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09-13 投稿



hereinafter 发音

英:[?h?r?n??ft?r]  美:[?h??r?n?ɑ?ft?(r)]

英:  美:

hereinafter 中文意思翻译



hereinafter 网络释义

adv. 以下,在下文中

hereinafter 常用词组

hereinafter referred to as ─── 以下称;下文称为

hereinafter 短语词组

1、hereinafter called the ─── 以下简称

hereinafter 相似词语短语

1、hereafter ─── adv.(法律文件等)以下;今后,此后;死后;n.死后生活;死后的灵魂存在;来世,阴世;将来;adj.今后的,此后的;死后的

2、thereafter ─── adv.其后;从那时以后

3、whereafter ─── adv.随后;然后;此后

4、thereinafter ─── adv.(古)以下,在下文(指文章、声明等)

5、hereticate ─── 异端的

6、hereinabove ─── adv.在上文

7、hereinto ─── adv.在此中

8、hereticates ─── 异教徒

9、hereticated ─── 异端的

hereinafter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Perso el di ute arbitration commi io (hereinafter referred to as arbitration commi ion(s)) shall be established at the municipal and district/county levels. ─── 市和区(县)设立人事争议仲裁委员会(以下简称仲裁委)。

2、The National Office of Science and Technology Awards (hereinafter referred to as the Office of Awards) shall take charge of the daily work thereof. ─── 国家科学技术奖励工作办公室(以下称奖励办公室)负责日常工作。

3、General average sacrifices and expenditures shall be borne by the different contributing interests on the basis hereinafter provided. ─── 共同海损牺牲和费用,应按下列规定,由各分摊方分摊。

4、Beijing Tian Run Wei Ye Medical Instrument Factory (hereinafter BJ-Tianrun )was founded in 1990,specialized in producing of disposable electrocardiograph electrode. ─── 北京市天润伟业医用设备厂专业生产制造一次性使用心电电极。

5、According to the standard of MCRR:M 3S 3 + hereinbefore is excellent,M 3S 3 is good,M 2S 2 is acceptable,M 1S 1 hereinafter is inefficient. ─── M2 S2 为中 ; M1 S1 以下为差。

6、Attached hereto and signed by each of the parties to the Contract (hereinafter collectively called the "Specifications"), making an integral part hereof. ─── 上述随附技术文件由本合同双方签字(以下合称为"说明书"),并作为合同整体的一部分。

7、Seventies, guangdong province carried out farming report 3 class government, fulfil a town (countryside, similarly hereinafter) farming fulgurite.. ─── 七十年代,广东省推行了农电三级治理,落实镇(乡,下同)农电管...

8、The State Administration of Coal Mine Safety (hereinafter referred to as SACMS) shall give guidance and supervision over the coal mine safety training work countrywide. ─── 国家煤矿安全监察局指导监督检查全国煤矿安全培训工作。

9、In the present exemplification they are arranged to be moved together, the purpose of which will be hereinafter explained. ─── 在目前的例证,他们安排提出两者合计,目的是将以下简称解释。

10、Nanjing Jinling Inspection Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter is referred to as JIC) is situated in GANJIAXIANG, QIXIA District, Nanjing city. ─── 南京金陵检测工程有限公司(简称金陵检测JIC),位于南京市栖霞区甘家巷。

11、The Seller shall arrange with the Classification Society assign a representative or representatives (hereinafter called the "Classification Surveyor") to the Seller's Shipyard for supervision of the construction of the Vessel. ─── 买方应和船级社商定指派一名或多名代表监造师(以下称"监造师"),在卖方的船厂对本船进行监造。

12、The second film of lucky group works (hereinafter referred to as " " second rubber) fairs digital technology is one of the big winners. ─── 乐凯集团第二胶片厂(以下简称“二胶”)是本次展会数字技术的一大赢家。

13、Guangdong Kanbon Law Office (hereinafter referred to as Kanbon Law) is a new style and professional partnership law office. ─── 广东凯邦律师事务所(以下简称凯邦律师)是一家新型的、专业化的合伙制律师事务所。

14、The Municipal People's Government (hereinafter referred to as the Municipal Government) shall establish the basic endowment insurance and local supplemental endowment insurance. ─── 市人民政府(以下简称市政府)建立基本养老保险和地方补充养老保险;

15、China Development Bank (hereinafter CDB) is one of the major investors of co-financed railways.It has almost experienced all of difficulties in different investment stages. ─── 国家开发银行(下称开行)是铁路建设的主要参与者之一,几乎经历过铁路投资不同阶段的各种难题。

16、Whoever engages in the planning, construction and management of city zoos (hereinafter referred to as zoos) and in animal protection must abide by these Provisions. ─── 从事城市动物园(以下简称动物园)的规划、建设、管理和动物保护必须遵守本规定。

17、As a new entrants to the industry, XL automobile sales company (hereinafter referred to as XL Company), is facing the same problem. ─── 作为行业的新进入者,XL汽车销售公司(以下简称XL公司)也面临同样的问题。

18、Labor services involved in processing and repairs do not belong to taxable items (hereinafter referred to as "non-taxable labor services" ). ─── 加工和修理、修配,不属于条例所称应税劳务(以下简称非应税劳务)。

19、The budget of a local government at any level consists of the budgets of the various departments at the corresponding level (including the units directly under them, similarly hereinafter). ─── 地方各级政府预算由本级各部门(含直属单位,下同)的预算组成。

20、The expressions and words in this Contract (as hereinafter defined) shall have the following meanings assigned to them, unless otherwise require in the Contract. ─── 合同(如下文定义)中的用语和用词,除根据上下文另有要求者外,应具有下述所赋予它们的含义。

21、Japan's largest Internet retailer Lotte Group (hereinafter referred to as "Lotte") yesterday to sell the Japanese television station TBS shares. ─── 乐天对外宣称,TBS电视台股东大会无视乐天的意见,擅自改变公司性质,决定退出经营。

22、Development Zone of Daxie (hereinafter referred to as DDZ) shall be established on the Daxie Island. ─── 在大榭岛设立宁波大榭开发区(以下简称开发区)。

23、I am so excited to inform you that Environmental English Training---2006 (hereinafter referred to as “EET”) recriutment is coming. ─── 2006年的环境英语培训招生工作正式开始了。

24、Any other management form shall be separately formulated by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the CIRC). ─── 其他管理方式,由中国保险监督管理委员会(以下简称中国保监会)另行规定。

25、The law applies to all enterprises, individual economic organizations (hereinafter referred to as "employers") and workers bound up by contractual labour relationship. ─── 国家机关、事业组织、社会团体和与之建立劳动合同关系的劳动者,依照本法执行。

26、Ltd" (hereinafter referred to as "China Railcom"). ─── 互联网宽带用户从无到有,2005年底达到200万户。

27、Shanghai EZI Information Systems Co.Ltd (hereinafter referred to as EZI), is a professional enterprise application integration and infrastructure services provider. ─── 上海宜舟信息系统有限公司(以下简称EZI),是一家专业提供企业应用及基础设施集成的服务供应商。

28、The State Administration of Exchange Control (SAEC) and its branches are the foreign debt registration and control organs (hereinafter referred to as registration organs). ─── 定期登记外债是指:国内银行和非银行金融机构借入的外债;

29、Beijing Second Foreign Language Institute (hereinafter referred to the outside) was founded in 1964. ─── 北京第二外国语学院(以下简称二外)创立于1964年。

30、As an important incentive mechanism, Executive Stock Option (hereinafter short for ESO) has got a wide and successful application in the west countries. ─── 作为一种重要的激励机制,经理人股票期权(Executive Stock Option,以下简称ESO)在西方国家得到了广泛而成功的应用。

31、As a important incentive mchanism,Executive Stock Option(hereinafter short for ESO) has got a wide and successful application in the west countries. ─── 作为一种重要的激励机制,经营者股票期权(Executive Stock Option,以下简称ESO)在西方国家得到了广泛而成功的应用。

32、MOFTEC shall inform the Committee on Safeguard of the WTO (hereinafter referred to as the Committee on Safeguards) of the decision to register a case for investigation in a timely way. ─── 外经贸部应当将立案调查的决定及时通知世界贸易组织保障措施委员会(以下简称保障措施委员会)。

33、Now, Medecins Sans Frontieres to about 400 AIDS-infected people and provide anti-retroviral drugs (hereinafter referred to as the ARV drug) treatment, including 40 children. ─── 如今,无国界医生向大约400名感染者和艾滋病患者提供抗逆转录病毒药物(以下简称ARV药物)治疗,其中包括40名儿童。

34、In witness hereof, the Seller and the Buyer affix their respective signature and seal accepting all of the terms and conditions here in which become effective and legally binding hereinafter. ─── 以示守信,卖方与买方谨签名并盖章於此,接受本合同各项条款,各条款自此生效,并对双方有同等的约束力。

35、Bi-directional DC-DC Converter (hereinafter, "BDC") is the two-quadrant operating DC-DC converter. The power can flows in either direction, depending on the location of the DC source and the load. ─── 双向 DC-DC 变换器(Bi-directional DC-DC Converter,BDC)是直流变换器的双象限运行,可实现能量的双向传输,在功能上相当于两个单向直流变换器,是典型的“一机两用”设备。

36、Tell from plan duty principle, value added tax is with commodity (include a service, similarly hereinafter) a kind of duty that appreciation forehead is levy object, because this calls value added tax. ─── 从计税原理上讲,增值税是以商品(包括劳务,下同)增值额为征税对象的一种税,因此叫增值税。

37、The departments determined in accordance with the preceding paragraph to specifically administer ports are hereinafter uniformly referred to as the administrative department of port. ─── 依照前款确定的对港口具体实施行政管理的部门,以下统称港口行政管理部门。

38、At present and long future period of IS evolvement in our own country, Nature Resource Structure (hereinafter called NRS) would be still the key factor to affect IS. ─── 在我国产业结构演进的现阶段和今后较长的时期中,自然资源结构仍然是影响产业结构的关键因素之一。

39、State organs, associations, companies, enterprises, institutions and other organizations (hereinafter uniformly referred to as units) must, in handling accounting affairs, abide by this Law. ─── 国家机关、社会团体、公司、企业、事业单位和其他组织(以下统称单位)必须依照本法办理会计事务。

40、Party A and Party B shall hereinafter be referred to individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties" . ─── 甲方和乙方以下单独称为“一方”,合称为“双方”。

41、Located at the north coast of Hangzhou Bay, Shanghai Chemical Industry Park (hereinafter as SCIP) is 60km from downtown of Shanghai, 12km from SPC to its west, and 40 nautical miles from deep port jetty under construction in the east. ─── 上海化学工业区位于杭州湾北岸,距上海市中心60公里,四邻上海石化12公里,东临建设中的深水港货运码头40海里。

42、TOC hereinafter sincerely thanks all our clients for your great understanding and support as usual without which our growth and development today is impossible. ─── 在这里要向一如既往理解和支持华采语思的客户表示由衷的感谢,没有你们就没有我们的成长和发展。

43、Located in the west of Beijing, Beijing Yutian Century Mining Equipment Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") is specializing in manufacturing light hydraulic support. ─── 北京宇田世纪矿山设备有限公司,地处风景秀丽的北京西郊,专业生产轻型液压支架。

44、The reservation of public order(hereinafter "RPO" ), originating from the application of conflict rules, is one of the oldest principles in conflict laws. ─── 公共秩序保留是在冲突规范适用过程中产生的一个问题,也是冲突法上最古老的原则之一。

45、Hereinafter referred to as foreign bank branches. ─── 以下简称外资银行分行。

46、Revocation of the county system in 1958, to resume in 1962, posts Zhangye area (hereinafter referred to as the region area). ─── 1958年撤销县制,1962年恢复,隶于张掖专区(后称专区为地区)。

47、In September 2004, he came to Beijing Pizza Hut pizza restaurant Ahn Jung Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Ahn Jung-store Pizza Hut), as ordinary workers. ─── 2004年9月,他来到北京必胜客比萨饼有限公司安贞餐厅(以下简称必胜客安贞店)工作,担任普通服务员。

48、BAKER is the sole owner of its trademarks, trade names, licensed marks, logos and the goodwill attached thereto (hereinafter “Trademarks”). ─── BAKER家具是其商标、商业名称、许可商标、标志及商誉(以下简称为“商标”)的唯一拥有者。

49、All Documentation as defined hereinafter, is the sole and exclusive property of the Buyer and shall remain in any case the property of the Buyer. ─── 下文提到的文件,买家对此且在任何情况下都将独家拥有其所有权。

50、Lounge, Kitchen, Store, Servant, Quarter together with fixtures and fitting (hereinafter collectively called the DEMISED PREMISES). ─── 休息室,厨房,储藏,公务员,季连同固定装置和装修(以下统称为demised处所) 。

51、Amended in 1997, "Criminal Law of the PRC" (hereinafter referred to as the "Criminal Law" ) was added in a new crime named Medical Crimes. ─── 1997年修订的《中华人民共和国刑法》(本文以下简称为刑法)新增设了医疗事故罪。

52、The Master of Laws in Taxation (LL.M.) Program (hereinafter the Program) is a directed independent study program specifically designed for practicing attorneys a... ─── 在税务硕士(LL.M.)计划(以下简称计划)是一个独立的研究计划针对具体实践,律师和其他法律学校的毕业生而设的法律。

53、The “CIIA examination” mentioned hereinafter refers to the CIIA final examination as organized by the SAC within the territory of China. ─── 以下所提“注册国际投资分析师考试”均指协会在中国境内组织的注册国际投资分析师最终考试。

54、All paint materials for use in each work will be specified in generic terms and coded as listed in legend for paint materials included hereinafter. ─── 包括如下所列的涂料,所有用于各工程的涂料应按类列明,并按图纸进行编号。

55、The seller agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the Electrolytic Copper Cathodes (hereinafter “Goods”) according to this contract. ─── 卖方和买方根据本合同所述规格和质量同意出售和购买电解铜(下文简称“货物”)。

56、Huaxia Credit Group (Huaxia Credit hereinafter) is set up on the basis of Huaxia International Credit Consulting Co., Ltd. and has located its headquarter in Beijing. ─── 华夏信用集团(简称:华夏信用)是在华夏国际信用咨询有限公司的基础上创建的,集团总部设在北京。

57、Data was gathered from interviews with the Agile Manifesto originators (hereinafter, the originators). ─── 数据搜集自对敏捷宣言发起者(以下简称为“发起者”)的采访。

58、Supplier : (hereinafter called "party A") Agent:(hereinafter called "party B") Party A hereby appoint Party B to act as his selling agent to sell the commodity mentioned below. ─── 供货人(以下称甲方):销售代理人(以下称乙方):甲方委托乙方为销售代理人,推销下列商品。

59、Lessee (hereinafter called party B):******** ─── 承租方(以下简称乙方):********有限公司

60、Chengdu No. 1 Sewage Sludge Treatment Plant is invested by Chengdu Drainage Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “the Inviter”) on behalf of the government of Chengdu Municipality. ─── 成都市第一城市污水污泥处理厂工程由成都市排水有限责任公司(以下称“征集人”)代表成都市政府投资建设。

61、The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as the MOFTEC) shall be responsible for the investigation on and determination of dumping. ─── 对倾销的调查和确定,由对外贸易经济合作部(以下简称外经贸部)负责。

62、The following words and expressions in the Contract (as hereinafter defined) shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them, except where the Contract otherwise requires. ─── 以下合同(如下文定义)中的用语和用词,除根据合同另有要求者外,应具有下述所赋予它们的涵义。

63、Welcome to the World Expo 2010 Shanghai China (hereinafter referred to as "Expo 2010"). ─── 欢迎参观中国2010年上海世界博览会(下称“上海世博会”)。

64、Wang sixty-one (hereinafter referred to as the king): Animation is the propaganda image of a national culture good performance practices. ─── 王六一(以下简称王):动漫是宣传一个国家文化形象很好的表现手法。

65、We are pleasured to offer you the following goods on the terms and conditions hereinafter. ─── 在遵照下列条款和条件的情况下,我们很乐意为您提供以下货物。

66、Plaintiff: Xian Kangda Medical and Health Article Company (hereinafter referred to as kangda company). ─── 原告:绵阳康达医疗保健用品公司。

67、Liu Xin (Hereinafter Liu): Nice to meet you, Reverend Abbot! Could you tell me when you became a monk and if you chose to do so by yourself? ─── 刘欣(以下简称“刘”):方丈您好!请问您是何时出家的?当时来少林寺是自己做的选择吗?

68、You can ask one similarly hereinafter the thing, have hardware facility (like the cabinet, the) such as computer, handle with professional software can! ─── 您可以问一下同事,有硬件设备(如柜子,电脑等),用专业软件处理即可!

69、They are returned through the Pudong New Area students Federation (hereinafter referred to as the "Federation") from more than 150 entries were selected from the curriculum vitae. ─── 他们是通过浦东新区归国留学人员联合会(下称“联合会”)从150多个报名者的简历中筛选而来。

70、AND WHEREAS the Supplier is the registered manufacturer of components, as per Annexure 1, (hereinafter called “Parts”) to produce the Power Steering Pump. ─── 和而供应商注册的制造商组成,按附件1 , (以下称为"部件" ) ,以产生动力转向泵。

71、Based in Sichuan province, Chuanda Law Firm (hereinafter referred to as Chuanda) is a partnership law firm incepted in 1997 by approval of Sichuan Provincial Justice Bureau. ─── 四川川达律师事务所系1997年底经四川省司法厅批准成立的合作制律师事务所。

72、Unemployed insurance fund executes whole town (ground level above, similarly hereinafter) plan as a whole. ─── 失业保险基金实行全市(地级以上,下同)统筹。

73、The operating budget for state-owned capital 2008 (hereinafter referred to as the OBSC) has been distributed to the relevant enterprises upon approval of the State Council. ─── 2008年国有资本经营预算(以下简称资本预算)已经国务院批准下达相关企业。

74、The Securities Association of China (hereinafter referred to as the SAC) shall conduct self-discipline administration over the FCAs and their signatories. ─── 中国证券业协会依法对财务顾问及其财务顾问主办人进行自律管理。

75、The Council for TRIPS shall oversee the functioning of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement on TRIPS"). ─── TRIPS理事会应监督《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》(下称"《TRIPS协定》")的实施情况。

76、Each party of this Contract shall hereinafter be individually referred to as a "Party" and collectively the "Parties" . ─── 本协议每一方以下单独称“一方”,合称“各方”。

77、For the purposes of these Articles, the expressions "Documentary Credit (s)"and "Standby Letter(s) of Credit"(hereinafter referred to as "Credit (s) "), mean any arrangement. ─── 就本惯例而言,"跟单信用证"和"备用信用证"(以下统称"信用证")意指一项约定.

78、The Purchase &Logistics Department is responsible for the procurement of the inspection, measuring and test equipment (hereinafter short as IMTE). ─── 3采购物流部负责检验、测量和试验设备(以下简称检测设备)的采购。

79、Application for CHT WorldSourceSM Frame Relay Service(hereinafter referred to as “CHT WS-FRS”)shall be made in accordance with the following terms and conditions. ─── 一、申请租用环宇国际讯框传送业务(以下简称本业务)依照本契约条款办理。

80、Hereinafter referred to as the "Technical Assistance Agreement". ─── 以下称作"技术服务协议"

81、Sec. 1.(a) The carrier or party in possession of the property herein described shall be liable as at common law for any loss hereof or damage thereto, except as hereinafter provided. ─── 1持有本提单所列货物的承运人或当事人应承担普通法所规定的货物灭失或损失责任,以下规定的除外。

82、The MOFTEC or the SETC is hereinafter uniformly referred to as the investigation organ. ─── 外经贸部和国家经贸委,以下统称调查机关。

83、CTE Guangzhou Design and Consulting Corp. (hereinafter referred to as CTE Guangzhou) is a typical intellectual enterprise. ─── 四航院是典型的知识型企业。

84、With this manual an electrical drawing is supplied hereinafter referred as DIRC-5 schematic diagram:Drawing N0.2X0069G6-R216-C001. ─── 与这本手册电气图纸提供以下简称dirc - 5示意图:制图n0.2x0069g6 - r216 - c001 。

85、Shall advertise and promote the manufacturer's products for the buyers(hereinafter referred to as “customers”) or (hereinafter "customer") within the agreed territory. ─── 向协定区域内的购买者(以下称“客户”)做广告和推销生产商产品

86、National Development Bank (hereinafter referred to CDB) will set up a preparatory group for securities companies, and may be planning to acquire an unlisted securities companies. ─── 国家开发银行(下称开行)即将成立证券公司筹备小组,并可能计划收购一家未上市的证券公司。

87、Theses Measures shall apply to the activities of supervision over and examination of the costs of government-fixed prices (hereinafter referred to as cost supervision and examination) within the administrative region of this Province. ─── 凡在本省行政区域内从事政府制定价格成本监审(以下简称成本监审)活动的,适用本办法。

88、Key Project Manager (hereinafter referred to as KPM) is in charge to manage HVP projects or Key Project as assigned by the FO GM/TRT GM from receiving Letter of Award to handover. ─── 大型项目经理(以后简称为“KPM”)由收到中标通知书起到移交给客户止,对HVP项目或由FO总经理/TRT总经理指定大型项目负全责。

89、Yesterday, shares in recognition of the wheel, and Guangzhou collado Agricultural Machinery Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Guangzhou collado") in the negotiations. ─── 巨轮股份昨天承认,与广州市科利亚农业机械有限公司(下称“广州科利亚”)在谈判。


1)用作连词时,它引导的时间状语从句如果具有将来意义,往往要用一般现在时来表示(有时也用现在完成时),而不能直接用一般将来时。如:I’ll tell him after you leave (或have left). 你走了之后我再告诉他。

2)after“…时间后”结构:after+时间段,常用于一般过去时(做副词)They went to Beijing after five days.

3)用于将来时,after后接的不是段时间,而是点时间,,如: My brother will go there after four o'clock.我兄弟四点钟后去那儿.



He left there after two o'clock that afternoon.那天下午两点以后,他离开了那儿.

They started to go again after two days.两天以后,他们又走了.

I think he'll come here after three o'clock.我想他三点钟后将来这儿.


Three days later he got to Beijing.

=After three days he got to Beijing.他三天以后到达了北京.

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