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09-12 投稿


Achaean 中文意思翻译



Achaean 短语词组

1、Achaean-Spartan Wars ─── 阿查恩-斯巴达战争

2、achaean army ─── 阿夏军队

3、achaean league ─── 亚该 ─── 亚同盟

4、achaean force ─── 阿契力

5、achaean armour ─── 阿契亚盔甲

6、achaean culture ─── 阿契文化

7、achaean ships ─── 亚该 ─── 亚船只

8、achaean king ─── 亚该 ─── 亚王

9、achaean empire ─── 阿查亚帝国

10、Achaean War ─── 阿富汗战争

Achaean 词性/词形变化,Achaean变形


Achaean 相似词语短语

1、archaeans ─── adj.太古代的;n.[地质]太古代

2、archaea ─── n.古生菌

3、archaeal ─── adj.古菌的

4、archaean ─── adj.太古代的;n.[地质]太古代

5、Achaean ─── n.希腊人;亚加亚人;adj.希腊的;亚加亚的

6、Manichaean ─── adj.(与)摩尼教(有关)的;摩尼教徒的;二元论的(等于Manichean);n.摩尼教徒;二元论者(等于Manichean)

7、Achaea ─── n.亚加亚(古希腊的一个地区);阿哈伊亚州(位于希腊南部,等于Achaia)

8、achkan ─── 爱客坎

9、Achaeans ─── 亚该亚人

Achaean 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Chengdao oil field has a crystalline basement of Achaean granire gneiss and a sedimentary basement of Paleozonic carbonate rock or Mesozonic clastic rock. ─── 埕岛油田的结晶基底为太古界花岗片麻岩 ,沉积基底为古生界碳酸盐岩和中生界碎屑岩。

2、The Xigudui Formation of Achaean Wuhe Group-Complex is the favorable gold ore-forming wall rock and mineral source. ─── 太古界五河岩群西崮堆组是金矿有利的成矿围岩和矿源层。

3、Moreover they realized to study the influence on Chinese Achaean poetics that the Taoism language view has made, but the studies were not systematic. ─── 而且他们虽然认识到了道家语言观对古代诗学的影响,但只是从某一方面进行探寻,并未对其做出全面的论说。

4、Achaean War ─── 亚该亚战争(公元前146)

5、The Trojans abducted Helen, and the Achaean princes took advantage of the opportunity to lay siege to this proud city. ─── 特洛伊人绑架海伦,希腊王子们乘机包围这个骄傲的城市。

6、The faults related to the gold deposits in the area often follow the contact between granites and metamorphic rocks of the Achaean Jiaodong Group. ─── 本区内的金矿断裂构造即花岗岩与太古代胶东群变质岩呈构造接触带。

7、Xiaowannanshan gold deposit, controlled by ductile shear zones and higher horizon of D Rock-Formation of Donghuang Group, is a metamorphic-hydrothermal type, occurring in Achaean granitoid-greenstone terrain. ─── 小宛南山金矿是产于太古宙花岗岩-绿岩地体,受敦煌群D岩组上部层位和韧性剪切带控制的变质热液型金矿床。

8、The faults related to the gold deposits in the area often follow the contact between granites and metamorphic rocks of the Achaean Jiaodong Group. ─── 本区内的金矿断裂构造即花岗岩与太古代胶东群变质岩呈构造接触带。

9、Accordingly, the subduction of the North China plate possibly initialed during the late times of the late Achaean. ─── 这一研究表明华北块的消减作用可能始于晚太古代晚期。

10、An ancient region of southern Greece in the southeast Peloponnesus. It was dominated by Sparta until the rise of the second Achaean League in the third and second centuries b.c. ─── 拉哥尼亚,古希腊南部的一个地区,位于伯罗奔尼撒东南部。在公元前3世纪和2世纪之间的第二次亚该亚联盟崛起以前该地一直受斯巴达的统治。

11、achaean League ─── 阿哈伊亚同盟

12、late Achaean era ─── 晚太古宙

13、Since it was born, Rome faced to the threaten by its neighbor Achaean. ─── 自罗马诞生以来,它就面临着邻居希腊诸城邦的威胁。

14、It lost its independence c. 192 BC when it was defeated by and forced to join the Achaean League. ─── 西元前192年被击败后失去了独立地位,被迫加入亚该亚同盟。

15、Athens is the capital of Achaean and the biggest city of it. ─── 雅典是希腊的首都,也是希腊最大的城市.

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