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centennial 发音

英:[sen'ten??l]  美:[s?n't?n??l]

英:  美:

centennial 中文意思翻译



centennial 网络释义

adj. 一百年的n. 百年纪念

centennial 词性/词形变化,centennial变形

副词: centennially |

centennial 短语词组

1、centennial garden ─── 百年花园

2、Centennial State ─── 百年州(美国科罗拉多州别名)

3、Centennial Legion of Historic Military Commands ─── 百年历史军事司令部军团

4、centennial district ─── 百年纪念区

5、centennial colorado ─── 科罗拉多一百周年纪念

6、centennial miniseries ─── 百年纪念系列

7、dees doughnuts near centennial ─── 迪丝甜甜圈近百年

8、centennial party ─── 百年庆典

9、centennial park ─── 世纪公园百年纪念公园

10、greens at centennial ─── 百年纪念时的果岭

11、centennial park bombing ─── 百年公园爆炸案

12、centennial college ─── 百年理工学院

13、centennial academy ─── 百年学院

14、Centennial Legion of Historic Milit ─── 百年历史军团

15、centennial vineyards ─── 百年葡萄园

16、centennial olympic park ─── 百年奥林匹克公园

17、Civil War Centennial Association ─── 南北战争百年协会

18、centennial bank ─── 百年银行

19、crustal movement in centennial ─── 百年地壳运动

centennial 相似词语短语

1、centennials ─── adj.一百年的;n.一百周年;一百周年纪念

2、tercentennial ─── n.三百周年纪念;三百年纪念日的庆祝(等于tercentenary);adj.三百周年纪念的(等于tercentenary)

3、bicentennial ─── n.二百周年纪念(等于bicentenary);adj.二百周年纪念的(等于bicentenary)

4、centenarian ─── n.百岁或百岁以上的人;百岁人瑞(指德高望重常受敬重的人);adj.百岁或百岁以上的;人瑞的(德高望重常受敬重的)

5、bicentennials ─── n.二百周年纪念(等于bicentenary);adj.二百周年纪念的(等于bicentenary)

6、septennial ─── adj.连续七年的;七年一次的

7、centennially ─── adv.每百年一次地

8、tricentennial ─── adj.三百年的;三百周年纪念的;n.三百周年

9、vigentennial ─── n.20周年纪念

centennial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Centennial Lecture Series in Economics CCER, Peking University ─── 北大百周年校庆经济学系列讲座

2、The semi centennial policies of price cutting and fixing lead to the abnormality of the charge standard of medical services ─── 半个世纪的降价和限价政策,导致了医院的畸形收费

3、While the secret society went through its centennial transmutation, it also influenced the centenary changes of Hunan modern history. ─── 会党在经历着自身的百年嬗变的同时,也影响着近代湖南历史的百年变迁。

4、Centennial Historical Retrospect of in vitro Fertilization ─── 体外授精技术研究百年历史回顾

5、He did not return to teaching until 1106, persuaded by those who believed he was a centennial renewer of Islam. ─── 1106年被劝说回尼札米亚学院讲学。

6、The development and evolution of the open & learning society is at this distance of semi centennial, it give expression to its internality hypostasis: people need exaltation their ability through learning constantly; ─── 开放性的学习型社会经过近半个世纪的发展沿革,其内在本质表达出:人需要不断地学习来提升能力;

7、Evident spatial-temporal variation exists in atmospheric water resource, and the decadal and centennial change of atmospheric water resource is attracting more attention from scientific community. ─── 我国大气水资源存在着明显的空间分布差异和时间变化特征,其年代以上时间尺度的变化尤其引人注目。

8、Spirit of Place --With Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta as an Example ─── 场所精神--以亚特兰大百年奥林匹克公园为例

9、As we engage in this part of our Centennial celebration, it will be a positive demonstration that at the age of 100 years, Rotary International is still strong, healthy, and very attractive. ─── 我们在社员成长上所作努力,也可以用来证明国际扶轮虽然已经100岁,但依旧强大、健康,并具吸引力。

10、Inspired by Roman triumphal arches, this structure was erected in 1889 to celebrate the centennial of George Washington‘s inauguration. ─── 华盛顿广场拱门的设计灵感来自于罗马凯旋拱门,于1889年为了庆祝乔治华盛顿就职典礼100周年而建。

11、View on Centennial Shanghai from Japan ─── 从日本看上海的百年

12、Finding New Paths to the Depths of Physics: Martin Klein and His Einstein Centennial Lecture in ─── 寻找通往物理学深处的新途径:马丁·克莱因及其爱因斯坦研究

13、General Motors (GM) closed out its centennial year having to ask the U. S. taxpayers for loans to survive. ─── 通用汽车走过了一百年,却在这百年纪念之际,为了生存向美国纳税人提出贷款申请。

14、Eminent physicists from all over the world came to the United States to celebrate the centennial of Einstein's birth . ─── 全世界著名的物理学家来到美国,庆祝爱因斯坦诞生一百周年。

15、Centennial History of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Vol. 1: The Mount Wilson Observatory ─── 华盛顿的卡内基协会百年史:威尔逊天文台,第1卷

16、In 1978, the RI Convention in Tokyo set a standing attendance record of 39,834 that many Rotarians are hoping will be broken at the centennial convention in 2005. ─── 1978年国际扶轮东京年会创下了至今尚未被打破的39,834人的出席人数,有许多扶轮社员希望2005年扶轮百周年国际年会将打破这项纪录。

17、The takeover for Centennial Coal has certainly come about with the removal of some of that uncertainty. ─── 对Centennial煤炭公司的收购肯定正是伴随着那些不确定因素的排出而来。

18、A Centennial Review of the Research on Xu Wei ─── 徐渭研究百年述评

19、Fudan University Centennial Anniversary Celebration ─── 复旦百年庆典晚会

20、Thoughts on Looking Back to Centennial Shanghai and China ─── 回看上海和中国百年有感

21、The GR curves fluctuation on millennial or centennial scale is also significant.It is the timescale that occupies an important position in the Quaternary paleoclimatic researches. ─── 时间标尺的确定是第四纪古气候研究的基础,由于近年来古地磁界限年代经过多次调整,有必要建立新的轨道调谐时间标尺,以便更好地进行全球对比。

22、centennial scale ─── 世纪尺度

23、Upon the centennial Study and Prospects of Individual Diversity in Educational Psychology ─── 教育心理学个体差异研究的百年历史轨迹及展望

24、Create a permanent sign, plaque, or inscription at the project site that identifies both the sponsoring Rotary club and Rotary's Centennial year. ─── 于该计划之所在地设计一种持久永久的标志、匾额或碑文以兹辨识主办扶轮社与扶轮百年纪念年。

25、He joins students at Tainan's Liuying Primary School to celebrate the school's centennial. ─── 他赴台南参加柳营小校百年校庆

26、Chou, S.M. (1999). To explore gaps in expectation of nursing service between patients and nurses. Poster presentation in the ICN s Centennial Conference in London, England. ─── 李天行、周守民、庄秀铃“积极转型的盛达电子实业公司”,第四届企业国际化经营管理个案研讨会,国立成功大学,台南,2001年4月。

27、Reshaping curriculum and education for engineering in agriculture--For the Centennial Anniversary of China Agricultural University ─── 农业工程类学科教育与课程整合--庆祝中国农业大学百年校庆

28、I would like to begin by congratulating all of you, the students, the faculty, the administrators, on celebrating the centennial year of your university. Gongxi, Beida. (Applause. ─── 在北大百年校庆之际,我首先要向你们全体师生员工、管理人员祝贺。恭喜了,北大!(掌声)

29、Having been chosen as the host of the Centennial 1996 Summer Olympics, Atlanta, Georgia, needs to balance the euphoria of selection with the reality of long-term pragmatism. ─── 佐治亚州亚特兰大市已被选为1996百年夏季奥运会的东道主,因此有必要使中选的兴高采烈心情和长期的实用主义的现实相平衡。

30、Eminent physicists from all over the world came to the United States to celebrate the centennial of Einstein's birth . ─── 全世界著名的物理学家来到美国庆祝爱因斯坦诞生一百周年。

31、The fire-system design of the centennial auditorium of Peking university is discussed and the scheme of it is presented. ─── 介绍了北京大学100周年纪念讲堂工程中消防设计的有关问题,提出了做法。

32、Celebration on Centennial Anniversary of Shuguang Hospital ─── 世纪曙光铸造辉煌

33、President Lee Bollinger was conferred honorary doctoral degree of PKU, and the ceremony was held at Centennial Hall. ─── 学位授予仪式于百周年纪念讲堂一层纪念大厅举行。

34、A couple of weeks after my husband and I got home, still thinking of Owens and his charming ponies, I went online and found it was the centennial show of the Welsh Pony and Cob Societyof America. ─── 就在我和丈夫回家后几周时间里,我一直惦念着欧文斯和他可爱的小马驹,并在网上发现了一个美国威尔士马驹及短腿壮马协会的百年纪念展览。

35、So, if you guys have interest in my story in Centennial, I will post something when I have time. ─── 因此,如果你们在我的故事上有兴趣在一百周年纪念,我将张贴某事,当我有时间。

36、centennial Olympics was in Atlanta, Georgia. ─── 奥运会百年庆典在乔治亚州的亚特兰大举行。

37、What else do you know about the Centennial State? ─── 你还知道这个百年州的什麽事迹呢?

38、Only 100,000 of the 700,000 Olympic souvenir bricks of a Centennial Olympics walkway had been sold by January, 1996 ─── 到1996年1月份,70万块奥运百年庆典人行道的奥运纪念砖只售出了10万块。

39、The year 2008 is the centennial of the Tunguska event.We hope it will also be the year the Tunguska mystery is solved. ─── 2008年正好是通古斯卡事件100周年,我们希望也会是解开通古斯卡之谜的一年。

40、Relationship between coloration and sugar accumulation in fruit of Vitis vinifera L. grown in greenhouse was studied using red cultivar Red Globe and white cultivar Centennial Seedless. ─── 摘要以红色类型红地球和白色类型无核白鸡心为试材,研究了南方设施栽培条件下欧亚种葡萄果实着色与糖积累的关系。

41、For media enquiries, please contact Miss Janet Yeung Tel: 2857-8555 9374-0579, Centennial Campus Development Office, The University of Hong Kong. ─── 传媒查询,请联络香港大学百周年校园事务处杨杰逊小姐Janet Yeung,电话:2857-8555 9374-0579。

42、I want to be centennial one pine and cypress, ─── 我多么想做一株百年的松柏,

43、Keywords international tungsten industry;centennial development;development prospect; ─── 世界钨业;百年发展历程;发展前景;

44、Building one centennial corporation, setting one international brand” is the steadfast goal of Da Fengfan. ─── 建百年企业,创国际品牌”是大风范坚定的目标。

45、Eminent physicists from all over the world came to the United States to celebrate the centennial of Einstein's birth. ─── 全世界著名的物理学家来到美国庆祝爱因斯坦诞生一百周年。

46、Centennial Review and Theorization of Chinese Plays ─── 中国话剧百年述论

47、While the secret society went through its centennial transmutation,it also influenced the centenary changes of Hunan modern history. ─── 会党在经历着自身的百年嬗变的同时,也影响着近代湖南历史的百年变迁。

48、Centennial Seedless ─── 无核白鸡心

49、1982 was the centennial of Charles Darwin's death. ─── 1982年是查尔斯·达尔文逝世100周年纪念。

50、East of Elliston Place and abutting the university, Centennial Park is the site of the mock. ─── 埃利斯顿的东面和邻接大学的地方,有百年纪念公园,它是模拟来的地方。

51、What a moment it will be when we ring the Centennial bell to signify the opening of the Centennial Convention in Chicago! ─── 当我们宣布在芝加哥敲响百年纪念钟,象徵百周年纪念年会正式开始时,那会是多美好的一刻!

52、Stanford has recognized her with the Centennial Teaching Award and the Forsythe Award for her outstanding contribution to undergraduate education. ─── 斯坦福大学授予她百年教学奖(Centennial Teaching Award)和弗西斯奖(Forsythe Award),以表彰她对大学教育的突出贡献。

53、Rotary can reap a lot of goodwill from the public exposure received during the yearlong activities marking its centennial. ─── 从持续一年的百周年的活动期间,扶轮能够从公众展现过程中获得许多的亲善。

54、Mark met his father for the first time at the centennial celebration of the cathedral's construction. ─── 在大教堂建成一百周年的庆祝活动上,马克第一次见到了他的父亲。

55、Participate in the Centennial Twin Club program. ─── 参与百周年孪生扶轮社计划。

56、After a centennial development, Chinese social sciences have become the subject of modern Chinese culture. ─── 摘要中国社会科学经过一百年的发展,成为中国现代文化的主体。

57、Centennial Vicissitude of Kunqu Art ─── 昆曲艺术的世纪之旅

58、After much experimentation, the first telephone was exhibited at the Centennial Exposition of 1876 in Philadelphia. ─── 在多次实验后,第一部电话在费城 1876年百周年工业博览会上展出了。

59、The occasion was the launch of a report prepared by the Centennial Group for this year's Emerging Markets Forum. ─── 当时正值百年纪念集团(CentennialGroup)发布其为新兴市场论坛(EmergingMarketsForum)编制的一份报告*。

60、During the centennial period, the subject research underwent ups and downs, prosperities and declines, presented a devious and progressional picture in front of us. ─── 在这100年中,学科研究时起时伏,几番达于兴盛,又几度陷入低谷,呈现出一幅曲折前进的画面。

61、The book studies the centennial evolution of libraries in the semi-feudal and semi-colonial Shanghai from the cultural perspective. ─── 本书从文化学的视角论述我国半殖民地半封建社会环境下上海百年近代图书馆事业发生、发展的演变过程。

62、21th centennial knowledge economy ─── 二十一世纪知识经济

63、Centennial Journey of Nantong Museum ─── 南通博物苑的百年历程

64、"Our family has been very proud to be associated with the Montreal Canadiens over the past eight years and particularly to be a part of their Centennial Season," Gillet said after confirming the deal. ─── “在过去八年中我们的家一直非常自豪能够与蒙特利尔加拿大人相伴,特别是这个百年纪念的赛季,”吉列维迪在确认交易时说。

65、All Philippine Airlines flights (including passengers holding EconoLight Class tickets) will depart/arrive at the NAIA Centennial Terminal 2. ─── 1号是国际航线,我们抵达马尼拉和离开马尼拉都是经过这个航站楼地。

66、A young egg salesman from Ohio named Ben Feldman, who was previously turned down by the Company,centennial, in keeping with a nation at war and in mourning. ─── 4月12日,公司低调庆祝一百周年纪念,当时恰逢二次大战以及全国哀悼。

67、Attended the Asian Chinese Entrepreneurs Summit and the 100th Centennial Gala Dinner of Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry. ─── 商贸组主任叶保伻参与新加坡中华总商会100周年庆会后旅游观光、商业及教育考察。

68、Why we choose Centennial College? ─── 为什么选择百年理工?

69、China Film Centennial Tour in Europe ─── 中国电影百年欧洲巡礼

70、centennial of journals ─── 学报百年

71、The Centennial of the Establishment of the Red Cross Society of China ─── 中国红十字会成立一百周年

72、However, Zhou Xinhao, director of Zhejiang Modern Drama Troupe, said they would use the opportunity of the centennial anniversary to raise interest in drama. ─── 但是,浙江话剧团团长周信浩说,他们要利用话剧百年华诞这一良机,来提升人们对于话剧的兴趣。

73、The effect of centennial seedless bagged with wax paper bag was best, which increased the content of vitamin C and made the content of solubility solid significantly higher than that of CK. ─── 无核白鸡心葡萄以蜡纸袋的效果最好,增加了维生素C的含量,可溶性固形物的含量也显著高于对照。

74、The Speech on the Occasion of the Centennial of Beijing Normal University ─── 在庆祝北京师范大学建校一百周年大会上的讲话

75、Centennial celebrations have been a common occurrence of late as the industry as a whole begins to push past the 100-year mark. ─── 百年纪念活动已司空见惯晚作为整个行业的开始,推动过去的100年纪念。

76、In Australia you can see a lot of gum trees. In the centennial park there is no exception. ─── 在澳大利亚你可见许多澳洲橡胶树,百年纪念公园也随处可见这很有特色的橡胶树。

77、On December 6th, Professor Alain Pompidou, President of the European Patent Office was awarded the honorary doctor's degree of Peking University at the Centennial Hall, PKU. ─── 12月6日,欧洲专利局局长阿莱蓬皮杜教授在北京大学百年纪念讲堂被授予北京大学名誉博士学位并发表了演讲。

78、The effect of centennial seedless bagged with wax paper bag was best,which increased the content of vitamin C and made the content of solubility solid significantly higher thanthat of CK. ─── 无核白鸡心葡萄以蜡纸袋的效果最好,增加了维生素C的含量,可溶性固形物的含量也显著高于对照。

79、Marked its centennial in June ─── 在六月庆祝一百周年

80、Centennial Legion of Historic Military Commands ─── 有百年军事指挥史的军团

81、We opened a booth at Centennial Park on 3rd September 2006 at the invitation of Methodist Pilley Institute in conjuction with their camp. ─── 我们应毕理学院的邀请于2006年9月3日乘毕理的营会在百周年纪念园开放我们的介绍摊位。

82、It is in this spirit that I humbly accept the Centennial Nobel Peace Prize. ─── 正是本着这种精神,我谦卑地接受诺贝尔百年和平奖。

83、Measures Adaptable to the Building of the Centennial Apple Garden ─── 建设世纪苹果园的对策

84、To celebrate the group's centennial, an array of its treasures makes up the feature exhibition of this annual show. ─── 为庆祝该组织百年诞辰,其拥有的一批宝物组成了这次年度特展。

85、The press conference will be a prelude to the roving exhibitions on the Centennial Campus project to be held in the University and public venues. ─── 新闻发布会亦将为在大学及社区举行的百周年校园计划巡回展览揭开序幕。

86、It is planning centennial celebrations next year. ─── 南京正在筹划明年的[世博会]百年庆典。

87、There are many centennial houses on the street. ─── 街上有好多栋百年老屋。

88、The forearm and torch of the Statue of Liberty were on display at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, 1876. ─── 自由女神像的前臂和火炬在费城百年博览会上展出。

89、As the city prepared to mark the April 18th centennial of the earthquake, area museums like this one in the Oakland are putting the finishing touches on displays commemorating the disaster. ─── 当整个城市都在机面4月18日地震纪念时,位于奥克兰的这家地方博物馆关于纪念这场灾难的展览已经接近尾声。








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