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09-03 投稿



expatriation 发音


英:  美:

expatriation 中文意思翻译



expatriation 网络释义

n. 放弃国籍;流放国外

expatriation 反义词


expatriation 词性/词形变化,expatriation变形

名词: expatriation |动词第三人称单数: expatriates |动词过去分词: expatriated |动词过去式: expatriated |动词现在分词: expatriating |

expatriation 同义词

refugee | colonial | deport | deportee | pilgrim | transport |emigrant | dispossess | migrate | expat | tax exile | exile

expatriation 短语词组

1、freedom of expatriation ─── [法] 放弃国籍自由

2、expatriation allowance ─── [经] 移居国外津贴

expatriation 相似词语短语

1、patriation ─── 父系

2、expropriation ─── n.征收,征用;没收

3、excoriation ─── n.苛责;表皮脱落;剥皮

4、expatiation ─── n.详述,详细的说明

5、elutriation ─── n.[化工]淘析,[土壤]淘洗;[矿业]淘选;洗提

6、repatriations ─── n.遣送回国;调回本国

7、expatriatism ─── n.长期居于国外的境遇

8、expatriating ─── v.移居国外,定居国外;流放,放逐;n.移居国外者,侨民;被流放者;adj.移居国外的;被流放国外的

9、repatriation ─── n.遣送回国;调回本国

expatriation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The graph below shows the top 10 countries with highest expatriation rates for doctors. ─── 以下图表显示了移居国外医生比率最高的10个国家。

2、graph below shows the top 10 countries with highest expatriation rates for doctors. ─── 以下图表显示了移居国外医生比率最高的10个国家。

3、By the 1920s, expatriation to the Europe had become so characteristic a fashion for American writers ─── 到20世纪20年代时,美国作家移居欧洲已经形成了一种风尚。

4、Eight suggestions including higher frequency of top managers' expatriate activities, and the integration between expatriation and international business strategy were also proposed. ─── 本文亦提出增加高阶主管派外活动,结合派外与国际化策略等8项建议,提供未来研究者与企业人士之参考。

5、Handle different types of labor contracts, such as formal, part-time and re-engagement contract, loan or expatriation and so on. ─── 可以处理不同类型的劳动合同如正式合同,兼职合同,返聘合同,借用或外派等情况。

6、However, countries with smaller populations than India and the Philippines may suffer from a larger impact in terms of expatriation rates. ─── 但是,人口比印度和菲律宾少的国家在移居国外的比率方面将承受更大的影响。

7、Similarly, MNCs should stress allowances and incentive bonuses for the expatriation to increase expatriate willingness. ─── 同时,愈重视津贴组合,并提供激励性奖金,亦可提高派外意愿。

8、Lawyers say this rule has never been implemented or enforced but it keeps many mum on their reasons for expatriation. ─── 律师们却说,这条规定从来都不曾得到贯彻,只是让很多人隐瞒了自己的脱籍理由。

9、You are reminded that expatriation often requires knowledge of one or more foreign languages. ─── 你要知道移民需要你了解一种或多种外。

10、" expatriation supporting management effectiveness" : support from parent company‘s top management; ─── “支援服务面”:母公司高层支持海外派遣事宜;

11、This dual tug is apparent in the whole movement of expatriation ─── 这种两面周旋的态度在整个寄居海外运动中极为明显。

12、S. tax on their worldwide income for any of the 10 years following expatriation in which they are present in the U. ─── 大学毕业后,他在一家美国小公司任职,因为他出色的表现和中国的背景,他被该公司派到中国任首席代表。

13、There is an ever increasing number of foreign professionals coming to work in China for either short-term projects or longer-term expatriation. ─── 现在来中国做短期项目或较长期工作的国外专业人士越来越多。

14、He is talking about expatriation. ─── 他正在谈论移居国外的事.

15、freedom of expatriation ─── 放弃国籍自由

16、expatriate; expatriation ─── 移居国外

17、S. tax purposes until they have notified the Secretary of the Department of State or of Homeland Security of expatriation or termination of residency. ─── 还有的人因为税务问题甚至想放弃美国国籍。郭先生7年前就取得了美国公民身份,但随着这些年他在中国的生意越做越好,他开始感到每年的税务不堪重负。

18、By the 1920s, expatriation to the Europe had become so characteristic a fashion for American writers. ─── 到20世纪20年代时,美国作家移居欧洲已经形成了一种风尚。

19、She shared their expatriation, their convictions, their pastimes, their ennui ─── 她与他们有共同的流亡国外的命运,共同的信念,共同的乐趣,共同的苦闷。

20、By the 1920s, expatriation to the Europe had become so characteristic a fashion for American writers. ─── 到20世纪20年代时,美国作家移居欧洲已经形成了一种风尚。

21、Similarly, MNCs should stress allowances and incentive bonuses for the expatriation to increase expatriate willingness. ─── 同时,愈重视津贴组合,并提供激励性奖金,亦可提高派外意愿。

22、And seafarers' expatriation has been proved to be one of the most important ways for the training and accumulation of internationalized or export-oriented Marine economic entrepreneurs. ─── 而海员劳务外派则是国际化、外向型的海洋经济创业人才培养和积累的重要途径。

23、Expatriation and individual measures, such as eugenic sterilization, even had parallels in America. ─── 驱逐出境和个别的方法,如优生绝育,甚至在美国也是并行的。

24、expatriation allowance ─── 离国津贴

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