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09-03 投稿



evocation 发音

英:[?i?vo??ke??n]  美:[?i?v???ke??n]

英:  美:

evocation 中文意思翻译



evocation 词性/词形变化,evocation变形


evocation 相似词语短语

1、avocation ─── n.副业;业余爱好;嗜好

2、advocation ─── n.拥护;支持;辩护

3、revocation ─── n.取消;撤回;废除

4、avocations ─── n.副业;业余爱好;嗜好

5、revocations ─── n.取消;撤回;废除

6、invocation ─── n.(向神或权威人士的)求助,祈祷;咒语;(仪式或集会开始时的)发言,祷文;(法院对另案的)文件调取;(计算机)调用,启用;(法权的)行使

7、evocations ─── n.招魂;唤起;唤出

8、vocation ─── n.职业;天职;天命;神召

9、relocation ─── n.重新安置;再布置;变换布置

evocation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The memory impairment in heroin addicts was mainly the disorder of evocation . ─── 记忆损害主要表现在再现能力障碍。

2、Many of these spells produce spectacular effects, and evocation spells can deal massive amounts of damage. ─── 这些法术中许多可以生产特殊的效果,并且召唤法术可以造成巨大的伤害值。

3、hypothesis evocation ─── 假设引起

4、on the other hand, current potential evocation method and commands of synchronization between transmitter and receiver are also transmitted through the other FM channel simultaneously. ─── 通过另一个调频信道,接收方还能实时获知受测试者的当前意识状态以及实现收发双方的同步。

5、The attributes can all be grouped into four main categories: manipulation, identification, stimulation and evocation. ─── 这些属性可以被分为四个类别:操作性,识别性,激励性和召唤性。

6、Tempest Regalia 2 pieces: Increases the duration of your Evocation ability by 2 sec. 4 pieces: Increases the damage of your Fireball, Frostbolt, and Arcane Missiles abilities by 5%. ─── 风暴神服2件:唤醒的持续时间增加2秒4件:火球、冰箭和奥术飞弹的伤害提高5%

7、More often it implies the evocation of profound, agitating, but usually agreeable, emotion ─── 该词更常用来表示唤起深刻的、骚动的、但通常是令人愉悦的情绪

8、15. This evocation of growth and decay, of the deeply felt complicity between life and death, is demonstrably understood by its young protagonist. ─── 年轻的主角显然是理解这种盛衰相伴、生死相连的意义的。

9、Based on Virtual Instrument technique and Evoc PCL-812PG Multi-function Data Acquisition Card,a measurement system was developed using Delphi 7.0 and the function of AZS-2 soil moisture probe was greatly en- hanced. ─── 采用PCl-812PG数据采集卡,基于虚拟仪器技术,以Delphi作为平台开发了土壤含水量测试系统,对AZS -2土壤水分传感器的功能进行了扩展。

10、"Smooth Criminal" was an evocation of bloody assault, rape and likely murder. ─── “光滑的罪犯”是血淋淋的攻击、强奸和可能的谋杀的召唤。

11、16. This was done to improve functionality of abilities such as Evocation and Innervate so that they did not have wasted“ ticks”. ─── 这一改动是为了提高例如唤醒、动技能的利用效率,防止在计时时造成技能有效时间的浪费。

12、Mages: Fire Ward, Frost Bolt. Evocation and Arcane Power if you have it. All Mages areFrost specced. ─── (法师:火焰护盾,冰箭。如果有唤醒和奥术能量更好。)

13、The Evocation Funeral Amenities In Mediaeval Times ─── 试述中古时期的招魂葬俗

14、Week of Evocation: kill level of all Destructive Magic ell increased to maximum during attles. ─── 毁灭周:所有毁灭魔法等级变为最高级。

15、Evocation: Cooldown reduced to 4 min. ─── 唤醒:冷却时间减少为4分钟。

16、Great Evocation ─── 大招

17、In his minute, unflinching itemization of real, imperfect human bodies Mueck also manages to convey an internal narrative, in a powerful evocation of what we might term psychological realism. ─── 在对真实、不完美的人类身体的巨细无遗的无畏表现中,默克还试图通过一种强有力的、我们可能称之为“心理写实主义”的召唤,传递一种内在的叙事性。

18、This was done to improve functionality of abilities such as Evocation and Innervate so that they did not have wasted "ticks". ─── 这一改动是为了提高例如唤醒、冲动技能的利用效率,防止在计时时造成技能有效时间的浪费。

19、We start not so much with superior capacities as with superior stimuli for evocation and direction of our capacities. ─── 我们初生的时候,与其说是我们有优秀的能力,不如说是我们有引发和指导我们能力的优越的刺激。

20、TPC:I'm a wizard specialist in Conjuration.I chose as my barred schools Evocation and Enchantment. ─── 我是个专精咒法系的法师。我选择了塑能和附魔作为禁制学派。

21、any work of art whose special value lies in its evocation of a historical period. ─── 其特殊价值在于它在一定历史时期的呼唤作用的艺术品。

22、We think mages are still having mana problems and don't want to reduce Evocation's cooldown anymore. ─── 我们认为法师仍然有法力值不够用的问题,但是我们不想再减少唤醒的冷却时间。

23、6. any communication resembling poetry in beauty or the evocation of feeling. ─── 任何类似诗歌一样美或者有同样的感染力的交流。

24、The similarities and differences in "The Grand Evocation" and "The Evocation" are attributive to the local sacral culture by witch and wizard. ─── 楚辞《大招》和《招魂》文本之异同乃巫祭文化使然。

25、1. Flower development can be distinguished by three phases: flowering determination, flower evocation , and floral organ development. ─── 花的发育分为开花决定、的发端和花器官的发育三个阶段。

26、Copies and magnifies the arcane evocation spell cast previous to it. Can only be cast after a critical hit with arcane. ─── 复制并且放大施法者上个奥术召唤法术,攻击目标.只能在使用奥术系法术产生重击效果时才能发动.

27、you seen any good examples of situation evocation among the people you know? ─── 你有没有看见在你认识的人们当中一些“情景引发”的好例子?

28、Currently, the EVOC EIP products fall into two serials, comprising over 400 types, and the overall technology has reached leading level in China and advanced level in the world. ─── 目前,研祥智能旗下的特种计算机主要产品已形成两大系列、400多个型号,整体技术达到“国内领先、国际先进”水平。

29、Evocation,one of the ancient funeral amenities, has many obvious differences between "zhongyuan" and "chu" area. ─── 招魂作为一种丧葬礼仪在古代中原与楚两地有着明显的不同。

30、56. This paper introduces the solution using the EVOC EIP platform andthe advanced industry control technology, which realizes the wireless remotecontrol and measure system of oil field well. ─── 介绍了采用EVOC的EIP平台和利用现有的工业控制技术,实现国内油田油井无线遥控遥测系统。

31、This article reviews the recent research advances of floral formation (including floral induction, identification of inflorescence, floral evocation and floral morphogenesis) in plants (taking example by Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum). ─── 摘要以拟南芥、金鱼草为例,介绍了近几年植物成花(包括成花诱导、花序分生组织的组成、花发端、花器官发生及发育)研究的一些进展。

32、Child asthma of evocation factor of the analysis and the clinical application ─── 小儿哮喘的诱发因素的分析及临床应用

33、So that movie was a very serious evocation of "the bushman", of "the digger" in that context. ─── 对于澳大利亚文化,存在着两种针锋相对的观点。

34、Evocation - Mana restored increased to 75% (up from 60) and duration increased to 10 seconds (up from 8 seconds). ─── 唤醒:增加量由原本的60%增加至75%,持续时间由8秒增为10秒(其实还是一秒回7.5%)

35、Based on the background Song Yu wrote his Evocation, it should be Chuxiang King who was evocated. ─── 宋玉《招魂》的创作背景,当与楚襄王射猎云梦、惊兕失魂有关,其所招应为楚襄王之生魂。

36、7. Against this brilliant evocation of airlessness we may put Whitman's view of the poet. ─── 我们从他这段批评诗人无生气的精采论述中,可以看出惠特曼对于诗人的看法。

37、An image as intense in its evocation of triumph as the image of his weeping in the dought is in its portrayals of heartache. ─── 获得胜利瞬间的狂喜形象也罢,在苦痛当中哭泣的形象也好,都深深撞击了人们的内心。

38、In the calm warm evocation of a long memory, but also the feelings of a stretch of the elegant tastes of life. ─── 在唤出从容温情的久远记忆中,更感受一种舒展高雅的生活品位。

39、is the second work in a series treating the subject fetish. An androgynous, archaic sculpture can in his sexlessness and cold beauty evoc an absurd erotic adoration. ─── 这是一系列对待盲目崇拜的作品当中的第二件。一个半阴阳体的,古代的雕塑在用他的无性的与冰冷的美呼唤着荒谬的对欲望的崇拜。

40、It prefers evocation spells and illusions to help it disguise it self. ─── 他更喜欢塑能系法术和可以辅助伪装自己的幻术。

41、“xing”, which means rousing and exalting the imagination, is the evocation of human sentiment after initiating the poem with the evocation of nature. ─── 兴,就是起兴,是借助其他事物作为诗歌发端,以引起所要歌咏的内容。

42、He thrilled the home audience by speaking in his native Tamil, closing his second acceptance speech with the evocation: "God is great. ─── 他用自己的母语泰米尔语结束了自己的第二次获奖感言,“上帝是伟大的”的欢呼,振奋了观众们。

43、Such reports come from the world's edges, with their evocation of the unknown, the marvellous and the ominous ─── 这些报导是些绝域奇谈,渲染着神奇、不可知的凶兆。

44、He had a power of evocation so intense that each thing he recounted seemed to become visible in the room rarefied by heat. ─── 他的讲述栩栩如生,就好像说到的每样东西都在房间里因为炎热而稀薄的空气中历历可见。

45、For Portuguese speakers these works have long been an evocation of a seafaring heritage in which many take pride. ─── 对于操葡萄牙语的人而言,这些工艺品长久以来激发着许多人引以为傲的航海遗产。

46、It is a vivid evocation of grief and fear in response to the death of a stranger, which remains unexplained. ─── 它生动地唤起了其悲痛和对于陌生人之死的恐惧。

47、The study of evocation and termination of reentry tacbycardia by trans-esophageal atrial pacing ─── 食管心房调搏诱发与终止房室折返性心动过速的研究

48、In situation evocation, we spark a response from people that reinforces a tendency we already have. ─── 在情景引发下,我们从人们那里引发的一个回应会增强我们自己具有的某个倾向。

49、Evocation of the ancestors Evocation des ancetres ─── 召唤祖先

50、The show's highlight is an evocation of the Petit Trianon, the queen's "pleasure house" in the grounds of the royal palace at Versailles. ─── 展出的最亮点是对小特里阿农宫的重现。此座庭园是王后在凡尔赛宫墙里的“乐土”。

51、Based on an evocation of gene targeting in biology and the research to the specification type of syndrome,we offer a novel method for Zangfu syndromes differentiation. ─── 受生物学基因打靶技术的启发和通过对中医脏腑证型分类标准的研究,提出了一种新颖的中医智能脏腑辨证算法,称之为中医脏腑辨证分型算法。

52、An idea is the subjective evocation of an objective fact. ─── 思想观念是客观事实在人头脑中的主观再现。

53、Week of Evocation: Skill level of all Destructive Magic spells increased to maximum during battles. ─── 毁灭周:所有毁灭魔法等级变为最高级。

54、I couldn't let that go, so me, Sigmund and another kid who hung out with us, this twerp named Thomas, pulled out the Lesser Key of Solomon and started an evocation. ─── 我拉不下面子,所以我,齐格蒙特,和另外一个同我们厮混的家伙,那个讨厌鬼托马斯,拿出了“所罗门之匙”书,开始了一场召唤。

55、Spells:In addition to its innate spell-like abilities , an aurak casts spells as an 8th-level sorcerer.It prefers evocation spells and illusions to help it disguise it self. ─── 法术:除了天生的类法术能力,奥瑞克龙人如同8级的术士般施法。他更喜欢塑能系法术和可以辅助伪装自己的幻术。

56、2. Evocation - Is now available to all mages (via trainer), starting at level 20. ─── 唤醒现在是个可以在20级从训练师处学习到技能。

57、This tendency is often tempered by a poetic evocation of the natural world, which recalls both English and oriental landscape genres. ─── 然而这种取向又往往由于作品当中一种自然世界诗意的变化而缓和,这在英国和东方的风景画当中都不陌生。

58、Evocation will no longer be usable while silenced. ─── 沉默时不能唤醒。

59、Therefore, improving the quality is the requirement of the times, the realistic evocation and where the popular will inclines. ─── 正因如此,提高质量成为时代的要求、现实的呼唤和民心所向。

60、" This word crime overpassed the measure of what Marius, who was already greatly agitated by the abrupt evocation of Waterloo, could accept. ─── 马吕斯在突然听见人家提到“滑铁卢”时,他已很紧张了,现在又听人说出“罪行”这种字眼,那就更超出他所能接受的限度了。

61、Have you seen any good examples of situation evocation among the people you know? ─── 你有没有看见在你认识的人们当中一些"情景引发“的好例子?

62、Flower development can be distinguished by three phases: flowering determination, flower evocation , and floral organ development. ─── 花的发育分为开花决定、的发端和花器官的发育三个阶段。

63、It can be divided into four sequential processes: flowering induction, signal transduction, flowering evocation and floral organ formation. The process from flower induction to flower evocation have being the focus of research. ─── 植物的开花可分为四个顺序过程:开花决定(成花诱导)、信号传导、花的发端和花器官发育,其中从成花诱导到花的发端是人们致力研究的一个热点。

64、A Narration Analysis of Huang Jinshu's Novels-the Youthful Appetency, Cultural Evocation, Political Fantasy ─── 黄锦树的小说叙事:青春原欲,文化招魂,政治狂想

65、Mimic I Copies and magnifies the arcane evocation spell cast previous to it. Can only be cast after a critical hit with arcane. ─── 复制并且放大施法者上个奥术召唤法术,攻击目标。只能在使用奥术系法术产生重击效果时才能发动。

66、The moon may be understood as the object of her evocation and location for her self-empowerment, no matter whether it proves her failure. ─── 然而,无论月亮证明了她的努力多么失败,月亮本身仍然是她召唤的对象和自我授权的场点。

67、During the evocation, the bell rang regularly as if pacify the soul of the dead. ─── 招魂时,铜铃规律地当当当响,似在安抚亡者的灵魂。

68、Spells: In addition to its innate spell-like abilities, an aurak casts spells as an 8th-level sorcerer.It prefers evocation spells and illusions to help it disguise it self. ─── 法术:除了天生的类法术能力,奥瑞克龙人如同8级的术士般施法。他更喜欢塑能系法术和可以辅助伪装自己的幻术。

69、Mana Tide seems so much like evocation or innervate, and yet, it still takes 31 points to get, much of which involves sinking points into talents that no one would ever want. ─── 奶水潮汐看上去就和激活唤醒一样,它还要点上31点,前面的点数看上去有不那么吸引人。

70、Free verse evocation of the eerie, shifting images of Shadow which represents the beliefs and ghosts of the past and is brought to life wherever there is light, fire, and a storyteller. ─── 由怪诞的魅影所吟唱的诗歌,反映了古老的传说。只要有光、有火、有吟游诗人,这些魅影就会复活!

71、We think mages are still having mana problems and don't want to reduce Evocation's cooldown anymore.Nor do we want to buff mage armor too much more or using e.g. molten armor seems pointless. ─── 我们认为法师还是有蓝的问题,于是我们准备减少火球、冰箭、冰火球、奥爆、奥冲、奥弹的法力消耗。

72、any communication resembling poetry in beauty or the evocation of feeling ─── 任何类似诗歌一样美或者有同样的感染力的交流

73、a brilliant evocation of childhood in the 1940s ─── 对20世纪40年代童年生活美好回忆的唤起

74、The show's highlight is an evocation of the Petit Trianon, the queen's “pleasure house” in the grounds of the royal palace at Versailles. ─── 展出的最亮点是对小特里阿农宫的重现。此座庭园是王后在凡尔赛宫墙里的“乐土”。

75、To his account of this book Ryback attaches an evocation of the front line, about which Osborn, by a convenient coincidence, wrote a series of journalistic reports. ─── 在对此书的叙述中里拜克赋予了一种处于战场前线的感觉,出于巧合该书作者奥斯本也曾做过一系列关于战事的新闻报道。

76、Feats: Combat Casting, Craft Staff, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Item, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus (evocation), Spell Focus(transmutation). ─── 专长:战斗施法,制造法杖,制造魔杖,制造奇物,闪电反射,抄写卷轴,技能专攻(辨识法术),法术专攻(塑能),法术专攻(变化)

77、I learned to appreciate my sense of smell, whose power of nostalgic evocation is overwhelming. ─── 我对嗅觉的敏感逐渐被唤醒。无与伦比的怀旧气息从鼻孔向我袭来。

78、MSD Buff is now lasting 5 seconds as opposed to 10 seconds. MSD now affects Evocation. ─── 的特效现在只持续5秒而不是10秒,并影响“唤醒”。

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