sundering apart, trailed all across the wide plain. ─── 时而稀疏,时而稠密,这一带到处可以看见烟团膨胀开来,茂盛起来,汹涌滚动,混成一片。

54、You call that skinny thing a weapon? I could Sunder that by speaking too loudly! ─── 你管那细棍儿叫武器?我说话声音大点就能把它给击破了!

55、after the Great Sundering, sentenced his brother Illidan to imprisonment for having created a second Well of Eternity. ─── 大灾变结束后,以创造了第二座永恒之井为罪名宣判他的兄弟伊利丹入狱。

56、Nothing can sunder us. ─── 什么也不能破坏我们的关系。

57、Shyam Sunder. ─── 盖地。

58、I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron ─── 我必在你面前行,修平崎岖之地。我必打破铜门,砍断铁闩。

59、This is still only 82% of the threat a sunder would give. ─── 可是仍然只有1个破甲的82%仇恨效果。

60、humble things we do over and over again become like bonds of steel that keep our work from sundering. ─── 我们不断重复做着卑微的事情,就像锤炼钢铁一样,让我们的工作不至于分崩离析。

61、Should you desire to sneak in Demoralizing Shout, Battle Shout, Thunderclap, etc then that should replace the Sunder portion of the rotation. ─── 如果你想在过程中穿插搓志怒吼,战斗怒吼,雷霆或者其他技能,那可以在整个循环中替换掉几个破甲。

62、Sunder asymmetric information, adopting the quantity discount policy can"t achieve the supply chain"s optimization, but can optimize the supply chain; ─── 3在非对称信息下,数量折扣策略虽然不能达到整个供应链的最优,但也可优化供应链,降低整个供应链的总成本和供应链各节点企业的成本;

63、Sunder Armor (and similar debuffs) now reduces armor by 4% per application, and is now a single rank. ─── 破甲技能(以及类似的debuff)现在每次叠加时降低4%的护甲,并且只有一个等级。

64、Where were now her discreet plans for sundering their lives for ever? ─── 现在,她那个考虑周到的永远斩断他们之间生活联系的计划哪里去了呢?

65、The shield block/revenge combo is only marginally better for hate generation than sunder armor (with talents). ─── 盾牌挡格+复仇的连续技产生的仇恨只比不停的破甲高一点点。

66、A note on all of the following: Revenge should be used instead of Sunder and Devastate whenever it is available. ─── 对于以下所有内容的前注:可以使用复仇的时候,就绝对不要去用破甲和毁灭打击。

67、The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers. ─── 46在他想不到的日子,不知道的时辰,那仆人的主人要来,重重的处治他,或作把他腰斩了定他和不忠心的人同罪。

68、Feats: Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Casting, Dodge, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Sunder, Weapon Focus (slam, Wand of Orcus ─── 特技:盲斗,顺劈斩,格斗施法,闪避,强力顺劈斩,改良先攻,多次攻击,机动性,猛力攻击,跳跃攻击,撕裂,武器专攻(掌击,奥库斯之杖)

69、If the number of Sunders equals 5, Devastate refreshes the duration of the Sunder debuff to 30 seconds, but does not cause the threat of another Sunder. ─── 如果当前的破甲效果层数是0至4之间,毁灭打击会在目标上作用一个破甲效果.破甲效果将产生其自身的威胁值(301),如同你使用破甲技能一样.这个破甲效果不会耗费你额外的怒气.

70、It may sunder the thrones of gods. ─── 它可以击破众神的宝座。

71、When the Great Sundering shattered the world, mountains pierced the earth and the night elves fled north. ─── 当大分裂破坏了世界的完整,山峰破土而出,暗夜精灵们也都逃往北方。

72、The Well imploded triggering the Great Sundering. ─── 永恒之井内爆,直接造成了大灾变。

73、Then came the Burning Legion and the Great Sundering , which shook ancient Kalimdor to the bedrock. ─── 然而,燃烧军团的来临和世界大分裂震荡了整个原始卡利姆的岩床。

74、The sundering of their natural alliance was met by fear, compliance, resistance, flight, and ironclad distrust. ─── 她们的自然联盟分裂了,伴随而来的是恐惧、顺从、抵抗、溃退和壁垒森严的互不信任。

75、Sunder armor is the same amount of hate per application, regardless of how many sunders are already on.The same is true for demoralizing shout and thunderclap. ─── 一个兽人,一个真正的兽人战士,他一生的追求只有一个:在与敌人的决战中光荣的战死沙场。

76、- By the time of the Great Sundering, military service for the night elves had become more a matter of bloodline than ability. ─── + 在大灾变之前,暗夜精灵服兵役更看重的是血统而不是才干。几乎所有的高级军官都属于贵族阶层。

77、Yes, but your first five Devastate that land on the mob simultaneously apply a Sunder Armor that provides its own 301 innate threat in addition to the innate threat and damage-based threat of Devastate. ─── 是的,但是你对目标的头五次毁灭打击都会应用一个破甲效果,而这在毁灭打击自身的固定威胁值之外又产生了301点破甲威胁值.

78、Her reign led to the War of the Ancients and the Sundering, after which night elf society underwent sweeping change. ─── 她的统治最终导致上古战争和大灾变,暗夜精灵的社会从此发生翻天覆地的改变。

79、ASV To him that divided the Red Sea in sunder; For his lovingkindness [endureth] for ever; ─── 13称谢那分裂红海的,因他的慈爱永远长存。

80、Changing one sunder for a shield slam gives us 318 unmodified. ─── 其中一次破甲改成盾牌猛击,我们得到额外的318点未修正的仇恨值。

81、The Great Sundering triggered the birth of a new ocean, and the rushing waters chased the night elves all the way to Mount Hyjal. ─── 大灾变造成一个新的海洋,汹涌的海水把暗夜精灵都赶上了海加尔山。

82、Does Devastate generate more threat per hit than Sunder Armor? ─── 毁灭打击比破甲产生更多的威胁值吗?

83、If used on an enemy hero, he cannot be lowered beneath 33% hit points with Sunder. ─── 如果贪图一时快感使用换血达贡流,只会让队友陷入绝境。

84、We conduct our talk sunder the wary eyes of politicians, business leaders and workers in both of our countries. ─── 我们还得尽量避免两国的政治家、商业领袖及从业人员的利益关注可能对会谈产生的影响。

85、Thy decree hath shackled Me with unnumbered fetters, and cast about My neck chains that none can sunder. ─── 祢悲悯弗届,即便荒野之禽兽亦供其食物,而本仆人,竟然一度被禁止饮食。

86、Those who break Allah's Covenant after it is ratified, and who sunder what Allah Has ordered to be joined, and do mischief on earth: These cause loss (only) to themselves. ─── 他们与真主缔约之后,并断绝真主命人联络的,且在地方上作恶;这等人,确是亏折的。

87、Despite his sorrow and the lingering effects of his wounds, Cenarius emerged from the Dream not long after the Great Sundering, for he could feel the land cry out for healing. ─── 尽管很悲痛而且伤口还没有痊愈,塞纳留斯在大灾变后不久就离开了翡翠梦境,他能感到大地急切需要治疗。

88、The sunder southern part of the river forms the border between Jordan and Israel and includes part of the Palestinian territories. ─── 河流的南部界定了约旦和以色列,还包括部分巴勒斯坦领土。

89、Devastate: The duration remaining graphic will now display properly for Sunder Armor after it has been refreshed on a target by Devastate. ─── 击毁:击毁刷新的破甲能正确的现实持续时间了。

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