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economizer 发音

英:[??k?n??ma?z?r]  美:[??k?n?ma?z?]

英:  美:

economizer 中文意思翻译



economizer 词性/词形变化,economizer变形


economizer 短语词组

1、economizer bank ( ─── 空气)预热管,节热器排管

2、integral economizer ─── 整体省煤器;组合式省煤器

3、water economizer ─── [化] 省水器; 节水器

4、fuel economizer ─── [化] 燃料节约器; 节油器; 省煤器

5、external economizer ─── 外置式省煤器

6、economizer valve ─── 省油阀

7、economizer jet ─── 喷气式飞机

economizer 相似词语短语

1、economiser ─── n.节热器

2、econometer ─── 炉气碳酸计

3、economisers ─── n.节热器

4、economizes ─── vi.节约,节省;有效地利用;vt.节约,节省;有效地利用

5、economies ─── n.节约,经济(economy复数)

6、economized ─── vi.节约,节省;有效地利用;vt.节约,节省;有效地利用

7、economize ─── vi.节约,节省;有效地利用;vt.节约,节省;有效地利用

8、economizers ─── 节约的人,节省的人(economizer的复数);节省原料的装置(economizer的复数)

9、economise ─── vt.节约,节省;vi.节约,节省

economizer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords leak;corrosion;economizer;heat exchanger;boiler; ─── 泄漏;腐蚀;省煤器;换热器;锅炉;

2、The utility model discloses an oxyhydrogen catalysis combustion-supporting environmental-protection fuel economizer of a motor vehicle. ─── 一种机动车氢氧催化助燃环保节油器。

3、H fin piece type economizer ─── H型鳍片式省煤器

4、annual production level A boiler parts: overheating, economizer, reheat, set Boxes, waste heat boiler module capacity 12,000 tons. ─── 年生产A级锅炉部件:过热器、省煤器、再热器、集箱、余热炉模块的能力12000吨。

5、Main products: Fuel ectonomc oil, economizer, wooden deck with plastic mat ─── 主营:环保汽车节能油、节能器、环保塑墊木地板

6、Energy-saving study of refrigeration cycle of swashplate compressor with economizer ─── 斜盘式压缩机运用经济器循环的节能分析

7、Water Leakage Problems of Low Temperature Economizer and Remedial Measures ─── 低温省煤器漏水分析与处理

8、Itis not only the big consumer of power plant , but also the big latent economizer. ─── 但是,其最大的缺点是耗电量高,是电厂的用电大户,也是潜在的节能大户。

9、Performance Simulation on Economizer System Coupled with Scroll Compressor ─── 涡旋压缩机闪发器系统性能的模拟分析

10、This article designed a power economizer, which can save up the electric power during night for daytime use. ─── 文章设计的一种“用电调节器”可以把夜间的低谷电储存到白天使用。

11、Directing against problems of worn out and leakage on economizer of boiler no3 in Tongliao Power Plant, the causes leading to worn-out have been analysed, and retrofit of said economizer being carried out. ─── 摘要针对通辽发电厂3号炉省煤器磨损泄漏问题,分析了磨损原因,并进行了省煤器的改造。

12、For 300 MWe electrical load, the optimal O2 concentration is 3.4% at outlet of economizer, and for 225 MWe electrical load, the optimal O2 concentration is 4.6%. ─── 当机组负荷为300 MW时,省煤器出口的最佳氧量为3.4%左右; 当机组负荷为225 MW时,省煤器出口的最佳氧量为4.6%左右;

13、Present and Future of Economizer Technology of Street Lighting in City ─── 城市路灯节电技术的现状和发展

14、Keywords FCC unit;waste heat boiler;economizer;low temperature corrosion;ash deposition;revamping; ─── 催化裂化装置;余热锅炉;省煤器;低温腐蚀;积灰;改造;

15、Preassembly of economizer coils shall be expedited; 100 nos. joints of eco. &SH shall be welded. ─── 加快省煤器蛇形管排预组合,本周内完成省煤器和过热器接口100个.

16、Deaerator water tank at the water through to the pumps after the adoption of step-up into the high-pressure heater economizer. ─── 在除氧器水箱内的水经过给水泵升压后通过高压加热器送入省煤器。

17、Trouble Diagnosis of Electrically Controlled Compulsory Idling Fuel Economizer of Russian Cars ─── 俄罗斯轿车电控强制怠速省油器的故障诊断

18、The Optimum Design of No.2 Boiler Low Pressure Economizer System in Weihai Power Station ─── 威海电厂2号炉低压省煤器的优化设计

19、Accident Analyses Of Economizer Pipe Damage ─── 关于省煤器管损坏事故的分析

20、To avoid water stagnation on the system, the plant is equipped with an “economizer” that allows the system to run for 5 minutes for each 50 minutes of non-production time. ─── 为避免水在系统中停滞,该装置装配有一个“省水器”,它可以使系统在非生产时间内每隔50分钟运行5分钟。

21、The viewpoints of overall coordination,macroscopic view assurance are put forward to increase the economic efficiency,and improve the econom... ─── 提出了整体协调、宏观把握的观点,增加生产生物柴油的经济效益,提高其经济可行性。

22、The remaining superheater banks and the economizer shall have semi-retractable or fixed rotary blowers. ─── 剩余的过热器管束和省煤器应有半伸缩式或固定旋转式吹灰器。

23、A steam system get water fed by header at the entrance of economizer; ─── 一次汽系统通过省煤器入口联箱疏水管上水;

24、Analysis of Explosion of Low-temperature Economizer Water Inflow Tube due to Flushing Water Erosion ─── 低温省煤器进水管水冲蚀爆漏分析

25、The principle of electricity saving of system economizer, and its examination situations on powered facilities of caustic soda evaporation units A and economic benefit were introduced. ─── 介绍了系统节电器的节电原理及在烧碱A蒸发动力设备上的试验情况及经济效益。

26、The tubes of waterwall, superheater, reheater and economizer are the main boiler heating surface, whose secure and stable operation relate directly to the security of the whole power plant. ─── 水冷壁管、过热器管、再热器管、省煤器管(“四管”)是锅炉内部的主要受热面,它们能否安全稳定地运行直接关系到整个电厂的安危。

27、This paper analyzes the vibration reasons in economizer and primary super-heater during the commissioning of unit 1 boiler in Zhuhai power plant, and it also represents effective countermeasures. ─── 分析珠海发电厂1#机组调试期间锅炉省煤器和卧式过热器发生振动的机理,合理地解释振动的原因,并提出了行之有效的解决措施。

28、In the economizer, the flue gas hot water heating, and then enter the boiler at the top of the drum inside. ─── 在省煤器内,水受到热烟气的加热,然后进入锅炉顶部的汽包内。

29、This article designed a power economizer, which can save up the electric power during night for daytime use. ─── 文章设计的一种“用电调节器”可以把夜间的低谷电储存到白天使用。

30、Optimum water flow distribution for a low pressure economizer system in power stations ─── 火力发电厂低压省煤器系统的最佳水量分配

31、Using electronic thermal relay and checking out the economizer with internal temperature protection ─── 使用电子热继电器和检出内部温度保护节能器

32、"If we reject this opportunit y to support a friend with good econom ic policy, if we turn down this free trade agreement, it will hurt our relations in South America. ─── “如果我们拒绝这个可以和良好的经济政策建立友好关系的机会,如果我们拒绝这自由贸易的协议,这将会给我们南美带来伤害。

33、Preassembly of economizer coils shall be expedited ; 100 nos . joints of eco. & SH shall be welded. ─── 省煤器蛇形管排预组合,本周内完成省煤器和过热器接口100个。

34、The economizer structural design method was specifically analysed, and the plant experiment was carried out. ─── 摘要具体分析了省煤器结构的设计方法,并进行了电厂实验。

35、Cracking Case Study of Economizer Exit Main Pipe of 2# Furnace in Thermo-electric Plant ─── 热电厂2#炉省煤器出口母管破裂原因分析

36、Probe into Economizer Renovation of Boiler No. 6,7 at Yongchang Power Plant ─── 永昌电厂6、7号锅炉省煤器改造探讨

37、low pressure economizer ─── 低压省煤器

38、low temperature economizer ─── 低温省煤器

39、nonsteaming economizer ─── 不沸腾式省煤器

40、Dry sorbent injection systems, pneumatically inject powdered sorbent directly into the furnace, the economizer, or downstream ductwork. ─── 干式吸着剂喷射系统,气动式地将粉状吸着剂直接喷射入燃烧炉、提高效用器,或顺流通风管。

41、The flue gas denitration device comprises an economizer and a reactor, wherein the reactor is a selective catalytic reduction reactor. ─── 本发明包括省煤器和反应器,所述反应器为选择催化还原反应器。

42、The paper mainly introduced quality analyses and control of water wall economizer of boiler heating surface in course of manufacturing,and the key process quality control method of boiler product. ─── 介绍锅炉受热面膜式省煤器等产品在制造过程中内在质量的分析与控制及锅炉产品制造过程中关键工序质量的控制方法。

43、Causes analysis and modification measures on abrasion of CFB boiler economizer ─── 循环流化床锅炉省煤器磨损原因分析

44、Compares the two energy saving modes, i.e. air economizer and water economizer. ─── 对该节能技术的两种形式-空气节能器与水节能器进行了比较。

45、Analysis and Countermeasure on Low-temperature Corrosion of Economizer of Oil-fired Boiler ─── 燃油锅炉省煤器低温腐蚀的原因及对策

46、QINGFENG owns many patent technologies including energy economizer and U- shaped antiseptic evaporator. ─── 青风还具有多项技术,如节能器、U型防腐蒸发器等。

47、Keywords burner;adjustment;economizer;fire box thermal load; ─── 燃烧器;调整;省煤器;炉膛热负荷;

48、The farmer income decelerates is aims at the city people income to raise fast says, the farmer income decelerated has suppressed the national econom health development. ─── 摘要农民收入减速是针对城市居民收入提速而言的,农民收入减速抑制了经济发展健康发展。

49、Welding Technology of Economizer of Circulating Fluidized Bed Hot Water Boiler ─── 循环流化床热水锅炉省煤器的焊接工艺

50、The Operating Principle and the Application of the Radial Hot Tube Economizer for the Sulfuric Acid Plant ─── 径向热管省煤器工作原理与在硫酸装置中的应用

51、Additionally installing low-pressure economizer in the thermodynamic system of thermal power plants is one of the effective measures to lower the temperature of exhaust flue gas for energy-saving. ─── 在电厂热系统中增设低压省煤器是降低排烟温度节约能源的有效措施之一。

52、An improved apparatus and method for injecting a liquid/vapor into compression chambers at an intermediate pressure utilizes the economizer injection ports already found in the compressor. ─── 一种改进的设备和一种以中间压力将一种液体/蒸气注入压缩室的方法,利用压缩机上已有的节能器注射口。

53、Agricultural circulation econom ─── 农业循环经济

54、The heating medium is feedwater supplied from the outlet of the HRSG Intermediate pressure economizer. ─── 加热介质为余热锅炉中压省煤器中流出的给水。

55、Application status and economic profits of liquification method with screw liquefying sets and economizer and transfer technology of submerged pump were introudced. ─── 介绍了经济器螺杆式氯气液化机组液化法和液氯液下泵输送技术的应用情况及取得的经济效益。

56、In retrofit, measures of not varying the main body and changing over to use membrane economizer for enhancing wear-resistant capability of the heating surface have been taken. ─── 改造采取主体不变,改用膜式省煤器的措施来提高受热面的耐磨性。

57、As far as an economizer is concerned, metallic thermal inertia is of equal importance to that of a working medium. ─── 对于省煤器而言,金属热惯性与工质热惯性同等重要;

58、needle valve of economizer ─── (汽化器内) 省油针阀

59、Corrosion analysis of economizer tube is investigated by SEM and EDS, X-ray etc with the condition of boiler economizer. ─── 摘要结合余热锅炉省煤器的工况条件,用扫描电镜及EDS、X射线等方法分析省煤器炉管腐蚀原因。

60、Light protection plate wall is adopted in the outlet connecting flue of separator and economizer. ─── 分离器出口联接烟道、省煤器采用轻型护板炉墙。

61、exhaust gas economizer ─── 排出气体经济师

62、The high temperature erosion of utility boiler tubes (water wall,superheater,reheater and economizer tubes)by fly ash is recognized as being one main cause of utility boiler tube failures. ─── 水冷壁、过热器、再热器及省煤器管道的飞灰高温冲蚀磨损是电站锅炉管道失效的主要原因之一。

63、antirust , anti - ionization , lubricate water pump and gasoline economizer. ─── 防锈,防电离反应,润滑水泵和节温器。

64、This article would like to provide reference for the health care system reform in our country, after the changeover from planned econom... ─── 以求对我国从计划经济向市场经济转轨后,医疗保健制度的改革提供借鉴。

65、This paper mainly introduces the principle of the low-press economizer: remaining heat reclaiming mechanism and equivalent enthalpy lower law . ─── 本文重点研究了关于锅炉低压省煤器的工作原理:余热利用机理和等效焓降法。

66、Green rs economizer ─── 格林式省煤器

67、The Research of Condensation Type Economizer of Oil Burning Boiler ─── 燃油锅炉增设湿工况运行尾部受热面的探讨

68、By analyzing the scroll heat pump system with economizer, a mathematic model of scroll compressor with economizer was established. ─── 摘要通过对带经济器的涡旋热泵系统进行分析,建立了带经济器热泵系统用涡旋压缩机的数学模型;

69、Thermodynamic Behavior of Scroll Compressor with Economizer for Heat pump ─── 涡旋压缩机经济器系统的性能分析

70、Technical Retrofit of Economizer's Surface Abrasion Prevention Using Method of Increasing Heat-Conduction ─── 用增强传热的方法进行省煤器的防磨改造


72、On the causes of steam and water bursting in economizer and its elimination ─── 浅谈省煤器汽水冲击的原因及消除

73、Economizer explosion and leak of boiler of power station is one of the most important subjects that influence safe and economic operation of power station. ─── 本文首先电站锅炉省煤器的爆漏是影响电厂安全经济运行的重要课题之一。

74、An algebraically explicit analytical solution is derived for the partial differentical equation set describing the thermal dynamic process of boiler economizer heating surface. ─── 对锅炉省煤器受热面的动态过程偏微分方程组导出了一套代数显式解析特解。

75、Pull-cracks at Root Weld Joints of Economizer Tubes on SG410t/h Boiler ─── SG410t/h锅炉省煤器管根部焊口拉裂的原因分析

76、heat pipe economizer ─── 热管省煤器

77、He praised the econom ic y stimul us ates package approved by the House of Representatives and urge d the Senate to follow suit. ─── “我认为,如果你真的想解决经济增长放缓的问题,上议院就应该接受众议院的方案,通过并尽快送交我批准。”

78、53. Function test for economizer. ─── 废气锅炉效用试验。

79、Water supplying pipe in front of the coal economizer should be installed with a stop valve and check valve for the factory using boiler of mother tube water supplying. ─── 7采用母管制供水的电厂,进入每台锅炉省煤器前的给水支管均应装设截止阀与逆止阀。两阀应紧接,按水流方向逆止阀在前。

80、Also, future work may include examination of various forms of economizer cycle, fan cycling, demand limiting, and super-cold air distribution. ─── 同时,今后的工作还会包含节约装置,风扇周期,需求上限以及超冷空气分配的各种形式的测验。

81、Application of On-line Monitoring Technique to Preventing Erosion and Explosion Pipe on Economizer of Boiler ─── 在线监测技术在预防锅炉省煤器磨损爆管中的应用

82、external economizer ─── 外置式省煤器

83、Gas Withdrawal Valve (11): This valve allows gaseous product withdrawal through the internal vaporizer and/or the economizer. ─── 气体提取阀(11):这个阀门允许通过内部的蒸发器和/或节热器来提取气体产品。

84、Failure Analysis and Treatment of Safty-valve Escape in Economizer of Heat Recovery Boiler ─── 余热锅炉省煤器安全阀频繁起跳原因分析及处理

85、gas economizer ─── 煤气节省器

86、At the same time, the paper gives deep analysis about the optimization operation of the low-press economizer. ─── 同时,本文对低压省煤器的优化运行方面做了深入细致的研究工作。

87、The large earthquake of MS 7.4 attacking Izm it city, Turkey, on August 17, 1999, caused heavy casualtiesand econom iclosses . ─── 1999年8 月17日土耳其伊兹米特MS 7.4 大地震造成了重大的人员伤亡与经济损失。

88、by pass flue economizer ─── 旁通烟气经济器

89、This paper analyzes the causations of economizer pipe damage,puts forward relevant prevention measures according to different phenomenon. ─── 本文分析了省煤器管损坏的原因,并针对其不同性质现象,提出了具体的预防措施。

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