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09-12 投稿



solanaceous 发音

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solanaceous 中文意思翻译



solanaceous 词性/词形变化,solanaceous变形

动词过去分词: solaced |动词第三人称单数: solaces |动词现在分词: solacing |名词: solacer |动词过去式: solaced |

solanaceous 短语词组

1、solanaceous vegetable ─── 茄子科蔬菜; ─── 茄类蔬菜

solanaceous 相似词语短语

1、loganiaceous ─── adj.马钱科的

2、oleaceous ─── adj.木犀科的

3、acanaceous ─── adj.具刺的

4、olivaceous ─── adj.橄榄色的;橄榄绿的

5、oleraceous ─── adj.熟食蔬菜类的

6、cornaceous ─── adj.山茱萸科的

7、scolopaceous ─── 头骨的

8、foliaceous ─── adj.叶状的;叶质的;有叶的

9、smilacaceous ─── adj.百合科的

solanaceous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、solanaceous plant ─── 茄子科植物

2、Control Effect of Antagonistic Bacteria against Common Diseases in Solanaceous Vegetables ─── 拮抗细菌防治茄果类蔬菜常见病害的效果

3、solanaceous alkaloids ─── 茄科生物碱类


5、Studies on Heat Tolerance of Solanaceous Vegetable Plug Seedling with Vermicompost-based Substrate ─── 蚯蚓粪基质对茄果类蔬菜穴盘苗耐热性的影响

6、viral disease in solanaceous plants (tomatoes; potatoes; tobacco) resulting in mottling and often shriveling of the leaves. ─── 茄属类植物的一种病毒性疾病导致其皱纹。

7、blight in which symptoms appear late in the growing season especially a disease of solanaceous plants caused by the fungus Phytophthora infestans. ─── 在生长末期出现症状的一种枯萎病。

8、The paper studies on three forms of emzyme-linked immunosorbend assay (ELISA) methods to detect two main causal viruses of solanaceous vegetable virus diseases, i.e. to bacco mosaic virus (TMV) and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV). ─── 本文研究应用三种酶联免疫吸附测定法(elisa),检测为害茄科蔬菜的两种主要病毒,即烟草花叶病毒(TMV)和黄瓜花叶病毒(CMV)。

9、This review outlines the progress of the types, occurrence, structures, extraction, separation, bio-assay and induction of Solanaceous phytoalexins. ─── 本文综述了茄科植保素的种类、分布、提取、检测和诱导,并对茄科植保素的研究进行了展望。

10、Covering Bag Technology of Solanaceous Fruits and Gourd Vegetables ─── 茄果、瓜类蔬菜果实套袋技术研究简报

11、The occurrence of some important tropane alkaloids in Chinese solanaceous plants. ─── 几种主要莨菪烷类生物碱在中国茄科植物中的存在.

12、solanaceous fruit vegetable ─── 茄果类蔬菜

13、Covering Bag Technology of Solanaceous Fruits and Gourd Vegetables ─── 茄果、瓜类蔬菜果实套袋技术研究简报

14、Studies on Heat Tolerance of Solanaceous Vegetable Plug Seedling with Vermicompost-based Substrate ─── 蚯蚓粪基质对茄果类蔬菜穴盘苗耐热性的影响

15、The occurrence of some important tropane alkaloids in Chinese solanaceous plants. ─── 文章题目几种主要莨菪烷类生物碱在中国茄科植物中的存在。

16、At present, the technology of the vegetable greenhouses photovoltaic solar energy construction can be demanding solanaceous fruit vegetable planting illumination, means that the technology is mature. ─── 目前,光伏太阳能蔬菜大棚建设技术都能种植光照要求高的茄果类蔬菜,意味着该技术已经成熟。

17、Control Effect of Antagonistic Bacteria against Common Diseases in Solanaceous Vegetables ─── 拮抗细菌防治茄果类蔬菜常见病害的效果

18、The compound can be used for curing powdery mildew of fruit trees, melons, beans, solanaceous fruits, flowers, and the like. ─── 本发明组合物可用于防治果树、瓜类、豆类、茄果类、花卉等白粉病。

19、solanaceous vegetable ─── 茄子科蔬菜

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