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09-13 投稿



dreamily 发音

英:[?dri?m?li]  美:[?dri?m?li]

英:  美:

dreamily 中文意思翻译



dreamily 词性/词形变化,dreamily变形

形容词最高级: dreamiest |形容词比较级: dreamier |名词: dreaminess |副词: dreamily |

dreamily 短语词组

1、dreamily memory ─── 梦幻般的记忆

dreamily 相似词语短语

1、dreamier ─── adj.更爱幻想的;更模糊的;更漂亮的

2、dreamy ─── adj.梦想的;空幻的;轻柔的;恍惚的

3、drearily ─── adv.沉寂地;可怕地;令人厌倦地

4、dreadly ─── 可怕的

5、dreamery ─── 德里梅利

6、creamily ─── adv.奶油似地;温柔地

7、beamily ─── 愉快地

8、dreamingly ─── 梦幻般地

9、dreaming ─── v.做梦;梦想(dream的现在分词)

dreamily 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Spokesmen for the ministry of mines dreamily speculate that Afghanistan could be self-sufficient in energy within 15 years. ─── 矿产部发言人满怀憧憬地推测,阿富汗15年内就可以实现能源自给。

2、"She would look beautiful in the new dress," Tommy said dreamily. ─── “穿上这套新衣服她会很漂亮的。”汤姆像做梦似的说。

3、I would say his inarticulate style is exactly what he is different from others.It is his own characteristics, dreamily and full of special flavors. ─── 我觉得他的吐词不清正好唱出了他的风格,蒙胧,有韵味。

4、2527. pensive : dreamily thoughtful; ─── 2527 。沉思:朦胧周到;

5、It’s very dreamily color.the dresser is next to the bed.There are some books and a pen on the dresser. ─── 于是一个美丽的弧线,球落点好得门将如果不伸手接一下的话就会被球砸死,于是对方门将迫于自卫,不得不将球接住。

6、(When darkness fell,Buck loved to lie near the camp fire and stare dreamily into the flames. ─── 笔者最喜欢书中这段:夜幕降临的时候,巴克喜欢躺在营火旁,神情恍惚的盯着火焰。

7、The first star is always a miracle," said Anne dreamily. ─── 第一颗星星总是一个奇迹。”安妮梦呓般地说。

8、The sudden warmth of early summer seemed to bewitch the ancient city, death, disaster and poverty receded, its many inhabitants mesmerized into dreamily singing its praises. ─── 夏初的一阵暴热象一道神符,使这老城处处带着魔力。 它不管死亡,不管祸患,不管困苦,到时候它就施展出它的力量,把百万的人心都催眠过去,作梦似的唱着它的赞美诗。

9、The man sitting opposite me smiled dreamily, as if remembering something pleasant in the past. ─── 坐在我对面的那个男士做梦般的微笑着,像是在回忆一件愉快的往事。

10、The two friends talked from time to time,but mostly the Mole just watched the river dreamily,enjoying the sounds and the smells and the sunlight. ─── 这对朋友时不时的聊一下,但多数时间鼹鼠只是看著河发呆,享受著自然界的声响气味和阳光。

11、Deeply, often wistfully or dreamily thoughtful. ─── 沉思的,冥想的通常是忧郁或朦胧地深深思考的

12、He closed his eyes, dreamily thinking of his mom. ─── 他闭上眼,梦想他的妈妈。

13、The great and royal opening ceremony of Olympic Games in Beijing has showed the world a dreamily and poetic visual fantasy. ─── 盛大而隆重的北京奥运会开幕式给世人奉献了一场如诗如梦的视觉盛宴。

14、1. An elderly neighbor, rarely seen outside her house, was leaning against our car humming dreamily to the tune. ─── 一个上了年纪的邻居,很少见她出门,这时正倚在我家车旁,恍恍惚惚地跟着曲子哼着。

15、Dreamily I wasted 14 years in the future is no longer a loss, in the Tang-jun, under the guidance of his sister, I found the starting point of life. ─── 朦胧地虚度了14年的我,今后不再彷徨,在唐俊姐姐的指引下,我找到了人生的起点。

16、Waves dreamily in the evening wind; ─── 在晚风中凄凉地摇摆;

17、"He was very rough with me, " she said, somewhat dreamily. ─── “他对我很粗野。”她若梦若醒地说道。

18、Although cross border marriage may seem as dreamily beautiful as a fairytale, the tale is often based more on romantic imagination than reality. ─── 尽管跨国婚姻象神话般的美好,但神话往往根植于浪漫的想象。

19、There was a dark hole in the bank,and the Mole whtched it dreamily,thinking that it would be very pleasant to have a little house by the rive. ─── 那儿有一个黑洞在河堤上,鼹鼠看著它出神,然后想有个小小的窝在河边真是美好。

20、I'm awake from my dreamI can't find my way without you ─── 没有你我失去了自我

21、8. 3D function and unfettered massage bring you dreamily relax. ─── 真正3D功能及消遥按摩,带给您舒适的按摩享受。

22、‘Yes, it's THE life, the only life, to live,’ responded the Water Rat dreamily, and without his usual whole-hearted conviction. ─── “是啊,这才叫生活,唯一值得过的生活,”河鼠做梦似地回答说,可是不像平日那样信心十足。

23、They were divine," she sighs, dreamily. ─── 他们是神圣的,”她神情恍惚地叹了口气。

24、The Unicorn looked dreamily at Alice, and said 'Talk, child. ─── 独角兽神秘地看着爱丽丝,说:“讲话吧,孩子。”

25、"I love children, " as he put it to me one night, smiling almost dreamily. ─── “我喜欢孩子,”一天晚上他对我说,脸上漾起梦幻般的神情。

26、Then they stirred, and lifted their heads wearily, and gazed at each other wistfully, dreamily, dazed; then presently began to twaddle to each other in a wandering and childish way. ─── 后来他们摇晃了一下,精疲力尽地抬起头来,若有所思地相互盯着,如梦如痴,心神恍惚,接着又像小孩子似的颠三倒四说胡话。

27、The man talked about his girlfriend dreamily. ─── 那男的谈到女友时神色朦胧。

28、Missing it terribly, but also wondering dreamily what a real, live, bubbup bush would look like. ─── 我极为想念它,但也好奇着想看看一个活的奶嘴树是什么样子。

29、So this little household drifted along quietly and dreamily indeed, but always with the undercurrent of feeling which ran so still because it was so deep. ─── 此外还有一缸金鱼,这样,这个小小的家庭很安静地并且确如梦境一般度过日子去,可是永远有一种感情的暗流非常安静的流着,因为它是藏得很深的。

30、Years later, I Suddenly turn back,dreamily, I see multicoloured falling petals . The flying whiteness tells the innocence and immaculacy of our youth, and writes our initial glory and brilliance . ─── 多年以后,我蓦然回首却看到了朦胧中缤纷的落英,那漫天飞舞的洁白讲述着青春的无邪与无暇,书写着我们当初的灿烂与辉煌。

31、“ His appearance was charming with an ivory and clear silouette face and long eyes, with a dreamily lost expression. ─── 齐虹的外貌是迷人的,“他有一张清秀的象牙色的脸,轮廓分明,长长的眼睛,有一种迷惘的做梦的神气”。

32、While walking dreamily in the park. ─── ,当在梦想的公园里散步是。

33、She smiled, looking dreamily out on the shifty landscape ─── 她脸露微笑,用一种梦幻似的目光看着那变化莫测的景色。

34、some private-equity folk are even starting to gaze dreamily at Microsoft's cash mountain, though the software giant will surely remain out of reach. ─── 有些私人股本人士甚至开始对微软的大量现金虎视眈眈,尽管该软件业巨头着实让人难以企及。

35、He was dreamily thinking about her when out of the lamp-lit haze came Marleen, a coquettish beauty with sea-green eyes whom Leip had met at an art gallery. ─── 他正在如痴如梦地想念者她。这时,从灯光照耀下的迷雾中走来了玛伦,一个长者海蓝色眼睛的风骚美人,莱普曾在一个艺术画廊中遇到过她。

36、"Yes, home. " Her eyes dreamily move the distance limit of NCS. ─── 她的眼光梦幻般地移向新中方在远方的极限。

37、“Yes,” she said, dreamily, “it's going home. ─── “是的,”她象做梦似地说,“它是回家去的。”

38、'She would look beautiful in the new dress,'Tommy said dreamily. ─── ‘穿上这套新衣服她会很漂亮的。’汤姆像做梦似的说。

39、The many surrounding muscles make eyes a richer source of clues than other parts of the face: downcast in sadness, wide open in fright, dreamily unfocused, staring hard with jealousy, or glancing around with bored impatience. ─── 因为周边的许多肌肉使眼睛比其它脸部器官成为一个更为丰富的”提示“源:眼睛垂下表示悲伤,睁大表示恐惧,朦胧表示注意力不够集中,紧盯表示嫉妒,四处打量表示不耐烦。

40、An elderly neighbor, rarely seen outside her house, was leaning against our car humming dreamily to the tune. ─── 一位极少出门、上了年纪的老邻居,正靠在我们的车旁,跟着曲子沉醉地哼唱着。

41、Mrs.Lynde found her still staring dreamily in the mirror when she came in, bringing clean towels. ─── 林德太太给安妮送来干净的被子时发现她还如痴如醉地盯着那面镜子。

42、"I see in you," she continued dreamily, "an aged woman." ─── "在你身上,"她朦胧地接著说,"我看到了一个老年妇女。"

43、She quietly and dreamily lowered herself into his arms ─── 她悠悠忽忽、伏伏贴贴地伏在他的怀里。。

44、It's very dreamily color.the dresser is next to the bed. ─── 这是多么梦幻的颜色啊。梳妆台在床的旁边。

45、Her eyes were dreamily bright, her cheeks genuine peachblow, her expression a happy one, tinged with reminiscence. ─── 她的眼睛流波瞑瞑,双颊桃红妖娆,满面乐融,又略带一丝回味。

46、Clasping his hands behind him, he walked rapidly up and down the room from corner to corner looking straight before him and dreamily shaking his head. ─── 他把手放在背后。从房间的一角向另一角迈着疾速的脚步,张开眼睛向身前望去,沉思默想地晃着脑袋。

47、Elegant orchid " the sky of the dream " in a flock of lovely lionet are admiring a head to do dreamily to looking at a sky, be when season most the choice of IN. ─── 雅兰的“梦的天空”里一群可爱的小狮子仰着头做梦似地望着天空,是当季最IN的选择。

48、About noon next day, as Trinket lay sprawled on his bed thinking dreamily of the Green Girl, a nervous-looking Brother Clarity slipped into his cell. ─── 次日午间,韦小宝斜躺在禅床之上,想着那绿衣女郎的动人体态,忍不住又想冒险,寻思:“我怎生想个妙法,再去见她一面?”

49、The dreamily brooding look of the river, the circling of the jackdaws, and the sight of the horse make him drowsy. ─── 那条河沉思昏睡的外貌、那些盘旋不已的寒鸦、那匹马,都给他带来了睡意。

50、Alexandra watched the shimmering pool dreamily ─── 亚历山德拉出神地望着波光粼粼的池塘。

51、On this morning she was softly and shyly radiant.Her eyes were dreamily bright, her cheeks genuine 15)peachblow, her expression a happy one, 16)tinged with reminiscence. ─── 这个上午,她身上焕发出一种温柔而羞怯的光彩,双眼流波闪烁,脸颊直泛桃红,脸上带着幸福的神色和丝丝怀想。

52、Another striking example, “Cross-border marriage is as dreamily beautiful as in a fairytale, but is often based on romantic imagination or on a sand dune. ─── 另一个明显的例子,“跨国婚姻梦幻般地美好,犹如童话一般,但它往往根植于浪漫的想象或沙丘。

53、The Buyi people are waiting for the hardship and dangers and dreamily land for generations. ─── 为了纪念这对布衣族先民的首领,世世代代的布衣人守侯在这片艰险奇幻的土地上。

54、And lifted his head, dreamily, as one who has drunken, ─── 并抬起头来,朦胧,作为一个谁也喝醉酒的,

55、It was beautiful," he repeated dreamily, a minute later. ─── 真是美妙,”过了一分钟他又重复道。

56、Wonderfull Argo Navis,dreamily Milky Way! ─── 因为真的是很漂亮.

57、I still remember the first wage I got is only 80 yuan. When I received the first wage of my life, a dreamily happy smile unfold on my face. ─── 还记得我第一份工资只有80块钱,但是,当我拿到我自己挣得第一份钱的时候,我笑得很傻,很开心。

58、A real “post-partisan” president would be trying to bully through this compromise, not talking dreamily about wanting health care for all at no cost to anybody but the rich. ─── 一个真正的“后超合作党”总统应该通过这种妥协去立威,而不是天真的告诉所有人医改的神奇之处只是让富人出钱。

59、Ron, who was now helping himself to Harry's toast, was still gazing dreamily at the door. ─── 罗恩一边吃着哈利的面包,一边仍然神思恍惚地盯着房门。

60、Ron, who was now helping himself to Harry's toast, was still gazing dreamily at the door. ─── 罗恩一边吃着哈利的面包,一边仍然神思恍惚地盯着房门。

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