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09-11 投稿



salicin 发音

英:[?s?l?s?n]  美:[?s?l?s?n]

英:  美:

salicin 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 水杨苷


salicin 短语词组

1、benzoyl salicin ─── [医] 苯甲酰水杨甙

salicin 相似词语短语

1、colicin ─── n.[生化]大肠杆菌素

2、splicing ─── n.拼接;[生化]剪接;剪接作用;驳布位;v.拼接;使结合(splice的ing形式);绞接;adj.接合的

3、allicin ─── n.[有化]蒜素

4、Galicia ─── n.加利西亚(西班牙西北部)

5、salices ─── 萨利斯

6、salicine ─── n.水杨苷

7、Galician ─── adj.西班牙加利西亚的;加利西亚人的;加利西亚语的;n.西班牙加利西亚人;加利西亚语

8、salpicon ─── 肉鱼馅

9、salic ─── adj.撒利族的(4世纪时居住在荷兰法兰克部落)

salicin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Salicin also found in the meadowsweet flower by Swiss and German researchers. ─── 年,瑞士和德国的研究者从绣线菊中同样发现了水杨苷。

2、Determination of Salicin in Extract of Widdow Bark by RP-HPCL Method ─── 反相高效液相色谱法测定柳枝皮提取物中水杨苷的含量

3、Salicylic acid made from salicin by French scientists but it is found to irritate the gut. ─── 年,法国科学家从水杨苷中提取出水杨酸,但是对胃肠的刺激很大。

4、The tree contains a chemical called salicin. ─── 这种树包含着一种名为水杨苷的化学物质。

5、Eating a handful of almonds could help ease a tiny headache, because they contain salicin, which is a pain reliever similar to aspirin. ─── 吃上几粒杏仁可以帮助你减轻头痛,这些小东西富含水杨苷,有着和阿司匹林类似的去痛效果。

6、Results Four compounds were isolated and identified as syringin (1),salicin (2),allantoin (3) and chlorogenic acid (4). ─── 结论4个化合物均为首次从本属植物中分离得到。

7、Determination of Salicin in Extract of Willow Bark by High Performance Liquid Chromatography ─── 高效液相色谱法测定柳树皮提取物中的水杨甙

8、Gutamic acid had a little contribution to soil's total lixiviating-K, but salicin and citric acid had no significant effect on soil K. ─── 谷氨酸通过其活性氨基作用对土壤钾素总浸提量有一定贡献,水杨酸、柠檬酸对土壤钾素释放影响不显著。


10、benzoyl salicin ─── [医] 苯甲酰水杨甙

11、Keywords Hemistepta lyrata;chemical constituents;syringin;salicin;allantion;chlorogenic acid; ─── 泥胡菜;化学成分;紫丁香苷;水杨苷;尿囊素;绿原酸;

12、The EGase activity was 807.5-fold as high as the initial enzyme activity using CMC as substrate and 14.4-fold using salicin as substrate. ─── 以羧甲基纤维素和水杨苷为底物,测得纯化酶的活性分别是原酶液的807.5和14.4倍。

13、In 1829 the chemical in the willow tree that can relieve pain and fever was discovered to be salicin. ─── 1829年,人们发现柳树中能止痛退烧的化学物质为水杨醇葡萄糖甙。

14、1. The EGase activity was 807.5-fold as high as the initial enzyme activity using CMC as substrate and 14.4-fold using salicin as substrate. ─── 以羧甲基纤维素和水杨苷为底物,测得纯化酶的活性分别是原酶液的807.5和14.4倍。收藏指正

15、By 1897 a synthetic derivative (acetyl salicylic acid) of the plant's active ingredient (salicin) was created. ─── 到了1897年这种植物的活性成分(水杨苷),一种合成衍生物(乙酰水杨酸)被发明。

16、The invention discloses the method of improving the content of the salicin in the plant and the appropriative carrier. ─── 本发明公开了一种提高植物中水杨酸含量的方法及其专用载体。

17、The method uses the salicin composing approach and guides the different ICS gene and the IPL gene into the plant. ─── 该方法从水杨酸合成途径出发,将不同的ICS基因和IPL基因组合导入植物。

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