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refractive 发音

英:[r?'fr?kt?v]  美:[r?'fr?kt?v]

英:  美:

refractive 中文意思翻译



refractive 短语词组

1、refractive index increment ─── [化] 折光指数增量

2、refractive Power ─── [医] 折光力

3、differential refractive index detector ─── [化] 示差折光率检测器

4、mean refractive index ─── [化] 平均折射率

5、extra-refractive index ─── [电] 非常拆射率

6、refractive modulus ─── [电] 折射系数

7、correction of refractive errors ─── [医] 屈光矫正

8、extraordinary refractive index ─── [化] 非常折射率; 非寻常折射率

9、absolute refractive index ─── [化] 绝对折射指数

10、refractive medium ─── 折射媒质

11、relative refractive index ─── [化] 相对折射率

12、Refractive Index Sounding System ─── 折射率探测系统

13、refractive indices ─── [医] 屈光指数, 屈光率

14、ordinary refractive index ─── [化] 寻常折射率

15、refractive index ─── [化] 折光率; 折射率

16、refractive ametropia ─── [医] 折射性屈光不正

17、refractive lens ─── 折射透镜

18、equivalent refractive ─── [医] 折射当量

19、specific refractive power ─── [化] 折射率; 比折射力

refractive 相似词语短语

1、detractive ─── adj.诽谤的;减损的

2、refective ─── 反射的

3、reactive ─── adj.反应的;电抗的;反动的

4、retroactive ─── adj.追溯的;有追溯效力的;反动的

5、reflective ─── adj.反射的;反映的;沉思的

6、refractile ─── adj.折射的;有折射力的;能折射的

7、refracting ─── adj.折射,折射的;v.(使)折射(refract的现在分词形式)

8、retractive ─── adj.缩进的

9、refractively ─── 折射

refractive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At last,based on Lippman-Schwinger integral equation,the newton method is used to solve the reconstruction of the refractive index. ─── 在Lippman-Schwinger积分方程的基础上,用Newton法反演了折射率。

2、A water can refract the brightness that gives the sun. ─── 一滴水可以折射出太阳的光辉。

3、In particular, for the TM case, the biaxial nature of nonlinear refractive index is considered without any approximation. ─── 特别是对于TM波,考虑了非线性折射率的双轴性,没有任何近似。

4、So, professor Gong yajie has highly attainments in refractive surgery. ─── 在屈光手术方面有很高造诣。

5、Measurement and Estimation of Principle Refractive Indices of LYB Crystal[J]. ─── 引用该论文 黄凌雄,赵玉伟,张戈,龚兴红,黄呈辉,魏勇,位民.

6、Ionic polarizability,volume as well as stresses created by the huge difference in Tl~+-Na~+ ionic radii leads to the change of refractive index. ─── Tl+-Na+离子半径巨大差异而产生的应力,离子的极化以及克分子体积导致了折射率的变化。

7、High-performance liquid chromatographic-differential refractive index detective(HPLC-dRI)method was established to determine soyasaponins. ─── 建立了大豆皂甙的高效液相色谱-差示折光(HPLC-dRI)检测方法。

8、Fechner P U,Haigis W,Wichmann W.Posterior Chamber myopia lenses in phakic eyes.J cataract Refract Surg,1996,22(2):178. ─── 中华护理杂志2000年第11期第35卷专科护理作者:陈晓君单位:浙江大学医学院附属第一医院浙益眼科中心310003关键词:近视;人工晶体;有晶体眼...

9、Probability Distributions for the Inner Scale and the Refractive Index Structure Parameter and Their Implications for Flux Averaging. ─── 内尺度和折射指数结构参数的概率分布及其在计算通量平均值值的应用。

10、The article theoretically analyzes the impact of self phase modulation caused by nonlinear refractive index on ultrashort pulse. ─── 从理论上分析了非线性折射率引起的脉冲自位相调制对超短脉冲的影响。

11、In fact, the refractive state of the eye will be altered after surgery, spectacle is still usually needed for better vision. ─── 其实手术后眼睛的屈光度有所改变,配戴眼镜一般可令视力更佳。

12、An eye abnormality, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, resulting from faulty refractive ability of the eye. ─── 屈光不正因眼的折射力缺陷造成的一种不正常的情况,如近视、远视或散光

13、Refractive index is the essential parameter of tissular optical characteristics. ─── 光在生物组织中的传输行为与组织的光学特性有关。

14、Nonlinear Refractive Index Measurement of an ORMOSIL Dopled with Thionine Dye[J]. ─── 引用该论文 吴云,胡丽丽,姜中宏,林位株,魏雄,谢仲辉.

15、Influence of the refractive index of optical cement on Wollaston prisms' transmitting performance[J]. ─── 引用该论文 王海峰,吴福全,郝殿中,王涛,张姗,王晶.

16、Research on refractive index of optical cement used in Glan-Thompson prisms[J]. ─── 引用该论文 王海峰,吴福全,王海龙,王晶,张姗.

17、Depolarized loss, which is induced by temperature dependence of the refractive index, electro-optic coefficient, and by thermal-stress, is calculated. ─── 在此基础上得到了折射率随温度变化、电光系数随温度变化、及应力双折射引入的退偏损耗。

18、The bigger the refractive index ratio of two primitive dielectrics of one-dimensional photonic crystals is,the narrower the transmission band is. ─── 一维光子晶体的两基元介质折射率比值越大,产生的透过带越窄;

19、As with any surgery, refractive surgery carries risks, including. ─── 正如任何外科手术,屈光手术也有风险,包括如下。

20、Keywords: bismuth titanate, nanoparticle, polyacrylate, sol-gel, hybrid material, refractive indices, dielectric constant. ─── 关键词:铋钛氧化物、米拉子、克力、凝胶法、合材料、射率、电常数。

21、A condition in which the refractive power of one eye differs from that of the other. ─── 屈光参差,两眼屈光不等一只眼和另一只眼的屈光力不同的状况

22、There is difference in the refractive power of the two eyes. ─── 两只眼睛的屈光能力不一样。

23、The creative intention that causes the non-realism tendency is the creative idea that animal fiction can refract social reality of people. ─── 对于动物小说非写实性倾向形成的创作动机的分析,本文认为其动物小说的非写实性倾向是作者折射社会现实的创作理念选择的结果。

24、Fusion-welded multifocal photochromic ophthalmic lenses are composed of photochromic major lense and high refractive index segments lense. ─── 变色熔合双光镜片由变色大片和双光小片两部分玻璃材料组成。

25、This paper introduces a method with which the compositions of THF solutions can be determined by measuring their refractive indexes. ─── 应用阿贝折射仪测量四氢呋喃(THF)溶液的折光率,以确定THF的水及乙醇溶液的组成。

26、Refractive surgery was one of developing research fields in ophthalmology. ─── 屈光性手术是当前眼科界发展最快的前沿领域之一。

27、Eyenet - information on eye anatomy and health, diseases and conditions, consumer advocacy, and refractive surgery. ─── 介绍眼部解剖,保健,疾病,生理条件,及外科手术等信息。

28、This paper introduces the theorem,method,procedure for measurement glass refractive indix by using Brewster law. ─── 介绍应用布儒斯特定律测定玻璃折射率的原理、方法和步骤。

29、High-performance liquid chromatographic-differential refractive index detective(HPLC-dRI)method was established to determine group A soyasaponins. ─── 建立了A类大豆皂甙的高效液相色谱-差示折射(HPLC-dRI)检测方法。

30、The Bistable Properties of Nonlinear Bragg Cavity Containing Negative Refractive Index Materials[J]. ─── 引用该论文 蒋美萍,陈光,陈宪锋,沈小明,巢小刚,是度芳.

31、Due to insufficient eye care in remote areas, the refractive status of aboriginal schoolchildren has not been well established. ─── 因为偏远地区眼科照护医疗之不足,原住民学童之屈光状态没有建立出完整之资料。

32、Small CD, refract an economy actually, of culture, the more important intention that still the idea goes up. ─── 小小光盘,其实折射出经济的、文化的,更重要的还有观念上的内涵。

33、Presence of two maximums in two order scattering intensities of Debye series is determined by radius and refractive index of a two-layered cylinder. ─── 双层圆柱各层半径和折射率的值对德拜级数二阶散射强度角分布中峰值的出现起决定作用。

34、Besides increase the realness and make it more convient to make comments, the use of first personcan also refract the author's experience. ─── 使用第一人称除能增加真实性及便于发表议论外,还能将作者自己的际遇更好地折射其中。

35、Abstract: Objective: To discuss the selection of corneal or lens refractive surg ery in middle-aged and elderly patients with myopia. ─── [摘 要] 目的: 探讨中老年近视患者的角膜屈光手术和 晶状体屈光手术的选择。

36、Photorefractive polymers have better photo refractive effect,and polymer intermingling Azo compound and PMMA have nonlinear optical(NLO) and stability. ─── 光折变聚合物具有良好的光折变效应,采用以惰性聚合物PMMA为基体,掺杂偶氮化合物染料的光折变聚合物具有较好的光学非线性和稳定性。

37、Influence of Medium Layer Thicknesses on Bragg Microcavity Containing Negative Refractive Index Materials[J]. ─── 引用该论文 蒋美萍,陈光,陈宪锋,沈小明,王旭东,是度芳.

38、We also measured the photoinduced refractive index change of thin films containing core material with different concentration. ─── 在实验中测量了含偶氮材料的薄膜的光致折射率改变值。

39、Fiber gratings can be viewed as a periodic high and low refractive index multilayer thin film stack. ─── 光纤光栅可以看作为周期性高、低折射率相间的多层薄膜叠合结构。

40、Because of dispersion,gems have a different refractive index for each wavelength of light. ─── 因为散射的原因,宝石对不同波长的光有不同的折射率。

41、The Influence of Annealing Treatment on the Refractive Index Profiles of Ion-implanted Lithium Niobate Planar Waveguides[J]. ─── 引用该论文 卢菲,孟鸣岐,李伟,王凤翔,王克明,邴永红.

42、The form of the refractive index variation in waveguide in separate confinement heterostructure (SCH) affects directly the far field ... ─── 分别限制异质结构 ,波导层折射率的变化形式不同 ,直接影响输出光的远场分布。

43、Radial Keratotomy(RK)and Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) are other refractive surgeries used to reshape the cornea. ─── 其他用于角膜重新塑形的外科手术还有放射状角膜切开术(RK)和光性折射角膜切削术(PRK)。

44、Optical glass of low dispersion and low refractive index. ─── 低色散、低折射率光学玻璃。

45、The refractive index of one kind of micro-structured fiber were studied by optical ray theory, the distribution of refractive index is gived. ─── 应用射线理论对一种微结构光纤包层的折射率进行了计算,给出了折射率分布的精确解。

46、Characterization of Photoinduced Refractive Index Change in the Azobenzene Doped Polymer[J]. ─── 引用该论文 郑国梁,黎扬钢,罗洋城,陆伟,佘卫龙.

47、Optical interference takes place in a thin transparent wedge of refractive index m. ─── 光的干涉发生在折射率为m的薄的透明的楔形物里。

48、Optical interference takes place in a thin transparent wedge of refractive index m. ─── 光的干涉发生在折射率为m的薄的透明的楔形物里。

49、What is a refractive error? ─── 什么是屈光不正?

50、The excimer laser refractive surgical instrument can be used to correct myopia,hyperopia,astigmatism diopter. ─── 准分子激光眼科治疗机可以用来进行近视、远视、散光等屈光不正的矫正手术。

51、The IAD increases the packing density of TiO2 films by 20%, hence the refractive index arises from 2.03 upto 2.37. ─── TiO_2薄膜的聚集密度提高了20%,折射率从常规工艺的2.03提高到2.37。

52、The luster depend on the refractive index of all kind of mineral which consist of the rock, also depend on the micro structure of the stone surface. ─── 光泽度的大小一方面取决于组成岩石的各种矿物的折射率的大小,另一方面与石材表面的微观结构密切相关。

53、A unit of measurement of the refractive power of lenses equal to the reciprocal of the focal length measured in meters. ─── 屈光度透镜或棱镜折光率的一种量度,等于以米计算焦距之倒数

54、Eccentric photorefraction is a method of measuring the refractive state of human eye by capturing a frame of pupillary image remotely. ─── 偏心摄影验光法是一种根据一定距离上拍摄的眼瞳图像测量人眼屈光状态的方法。

55、Especially, it is more effective in situations that the radius of curvature of the waveguides and the refractive index of materials are set beforehand. ─── 尤其是在弯曲光波导曲率半径、材料折射率等参数被设定的情况下,该种设计方法成为一种有效的设计方法。

56、A new system of fiber optic temperature sensor are designed on the based of the relationship between temperature and refractive index of liquid. ─── 利用液体的温度和折射率之间的内在联系,设计了一种新型光导纤维温度传感器系统。

57、In this paper,a novel method for refractive microlens array fabrication is introduced.Its main idea is similar to that of gray-scale mask method. ─── 介绍了一种制作折射型微透镜列阵的新方法,其主要思想参考了灰阶掩模法。

58、FANG XJ,XU CX.A refractive status analysis of child concomitant exotropia[J].Us Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology,2002,1(2):75-76. ─── [2]房学军,徐春香.儿童共同性斜视的屈光状态分析[J].美中国际眼科杂志,2002,1(2):75-76.

59、Eccentric photorefraction (EPR) is a technique for measuring the refractive state of the human eye. ─── 偏心摄影验光(EPR)是测量人眼屈光状态的一种简便方法。

60、Refractive Index and Absorption of Cobalt Phthalocyanine Thin Film[J]. ─── 引用该论文 陈启婴,顾冬红,干福熹.

61、Nexus - information on refractive and cataract surgery, corneal topography and topographers. ─── 屈光矫正,白内障手术,角膜地形图的有关信息。

62、The experiment results show that our OCT system is able the detection as small as 0.5% change of refractive index of the solution. ─── 实验结果表明,OCT系统能够分辨散射模型0.5%的折射率变化,初步达到了血糖检测的精度要求。

63、The technique can image variations in what is known as the refractive index of air - in essence, the speed of light in a given medium. ─── 这项技术能够使空气折射率图形化-本质上就是特定介质下的光速。

64、An instrumeut for measruring the refractive index of optical materials(germunium,silicon etc)is introduced. ─── 介绍一种可测锗、硅等红外光学材料折射率的测试仪器。

65、Seven children (1.82%) were refractive amblyopic, for which high hyperopia, astigmatism or anisometropia were the main causes. ─── 七位学童(1.89%)有屈光性弱视,其中远视,散光及不等视是主要因素。

66、For a straight coastline with a uniform bottom slope, we got some calcalating diagrams about irregular wave s refractive coefficient ksr. ─── 其结果得到了不规则波折射系数ksr的计算图。

67、Frequency-Resolved Optical Gating Using Refractive Dammann Gratings[J]. ─── 引用该论文 刘文军,李国伟,戴恩文,周常河.

68、This article reviewed the principle about wave-front aberration,and induced its using in refractive surgery. ─── 对波前像差的相关理论及其在屈光手术中的应用进行了综述。

69、Binocular vision in refractive accommodative esotropia. ─── 屈光性调节性内斜视的双眼视觉

70、In this paper,the principle and method on measuring refractive index of milky liquids are introduced with SPR sensor. ─── 介绍了用SPR传感器测量乳状液体折射率的原理和方法。

71、Light-induced Refractive Index Changes in Doped SBN Crystals under External Electric Field[J]. ─── 引用该论文 赵建林,李碧丽,杨德兴,张鹏,李振伟.

72、three most common refractive errors are ─── 最常见的屈光不正有三种

73、The measurement of refractive index inhomogeneity of optical glass with laser hol lography was presented. ─── 介绍了用激光全息照相测量光学玻璃的折射率不均匀性的方法。

74、His piano works can refract out the general situation and main features of Chinese piano music composition to a certain degree. ─── 他的钢琴音乐作品在一定程度上可以折射出中国钢琴音乐创作的概貌和主要特色。

75、The ratio between the speed of light in a vacuum and that in a material is known as the material's refractive index. ─── 光在真空中的速度与在物体内速度的比率被称为物体的折射指数。

76、The experiment method of measuring refractive index of transparent liquid with spectrometer is improved. ─── 介绍了利用三棱镜和分光计测量透明液体折射率的一种实验方法。

77、Abstract: Objective: The study was designed to investigate refractive status and its effect on the management of periodic esotropia by surgery. ─── [摘 要] 目的: 探讨周期性内斜视的屈光状态与治疗方法。

78、There are more than 10, 000 cases of refractive surgery such as RK, PRK, LASIK, and LASEK and so on has been undertaken by him since 1992. ─── 1992年至今,他先后开展了RK、PRK、LASIK和LASEK等屈光矫治手术数万例,特别是近年,个人每年开展的屈光手术逾7000例;

79、Theoretical Calculation and Experimental Measurement of Photoinduced Refractive Index Change of Bacteriorhodopsin Film[J]. ─── 引用该论文 董卫斌,姚保利,门克内木乐,王英利,郑媛,雷铭,陈国夫.

80、Laser in situ keratomileusis(LASIK) is the most widely performed corneal refractive surgery with profound future. ─── 准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(LASIK)是目前应用最广,最具发展前途的角膜屈光手术。

81、Although the prevalence increased with age, the annual change in mean refractive status was slower in the schoolchildren of mountain aborigines. ─── 尽管年龄愈高,近视盛行率愈高,但原住民学童之年平均屈光变化似乎较缓慢。

82、Birefringent A fiber optic term. Having a refractive index that differs for light of different polarizations. ─── 一种光纤术语。折射率与不同极化的光折射率不同。

83、Excimer laser cornea] refractive surgery has developed rapidly with adaptation of the laser device and improving of the control system. ─── 准分子激光角膜屈光性手术,随著激光设备的改进及控制系统的逐步完善,已经得到很大的发展。

84、That concentric arrangement of refractive indices serves to guide the light pulses along the fiber. ─── 以同心圆的排列改变折射系数,可以引导光脉冲沿著光纤跑。

85、It is well known that the fiber core refractive index control in fiber fabrication is important, especially for erbium doped fiber (EDF). ─── 在光纤研制过程中掺铒光纤(EDF)的纤芯折射率控制尤为关键。

86、The function n(x, y)is known as the refractive index profile. ─── 函数n(x,y)称为折射率分布。

87、In the part of physical characteristics, the thickness and refractive index of the deposited films were measured by spectroscopic Ellipsometery. ─── 在物理特性方面,利用全波长椭圆仪来量测镀膜的厚度及折射率;

88、Besides, it compares the refractive index structure constant with two different empirical formulas of outer scale from Coulman and Dewan. ─── 对比分析表明:利用外尺度或湍流能量耗散,结合常规气象参数,都能够估算出折射率结构常数。

89、Further more, as the dynamic detection range is wide, the device can be used for detecting refractive index of various liquid widely. ─── 检测动态范围大,可以广泛用于各种液体折射率的检测。

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