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09-12 投稿



gabardine 发音

英:[?ɡ?b?rdi?n]  美:[?ɡ?b??di?n; ?ɡ?b?di?n]

英:  美:

gabardine 中文意思翻译



gabardine 网络释义

n. 一种宽松的长袍;[纺] 华达呢;一种斜纹防水布料

gabardine 词性/词形变化,gabardine变形


gabardine 短语词组

1、super soft gabardine ─── 超软华达呢

gabardine 相似词语短语

1、gabardines ─── n.一种宽松的长袍;[纺]华达呢;一种斜纹防水布料

2、alabandine ─── n.硫锰矿

3、Kabardians ─── 新闻

4、gaberdine ─── n.工作服;华达呢

5、gaberdines ─── n.工作服;华达呢

6、haberdine ─── n.腌鳕鱼

7、Kabardian ─── n.卡巴尔德语

8、amandine ─── adj.含有杏仁的;n.(Amandine)(法)阿芒丁(人名)

9、haberdines ─── 命令

gabardine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、sheer gabardine ─── 稀薄轧别丁

2、For men there were sturdy gabardine, shinning silk shirts. ─── 给男人用的有笔挺的哔叽,发亮的丝衬衫。

3、sheen gabardine ─── 光亮轧别丁

4、rayon gabardine pyramid coat ─── 角锥形人丝轧别丁大衣

5、Serr and Forde used 9 X 15cm bags of tightly woven white cotton gabardine. ─── 塞尔和福德应用了9 x 15厘米的密绩白色棉华达呢袋。

6、She said the man in the gabardine suit was a spy ─── 她说那穿着轧别丁衣的是特务

7、rayon gabardine robe ─── 人造丝轧别丁长袍

8、Stitch Reinforced(H410), in white or charcoal, for wool blend, polycotton, worsted and gabardine soft outer fabric; and utilize Vilene Edge in jacket fronts and lapels. Interfacing is usually cut out along the lengthwise grain; ─── 混纺毛、混纺涤棉、精纺毛织物以及柔软的华达呢用白色或黑炭色的热熔衬加强缝制。衣服的前片与折边处用热熔衬,衬布通常直丝绺裁剪。

9、all-wool gabardine ─── 全毛华达呢

10、Such yarn is suitable for medium and thick fabrics, such as Zhongping cloth, gabardine, khaki and so on. ─── 此类纱线适于中厚织物,如中平布、华达呢、卡其等。

11、gabardine raincoat ─── 轧别丁雨衣

12、wool-polyester gabardine ─── 毛涤华达呢

13、chalk stripe gabardine ─── 白线条丝光华达呢

14、worsted gabardine ─── 精纺轧别丁

15、Fuck the black-hatted Hasidim,strolling up and down 47th Street,in their dirty gabardine, with their dandruff,selling South African apartheid diamonds. ─── 操那些戴着黑帽子的哈西典人,走在47街上,穿着布满头皮屑的大长袍,卖着南非种族隔离的大钻石!

16、wool worsted cross dye sheen gabardine ─── 绒线斜格丝光轧别丁绒

17、sport shirt in rayon gabardine ─── 人造丝轧别丁运动衬衫

18、sport shirt in double decker gabardine ─── 轧别丁布背心镶嵌式运动衬衫

19、What kind may I show you, cotton, linen, gabardine, woolen, or nylon? ─── 您要什么样的衣料,棉、麻、华达尼、羊毛,还是尼龙布?

20、Black is Dati's language of authority, in velvet, leather, satin, polished gabardine, cobweb knits and fishnet stockings. ─── 对于达蒂,黑色是权威的象征。黑色丝绒、黑色皮革、黑色绸缎、黑色精良华达呢、黑色蛛网针织衫、黑色网袜。

21、The tailor trademarked his cloth "Gabardine" , a Shakespearean term that referred to shelter from inclement weather. ─── 这位裁缝把他的布料商标注册为“轧别丁”,这是一个来自于莎士比亚戏剧中的词,意思是“恶劣天气中的遮蔽物”。

22、fur collar gabardine surcoat ─── 轧别丁绒皮领外衫

23、gabardine close smoothas resistance collapsed, wear-resistant, anti-cracking breaking performance is stronger than khaki. ─── 华达呢紧密柔软、耐折叠、耐磨、抗裂断性能等强于卡其布。

24、gabardine trenchcoat ─── 轧别丁军服式大衣

25、Our major products include all wool, wool/polyester, serge, valitin, gabardine, crepe, light wool cloth, flannel....and alsoo produce woolen yarn. ─── 公司目前主要产品有全毛,毛涤哔叽,华达呢,凡立丁,女衣呢,薄花呢,啥味呢等精纺面料,以及精纺毛纱。

26、rayon sheen gabardine suit ─── 人造丝光亮轧别丁成套服装

27、The affable Keefe, a friendly smile on his cherubic countenance, was attired in a checked sports jacket and gabardine slacks ─── 基夫圆脸庞,笑容可掬,穿着格子纹的运动衫和华达呢便裤。

28、The youngish fortuneteller looked like a shop assistant in his gabardine gown. ─── 那算命的年纪不大,穿著件呢袍子,看起来就像店里的学徒。

29、sheen gabardine zip-lined coat ─── 丝光华达呢拉链衬里大衣

30、prodenia fabric has a twill weave, Khaki, some sound bites, gabardine, etc. ─── 斜纹织物有斜纹布、卡其、哗几、华达呢等。

31、cotton gabardine ─── 棉华达呢

32、3.Fandango,48%poly,48%vis,4%spandex. Original is herringbone. Buyer also would like to see this quality in atwill weave(a tradintional gabardine weave). ─── 涤纶,48%粘胶,4%氨纶.原因是人字纹,客户想看看同样品质的斜纹(传统的华达呢斜纹)。

33、lined combed cotton gabardine jacket ─── 精梳华达呢布夹袄

34、The trench, absolute must of the Maison Gaultier, is proposed in many ways: coat-dress of black jersey with collar, wrist, belt and bavolet of mastic gabardine. ─── 也可以是黑色塔夫绸的晚装外套,多重皱褶的领子层层叠叠,内搭工装裙、短夹克,即现美丽妖娆;

35、prodenia fabric has a twill weave, Khaki, some sound bites, gabardine, etc. ─── 斜纹织物有斜纹布、卡其、哗几、华达呢等。

36、Keywords pure wool gabardine;dyeing and finishing technology;technology improvement; ─── 全毛华达呢;染整工艺;工艺改进;

37、The affable Keefe, a friendly smile on his cherubic countenance, was attired in a checked sports jacket and gabardine slacks. ─── 基夫圆脸庞,笑容可掬,穿着格子纹的运动衫和华达呢便裤。

38、a light gabardine raincoat of the type made by Burberry's of London. ─── 一种由防水棉布做成的轻便雨衣。

39、rayon sheen gabardine raincoat ─── 人造丝光亮轧别丁雨衣

40、mink tail trim pyramid coat in rayon sheen gabardine ─── 角锥形鼬尾镶饰人造丝光轧别丁绒大衣

41、Stitch Reinforced(H410), in white or charcoal, for wool blend, polycotton, worsted and gabardine soft outer fabric;and utilize Vilene Edge in jacket fronts and lapels. ─── 混纺毛、混纺涤棉、精纺毛织物以及柔软的华达呢用白色或黑炭色的热熔衬加强缝制。

42、gaberdine, gabardine ─── 轧别丁,华达呢 ,工作服

43、a red gabardine coat. ─── 一件红色的华达呢上衣。


45、single face gabardine ─── 单面华达呢

46、Increasing the all wool gabardine quality by the old machine but new dyeing-and-finishing craft ─── 用老机新染整工艺提高全毛华达呢质量的探讨

47、gabardine coat ─── 轧别丁大衣

48、2.I prefer Gabardine. ─── 我较喜欢华达呢。

49、The main products include:suiting,shirting,embroidered bed sheet,warp-knitting sports cloth, anti-pilling polar fleece,mosquito-resistant fabric,gabardine etc. ─── 公司的主要经营产品有:西装面料,衬衫面料,绣花床单、经编运动布、摇粒绒、蚊帐布、华达呢等。

50、rayon gabardine frock ─── 人造丝轧别丁长外衣

51、The gabardine name was used under exclusive trademark by Burberry until 1917. ─── 直到1917年,“轧别丁”都被巴宝莉用作独家商标名称。

52、Satin drill, satin-back gabardine and duchesse satin are fabrics made from satin or sateen weaves. ─── 绸缎衣、绸缎长袍等是由绸缎或棉缎制成的布料。

53、wool worsted gabardine ─── 线绒轧别丁绒

54、Examples of fabrics made by the twill weave include denim, jean, gabardine, surah,sharkskin, some flannel fabrics and some tweeds. ─── 斜纹组织织物包括:粗斜纹棉布、三页细斜纹布、华达呢、斜纹软绸、鲨皮布、某些法兰绒织物、粗花呢等。

55、wool gabardine ensemble ─── 轧别丁毛套装

56、gabardine bib-top overalls ─── 轧别丁胸围挂肩工装裤

57、For men there were sturdy gabardine, shinning silk shirts . ─── 给男人用的有笔挺的哔叽,发亮的丝衬衫。

58、I have a red gabardine coat. ─── 我有一件红色的华达呢上衣。

59、pure gabardine ─── 纯毛华达呢

60、Keywords dyeing;mid fiber fabric;gabardine;polyester-viscose fabric; ─── 染色;中长织物;华达呢;涤粘织物;

61、a light gabardine raincoat of the type made by Burberry's of London ─── 一种由防水棉布做成的轻便雨衣

62、water-repellent rayon gabardine surcoat ─── 抗水人造丝轧别丁绸中大衣

63、in their dirty gabardine with their dandruff, ─── 穿着满是头皮屑的大长袍,

64、cotton gabardine creepers ─── 棉轧别丁小孩连衫裤

65、knit bottom gabardine shirt ─── 衫底针织轧别丁绒衬衫

66、It is showed that high-class pure wool gabardine could be manufactured on the old machine by the application of the new dyeing and finishing technology. ─── 生产实践表明,配合新的染整工艺,在老机型上同样能生产出质量优良的全毛华达呢面料。

67、sport shirt in gabardine and plaid cotton suede cloth ─── 轧别丁和长方格棉仿麂皮布制成的运动衬衫

68、He invented gabardine in 1880 and during WWI in 1914, he was commissioned to adapt officer coats for warfare which lead to the creation of the signature trench coats. ─── 他于1880年发明华达呢,并在1914年第一次世界大战期间,他被委任为适应战争而导致的签字创作人员风衣外套。

69、rayon gabardine ensemble ─── 人造丝轧别丁全套服装

70、mouton collar gabardine surcoat ─── 羊皮领轧别丁中大衣

71、1. I have a red gabardine coat. ─── 我有一件红色的华达呢上衣。

72、Company transport facilities, production and operation of major worsted fabric, such as: Wool / Polyester Gong Si Jin, gabardine, Biji, all tweed wool, etc. valitin. ─── 公司交通便利,主要生产经营精纺面料,如:毛涤贡丝锦、华达呢、哔叽、全毛花呢、凡立丁等等。

73、rayon gabardine ─── 人造丝轧别丁

74、gabardine embroidered lady's slippers with PVC soles ─── 华达呢聚氯乙烯底绣花女拖鞋

75、rayon gabardine suit ─── 人造丝轧别丁成套服装

76、rayon gabardine coat ─── 人造丝轧别丁外衫

77、gabardine close smooth as resistance collapsed, wear-resistant, anti-cracking breaking performance is stronger than khaki. ─── 华达呢紧密柔软、耐折叠、耐磨、抗裂断性能等强于卡其布。

78、Serr and Forde used 9 X 15cm bags of tightly woven white cotton gabardine ─── 塞尔和福德应用了9X15厘米的密绩白色棉华达呢袋。

79、Each pilot purchased her uniform: khaki shirts and trousers for summer and Army green gabardine for winter. ─── 每位女飞行员都置办了一身行头:一套夏天穿的卡其色衬衫、裤子和冬天穿的陆军绿色华达呢制服。

80、wool worsted sheen gabardine ─── 绒线丝光轧别丁绒

81、worsted gabardine skirt ─── 轧别丁绒裙

82、rayon sheen gabardine ─── 人造丝光亮轧别丁

83、rayon gabardine casual coat ─── 人造丝轧别丁日常外衫

84、wool worsted gabardine ski pants ─── 毛织轧别丁绒滑雪裤

85、trueran yarn-dyed gabardine ─── 棉涤纶混纺色织华达呢

86、back satin gabardine ─── 缎背华达呢

87、Combed yarn used mainly for advanced fabrics and knitwear of raw materials, such as fine-spun, gabardine, tweed, sweater and so on. ─── 精梳纱主要用于高级织物及针织品的原料,如细纺、华达呢、花呢、羊毛衫等。

88、wool worsted gabardine slacks ─── 毛织轧别丁绒宽阔外长裤

89、wool gabardine ─── 毛轧别丁,毛华达呢


babyberry是英国的奢侈品品牌,隶属于博柏利集团,经营的产品包括:女装、女装配饰、手袋和鞋履、男装、男装配饰、童装、化妆品、香水、手表、家居用品及礼品等。1856年,Thomas Burberry创立了博柏利品牌。1879年,品牌创始人发明了革新性的防风雨嘎巴甸面料(Gabardine),该面料具有防渗雨功能,实用耐穿且质地透气轻便。2014年,博柏利全球拥有超过500间直营门店。






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