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09-13 投稿



locative 发音

英:[?lɑ?k?t?v]  美:[?l?k?t?v]

英:  美:

locative 中文意思翻译




locative 网络释义

adj. 表示位置的;位置格的n. 位置格

locative 短语词组

1、locative prefixes ─── 位置前缀

2、locative role ─── [网络] 定位角色

3、locative phrase ─── 定位短语

4、locative case ─── 处所格

locative 相似词语短语

1、evocative ─── adj.唤起的;唤出的

2、placative ─── 安抚的

3、vocatives ─── adj.呼格的;称呼的;n.呼格

4、vocative ─── adj.呼格的;称呼的;n.呼格

5、conative ─── adj.意动的;意欲的;努力企求的

6、donative ─── adj.捐赠的;n.捐赠物

7、lucrative ─── adj.获利多的

8、sociative ─── 社会的

9、locatives ─── adj.表示位置的;位置格的;n.位置格

locative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Temporal-Spatial Cognitive Parallelism of Locative Prepositional Phrases ─── 处所介词短语的时空认知对应

2、Loc Displays the numerical map value of your current location. ─── loc显示你当前在地图内的坐标。

3、The streets across from it as : An street , Phuc street ,Loc street ... ─── 在街道对面是什么?在隔壁是什么?

4、loc who fut af.have.lunch then ?? ─── 地方谁要主焦.吃午餐就??

5、In 1925, the lOC decided to hold both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games in the same year. However,the sessions of the two games would be counted according to how many times that each game was held. ─── 1925年国际奥委会决定,以后与夏季奥运会同年举办冬季奥运会,但后次不同,按实际召开的后数计算。

6、A word in the locative case. ─── 位置格位置格的词

7、in loc frig ─── (=in loco frigido) (拉)置于冷处

8、For business development, LOC Qingdao Branch is looking for Master Mariners, Marine Engineers, Naval Architects, Structural engineers and administration secretary to join our expanding team. ─── 为了业务发展的需要,青岛分公司现诚招船长,轮机工程师、造船工程师及公司行政秘书。

9、loc cit ─── (=loco citato) (拉)在上述引文中, 于引证处

10、This paper reviews the distribution of DA neurons in retina,the loc alization of DA receptors,the physiologi c roles of DA in the retina and new progress in this study field. ─── 叙述了DA神经元在视网膜的分布、DA受体的定位、DA在视网膜的生理功能以及该领域研究的新进展。

11、The comparison includes the secondary category of NP,locative semantic and the sentence construction position of locative phrases. ─── 历时比较的范围是方位短语中NP的次类、方位词的语义以及方位短语句法位置等。

12、Some of the national words have the locality themselves and they can form the locative semantic role by themselves. ─── 其次,方所赋元实词中的趋向动词和置放类动词分属于纯赋元实词和准赋元实词。

13、Constructions with Intransitive Motion Verbs Taking Locative Objects: A Cognitive Exploration ─── 不及物运动动词带处所宾语构式的认知研究

14、locative object ─── 处所宾语

15、Ngo Xuan Loc ─── 吴春禄

16、In order to assist such colleagues, other applicants are asked to explore other possible sources of help before turning to us. If required, the LOC can provide invitation letters. ─── 为了帮助这些同仁,我们吁请其他申请者尽可能地谋求其他经费来源;如果需要,组委会可以提供必要的邀请信。

17、loss of consciousness(LOC) ─── 意识丧失, 失去知觉

18、Therefore, locative prepositions and prepositional phrases typically represent characteristics of spatial cognition in different languages. ─── 因而,不同语言使用的介词或方位词结构也突出反映了它们在空间关系认知上的特点。

19、Hunan Province is blessed with its rich culture, beautiful scenery, unique locative advantage and good economic foundation. ─── 三湘大地有着深厚的文化底蕴、美丽的自然风光、独特的区位优势和良好的经济基础;

20、It can be seen that for the different material properties the characters of frequency band and the degree of loc... ─── 可以通过调谐结构的材料特性来改变弹性波的局部化程度,从而改变波动在结构中的传播特性,达到对结构进行有效振动控制。

21、In January 1948 at the 42nd lOC Session in St Moritz, Switzerland, the International Olympic Committee (lOC) approved the idea of Olympic Day. ─── 1948年1月在瑞士圣莫丽斯第42次会议上国际奥委会通过了奥林匹克日这个计划。

22、On Line Fault Diagnosis of Waveform-Based Recognition on a Loc omotive ─── 基于波形识别的机车电气设备在线故障诊断

23、Diners around the globe have developed a taste for Japanese delicacies like sushi and sashimi, it’s a locative lucrative trade, but scientists warn it’s unsustainable at present levels. ─── 寿司和刺身等日本美食在全球受到欢迎。这是一项利益丰厚的贸易,但科学家提醒现在鱼群数量已经处于不可持续的水平。

24、A Neural Network Approach to Fault Loc ation of Analog Circuits with Tolerance ─── 具有容差的模拟电路故障定位的神经网络实现

25、locative subject ─── 处所主语

26、Soil LOC,POC,LFOC and WSOC for greenhouse vegetable cultivation(710a) decreased by 31.3%,41.7%,45.6% and 42.1%,respectively,compared to the wheatmaize rotation. ─── 7~10a温室大棚栽培的土壤EOC,POC,LFOC和WSOC含量较传统粮田分别下降了31.3%,41.7%,35.6%和42.1%。

27、in loc cit ─── 在上引用文中

28、Soil labile organic carbon(LOC) refers to the fractions of organic carbons that are easy to move and to be oxidized and mineralized, and they are quite available to plant and soil microorganisms. ─── 土壤活性有机碳是指土壤中移动快、稳定性差、易氧化、矿化,并对植物和土壤微生物活性较高的那部分碳,常可用水溶性有机碳、微生物量碳和易氧化碳等来进行表征。

29、view its loc ation on Map, or tap "Details" to v iew its description. ─── 如果找到查询的记录,搜寻结果将会显示在视窗内.点选"地图"检视该记录在地图上

30、Soil LOC had very significant correlations with soil MBC, TOC, TN and FRB, and its content was obviously higher at higher altitudes than at lower altitudes. ─── 土壤有效碳与微生物量碳、土壤总有机碳、细根生物量、土壤全氮之间呈极显著的相关关系.高海拔土壤有效碳含量显著高于低海拔土壤.

31、The preposition frames always acts as locative semantic role.The monosyllable location words always act as marks of the locative semantic role. ─── 带有介词性的方位词属于汉语赋元虚词,往往充当汉语方所题元的标记词,是汉语的赋元手段之一。

32、Chongming demonstratives include 7 basic demonstratives, 7 compound demonstratives ,19 locative demonstratives and 10 temporal demonstratives . ─── 崇明方言的指示词包括7个基本指示词、7个复合指示词、19个表处所的指示词、10个表时间的指示词。

33、locative resultatives ─── 处所义双宾结构

34、Optimality Theory and the Study of English Locative Inversion ─── 优选论与英语方位倒装句研究

35、locative prepositional phrase ─── 处所介词短语

36、BIS values were significantly reduced at LOC as compared to the baseline values before induction in each group ( P < 0.05) . ─── 各组病人诱导意识消失时和意识未消失时脑电双频指数均较基础值下降(P< 0.05)。

37、We are looking for the talent from different areas; but you will work in Xiamen city.Please note the worikng loc...... ... ─── 公司名称:世纪宝姿服装(厦门)有限公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-6-10

38、Furthermore, as opposed to their corresponding normal counterparts, sentences with locative subjects possess the following two major functions: marking distinctive construing strategy and r... ─── 与对应的常规句式相比较,处所主语句主要具有以下两大功能:标示不同的识解方式和突显处所成分。

39、Furthermore, as opposed to its corresponding normal counterpart, the sentence with the locative subject receives an additional valency element, which in turn makes the monovalent verb bivalent. ─── 与对应的常规句式相比,处所主语句增加了一个配价成分,小句中的动词由一价变成了二价。

40、The Relation Between BL Loc Objects and OVV Quasars ─── BL Lac天体与OVV类星体的关系

41、ad loc ─── 在此处

42、Railway rolling stock. Destination or locative outside plate and suspension device. ─── 铁路车辆.列车运行去向牌和悬挂装置

43、Battisti, 62 - Loc. ─── 地址:Via C.

44、The transformation of second category and the change of the sentence construction function caused the grammaticalization of locative. ─── NP的次类变换和句法功能的改变引起了方位词的语法化。

45、View of Chinese Ancestors'Dwelling Style by Chinese Character and Birth of Locative "North" ─── 从汉字看先民居住方式兼论方位词"北"的产生

46、in loc. ─── abbr. =in loco 【拉】在正确的位置上

47、The character “东”is more usually used as a locative, meaning "east". ─── “东”字,后来多借用为方位名词,作“东方”讲。

48、The locative community is an organic whole of the natural community and the human social community. ─── 区域共同体是自然共同体与人类社会共同体的有机统一体.

49、For example, you may not feel the PSPs in this course are fully adequate when you plan to develop a program of several thousand LOC. ─── PSP 是一门教工程师如何瞭解与学习评估自我效能的工程方法。

50、weak locative ─── 弱处所性

51、Locative circumstance is the semantic representation of background information in a clause. ─── 处所环境是小句背景信息的语义表征,大多由处所介词短语加以体现。

52、Prefer LOC payable 60 Days from BOL, which was old terms. ─── 如果你感兴趣的话,请注明价格结构。

53、See our Company Profile About Us 123 OfflineXiamen Baiyuhang Packing Co., LTD is loc... ─── 企业地址:中国.福建省.厦门市.湖里区包装材料

54、In 1924, the lOC decided to add the Winter Olympic Games into the Olympic Games, which would be held at the same year of the Olympic Games once every four years. ─── 1924年国际奥委会开始举办冬季奥 林匹克运动会,冬奥会就成了奥运会的组成部分。

55、In the English locative inversion construction, both the preverbal PP and postverbal NP have mixed functional properties. ─── 在英语处所倒装结构中,谓语动词前面的PP和后面的NP都表现出了混合的功能特征。

56、As for aspect markers le and zhe in locative inversion construction of Chinese, firstly, I present the semantic properties of le and zhe. ─── 对于汉语存现句中体标记词“了”和“着”,首先,我讨论了“了”和“着”的语义特征。

57、locative domain name ─── 位置

58、lat. & loc. ─── (=lateralizing and localizing) 偏侧性和局限性

59、Of course, for all NKD shipment, LOC is necessary.Pls provide the LOC (Letter of Confirmation) when available. ─── 当然,对于所有nkd装运,克什米尔是必要的。

60、Textual Features of Locative Circumstances ─── 处所环境的语篇特征

61、For decades, hundreds of Indian and Pakistani soldiers and civilians have been imprisoned by both sides for straying over the LoC or detained on charges of spying.Many have been sentenced to death. ─── 几十年来,数百位印度与巴基斯坦的士兵与平民因不慎穿越军事缓冲区而遭对方逮捕,并以间谍罪起诉,有多人被判死刑。

62、The findings are: (1) Participants of both age groups show a preference toward post-verbal locative NP packaging if belong to the advanced English proficiency groups. ─── 实验所得到的结果如下:(一)英语能力高的受试者,不论年龄,都较倾向将场地元素包装于动后的位置。

63、ad loc. ─── ad locum 在那地方, ph. =ad locum 【拉】当地

64、Wipe with LOC Towelettes if the stain is dry; ─── 2如污渍已乾透,可用灵验多种用途湿纸巾抹净;

65、The four senses are: the sense of satisfation with thetour, that of peculiar feeling of varied tourist spots, that of hospitality from loc al people, and that of deep impression of thenew spots. ─── 四种旅游感受是指旅游生活享受满足感、旅游景观差异奇特感、市民友好亲切感、事物新奇深刻感;

66、In linguistic form, prepositional phrases are most often used to express locative and spatial relationship. ─── 在语言形式上,空间关系经常表现为由介词或方位词结构表达的位置关系。

67、description of motion involves locative verbs. ─── 运动的描述离不开物移动词。

68、On Origin of the Locative Preposition "Zhuo" ─── 也谈处所介词“著”的来源

69、locative structure ─── 定位结构

70、But you need to make sure the Cargo ready date and LOC received date. ─── 但是你要确保货物准备日期和克什米尔收到日期。

71、Deep Levels in AI_xGa_(1-x)As/GaAs LOC Lasers ─── Al_xGa_(1-x)As/GaAs LOC激光器中的深能级

72、Job location: Jiangnin Development ZoneJob scope:1.Searching and evaluating potential suppliers;2.Communicating with loc...... ... ─── 公司名称:南京商周企业顾问有限公司工作地点:江苏省南京市发布时间:2009-7-21

73、In addition, a locative prepositional phrase is mainly composed of a locative preposition and a nominal group. ─── 此外,处所介词短语主要由处所介词加名词词组组合而成。

74、af-fall.head.over.heels lnk af-search that.nom.invis dog from there loc window gen house ─── 主焦-头往前冲掉下去连词主焦-找那个.主格.不可见狗从那里处格窗户属格家

75、loc dol ─── (=loco dolenti) (拉)用于痛处

76、loc identity name ─── 单元识别名

77、The locative case. ─── 位置格

78、mine locative ─── 工矿机车

79、void setArc (Point2D loc, Dimension2D size, double angSt, double angExt, int closure ─── 将此弧的位置、大小、角跨越和闭合类型设置为指定值。

80、Graph theory model of using locative is set up by analyzing the characteristics of using locative. Then algorithm of it is given by construction method. ─── 通过分析车站作业过程和调车机的解编特性,建立调车机车运用问题的图论模型,运用构造方法给出调车机运用问题的使用算法。

81、#include iostream#include localeusing namespace std;int main( void ){ locale loc( chs );wcout.imbue( loc );wcout ... ─── 内容提要:请问一下,C++中处理汉字,用的是wchar_t 和 wcout 吧?

82、description we need system testers to the ims node mrf, who likes to automate, analyse and fault loc... ─── 学历要求:本科以上|工作经验:|职位类型:|公司规模:500-999人

83、Enshi city lies in the w estern mountain areas of Hubei province, which is a region of the developing w est, so the backward transportation seriously hinders the development of the loc al economy. ─── 恩施州地处鄂西山区,作为国家西部大开发的一个地区,交通落后严重阻碍了当地的经济发展。

84、We now h a ve more th a n 30 employees in Sh a ngh a i a nd h a lf of them a re loc a l ones. ─── 其中一半是本地员工。就我个人而言,希望员工能有认真负责的工作态度,同时性格方面也要开朗活泼充满朝气。

85、On Origin of the Locative Preposition "Zhuo" ─── 也谈处所介词"著"的来源

86、A Cognitive Exploration of Sentences with Locative Subjects ─── 处所主语句的认知研究

87、Recently, I moved into a new house where I found stains and dust on the wallpaper.Using LOC's super cleaning power, everything was shiny and clean in an instant and my hands remained soft. ─── 又例如最近我正在搬新屋,新屋的墙壁有很多污渍及尘垢,我尝试用LOC抹一抹,果然又有效,墙壁立刻回复光洁清爽,不似其他化学清洁剂,用后双手仍十分润滑呢!

88、National Partners/National Suppliers are entities appointed by the LOC with DENTSU's prior written approval for the territory of the host country. ─── 国家合作伙伴/供应商是由全国组委会委任电通事先为东道国境内的书面批准实体。

89、However, information returned by Loc for sequential files is neither used nor required. ─── 但是,既不使用也不需要Loc为顺序文件返回的信息。

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